SITUATIONS HELP WANTED i*” jfIHH&OT- *" •#*■ ’.fSL SSr /tol' •fflOifUriftfeHHK' WOsSf:*. If jHU • ,v HE : "'•: « ', • ■ • . ' . '^% MINISTERS' WIVES CLUB MEMBERS Th<> Ministers* Wives < iui> of Greensboro, meeting at the home of Mrs. C . C. Scott fur tin purpose of eiectinr officers for 1959, took time out to pose for a group picture and to total their “years of service to ( hristianity throw: h tEeir minister-husbands.” Officers elected for 1959 included: Mrs. A; Melton, president: Mrs. Wyoming Wells and Mrs. M. T. Legrami. Hampton Participating In UNCF Elxaxn Program HAMPTON, Va Hampton In- j stit.v.te is one of 28 colleges partici- ] pafirir in the cooperative lr.tercol lceiatL examination program, a ' part the “Special Service to Ed- j citation,” of the United Negro Coi- Fund The majority of the col- | i. g.-s jrse the test results as one of I Hie criteria for selecting success- i ful .-andidalcs for scholarship a- M-iisds of more than $200,000 which ihify distribute each year. Hampton, which is a mem ber of the Southern Assoda -1J44 *if t 'ollcges and secondary Seheots, grants scholarships ranging from S2i*o to S7oft to carefully selected freshmen on the basis of exceptionally blah scholastic attainment and abi lity as well as generul promise. tfic' cooperative intercollegiate examination program, since its in i option in 1951, has be&n success ful in meeting the problem of dup lication of admission and scholar ship examination procedures for e vamating high school seniors. In J 959, the 28 colleges will co- ! operate In the testing of 3.000 to i 1,900 scholarship arid admission j ■ candidates from more than 500 • - RALEIGH SEAFOOD I Fresh Seafood Daily •150 E. DAVIE ST. DIAL TE 2-7748 mmm w*— mmmm w—r«" ,>l, ”*ww>w*«wwi«WW«»wwiiMawWiwwHMi> i iii-<rwiiiiiw»^w.»'ii»»miniiiji.i MEATS GROCERIES For Oil Day or Night. We Will Deliver Any Amount--5 Gallons Up HAMILTON GROCERY DIAL TE tuple 4-9374 It'UilGlj, \ u CAPITAL LQANCO. W YOU FURNISH THE PROBLEM WE’LL FURNISH THE MONEY IS YOURS Recommend Our Service To A Friend If We Make A Personal Loan To Them—We Will Pay You $2,00 CASH. C»LY 11. HAS DEN Miinnsrr 210 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST. m -- -nnißiiTTmnrmni(ir»M i ■ . __ 1 WHOLESALE TO EVERYONE /1 i Custom Made | t'n l« 102 In i dies 'height plus width i. j // 111/ (LEANS '! // 11 FROM INSIDE ' IN ' jUrV A "Do-lt-yourselt’ or »»■ v» ill nrranKt InsuOlauan i ft < ash, F.11.A aii;irt!;etl Ut Just lirlni!, us your mi asUri mentai. • P COLORS vow IN 15 EXCITING CO TO Its and WHITE Windows Add s.l On cat It Doors A,ld $'7,011 <-:uh •p '— »—. ... ................. SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES m * CHILD r- A RE PERSONAL f&J ‘ CLEANING & HAULING —Low Cost Advertiung — FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmplc 4-5558 ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM i high schools throughout the U. S. and in one territorial possession. | Scoring of the tests will be done ' by the educations! testing service, I Princeton, New Jersey, The test < scores of the individual candidates j will be sent to the colleges which | the examinees list as them choices. The