2 THE CAIOUNtAM SHOPPES! GUIDE RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. 1888 OBtoS&^EKDSa OuKlmin are fearful, prejudiced, biaaaa and unfair men. Men who are afraid to do right even when right Is within their power and du ty to do It prove* that we have S men on our city council who think nothing of the oath they took to uphold the law and to execute Jus tice, equality and impartiality. It proves that we have 3 pitiful, little men. who. because of their own fear* are willing to sacrifice the good and pleasure of thousands of others. We pray that God who does not make men (earful, will open their hearts. And finally, no eitiien black or white need feel secure In the exereise of his rights as long as the governing body of this city Is dominated by TEAR WHAT It PRIVATE PROPERTY? We have been told many times that law, all law, is based upon common sense. And that common sense la based upon reason and equality. Alright, prtesdlng from the pre mies. will somebody, anybody, tell us how in the name of common sense can any ons bk arrastsd for trespassing upon prlvsts property, whan that property has bsen licens ed and set apart by its operator* for public usa? We really want an anrwor. We have no wav of knowing whet the courts will eventually rule in this mattar, wa think however, that if the final decision In the matter la bated upon common sense, the ruling will be that a per son cannot be guilty of tre*pa**ing upon property that hat been tet atlde for public ute The Howard Johnson r-«ti'irant, cannot operate in Raleigh. Durham, or any other place without first ge ting a licente to opera'" Thote licentet are litued by pertont hir ed by vou me and ell other citi zens These hired licensing persons issue ljcei.tet in the name of the c.ty. county or state. They are not issued to the operators for the pur pose of discrimination, selectintv nr to suit her personal whims I hey are tiaued. at his request for .the purpose he sett forth, TO SERV E THF Pt'BI.TC When that manager or operator, after having secured e licente from the perton hired by you end me to grant snrh license, makes up with n his mind what segment of the PUBLIC he will choote to tell to. •hat manager or operators llcenae should he revoked He has simply violated his obligation He is op erating in violation of the term* of his license It it to unfortunate that good, honer and God fearing man and •••omen who art ohiatsed with Me nesirt tc halp liberate this nation fro m the thame and dtigrace racial prejudice, must suffer the indigni ties and punishment of the misap plication of the law However, It 1* our duty as Christian* and Atnerl ant to give all the aid support rid encouragement to those brave "len and women who are sacrific ing themselves in our be.nlf Lip ttrvice it not sufficient, moral tup pr.rl Is needed hut above all we eed to see to it that. In as far as it it tn eur power to prevent these volunteer* for libetiy do not suffer BEST mi CATION COR WHAT. MR GOVERNOR- Du-ir-r t recent speech before an AMF7 vouth g-ntip at Living ■•ore Cnl’ege, C.ov Sanford, prom ■sefl she voting people that thi* •ate tvm preparing lo offer them 'duration* 1 idvantases second to • one In 'his country We wish to rr.ngre* la'e the gov ernor for hat'd ng out tt-rs hlgh’v commendable mon-lse We hone tt will he fulfill rd What worries us however is • hat a e r.ur Negro vouth going it do \> uh this -heat education" j af’e- they teceve it ’ll thus *t it# Todev t'-ousauds of our best edit .-at,-: :,**d best mta 1 f ed yotu a peo ple have found it necesaarv to leave Not th Ca’ oHna in order to find employment 1n keeping with •»*!