10 THE CABOLDtIAM RALEIGH, N. C- SATURDAY, ACOCIt It, I#B2 The Raleigh SC EN E Geraldine G. Brown’s Personally Speaking “On* trouble with the world I* that to many people itand up vigorously for their right* fall #|o\vn miserably on their du ties" Orlt The .Tark Rock Champion of Ma -v F. Phll'p School recreation unit i 10-year-nld Sharon Elaine Cassell of D-3 Washington Terrace. Ac cording *o her mother there la good • for Elaine being champ. She r artires from morning to night. Ccngrat'ilationa Lane and keep up •t e practice. “Skipper"’ (Lawrence Edward V,:>r' of 327 S. Haywood St cele hrated his 12th birthday Aug. 13. He :»rt me a picture that I am very s/rrv to say I was unabla to tiae.. ;„it I am sure you know Skipper and wished him e very happy birth day. On Alton Street returning from Philadelphia, Pa and Goldsboro is Mrs Bessie Mclntyre. I plan to talk with her later and gat all the details which I will pass on to you. How ever I esn tell her this week, we are gled she Is back ar.d hope she had an enjoyable and restful vaca 'ion Here from Philadelphia, Pa on a Pleasure trip is Trances Haywood w ho is the house guest of her moth er, Mrs Felvira Haywood of D-37 Washington Terrace Deniee and Carolyn are slso glad to have Fran tailing her a vary happy birthday in advance. H I* s pleasure for this writer I* have veu give her nev« concerning you. your family or neighbor* and II I* with even greater pleasure that I tall you there Is ne charge fee this aerv (ce (Row did Oral Idea origi nate snywarTi The onfv ctr*r» get for eorv Ice* effered hv Ihla paper ar# for advertising and classified notea. We eollcll your new* and If al time* von hav* n picture relative* to the news, ar any comical snapshot that yon would ltha to share with other*, am will ho glad to hav* it to add tnteroot and humor for our reading public. Remember tn some Instance* a picture mav not he rxsctly as It should and eould present a problem In try lug to ua# It So w# hav* the privilege of deciding what la beat for this column and hop* you understand Start the pic ture* and near* to coming In I am walling. Coed Night Here and Good Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 9tU HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIQH. NORTH CAROLINA -:- TEL. TE i-1071 Morning There" waa the theme of the eulogistic sermon delivered by Rev. T C. Hamans for Mr Monroe •Tame# who passed suddenly at his home. A* I made several visits to the home I obseved the people coming and going and so many comment* they had to make Many of these people the family was not too familiar with but they all had on# thing In common Immediately they felt the loss of Mr. James in the home, community, church, fra ternal clubs and the city It pays to be carefully In our daily lives because we don’t know who we af fect nor just how we affect them In connection with this funeral tlhere were several people here from out-of-town Mrs. Nora Brown and husband of Baltimore, Md : Miss Mettle James of Wa*hin• ••’(- k#rd guests of their moth r r M - Resale Weslcv The W •’(* in f ~k '-i --go where Atty Wa” r ’•'’•> La" Also her son R ’ Watt of Rcidsvllle. was a w<-( ker i guest of his "• other REPORT RF.STH I. TRIP Mr, and Mrs J E Stru kland have returned from, their vocation and report a very rn-’f 1 ’rip to Buckroe Beach. Virginia Then daughter. Mrs, Char Isle Rovster and granddaughter- c-eryl Royster, accompanied them to the Beach Mr, Strickland \roport a very fine catch of large fish in the Virginia area. They also' -pert a week :n Washington. D C "Ir e 'hey vi sited friends and a’tended several major league baseball gam*' NEWLY WEDS HONORED Mr. and Mrs George Wade, re cent newlyweds of Rirhn ond. Va . spent a porton of their honeymoon In Raleigh. While here they were honored with a dinner given by Mr. Wad*"* siatar, Mrs Fannie Wil liams of Gilliam I-a’ e Mrs W V ' slater. Mrs Alma S Hinton of C av ton Rd. honored the newlyweds with a cook-out. BRIDt-ELECT