examinations for students | seeking college admission and scho larship awards for the 1959-80 aca demic year will be conducted in more than 183 testing centers be tween Feb. 23 and March 7, Information regarding the proper time and test locations for students who wish to compote and have the proper qualification may be ob tained from nigh school principal? and counselors. Application forms for the purpose of filing for the ex amination may be secured from the high schools, by v ril ing to one of the participating colleges or by writing directly to the office of the director, (TEP, 22 East 54th Street, New Y ork 22, N. Y. Admission to the exarninati m will be by a ticket of admission i which will be sent 1o each , triple TILT STORM & Screen WINDOWS si 5*75 each AH Units lully Equipped ■.■IimriWIIMI.IMJIMNIBI. I 111 «J» , All Size Grills Now In Stork at Wholesale Prices . ••w***''•»*»■ wrw • i■ -r i iin i mu' ii ~nri i wiiii m ■mil nmu iiniiiinrin ~»n nnm»>nmim»uni ■'ihmum.—imm »iiMjjJwmuu4x>wm. first and second vice presidents; Mrs. T. C. Tarplcy and Mrs I ft T.-ipl. v. M-erelary and assistant secretary: Mrs. W. ,1. Black, ticas liter; Mrs. h ij. Lucas and Mis, .1, 11. Thompson, chaplains; Mis, l*. J.edbeU -r. reporter, end Mrs. E. A. Hargett and Mrs. !> Johnson, pianist and assistant pianist. Economist To Deliver Annual Hillman Talks WASHINGTON, D C Dr, ' John K. Galbraith, professor of : economics at Harvard University and author c.f Tin- Affluent Soci ety. will driver the annual Sid . ncy Hillman Lectures at Howard 1 University Tuesday and Wednes | clay. The siihiecf of >'* • -f- - ■ , Gal | bratfh's talks will bo "The Relation ;of Economic Policy to i* r<-jgn j Policy.” The lectures are scheduled j for 8 p. in. 31 the auditorium of Howard's Biology - Gn-enhnu?.- {Building. ?’■ ;■ th and College Sic., j northwest. Tuey will be open to : the ouhlic. Professor Galbraith who has been •« member of |he Gradu ate School of Public Adminx iratiori faculty at Harvard since 1949, is cos:siftered one of the nation’s foremost writers in the field of economies. A mong his books are “American Gapbaiism” and “The Cheat < rash, 1:»29.” both of which have been described as ‘•class ics." “The Affluent Society,” nublhhed in 1958, remained at | the ton of the non-fiction best seller iist for several months, j In the Edtei hook Professor Galbraith challenges the tradi tional theory of classical eco nomics. A native of Onfar-o, On.. Pro- j j lessor Gtibrnith holds the B.S. de- i I gree from the University of To ton- , to and the M S find Ph.D, dcqvees : from the Unlvcsrity of California. During the early years of World War It he held such positions as economic adviser to the National Defense Advisory Commission (19 . j 40-41'. assistant administrator in' ' charge of the Price Division of the ! ' Office of Price Administration 09- ! 