•- qualifications Dees it mske *#n»*. Mi Cover -ot for the suite of North Ciuolina o sv-pp.d I I'ion of do’.la"« educat , g its Negro youth and then h#- -m.se of. short sighted, stupid pre mdice allow other states to reap he benefits of this state s cxpcndl ,-. - es The tv p. of edivatio'n you envt t • i r 1 ' ■ alt cf tH< • 'a'e « vourg ?rpp;,- at Livingstone CoUt sm is -eriainiv vvhst IS needed H iv we\rr. V ford unless you lead the vav i" seen'C tbal nil of these ling pei.ple s talcn's an 1 abilities i-e ut’.'iied in North Carolina >heie thev ere to badly needed | vou "ill be woefully derllect tn jhe performance of your dutiee STATE BOARD OF LAW EXAMINERS CREATES STINK (CONTINVeD raosi PAOI n 'or thing- that the law school* are rot teaching the 1967 Bar ex amlnat on« are indefensible and In excusable” Acre, h;-- to a leliahle source v ho was »<krd 'o give an e-timatc Cf thf :. ■• he- of N.-r-o applicau'* thgre "ic t n or twelve, nut no firure. a-e -b'.hnWY a* ho me m*fft as tv the number passing cr tailing the exam IHI UAROI.IMAN “Covanni Iht aro tnas' Pvbll.had b* the Carollnlae ptibllthlni Cum pa ns IIS E Mar n Street Raielib h C lEateree as »e r-.1 C.ai> Me-'ei Anrn • MB at the Poet Offica in Ra.nyh Sacth Carolina under t-e Ac' bf vtayeh 1«1) cußsciuption imm *ig Months 13 tt l-p* Tax c# TOTAL ~Tu On* Year *4 JO sake Ta* 14 TOTAL **« Payable la Affvanc* Address t •nmmunicatton. and make alt -he. k, and money order* oaeab'e to TKT CAROLfN’IAN Amalgamated Pubtianera. Ine. in vSlaoe Avon tie. He* Vork If M V National Advartialne Reorooonuuva rod mom nor of Use Associated Negro rraaa and the United Press Interna lloial Photo Service The Puhlisi.ei i* not iceooneibie tot th* return of uneolieitad now* otc lure* or advertising -obj unices nec • setrs ooetoge aoeompemee the oopv hbimoai - taped be oolumnieta tr this ness*paper do not oeceaaartlv ro rresent the obey of this neper RED FLAG IS UP ATLEBANON (OOMIIMUIR nUNt PAOI n the ooneaaslon stand and were serv ed without incident The guard ap proached them again and warned that vloiane* might arupt it they ahould return H* addad that they would racalva no protection be cause state polio* ar* not allowed in atat* parks. Mor to th* attempted wada-tn, Lebanon CORE had bean Informed by the Tann***** Human Relations Council that th* (tat* parks ara al legedly open to everybody The group plans to pursue Its campaign to deseg-egate the park’s swimming pool. AJC SALUTES DR. MARTIN L. KING (CONTTHWD PROM PAOI t) to accept th* continued existence of oppression. “The members of the American Jewish Congress salute you and your colleagues In the Albany movement end promise their sup port or your ultimate victory ” LENGHTY PRACTICE BROKEN (CONTINtItL PROM PAOI i) ed down There bias been three different epproertiei to the school situation here for s number of yea-* and ev en thoiigh the Indians verc the first inhabitants of Amerl-a. ac cording to history. It has tsken them ell these years to be prop-ily considered It is *o be remembered that the Kii Klux Kian ant u, most sev ere setback f. om s group of In dian!. near the town of Maxtor some years ago It could not be determined wha' courte the Negroes would take now that the Indlen* have broken [ the ice Lumberton ele-ted |t» firs' Negro to the City Council last year. He was not able to serve ar.d j Rev Kdwards was appointed to fill out his term He is known to have i been in the thick at the fight for ; proper recognition for his people CORE, NAACP * DRAW STRONG N. C. SUPPORT (CONTTNUIP PROM PAO* 1) toe crowd, standing at th* door of Th* newspaperman pushed thru j th* ahaiff't offle# and rippad upon *»m*. A deputy ceme to the doot and when he saw him atandlng thera. immadiataly tlsmmed th# door in his face without attempting to ascertcln what ha wsntad or who he was Many of th# mambert of th# group, standing outside the office, composed of member* of both re re*. expressed dissatisfaction over the entiie proceeding and wondarad why there was to much tecracv a bout th# trial The secrecy grew v hen the office door was opened I and th* newspaperman Inquired as | to whei# the trial was being held and why the unusual action on ths prrt of the officers He wa* told