ENTERTAINED A Dessert Hour was giver: f" Mia# Clementine Harris, a' the YWCA, who is to be marr ed Satur day. August 25. The honoree waa presented a cor sage. and allvcr pla'tcr from th» junior Truatee Board of tne Manly Street Chrlatlan Church White chryaanthemums and tube roses were used in decorations Tne mother of the bride-to-be Mis Sadia Harria and 'he mo'her of the groom-to-be. M-« Pearl. Peace, preaided at the punch howl Hostesses for the e-r Mrs MozHle Bernette M * Rath Rand. Mrs William M"> • M Susie Smith. Mr* Gladvs smith and Mrs Alberta Williams Good bve waa announced bv M.« Ella Jones '■/ vflP iL^i flWe N|| HH ■ DR JOHN P. STINSON Dr. Stinson Opens Charlotte Dental Office CHARLOTTE Or John V Stinson announces the opening of a den'al office tn rhsrlotto. Aug ust 13. 19*2 at 1023 1-2 Realties ford Hoad f)r Stinson is the son of the la l # Rev H M Stinson and Mrs I- D Stm.son of Cotton l'lant. Aik He attended Cotton Plant Academy, Swift Memorial Jr. College, Rogers vllle, Tenn. Johnson C. Smith Uni versity, Charlotte and the Dental School at Howard University. Warfunfton, D. C and interned at Cireggenlieim's Dental Clinic. N\ w Yoik City. A World War It veteran, he began ht» practice in Wilmington and move to Concord in 1058. where he also has an office at JTi Tourna ment St. The father of 8 children, he is matrled to the former Eluabeth Jenkins Shuford of Concord. DRIVE SAFELY . What is Doing Around Toum! Dear Father, help n* to know Jesus a* our Lord and Savior, ihcn to give our live* Into His keepinr Help u* to humbly ac cept |nl,s as ro-uorkers for Christ knowing that loyal help ers give strength and posver to Thy -hurrh. Help Us to re member tlial no Joh is too In signi/iranl or unimportant to demand our Lest WILSON’ TEMPLE METHODIST f'i -’T sj-hool began at 9:43 with S in’ Miss Fannie Morgan In 'harge Morning worship began at the usual >; v ith 'he junior choir in charge f the music The scrip ture ".a 1.-o-’cht to us by the pas *or Rev O W Burwick and pray er by Mr London. Tne pastor also brought us a very rich sermon. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST rt lurch School began at 9:45 with ript Stephen Crews in charge. Morn in g worship beran at 11 o’- clock with the senior choir in charge of 'he music under the di rection of Mr. W Hartsfield. The morning lessen and prayer were brought by tne pastor. Rev. J. H. Bryant The sermon was delivered by the chest minister. Dr. W. R. Gregg At 3 p m. the Ordination Service for Deacon Phillip Alston was held The sermon wag given by Rev J. W Jones, pastor of Fay itteville S’:eet Baptist Church OBERI.IN BAPTIST Sunday School began at 9 4,3 with Supt. Walter Curtis in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the junior choir in charge of the music u’ der the direction of Mrs. Gaston I ulley Mr. Pulley was the organist ard the message was de livered by Rev Harvester Miles. YOUNG'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE f M E— Sunday School be gan a* 943 with Supt Mrs. Mary Frazier ,In charge. Morning wor -hip be-an at 11 o'clock with th# unior choir in charge of the music un-Vr the drections of Miss Gloria Howard The pastor. Rev. J. N. Leverette. brought us a very inspir ing message from St Matthews. 13:- 4« Subject: ’’Behold a Sower Went forth *o Sow." MANLY STRFET CHRISTIAN Sunday School began at 9:4.3 with Supt.. Mrs Pearl McDonald In charge M< rnlng worship began at 11 o'clo-k with the morning choir in charge of music. The nastor, Rev. T C Haman* brought an inspiring message from the subject “Choolng to Ssuffer afflicltion Than to Enjoy the Pleasure of Sin". Everyone en joyed the mesaage very much. UNION BAPTIST Sunday School began at 9:4.3 with Supt. Walter Price in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the senior choir in charge of mualc under the direction of Mrs. Nettie Harrington. Organist was Mr. John Massenburg. The pastor. Rev. E. ; Maaon brought us a very inspiring