THE CABOLDOJUr RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. APRIL 7. IMS 6 THE FABRIC SHOP Many Line* of Fabric* to Chooae From VA 8-8140 « RALEIGH COMMISSION HOUSE The Flneet in Horn* Fumiihlni, Now or Used 214 E. Martin St—Te 2-7741 ■Ulrich. North Carolina * NEWSOME ROOriNG CO. Romodollnc of AU Kind* Blount St. Eat.—TE 2-8132 Raleigh, North Carolina • MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK Raleigh • Durham ' « STEPHEN'S APPLIANCE CO. 1199 S. Baunder* Street • ACME REALTY CO. Fire and Auto Iniurancr A Specialty 128 E Hargett St—TE 2-0884 Raleigh. North Carolina « RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY A Complete Una In Home Fjrnlture 119-121 Eaat Hargett—TE 2-4421 # SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO. 129 W. South Street—S32-4811 With Faith... You’re Never Alone Attend Church Regularly ; ' - / Zhe Marvels of Qod’s Creations ■¥ question partially by saying: that their lungs were created to draw oxygen from the water. However, to know how and why, we must look to God's word. "In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth." ... "And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the mooing creature BP|Jjj3 f that hath life.. ~ •'■ r Attend Church and worship the one w/.c- . iL s 'MWM Ml v *y\ created these marvels. - iTißfl II HINT (I""" '’’ ' • • ••••v-x‘£%££g : . ..: WBSOMOMt.^ • 1 Mtn -y-r^x-••• ..^PfflF:---'-- 1 -''' ' - ’ "" ‘ V . .;. I 1 jmitf. 9 .? !T. .. ~——;; .'V'fft;-;. ::>: TA iiWPTlra”* i"in l iSar' ..Mjgitinii i i(i^^Mi'ft ; '^JHWW(iHlHiiifnflr«« ■<&. * THIS INSPIRATION AT MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A CHI HCII-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOCR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PCBLIC SPIHITED INPIVIPFALS AND BFSINESS FIRMS. AMERICAN CREDIT CO. H e Make Loans To Suit Voiu Income 131 S. Wilmingtor St*. Dial 828-7251 * BUFF ALOE CO. & BUILDERS New Homes and Remodeling 1722 8. Saunders Street—TE 2-3248 CAPITOL BARGAIN STORE Clothes For The Entire Family 132 E. Hargett Street—TE 4-7248 * RALEIGH PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Gray Seal Paints , 408 Downtown Bird.—TE 2-9723 * AUTO SALES & PARTS Automobile 100% Finance 6311 Hillsboro Rd. (Cary Highway) 828-6432—Raleigh, N. C. * I CAPITAL VACUUM STORE Four Hoover D calm Repairs To All Makes A Models 536 Hillsboro Street—TE 2-6094 # G. S. TUCKER BROS., INC. Raleigh's Oldest Furniture Dealers 112 East Hargett St—VA 8-5895 AUTO INSURANCE SERVICE Assigned Risk Specialist H. A. "Spec’ - Underwood Mgr. 313 E. Martin St.. 828-4965