14 THE CAROLINIAN WIfEK fWttrsr, SATURDAT. JANUARY IT. 3RYf* Robinson May Defend Title Againist Basilio In ‘Chi' April Date ! Planned For Big Bout (>ItCA.OO • ANP> Tnmvjn j Gibson Jl pi* .-trip’ll of Hie In I terusliotift! Boxing Club, bar di?- j r lo'.ftd H'rjt .‘in ,*v ft >* RobinSOH . if willing to nr sot i ate for a mid* i title «te tense again*’ I fj vp**-n Pacilirt here in Atiril Hibson fr.id he talked to Robin* ! •nn «ho live* in New* York, by > teephon* end a.-krd birr, if an V ; rr'i 1 errtatrh until Basilic '.vott’d be" sgreeabl He said Hobin.ton repth-d: - Th«t •would be about th«* r ijjht time” Yi>* urged Gibson to com* to New York and discus* Ihe proposition. Robinson regained the middle- j weight idle foi an unprecedented foij.-th lime when he decision**:!! Basilio in a savage battle berp Harry Southard, Sports Figure, Succumbs At 04 I /is A.NGE’ 4A2CPV—One ' *-,1 she coast« mo? 4 colorful char- ! •v:*ot& died, h-r* rh«u:sday »nd *?•'rd and Centra! Wenne. In years past tbr favorite meeting p|;»rs* for snrh cflpbrittfg t** l?*?i Robinson, champion Br*uv 4or CLins, Mgbt promoter f> ? urge Moor**, br.rsesnao Hid XoHb.. famous hawba.ll pfa* **r% bw? many nth^r^- An <* pr:-4 rnrnrt player, be h*d j nreetder! Louis* Armstrong. Kid | Ory, and mar / otbe?*® who had » mode tem m old Or- j teens : ' ,J - ,n bis youug plays l a leadinr band leader With vuany I eld friends and lodge rarinbsrs at- I terdme be was interred fv !rn the j ■ bapf;l of the People's funeral! borne survived by a widow here i and » number of olh'-'i* relatives l rlaewhefe. Tn spite of the fart that bp was ■ suffering from illnesses attendant i on old ate. four months ago he ! ii:-;*d to set. around the barber shop j now* owned tv. Charles Bradley ! saving "I v. o.b T were dead" When b,» di"d be was known to i base hern in good financial cte- I ninstances and possessed income j f iiprtadjacent to bis home. j Seidbaifl ins also an expert chess and checker player, heal- j ins ‘be best white contestant* in downtown matches and in national contest*- \t Rip j(fp of IP. be ,farlrd the -iudv of real estate and p i j'c '1 fhp state board .1, the eld-sl rcil estate salesman in (hr o p.( N• n l l «rd ” * lonr urne friend j o r Rich Bilker. Roland M.v»-y. and nt’ier widely ktiowm sports figures, but f r-*«|’tC'iiUy *-an afoul of 'he law, j even dm ,r.c the ’.'so's when police I ' cied to implicate him iri bookletsk- j GOOFIN’ OFF BY SKINK" , . ■ 1 r!o no* u-'t all 01 Uie. Negro football and bat>- If you think so. basketball Coach John.-*? Mc- U’uo-uj ol iVn.i< •• ' c end football Coach Jake GaiKherol Florida *V< V GRKAT PI. WI-.HS AM) M P»-,R STABS lustx-vfjioii, tito iw. s .i;t'f.bsJl wonder of Cincinnati, ut without noui'. oi i.o greatest players rvor to pci loan on a basketball c, ’ i,r; ■ ,; ' il *»«”• n«»t r.'ached the point to be cla.saed m a super J*'" 11 ::t,n 1 il,,i cutty>cf.uon and m clo ■>. .spot*, a super star answers :i “- ! :,iiu ' il,: victorious. because trial's tin- price charged to a pert water ;'oi hi*> nating. n - 1 i; * ■'">* wtih the weight of a super-star. " J * ! >■" 1 ■on:■ ii- ■[„ superior on oc.casfoia. hr is not burdened uj.ji iv nig the tvm tut dcpaitown l, day in and day out. iii' imh>- lcom On- crowd, the 4* > «>• front the hecklers, lire da« !, ;i *■< :• up it.v t hr >rpp«M»h«on can deere.iw tin efficiency of » <•’ b i •; I* Ml iitcM'aM 100 determination o? a super star. *'■' ’ ' win super ar» arc Mr and few between. i our- ~iu: ‘•in order to be a champion, learn,- or individuals aacl i.i be far .<•; uian the opposition on their worst nights.” i.. .. i uiliiirt, the tnro.i Brown University All-American of 1»16, »H.f;ii! nii,v r. i( i s to a game in which he and a number of eastern looicail prmienuis went to tthe West Coast to play a team headed *•» u->' Or--at .Jim Thorpe. »‘'uuy worked religiously on a defense to stop the *’ ‘ ' ■ iboi uub i xuUnUonwl to ever «e.n a cteated shoe. Thorpe, ®*‘ l! ; V u ' had been stopped at ih? line of ..crimmage by ■f- 1 " - - '• !