that the trial was ov er and the parties involved, includ ing the .fustic* of Peace had gone It developed that the prisoners had teen put on th# elevator and car lied to tail, whfic the trial office! and the others had been permitted to leave by a tide door that Mis* June J Phillips, Los An- A call lo Mr. Wheeler revealed gules* Collf, had been given a ftC days sentence In the Wake Countv jail, with th# same being *u«rend*d w ith the paying of a fine of SSOOO and remaining faway from th# : property of th# Howard Johnson Heataurant for a period of 6 months The two men Winston H Lwkett New Hnven. Conn. and Alfred Jones. St Louis. Mo . received th* s.ime sentence, except they would be put under the supervision of th# North Carolina Prison Department. This was interpreted to mean that they were subject to any punish ment the system saw- fit to impose upon them Floyd McKltslck who represented th# protestor* said that tha trio chose to sarve th# sentence and thus Wake County Joined Dur ham County in protecting the seg legated policy of th# Howard John- ! son Restaurants tn this area NBCL Convenes 1 In Cleveland CLEVELAND. Ohio At th# 43rd Annual Convention ot th# Na tional Baauty Cultures’ League held hera at Cleveland's Hotel Pick- Carter. Dr Kate E. Whickam Pre sident. won honor* a* on* of th* world’* greatest leaders *lto for her work *t Consultant with the National Civil Defen## Committee From the beginning of th# Insti tute. July 29th. to the close of th# Convention. August 9th. 19*2. there w at keen interest and pa’t'c'Patlon !\ all in attendance, which rum tci MO *t the Institute and I.MO rixinng the Convention »t " hicn •here "a, a mam.onth Tiadc Show Convertin' hn’iltght* included the Night ’ Ftuhion on the Waters' on ibe SS.\r i.srsma. Breakfast I- 1 1 uncheon’’ for tesche -a a"d Scb-nl viwrei wi'h M.lady Publishing Co *, host* th* "Institute Fscultv l urtcneon ’. ' Pink and Greer. Ball”, at which Mrs Ruth Matthews wa* r owned as Mi»s Institute. !9d3'. 'Gi-adua'ion Exercises’; Presi dent’s Banquet.” "Nattoral Hair Designeis". "Guild Hatrstvl# Show ’ Officer* Luncheon"Th* Theta N'u Sigma Sorority Bat’. ', and th* Tarad# of States" In keeping with President Kennedy's Fall-Out Pro gram th# Washington Unit took Ist p- r* for its spectacular parade on Civil De'ense Other top prite* «i nl tc New Ycrk for it* splendid rt orese-tstion of the Statu* of Lib s ty. M «souri for th* Mtaeouri Mule". Pennsylvania at th# "Ptl rrima' snd California. 'The Bose Parade Dr Wickham’s National Cabinet for I9OJ will nrluds N irtb Caroli nian* Elsie Martin as **h Vice-Pre sident. and Rosanna Fitts and Mar garet Minor at trustees sir* /Mi wpiJf -n pg| Jm bMP* gewH CAMPUS EXPERIMENT Hampton Inxtitule students recently hosted French student* visiting the Virginia campus through the Experiment in International Living program. The visitors remained on campus for two weeks, attending classes, living In dormitories and participating in alt student activities. Above, 'left to right i, Martine Hoffman. Paris; Therese De Verthamon, Paris, and Annie Bensadon, Bor deaux. sit in on an art history clast. H U -; .v' HHBIiDw '» JSOO EOK Stl.K IN'IIII il Virginia Order of the Eastern Ntar, represented by Mrs Otclia Jackson' Charlottesville. Virginia). Grand Secrrtarv. is awarded I minders Orlilicate by Admiral Jeaae Johnson. At its 19«2 ( oiivrntiun. Virginia Order of Eastern Star Grand Chapter Prince Hall aI ! illation > donated SSOO. to Salk Institute Bull din* d. Sponsored by The National Foundftlon-Mareh of Dimes, the Institute Building Fund will provide funds for eonstruetlon of fj .e* at La Jolia. California In which scientists will seek an swer* to problems affecting "life, health and humanity.” I Hk AUi jHw--* ."u-. TICKER 2 Departim k iif (Beads Are Select'd AI ACT DURHAM - North Carolina Coi tal* President Alfonso Elder an nounced Monday th* appointments of Dr Jamas F Tucker and Di