41-43 i, and ck-tmtv r.dnnfiistretor | of sh« O.P.A. M 9411-43*. Professor j Galbraith algo r-.rvod as director j of the U. S. Strategic Bon,him; b'u-v -v ;;>.r ( j'.,]- i, , v :vb •• • : activities h« received the Medal |of Freedom and the President's : Certificate of Merit, j. Other positions hold by Profess- i , nr Galbraith include* research 'fed- : j Tow ai lhe University of Califorina ' | (1931-345. instructor at Harvard j j (1934-39), assistant professor at j j Princeton University (1939-42), j i member of the Board of Editors at Off-farm income now accounts ! for about one-third of farmers ; tc-tal net income, reports the U. S. 1 Department of Agriculture. ! STORM DOORS All AlUißimim I r--' '’JM ! Ci2\Bo » 36x30} *1)26.99 : .V' . . .- v A: !" ■ ... ■•«'••'• fWr •) -*• 'yf* ....... " •- in in Mad.- | fc ' Any Size To 56\W f $32.95 |f ' : . - Ml\. * fe, || 1 , ! | ' Fortune Magazine (1943-48'. ana f lecturer at Harvard (1948). The: Hillman Lectures, which are • how in their fifth year at Howard, i are financed by the Sidney Hiii [ | man Foundation of New York City | and sponsored by the Division of j Social Sciences at Howard. The 1 Lectures are designed to perpetu | ate the name of the late president 1 of the Amalgamntd Clothing Work . era of America by making out | standing speakers available to se lect colleges throughout the coun try. Hillman Lectures are conduct ed annualiy in some one dozen coi i and universities. The Hillman Lectures began at Howard in 1955. Previous speakers have included eco nomist Leon Keyserling, pro fessor James McGregor Burns of Williams College, poiitiral writer Samuel Lube and xot-io ogist ( , Wright Mils. According to Dr. G. Franklin Edwards, associate professor of so ; ciology and 1953-59 chairman of | the Division of Social Sciences ai | Howard, a 30-mimic question-and- 1 1 answer period will follow each of , Prof-, ssor Galbraith's lectures. •dSlfSii -, v ! SURE, ! 1 WANT j TO SUESORIOE j TO THE | CAROLINIAN | m TIRED C'F WAITING I FOR A LOOK ! j AT THE NEIGHBOR’S || COPY V O Q 5- V* hi C/3 « » »£SSC : MsIK “v > G * r*j _ »■-» #<s f—( : i ■ i i is I? I apS I ■ : • g S *0 Si ! • n n> .7. t 1 ) j 1 : . ° " S “0 | 1 .' ft 3 • v art i • n ca ' ® , ii 2 . h ■ ::!: ■ 8 3 1 ft £ • • a> PI I a £• : ; o 2 fSa: v h 1 ' I w :■ . p i : ■' K , .:; • . H ■■ ■ > l ‘ ; •vt m O „ 4* , . • ’“*i -j cn o :.: « o i 4 * • • / W —Low Cost Advertising / POR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS —. APARTMENTS ! In Atlanta: Southern Christian Leadershin a Confab Condemns “Conspiracy” ATLANTA, Ga. - Declaring there tail be i..Uiup! : J IOC Willi (he rights of Negroes in Alabama li register and to vote without fear of economic reprisals or bodi ly injury” and emphasizing that "the very foundation of constitu tional dcniocr :-cy is tnr a J when any gre up of American s is denied the free- exercise of tin franchise because of r, co creed, color, or national origin,” the exe cutive board c-f the Southern j Christian Leadership Conform o ! and more than two u.saud Ne | Bro citizens . hied in a inass i meeting at the Wheat Street Bap j list Church.. Atlanta, recently u j nanimously condemned “i -.e ap i parent conspii acy of Alabama j State and enuniy offit ;als vbc i blatantly defied Kufcpoenas io pro duce voter registration records cf six Alabama counties for the ’.ro of the Commission in its fi-s* first public hearing just concluded in Montgomery. Alabama In a telegram, signed by Dr Martin Luther King, .Ir., pre sident «f the Leadership Con ference, Attorney General Wil limn P. Rogers was called up on lo “use the full farce of i> s office ami the constituted au thority of the Department of Justice to make the necessary records available to the com mission” in its probe ol the do- O. K. Steel. Tallahassee, Rev. Wal ’ ter Hamilton, Norfolk, Virginia. ; 1 He™ in t- VI--. CUrim-n. ham. Alabama, all executive board members except Dr. Smith of Tip* kegee. Other members of the board j attending the meeting and who j were presented to the mass mcet j ing audience were Mrs. Katie K j V/hickhnm. New Orleans, and pre ! si dent of (be National Beauty Cul ture League of Am -fieri Inc.. Rev Douglas Moore. Durham. N. C. | Rev. .Daniel B. Snood. Tallahassee. | Fla., and Rev. J. F Lowery. Mobile. Board membcis who attended I the executive sessions but could | not remain for 'he night meeting : w,>r» Dr. L. D Rr-.i-iick. Alabama j Slate College. Rev Matthew Me- I Cullum. Orangeburg, S. C, and , Rev. W. A. Dennis, Chattanooga, j Tcnn. Local members of the Lcnd ! ,'ri.liip Conference’s board who j wen' rcspotisibie for the AtU-ida -meeting were Rev. Samuel W Wil •i.-nns, Rev. M. T,. King. Sr. Dr R | .Julian Smith. IT, and Dr. William Fantasy & Dreams Theme Os The ’59 Beaux Arts Ball \ NEW YORK - “Fantsy and Dreams” is the theme of the 1959 ! i Beaux Arts Bali, sponsored by the j National Urban League Guild I which will unfuid at the Concourse Ri r.a Hotel. 162nd Street and the i Grand Concourse, the Bronx, on | Friday evening, February 27th. Mollie Muon, chairman, said to ; Hay, “This theme follows in the ! tradition of Beaux Arts Balls, ; which, through the years have cx i acted the most imaginative cos- I tomes from members and guests, j During the past 18 years, th • ! themes have included a variety of I subjects; “Freedom Train,” “Night ’ .in Paris.” “Shakespeare in Har lr-m." “Broadway Through the ' ars”, ‘-'Comic Strip”, “Disney nn-i”, “Around the World." “There is no Ibnit to th<* rr«a irve ideas this theme suggests.’ Mrs. Moon continued, ’ and should challenge the imagination of all our guests. We expect a glorious I iM-ray of exciting costumes and dc j signs.” Three handsome cash prizes, j donated hy thr F & M Schae- h ww/wt wSBm ■ OM% i // y(\. 4! -- • \ V|f/ N n^fl\ SORRY YOU WEKT DARLING YOU'LL MISS ME/ r ’E.-’fju Mt —* ! Holmes Borders win also host i fur the mass meeiing. Among, the several visitors attending- both the mass mu-' ing am! the executive sessions v ere Mr. Kohert I>. Kobertson. president ol tile Norlolk of voting rights to Negroes, j in Aiahama. Dr. Km : ' win the principal .--peak er jit, the mass meeting ana ad\ e . a 1 his hearers to not only >r:d:e fuL | use of ail help available through . federal agencies, n tli.-u- stnig.-']i> for full citizenship, “bm ■ ■ * •,» i must also do sumotiiing himreif ■ i by laboring uno* esingly wiß.iii a • I program of militant, posiiivc bn • ■ nuh-viojent sciioi.' i j The renowned le.-.der of lb • i Muntgomeiy bus boycott cii;u--.e« , that “Americr. is fSCitig a deoJii-e . or. the is.ytu .-hd n * ed tliat many c£vUzaiiot».* of th*- j past have perished b>x-;:us-* ■ did not meet tiseir doudhr.. s." Ruperts from tr<iiib!