■' -r Au-Aini :• lean end Paul Kobe,son but Thorpe insisted oa i -.ml to ’ let To.: din. run,” Robe-eon m equally determined to hold V 1 ■' ' t l "; : turned a deaf our u> his pk-wc n.oipc approached 1,( ' , , ii.:t.ini}. .*.ii=; =;u< .-joned him on hi.- reluctance in permit* ini. hi.u j uonsii;: room mound hit cud. ami at the Mime tunc etnphft** '•> ' ' >:i 'hid ilk iliou-and, of people m ibe stands had ii.iiu hi |irk:! i >.■<• "iii; Jim run, and r-p< ru o pro. He hv, .1 up to public expectations. He fidn t dlsaypolnt thu fans, lie conquered the defense cd the opposition uc was more than a great player—he «s u aupev star—a pro. Wilt Chamberlain. Robertson and John Greene are great players j but, until they can conquer the defense oi W.e opposition, over-ride i 43* boos of the- crowd, "deaf-ear" the jeers ol the heckler .mci perform ! ARCTtII. RKrFJVES A WARM - Smiling. 1m polls. Tj S h|er «i. M >. ■' *,». hi. Honrr ,ml bis i wife arrive at Idlewtld Airport, New York City, recently on t s'tb lit fi<- bo < i!u. Ihe iiirtif i itv avyw eight champ received I tie Ed Nil award presented b> bn- *; in; t\» niion at tiieir j i annual dinner last Tliursdn-y, ?UPI I HOTO). KNICKb HEAT NATS .Syracuse’s Boh Hopkln* Ye, !i • • ’ , , i-t ,r<; b by New Vnik Knickerbockers' Richie Guerin iVo. 9, left! d■: > >i • • No. 1 I Nyraeii.se Nationals. Knicks won. MR to HIB. tUPI PHOTO i . Sportswriters To Honor Cleveland’s Jim Brown PHILADELPHIA 'AML V Brown the Cleveland B-. .-•■•.■ blcekbuKtins p. <* fool bah ,-upho more, will be bonore'l by she v*h i l edelphia Sport.'-cvnlfr" Aj*soc!;-.‘ "•■■■■ flt the s»sth annual banqu*., .in Broadwood Hotel, .J-.nu.rv above average on their wofvii me JR ihi v c.pnot h<- ri-msiflered ae super slew- Tlir , g l rriCrCVr-1 nse-r- -rr' t- ri-rr'i-i-'t -i- 'i mV- st j- ■ J- fdsgsd UNf-l’l’ Player*. m’MWnl hr >i >,.jl up !• tip of follow | t|?«‘ leader as Rub IVllil lleft) of the si. i osjus ib.-.vl; - recovers a ! loose ball during a game with the Mtnneapoh Lakers -it Madison ; Brown will fit are the attest <;.ot i":bl wit;. ;r>ie--.ye croup Ol l ■ b ‘ '‘to:. irt, Jmli.sf! .folio Gu-lk, I F;i -}!.; ; ;|l, AilC'-U'ap fttal*' (.-(tach Duffy Dsn. horiv .-.nrl A.; m,vßill I C:-n tiu'stnr. jCIAA Basketball tourney Opens At NCG Fob. 26; Twelve Game Card Scheduled DURHAM The 1959 CIA A teas- ( I keUia'l tournament at North Car* j I oiri College on February 3(5, 27, * imd 28 will pi'esent for the first I lime ,i i:’. game card with two ■ games afternoon and nights for the j Ihrec day period NC< s.vn,n will J hr Ihe aerne of plf, V Previmisly, Hie 111 i*t..' V' ,»rr eeuted ill eight of ilir lop I lea ills on opening Hai and fca lured two nlahl eeme« In ih» 1 linals and iemlHu.il,. Filibuster Battle Outcome May Still Leave Women As Undisputed Talkers ; CHICAGO. Tl! The expected, Senate battle to restrict the fll- I ibuster may leave women the un j disputed champs of the art of i ! talking the opposition to death, j I The tittle woman has long been notorious for her back-fence ora tory But, she ha_s barf (strong cow n* titlon from senators who have recited from the Bible, read old | newspaper* and, even disclosed j 'heir favorite recipes in an at, | te-mnt to kill or amend legislation they opposed. Research experts with The World Encyclopedia liftport tlval many believe s en. Nirom Thurmond hold* the record for a one-man fiiibu>der. The South Garolina Democrat j Bams Upset A & T Aggies, 67-58 WINSTON-SALEM - The Win- j Non-Salem Teachers College Rams j j upset the CtAA championship A I | and T Aegiec 67-58 recently to v/in | their own Hobday Festival basket- I j ball tournament before 3,000 fans I Warner Selected As ! Livingstone Coach