Alonzo Davis as cnauman of the Commerr# and Psychology Depart ments. respectiv cly Di Tucker comes to NCC from Wist Virginia Stat# Collegs Insti tute. W V* His appoint becomes effective in Sej teinebet. President Elder said Dr Laws comes to NCC from Flouda \li.M University m lal;J --harsee. Ho. tua He assumed ,'.u duties .ast n onth Tucket is a native of Bicoklvn, N Y . »!' i did hi» undergradu.it> work in ma.keting at Howard Uni versity He earned hi* master’s de 4 Convicted In Chapel Hill Four Negroes, two men snd two women, were convicted of procur ing and prostitution tn Recorder s Court at Chapel Hill this week The men Robert Quick of San ford snd Walter Dukes of Cl.spc! Hill, were both given 1 oad senten ces by Judge Wiliam S Stewart. df 01/TST ENDING SERVICE ClTED—Grand I’alron l)a»(d Mickle. P*rt»nv>uth. \» Order of Eailrrn SUr of Virgin!* prince Hill if fllUtlon rrcrn e» national r'tat'on fmrn Donald Rur;-»n Alrtin » State Rrpresen'ative of The National louni'alirn-Marcb of Dm'a. Mr. Murkl't a.»ard riled h'm for long lrad*r«h p n >rt\.cr and funJ rmialnr program* for "life, health and human! > M* nqmgmm DAVIS l*• fu ,i! Hi ward Unveisity ar.d the I'nivt ;y of Peu.nsyivania awa.d --■ 1 I h Ph U .ii v. onomics H- h(.« taught a; William Penn PniMiioss College and in the Ph. la ,ie!n ,i si h.O: i systen' He is mar iYd an.l ha> one child Dr D.vi-. i. ,i u.i’ivo ol Wishing hn. D C. ar.d received both 'ho ;-a. l ih . and mast, i s dtgiees from Howard University. He got ’i « Ph n m nsvchWogv from the I'm . 1 'V Ilf M.'.l-1 ■u. l h T Dr Da' - w.i> an cduca tv ■ ■ •:.!'..s. f.. 'he United Ft. e D> • ’• • 'Flu -at ion in !n>. ■ o i H>’ fnr.ne.lv was dean of ’ln- > . >i F.hua'.ijn ■ t Tuskt- K . . *c T is’;egee. A'abam«. 1 . oi to ;n Iri.i'g '..r Florida AAM pofiuon' • h.o. suspended Duke’s 12 month untfu.ie with t ;ee years protM ;,or. Quick, however, was not so fortun-'.e, a-.d drew an active sent ence of -is months The vvon.ir. Fhu Mae R.ce and t.uoLe R-ce of Sanford, were each sfYnccJ •• Vmonths m Or . ■•»'« C ’y jail African Students Arrive NEW YORK Awarded tour -1 year scbciarships at United Negro Ci 'lege Pmd member institutions e group of 19 African students are scheduled to arrive in th# Port of New York. Aug. 13, according to James R Smothers, Jr., UNCF’s di rector of educational service*. “To afquaint them with day-to day living in the United States, each voting African will be the bouse guest of a private family 'rnm Ai r 13 to Aug 27," Mr. Smo -1 Ihcrs said Family visits will be followed by a two-week. UN CT-sponsored col -1 lege orientation program at Atlan ta University The students will then remort on campuses in Alabama, Florida, Georgia Louisiana Mississippi. Tenness c. Texas and Virginia. Three gioups of American col leges, including UNCF. initiated th# student p-oject in 19fll “to select and educate promising young Af rican! in skill# needed by their de veloping lids," Mr. Smother* Mid The organization included famed private universities, large state uni versities end email church-related college* in all section# of th# coun try. The host schools grant four year scholarship*. Living expenses for the frill four years ara provided by the U. S Department of State. Found-trip travel coat# ar* assum ed by ibc hon.e countries of th# students ’ *j| i* ctured above U Stephen Louis Reed, who was sentenced to life Imprisonment by Judge Clark In Wake County Superior Court this week for the March 14 murder of Garfield Boyd. an employee of the Carolina Hotel. DEATH MR- MONROE JAMES Mr Monroe Jsmes of 1011 Canni s'cr Street died suddenly at hi! home August 9. 