<i rpets i” Urn South were nratl. by 1); Stan ley N. Smith. Tuskegve. R.-v, l: ,! : ?). Abernathy, Mont-on-, i y R ■ . Branch NAACF, Mr Gordon V Carey, field se-ritar.- of the ComnnUee on Racial Equality, and Rev. Wyatt f • Walter, Busier of thr liisti.ric Gi' Baptist Church. I'elcrsluirr Va. anil director of the nia Praver Pllgrimagr for Pub - tie School scheduled held in Richmond, V'u on Janaarv I 10-. Q : In ils all-d«v ex-cutive session-;. 1 Hie Leadership board end ' the prayer pilgrimage for Yii g j public schools, adopted a pmurnin ■ : of action that colled for immcaia!; j participation in and sl-rr.-dation of j local resistraiion drives, and pro i Jeeted a south wide conference on j Non-Violent Resistance to he h-ld in the summer of 1959. The Board . also authorized Dr. John L. TiUe-iy. I executive director of SCLC to ' serve as director of an nit-out Vo* j er-Registration drive in At!; r-t . .. ; | requested by the Ali-C'itlzcns R> 1 stration Cor.imiUee, local - ( of the drive. {COPY OF NIGHT LETTER 4K\r TO ATTORNEY CI V* *» VI. t;-)f. i ERS Eli Off 'I\SS Mi : EVf. IN ATLANTA. GA. j nonoralbe William P. Rum-rs I Attorney Genera! of t'ue Unit-d I States ' Deparlment of .T jst-.-i- fer Biewiog Company will be awarded to the guests h.r—n for tile most beautiful, th most unique, and the snosi throtic costume. Lelrbritit of stage and screen will .iudge the eosiume contest. Box tickets, from which a 1..•••-. part of the benefit funds • raised, arc now on sale at the \ .t ional Urban 1.-eagiu? Office, 14 ! 49th Street. New York City, m , reservations ran be made by .all lug Evelyn Broidy at Rl 1*0390, a , that office. The National Urban Leayin- | Guild is a vol.-nt' e orranir.ntim' I formed to support the program of 1 (he National Urban Lonnie. Ai proceeds from the Peaux Arts Fin' will go to the National Urban Leu eye, an inf- 'racial edueqfb.nni ser vice agency—-established in 1310 — to further equal opportunity fm Negroes in employment, education, j housirg. and social welfare The Cutld officos arc: Mollie Moon, chairman: li-.-len H.udi vice-chairman: Florence D:-- m, re cording secretary: Beryl Kdelen ?m CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 19b S iirniii—l-■nwnhi iiwn'ii''iiii'ii‘i»»nii'iiii'ii~ii»n~iiiT» TTr'i '^Tl777*7!^ ! Washington. D C. j The F.v-cmivc Boi.rd of me 1 Southern Ciuistwin 1 .••udcvship I Conferetu e .md n ore than two : thousand No.citizens of Atlanta ; ami vicinity. i,f.-;etnbl»«! in mass ! ! Church. Wcdiicsday rvumi” ‘nV - » • V.. c'jn-'i corv't.i -• ipparent cun soi racy of A.;ii)!i!i t and f’otmt'v fi/fiCifeii* wno ii"■ ‘i■ i : .;ij >' iinfiptJ buh* | pomuis to pvod 1 .-•■• • vou-r-n.p.str'v Mon recordS et public Scaring of ; the Com on Civil Rights ; «hioh op-, r.ea in .Vmntgcmcry. De : -nis: with the rights of Negroes' m :! b ■ ■, ■ ... * -‘ul iVn» nr n- -' mti-.m f.,t con/* »-u. a-nal Frn* * n ' • n.- emp tv t, wien any '•'• 'ip " An.rp icaris i-- denied tiu Ivor eujfc'MSc of the franchise he- I caiise o£ color or m* ! *;ooa! <s™s» we ca!i upon y ou t n i r.i-ia The '■ '{ ' smhorty of !-the X)<. part moot of Jus;!.--' >o fnaxe • the nnceitsa.iy* rciovus r.TT-ilsble to : th“ Civ" nig.'