SALISBURY*—Lovette A. tPOPi Warner has been named Coach and Physical Education Instructor «L Livingstone College, Salisbury, se conding lo an announcement by President S, E Duncan Warner 1? a native of Charlotte, and attended the public schools there. Ho was graduated from Johnson P Smith University m 1938 and received a Master of Art? j degree from Colunilna University ! in 1935, | Livingstone Loses To Smith, Downs Voorhees DOWN VBOOKHKLS H T K t'HARLOTTE - Johnson C. i ' Smith University handed the Liv- i ! ingstone Oollegc Blue Scars their i second defeat of Ihe season here ! recently by posting st 81-60 non- i '•onferettce victory. i The local collegians raced to a > i 37-37 halftime load behind the j ' shoot in-: of Crenshaw and Barnes ' t land then out scored the Blue 8.-jn. | ; : r,v 47-J. in the second hah' cr"u. ha’.v had 2! (mints and j I i Burnt 10 io lead the winners. I ' Ro-.v , Kirk had Id points on s . field coals and 8 fmi throws for l Li'-•leg,done. j 1 Li* i - lone returned to EIAC , cnic ■ • ..u oi Salisbuiy when the ; < r ' VooHce:-. JT 66. for ! . i I’-. f-iprib conference win Square Garden recently. Behind Pettit are (left to right) Elgin Baylor. Inkers; Jack McMahon. Hawks: and Ed Fleming. Lakers. St. Louis won the cna»untcr. U:i to 95- (UFI PHOTO). ' I. O. Smith, basketball tour i nument committee chairman (rom Va. Union. Richmond, announced the policy change Sunday night after * meeting of the committee at set The proposal advanced t* ' 'I I. ! hie Whitaker Gyinnasiutn on the I Teachers csorpiij- Johnson C Smith •nniUsed tv. North Carolina flolleg* Fag!* .- 77 51 to £j-ih conaolation honors* On opening night Wiiiston-Sak n* i Hir previous coaching ex’pen cnce includes that of: football, bav i ketball and tennis reach at Booker : T Washington High School, Co- j liimbia. South Carolina, and foot i ball and basketball coach of (!*,.* : Armed Borers at Fort Lee. Vn | ginia. Warner, nirev ds F M Mitchell | I as coach and lus appointment is i J * fh-clive immediately ata ; j The Bears had a close fight on j their hands for the first half. It ! was nip-nnd-tuek up to that point | going into the half tied at 38-88, j NotHe Davis, a senior from Spen- i rr. sparked the team in a rally j in the final quarter that locked up j the victory. Livingstone broke a seven year ; record in the Trent Gymnasium by ' gathering in 161 rebounds Davis was high scorer for the ’ Rears with 25 points, followed by I MeMiHrr with 18, Kirk with lei and Randridfc'c with M Morris j W'bJttiiy had >7 points to lead th< ; Vouchees at,pick Livingstone has an over all rer. 1 ord of 4 wins and 3 losses, losing ! on’,', in Aden and Johnson C h;u;iij University. j dull* which will include ,*j si.*; . s ,'* s . j sion touriuimcnt with n champion- I ship bracket and a consolation j brack* I The championship brae ! ktd will follow I ’ir single elimina i tnon procedure while the consoa* | {ion bracket will provide sn oppoi ! tundy for fmfhei pa'-licipahon hr* j teams defeated m the !\r.t round j of Ihe championship bracket Tournament officials said the o ! petting day. Thur -dav t'.o- -u. j would hr observed as Him School ! Ha.' with special student rates Rt»b<*rt T.viFoll pi.tr Sr. held the floor for 18 hours 28 minutes, tn. a filibuster aeaiuM, tbn Aldrich | Riwland currency bill, sJOioitsh jbe d't not telk continuously. Senator's have filibustered tgain.f tensos* raing.ing from the Atomic Energy AH to » ml grate ry-hint pit; r.m Hr,. pile these formidable male ‘l’leaf* tbs pecori! for *>n im broken mrmpt'vifue si ru belong* to a. woman. Last summer, a housewife from Tulsa, Ok?aha m? won a. conte-'i. for the world's rbampion talker by jabbering away sot 94 hours, 33 minnies. 