i message from the aubject: “Train The Child the Way You Would Pave It To Go ” FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School began at 9 SO w.th Supt. W. H. Taylor, Sr in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the Young Adult Choir in charge of music under the direction of Mrs Ann H Jones Organlat was Miss Madelyn Yarborough A very re warding sermon was brought to ua by H Carolina, do he-cbv protest the ac i tion of the polhre department of the C *v of Durham. It Is our sincere hone that the Office of Mayor will do all in its power to see that Justice snd good- ! will prevail. Yours in the cause of freedom. The Rt Rev Raymond L Jones Presiding Bishop Second Epis copal District. AME Zion Church R L. Speaks Minister St. Mark AME Zion Church Durham. North Carolina George Tharrir.gton. Minister Kvles Temple AME Zion Church Durham. North Carolina The message »as read to the rally bv Alexander Barrel, director. Piblic Relation*, for th* AMI Zion Church. It is to be remembered that one o' the four persons now serving Jail sentences for their attempt to break the segregation barrier at Howard Johnson Restaurant Is a member of the AMI Zion Church. Mis* Guy tana Horton She is also the daugh ter of one of the leading ministers ; c f the denomination, the Rev R. V Horton, who nasHirs MitcheU Cha pe. church, near Pittsboro. from the theme: “The Contributions Women have Made Through The Age* " The senior choir furnished the music. At 6 p. m. Rev. G. 8. Stokes, his choir and member* of hi* congrega tion from the Wake Baptist Church, Garner, worshipped with us. Ha talked at length from the them*: Letting Your Light Shin*." ST. PAUL AME - At th* usual Mrs. Mitchell in charge. Mrs. K. B. hour, Sunday School openad with Cofield was at the piano and Mr. Terry Hough directing the music. At the eftd of the study period. Rev. Penn gave a review of the les son. The morning service began with the senior choir leading the processional and Mr. Stokaly at th* organ. The pastor gave th* morning mesaage for the aubject “A Wise Decision#". At th# cloe# of th# service, the infant son of Mra. Powell was christened. Mra. Mao tha Spruill waa the god-mother. MORNING STAR BAPTIST Sunday School began at It a. m. with Mr. J. A. Marks in charge. Morning service began at 1* o’clock with th# Junior choir in charg* of the music with Mbs. Hood at th# piano. After the announcements, Rev. Spencer, the pester, preached a very inspiring message. B. T. U. was at 7:30 and evening worship at 8 p. m. oht hfm&h SMITH TEMPLE BAPTIST At 10 a. m. Sunday School began with Supt. Elbert Send#!* in charge, at 11 t m. morning worship began with choir No. 3 tn charge of the music under th# direction of Mr*. Florinc Smith end James Judkins. Rev Ray brought a wonderful m#*- raga from th*-aubject: “Let Every Christian Examine Hlmseif." At 3 p. m. Rev. Cheater of Tren ton. N. C brought a woodcrfti! mesaage to th# Mlsrtonary Circle I Revival meeting Is in pregrass each evening at 7:10. Rev. Lonnie Campbell la th# speaker. Negroes Defend Estes Bill Sol Estes. althou*i raked through the coals in recent congres sional investigations, remains high ly regarded by Negroes living in th* communities in and around Es tes’ horn* in Pacos, Texas, because they know him to be a man who has disdained racUl prejudice in his personal, and professional life. A special report to be included in the September issue of Sepia Magazine, a leading Negro publi cation, quote* several Negro leed ers from West Texa* on th*ir friendly feelings towards Estee, who has contributed generously to organizations which champion ra cial and religiou* tolerance. At th# height of toe congressional investigation*, according to th# ar ticle in Sepia Magazine. Estes was reported to hav# told a friend. "The best friends I’ve had since toU trouble began ar# Negro##." The article points out that Erfas* good relationship# with Nigati started long before he built hi* vast