.ts Ccn-onV-s-.r.u Tne , of >h<- worhi are upon A»u>n ca and con.-Jißßionai democracy ■ vail be an i - eear.. bie blow u .be F'derri Government should f;el The Nejo-, citizen” <■( Alabama j now. hu.v J, Bn-sideut Boil!hern Christu>> L-- u. v Os! i <yri ‘pr* Atlanta O^oc^-ts Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE ! NOKTii C A liOL< NA. j WAK • ■ COt \; Y j .trader 8/’.u_ b.x *;iV..ur of u r- Oiaer ? -of •)\p. Stipfrior Ci, i,i of W.skc i'gram -1 \ ca t!;e vx;u proceeding «r.- ! iPt..-'- 1 c : -u!c. Xi\uiy. Aoniiniktrutur ol i 01 J , t'o’. Li r ;u:rp Petitioner, .vv fvuiv F'l k-wc t:i. <tl, t!:o undersign* ; eel :oiiiH;i.-M"i:rr Will on i,'-e Will day j of , »<uia*v. li-L9. al 1 :«P c’clock noon, i 31 the eourthouio duor in YV«Ke Court-! t tv. RulftoJi. N<>*ih ( -udlin.,, otf».>r fori c«sh | i Co V-Ijit astjO.Ui ti‘m; ir*{Ui\S Os IfcOCi i ■ arul o-. 0... : i. towr.iiapi I ' V - ! - >-■■■■■ N>r. <.. ■ -a... , ! ler? ;«> b- aola £;e! .scua.attly ar.d' i 'eeor !. a of boxft Joiy ’ointiy, uViC ! iota! iiCf-i bid, vvheihfci cm in - | i Jtvidurii ah>L or }ci :t shall con- \ | APioe vne ol .my m bid of i I said propi’Ct.. . A Ocpo-ji' of five pm - j * :-ein jy reqnirea of Ue succes-iui bid- ; ! at Urns of the salt?. Slo;.- being! ■ rno* t pin Li’dldtiv de l . ! % \s feilov. ® i First l? • • ti •:!!; J..; ; w . .L 4 des eribed a»!it t in h vevtaiu jivip | , Wttde by J n Bi\ ; c k.. xi > the Ret - I • «sler oi Li*: ,d? t ifice. Wake Cuxmty, j Lv ok tJM, j«, bounded iis! Jti] :.)Wa, Vi/: AEGIIvi ilfvG ai pu;:*‘ icet v. at of o-i*; .ric.scc'.io:) o, vVavumf.ttm Hawkins Sn-ec* mow dai.i Kdeiiton Street) l»;. cxya ; : out<i side in j i... i j . . j ton SUeet*; run.-, ther.ce in a Vv.sicrllj. <lirtct‘on aio«v said j/.aw • kmu Street (Nov F.o 1 E’dcritou Stkdct), 4u feci to a h.akc. V V to a stake; Lienee in et> . direction 4> feet to a slake, 1 linnet nmtiitniy 1 t lo rnt? pomt < i > 1 JF.CxlNAi.\'t» Slid De d j fonu\.a.(;c to L. L. L.ovi/igton te- j coracd m Book 33-i. pap.e 2ip, Wake Co or. 5 y Hegisier oi Deeda office For further refer io t the abovf. recji ioiAfO v. .u, i correcthv J„ y. Wooten, (" >■ Recji aered in Book A'it, pa {y it*". Sef,n ui Tract; Bern *4 Lot No. 533, I described and m a cc-.tam 1 : map jji.uii by J.u.j's B Bva> . C l- . in i ;ne ioi of Opo.Os o/iiee. Wake { i uiiivy, Bok 1»i. page 18, and boUbd- } i nri ■ -*>-«' •: *—• li *.V* ..•••<. .. .-». it. H\c;i:NNiNC point H * feet v<-;i i,!' lot* i.i»Uaseouv.-i of Wish- ; ingiop aart HaeKu.., Street U'o->- t KU. Oloii Si:*- It (tit the!e of ifuv.;.ir,j Street (now East .‘-.tleiUon b'ruet); runs tlieiite in a v. u-tl.t direction -duo;; said Ffw*- knv; bit-el tnow i* ,iot Ldetuon Street I, 4ft tool io a -ihko; (hence in o iouthi.r) direction Ji)6« felt Ui a stake, theiu-v In an easterly (limeiiun 4e led to a stake; tiicnre norther!} led to the point of the BEGINNING Said -Deed of j conveyance to C. L. Covington re corded itt Book 533. page 280. Wake i CuUflt.V Register of Deeds office, j Fiir further description, refer to above mor. Honed map with coffee* lions by I. K. Wooten, (' E., Reg.