5 seconds. Patron;-*:' Otir Advertiser* ripped NCC 73-39, and A »nd T edged Smith 6K-6i in overtime to ■ -o'! Uto stage fov the Saturday ! The S 'n«rtsinr|i stub of Win stop-Sa'etD sponsored the tom nament in cooperation with Winston-Salem Teach*-t' Co! lege Rathe announce*' * atr' William*. tirp president of Hip Sportsmen, presented trophies to each train. Cko Hill was the hero for tVir skin-Salem, scoring 30 points •’ufnst NCC and 27 against A and • r. to take the tournament acorn,, oonors Another Winston-Sr. lei.' man. Emm it! Oil! with 21 point. j each night, was second in scoring ; On opening night the Rams led I j all the way against NCC. ar- Coach j i 1 Tiichmi; i I Gaines played only j | *”i‘■ r * rr.cn in the chamnionshin game Win-ion - 'ti'm had |<> comp from behind to v»ui as A ams T took an o;>»f > 17-10 lead, lost it. and then regained a 37.31 margin at the half The Angles osed two men to guard Hill, Hill found the ranee, however. | u> the ;ernnd half, and the Ham? | moved out front to my during th- 1 last seven minuter Johnson C Smith was the s>ur- J 1 oris* team of Hie tournament. The i S Bulls won a surpriiii; )y easy con- j s’dation victory. 77 d over NCf i in the consolation game They scored A mid 7 in ffir first game of the tmivuament before going down 68-61 in overtime. The A grips hold a 17 ; point load late in ftv first 1 nuartrr. hut ivere hanging on to hol(S a 38-33 halftime m:ii gin. tn the second h'lf Smith OUlhustdf.fi \ attd T If* gait* .1 i flft-iiO tie at the end of ti gulu ! lion time. The Ap!’]« exponent;*” and j itfhf paid off /n the nvrrittp# j ! oeriod as A and T outrenirri E. i laser. l 8-1. j Tap player* in Hie tournament i were Hill and Gil! of Winston-Sa- J !('*n. Joe Cotton of A and T, Jo seph Crenshaw of Smith, and Carl ton Belt of NCC. . Clean soil added to pig pons each day will prevent anemia. * v'.w S' Kjm im M ss.2o I Jr »'■** t *** Afi rout ® RESERVE l| w«>m |»F- ' -itfilb *r.a.Bmmtrt its# " w aal #OW COMPANY £=r* \ ll •*»« w »»«»»• I w'i. <§( $O% itriuoii mlmhfi y' mw rain I — irffniwirnMiMMimiiiTj ■ '• TRACK" TV. Mi, tfaphy l,» woe ‘>l the *l, sun- w.r crihf. Cm. Cour h i run h U llpv f ang nf Tti*. Ifoeoo Institute. Mab-ima, f-ang “ho t s u •souhoniore physical education major at Florida V ;OM. MISS. fANPt ' •* ambling's unbeaten, untied b««* krtbaJl team made it. 11 us * row •*. re fast week - but not before an , overtime struggle with Jackson col* *•’?<* !rom which Gram Ming barely , squeaked by 80-70 It was the Tigers' second over time in as many nights. The home team led by 39-35-at the intermission and Hie score was knotted at 76-76 at the cud of the * regulation time. Howard “Jim Dandy” Willis, * I 6ft tumor pivot, responded vigo rously under heavy pressure to pace the winners with 27 points. Top individual scoring honors, went to Jackson '■ Cleveland Buck 1 run', who piled in 32. Patterson May Fight Britisher NEW YORK - (A HP! World ■••avyweight champion Floyd Pat ou. who is noted for going in periods of Inactivity follow!nr K bouts, may next defend hi; ' i!" against n Britisher, his con Tuversial manager, Cus D’Amato \ hinted. The prize plum, however, seen j to tie Tngemar Johar.ssen of 5m : Johansson, is one of the bigg 1 e>i boxing upsets of 1958, knocked i out Eddie Machen, then the No. 1 I contender. l.i \maf.o refused to s*y whom he iiad in mind as. Patterson ? next op non cut But he said that either Bn ■ London and Henry Cuoper of Britain, and Johanssen, would he * ' 1 •*• thy opponent. D'Amato said Johansson i* no' H ■ indispensable. Allen Beats Albany State For 7th Win ALBANY, (.a Allen ! University whipped Albany State : College 68-6 L here Tuesday nighi 1 (o collect its seventh victory s j •imst two losses this season. Arnold Smith led Allen against Albany, scoring 19 points. Henry Shiites added 13 arid Isaac Hoover ten Allen, eighth in total offense «■ tnong small colleges, has a high aggregation coached by I ifayettc Lacy., former Tennessee 1 State All-American. Patron tee Our Advertiser#