financial empire. An employee of Estes' state* tn the article that Estes never turned down a reqneet for a donation to a Negro eauae. Brother Floyd Roae. a Nap© preacher whose entire education was financed by Estea. apent a greet deal of time as a guest in Estes' Tax** home. Th# artid# relates that setes was running for th# school board at the time, and a whit# man advised Estea to gat Rose away from there, for fear it would hurt his chance# of winning. Estea is reported to hav# told th# ealler, "The Negro you speek of is a friend of mine - win. loee, or draw, h# rtays her# as my guast" Writer Bradford DaniaL who wrote toe atory after total viewing many peopl# in Paeoa Texas, aeid that Estes was held in high esteem real thirst quencher! SEVEN-UP BOTTLING Oa itt R. toalk TI |.|M RaMgh n. C My Lady's Doings ♦ + ♦ In And Oat Os Town WEEKLY MEDITATION BE COLIN DOUGLAS “Great peace have they that leva thy law*. Paalma 119:188 Often time* It may aaem that neg ative forces th# force* of evil, are more powerful than th# force* of good. It seems that these evil for ce# ar* holding the whiphand In our world. This is NOT so. And the person who keeps bis heart snd mind centered on God know* full well that Is not so, and can NEV ER be so. Regardless of how unjust or how inharmonious conditions may seem to be in your personal affair* or in those of the world, your faith in the Divine justice of God, your posi tive stand for His principle*, gives you power over injustice or lnhar mony or, in fact, over all circum stance*. The only power that a seemingly difficult situation has is th* power that you yourself concede to it through your belief in it and through your own submission to it All difficulties lose their power ov •r you when you look upon them merely as challenges to be met snd by most of them white as well as Negro. Now that ha is fallen, there is grief in their hearts. They reflect this attitude: if he’s in trouble if he’s guilty they hope he gats off with a light aantenca. Moet of them seemed to think he was a pretty nice guy", Daniel states. pidgaaiaya OPTICIANS* Ua. MONUMENTS totae^eTZ|Vart? Yard* fe? SIZ at Low***CeataJegfl You don't agents bar* Bay Direct WAR N E R MEMORIALS ttlE Uttar* Raleigh. N. a (Asms* Bantea# ■ great as Method) Finance or Borrow On Your Car Y Through Tho Dillon Motor Finance Co. 13S a Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL The — Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. i* “ i . TH* CAROLINIAN , Sit S. Martin St. ( KalaitkN. C, i fIMM Mad details of b 6« I aaa earn money selling , I The CAROLINIAN In my mrniwHy. I think I can eeQ ( , - noflw weekly. i '(UMS - 1 • i l ADORK3S - - - - | 1 CITY OR TOWH I Through our daily prayer, we can come to recognize and acknow ledge God as the ONE and ONLY power in our lives and in our world. We can know that His law of love and justice is changeless snd eternal, and that we must al low it to act in our lives and af fairs now and always. W* have on ly to trust and turn to our Father in loving and faithful prayer to a vail ourselves of His help. Armed with the knowledge of God’s ever-present love and pow er, we can refuse to be disturbed by appearances. We acknowledge God as the only power. And we now know that HU will, which is Justice lor all, will be done always. “Jehovah is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble." —Nsh. 1:7. DELUXE HOTEL Member of N. H. a Cleao. Comfortable Rooms MU* Lodll* Griswold. Prop. IM 8 Cabarrus Et Raleigh Phene TE 1-88## Everything For ... BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILLWORK • ATHET’B PAINTS • BUILDIING MATERIALS • RUSS WEN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 317-319 N. Dawson 8t RALEIGH, N. C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ua for Reasonable Estimates Prompt ir Service Phone TE 4-3558 —The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. 518 B. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C.