* isttivd jo Hook 63.;. Dash. 187. Tnls 22 dav of December, 190 ft. ATTORNEY GEORGE R. GREENE COMMISSIONER December 27, IBM; Jonuu v 3, 10. 17, 24, 1848. ADMINIS’I Ft ATRJQC S NOTH E NORTH CAROL!MR WAKE COUNTY Haem.; qualified a« Administratrix of tin. C. i ;'e ot Rev. G W. Watkins, decoa m i.l lati ui tv ahe County, North Carolina. This is 1.0 notify all persons Ravine .. ~,i.-< said estate to present thou: to tin; undersigned on or before <re 2:!r.d day of December, 1939. or this notice v,ill be pleaded In bar <if their . i rover, All persons indebted to said t . ; - will please make Im mediate payment to nte. Thl.- H i 2.1 ml day of December, 1958 MRS n. W WATKINS, 318 E. South Street ix of the Est&te of Rev Cl. W. Watkins f'. J CARNAGE, Attorney Jau. 3, 10, 17, 24. 31; Feb. 7. 1839. NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE The undotsigned. having qualified an Administrator of the Estate of ffilie Jones, deceased, late ot Wake County, this is to notify u'l persons having claims again:.! : iid estate to presenj them <» ih» undersigned, on or before the 3rd day o£ January, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re- • covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment tu the undersigned. This 23rd day of Decembt i 1958 HERMAN L. TAYLOR. Adm tnistrntov 125 £. Harnett Street lt; t lcif>b, North Carolina Jan, 3, 10, 17, 24, 51; Fob. 7, 1959, 4 . HOUSES FOR RENT CLASSIFIED RATES * ro «u*< uet word: I.SM.KS ( 4 ft p | c ' ,sl P*r word h t, J C „ ; per line, I ‘S*“* idr iHc J I-, t: 1 .••ttch wore atwrev’iation, initial oi symbol count as on© word rhinctuauGH maria are NOT eoiinted |as words " " j The minimum number of borci* n , *my want ad is tjt morns, y< u vvi'l snv« moa*.v by ordering /our ad to > ' run t or 12 is: ■ ie,. Wi-ektv Want Ads mas tie telephoned Uirotijiii Wfdflcsday up to hi a.M HELP WANTED? .ViKN NEEDED*-18-37 to Tram »l honti i " >f rnu'oad, tclei'ranh and teletype | bpttro*o!V Salary $;7'V up. positions '■ "t* Box lilTfi. Raleigh. N c ' ;i -Tm ai;c, and telephone number SPECIAL. SERVICES PIM-KNI WRITTEN pe~;e n?-ininu'. *S%>: 1 v . M-n;..- ■its iduirt and iHK in xono Slit - V -UC I'S BOULa AHE 'j atn : •u.,:omii < >Uiy.:c Raleigh. N C AUTO <k TRUCK RENTALS WARE i. PKIVK-IT—CARS flttl, KS 111: rit.UI.KRS FOR HUM 3fil f>; McDowell Ist Dial PE 2. G',‘i2 i'id.d'i TB d OUO4. («er voue -none/ out of used refri yratorr. ••rove and furniture NOW !• our ■•.assuied ads Dial ft wiilil FOOD SPECIALS IBV'S AMKRII >V OKU J. - Jail **„ MarUo St.. Raleigh -£> ; *t re ‘t &M 1 . -——. n Cooper's Bar-B-Q BAR-R-D and Chicken tour Specialty! l’»S and Chicken 109 E. DAVIE Si NURSERY TOWUSTS NURSERY Tay at >7 vu,~- Highway. Pno:>« I* 2-OTM RENTING A ROOM!!—BeriUei it vVw us at TB 4~SS#B. Xlu* space uLb t„, you only *2c SERVICE STATIONS IM'KN'S KSSO Blow, worth St., Rhone TE 2-MW. i Consult our classified ads u-i.u.a,.. | tilers are many baigain: o ich.u ADAIINISTRATOR - S NOTH F NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ' The undersigned having (ui.ini u-ri Administrator > i c.c estate ,- .5».., ; Florida Hamm, (ficiased. m* i>x v» . ' County, North Carolina, tins is to ... uiv aJI persons having cisuos a„a>,. » >a«J estate to e.xnibit them to too >i... i dei signed at 13 E. Hargett Street. li.i j with, N ,C. on or before the 14!i, t,j ■*. NllVoinlif! ISI.V), i , :,„u. • jbe plerdett in bar ot Uinr leeo-..:,. j AM persons indebted to sail! estate wi.i pit-use make ur.wsiu:.: p,> in t ] undersigned Tins 51)1 day ot I) vrn.ber, i! .'fl MECHANICS A- rAKAIERS ~.v.CK : Aomuii.