THE CABOUMJUI RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. APRIL 1, IM2 8 LITTLE GIRLS AND THEIR DOLLS—The above pic presented recently by the Ministers' Wives Auxiliary atthe ture shows “Little Girls and their Dolls" a program which was Fayetteville Street Baptist Church. Durham Hospital Gets 10Gs,ln Duke Grant A 110.000 grant from the Mary i Endowment have born received Duke Biddle Foundation and Lincoln Hospital to develop a •ward of $ IS.OOO from Tht Duke ' program of medical « education F O It It F X T Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATHS I Live in either a flrat-clan* apartment or hon*e. We can of fer yon at reasonable rental either I or 4 room apartments or t and 5 room housea All these dwellings are located in nice neighborhoods and in first-class repair. See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CO. 12# E. HARGETT ST. DIAL TE 2 0956 Fnwwtl (WIM& /jb% VODKA Fifth’3“ m Pint’2“ 100 PROOF made mm «R«m «y l risky i oil. hartforo, conn. J VDf.EMENT w I During the time of be reavement it becomes nec- U / \ essary that acme one per- V /l\y~vA / \ son ** B rou P °f P t ‘ rsons he V 4'\ depended upon for the oL sr\ _ complete arrangement of the last rite?. By depend mg on our judgment, you. . y e "n too, will find almost com plete removal of your bur drn. Our quality is the best . . . our prices absolutely cannot be underaold for value received. Raleigh Funeral Home D»' and Night Amhularse Service 322 E CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE 2-2835 -A W 4 r R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. 108 E. MARTIN ST Your Capital City Tel. TE 2-44:l Frank W. Scott director, an-, I nounetd today. Earlier the Biddle Foundation awarded SI,OOO to Lin coln's program of Nursing Educa tion.' "These grai ts.” Scott said, “were the result of a conference held earlier with local state, and national medical and hospital au thorities beaded by Dr. W. C. Da vidson retired dean of the Duke University Medical Center, and now consultant In Medical Educa tion for the Duke Endowment, who is keenly Interested in medical education programs for commun ity hospitals." The need for a program in medi cal education for the community hospitals grew out of the fact that small hospitals have found It'dif ficult ((O -ompete with medical centers and governmental hospit als In recruiting and training In terns and residents by offering higher salaries but this has not been suflcient. When the program starts oper ating. it is expected to have the cooperation of Howard Universi ty's School of Medicine in Wash ington. D C.. and the Duke Uni versltp Medical Center here. Both medical schools contribute to the training of residents who will re cetve their clinica' experience pri marily at. Lincoln One of the first steps in imple menting the program will be the employment, of a director of medi cal education, who will have toe responsibility of organizing ind 1 administering the hospital's pro-j gram in medical education Bcott said the director will aiso I "coordinate the medical staff': teaching activities and assess the quality of work done by the resi dent staff" The program Is expected to Im prove the hospital's medical serv ice and the overall quality of pa tient. care. After a nation-wide search of several months hospital officials expect an early announcement' STUDENTS BACK ANNIVERSARY OBSERVANCE The students at the Fayetteville State Teachers College are fully behind the Eighty-Fifth Anniversary Observance on April T>T~7t and 8. Shown here (reading from left) are four campus leaders- I Stanley Johnson of Washington, D. C„ President of the Junior ■ Class; Dorothi- Archer ot Rocky Mount, Senior and currently “Miss F.S T C.“; William Monroe of New Bern, President of the Freshman Class. President of the Senior Class, Willis Dancy of Rocky Mount, standing on back row points to Seabrook Audi torium where many of the sessions will be held President of the Senior Class. George W'i7son of Statesville, and Robert Bryknt of Fayetteville who is the President of the Sophomore Class, were absent when this picture was made. Do’s And Don’ts Do Watch Your Language in Public Places. about the selection of the dlrec tor of medical education. With the inauguration of tins program in medical education,, Lincoln will become the first Ne gro community hospital in this area to develop a program of th s type in medical education with ihj appointment of a full time direc tor of medical education. Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro has a part time medical director but there are no other community hospitals in North Carolina which have a full time director of medi cal education. Speaking of the funds contrib uted to the new program. BcoM said. Lincoln Hospital has long enjoyed the active support of the members of the Duke Family, and in particular. Mrs. Mary Duke Bid dle These recent contributl ,n«, which are due in a large measure to the interest of Dr. and Mrs. James H. Semans of Durham, will greatly improve the quality of aerv -1 ice to out patients and thus ad vance the overall health program in our community.” Candidate Fails To Vote, Loses By 1 Ballot In City Race SUMMERTON When H. B. Davis, Jr., recently ended his hard-fought campaign for a seat iri City Council, local Dolltl ! cal observers said the raoe would be close and they were "so right' in their prediction. At the election last week, Dav's and his wife went to the polls to cast their ballots, but being un able to find their voting certifi cates were not Allowed to vote. When the final tabulation* were lin that night—Davis had lost by cne vote! I IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Heard At Vesper In Greensboro GREENSBORO “You and I become, essentially like the things we love ” the Rev. Howard L. Cor nish of Baltimore, Md.. declared in his vesper address at Bennett College Sunday. The minister who Is director of the Christiut Center at Morgan State College suggested a parallel between a definition of a scien tist and that of a Christian. “The first characteristic which distinguished both the scientist the Christian.” the Rev. Mr. oCr nish said, “is the simplicity to wonder, and the second is the ca pacity to question. If one is to live significantly he should have the capacity to ask questions at the proper time. “We need never worry about the future of the student who asks questions. It is the Indifferent one. the one who doesn’t have enough concern to ask a question, about whom we should be concerned.” he added. IT’S SPRING COOK-OUT HIH TIME AT COLONIAL! BJJ HAMS r6* Hi Fresh Buck Shad lb. 23c impmial quick frozen iw 1 171 L n c. j „ -- STEAKS ... 5iS S 3 19 mca GOOD THROUGH APRIL 7, W6I Fresh Roe Shad . lb. 39c 1 7 quantity rights reserve* COVT INSPECTED (NOT FtOZIN) DRESSED WHOLE DELICIOUS SLICED PARM IRAND FfeH PORK "BACON umit, omi win GOLD te)