- ■; aim >1 the fcstan us Mr's I- i. :(i.i December i.i, .■ 0 2*, ifCo .l.i iitniy 3 10 17, I Jell i NORTH t. AFIOI.IN A GCIIJOHO tOUMV nor i c e The OMdei-iy.noif, living nii.ißiu d a . Am nriisli oi toe estate ot Janie t Jenkins McCinin, la l e of the county oi ; Vli. k,•: litis i: to all pc: .u,,. na\ - m.y t lam.s o/ain. add os,ate io pi : sent them to t. e iitiaors.gnec! on ! before the limit nay of Tleceihbcr, iS/9 ! or tnis notice v.jii be pleaded in bar : to then recovery. All per..,n indebted to said estate ..iii'ictii...■ pa . ant Jo the uiMjm-signed. Tins I .*!, day of Den ii.ii . iDjj W EDWARD JENKINS AdtninhJ tat of ftVI Ross Avenue Greensboro. North Caiohnn < KENNETH IKE. Attorney Pc>Tt Oil set* Lk»x 645 i Gri.'OHsbujL’. ivortli Csrolin« Dt'rcniß i i ; t), 27. January .j It*, I H, A. JD39. admtnistrator s noth e NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified vs Adnunistraiur id the estato of William W. Rimers, de ceased. into in Wake Couniy, Nor; . Carolina, this is to noiify ali person> having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under.,igmid at 13 E. Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Caro lina. on or before the 26th day of No vember, 1669 or this notice will In. pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indebted to rod e. iatr will please make immediate paym-mi This 3th day of December. 1938 MECHANICS tic FARMERS BANK, j Administrator of the Estate oi • 1 William W. Rogers. I December 13, 20. 27 1958- January 3 10, 17, 1959. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Execute, ot t Estate of William H. Hayes, deceased i late of Wake County, North Carol;:'. this is to notify *1! persons having , claims against the estate of said de availed, to exhibit them to the unde; , signed at 12S East Hargett, Street, R, ■ ieigh. North Carolina, on or beta the 10th day of January, 1960 or tin: notice will be pleaded in bar of theh recovery. Ail person* indebted to the estate will please make immediate Daymen;. This 10th day of January, 1959 ATTORNEY GEORGE R. GREENE Executor January 20, 17, 24, 31 February 7 M, NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Adnunitd i s'or of the Estate of Mrs. Amelia Smith, deceased, late of Wake County, Non!, Carolina, this is to notify all person having claims against said Estate to exhibit them to the unders.gned m "211 Robert Street. Raleigh, North Car olina, on or before the 13th day of De cember ,1958, or this notice wilt be ; pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All person* indebted to said estate will please inuke immediate payment to the Undersigned. Tills 27th day of January, 1936. LEWIS SMITH, Administrator nl the Estate off Mrs. Amelia Smith. December 20, 27, 11158: Janui-i v 3 to 17. 34. 1859. 7

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