1961 Fune.al serv ices were conducted Saturday Aug ust 11 at 3 p m. from the Manly Street Christian Church with Rev T C. Hamans officiating Interment | followed In Mount Hope Cemetery 1 Mr. James is survived by hi! wife, Mrs. Ora Pitta James: one son. William Charles of the home; three foater daughters. Mrs. Vivian Rog ers of Raleigh. Mrs Willie B George of Durham. Mrs. Annie .'ones. Baltimore. Md : two sisters. ' M'-s. Nora Brown of Baltimore Md . end Miss Mettle James of Waahington. D C ; one brother. An drew James of Jacksonville Ha and many other relative* Sigma Gamma Rho Meet In Chicago CHICAGO Today s sVide-ts *»rt graduates face awesome and perplexing questions questions ihat are frightening in their in piKl questions rot about the fu t -c of the individual or even of i ’mention, but questions that cor.- c ithat future of our country end • s . future of ell mankind; questions • l .t are global even planetary in score. >. order to assist them in meet ing this chalieiige. you have re s-x-nsibiUty to understand clearly the problems that arc agitating the minds and hearts of men and wp ron throughout the world.' stated C. orge L-P Weaver. As.-utart Sec - >lry r.f La bo. for Interr-affon At i . < the aah Annual Convention . h,- Sigma Gamma Bho Socortty. r -atioral coUeyiate sorortty with -, v than 6.000 member* meeting at the Sheraton-Chicago Hotel N. 11. L. To Meet In Grand Rapids, Mich. NSW YORK Q>w«i"| cbal longaa of our tirxoa will b* the to eus of tht 1988 National Confer, anca of Uja National Urfean League. Sapt 1-8 in Grand Rapids. KlcL. Henry Steeger. New Yerk magazine publisher and NUL preaidant, an nounced hare today. Tempo and objective* of this year's meeting will be keyed to the now upsurge of dramatic and pro fcsoional attention the League launched in tha current year to meet the mounting social and eco nomic problems of Negro eitlion* in the urban cantors of the nation- Primary among these, Mr. Steeg cr noted, are unempioymont duo J. O. Plummer, Jr. Located With Da C. Firm Word reached Raleigh this week that John O. Plummer, Jr, former hi leighltc, had been employed by the A. P. Woodson Company of Washington, D. C, a* a market de velopment manager. Mr. Plummer, whoee father mode an enviable record a* a practicing physician and benefactor, is a grad uate of Shaw Junior High School and Dunbar High of Washington. He attended Howard University md graduated in 1841. tr -'- 1 , An," J. O. PLUMMER. JH. He received bis LL B from North Carolina College and he* had wide experience In many endeavor*. He will serve as a market man Me the Washington firm, which sell* fuel oil end building material*. Ha ia said to be the first Negro, hired is auch a capacity, by the firm. He is a member of tha Bar Lea gue; D. C. Chamber of Commerce; Dl let Commissioner*’ “Citizens Traffic Committee"; The Omega PI Phi Fraternity and the Young Democratic Club. Ha served 18 months overseas, during World War IL and received three Bottle Stars and a Bronze Star. He is a member of St. George’s Episcopal Church and reside* with hi wife. Or.ye Mae, In Washington. BOYCOTT DIME STORES IN S. C. (CONffDn FROM RAO* O Ha joined in the Woolworth picket line at Columbia, relieving one of the sign-carrying proteeter*, and walked at e leisurely pace back and forth with th* others for half an hour The signs in Columbia not only protested the segregated lunch fa cilitiea but also pleaded for equal employment rights. Dr. Loiraine A Williams, nation al president. Sigma Gemma Rho. expressed the view that this was the most successful and best attend ed boule in tha entire 40 year histo ry of the sorority founded at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. Mrs. Anni* Lee Neville, Chairman over several important meeting* of of the Board of Director*, presided that body during the convention. A cow producing 7,833 pounds of milk and 307 pounds of 3.9 per cent butterfat per year barely pay* bar way. She produce# lncom* of about $4 alter all cotta are subtracted. Can you point your fingers at el bow depth under the surface of your farm pond’ If you can It’a time to fertilia* the pond. CLOSE-OUT SALE ON OLDER MODEL AUTOMOBILES WITH NO MONEY DOWN ’55 FORD, 4 dr. sedan, straight drive *295 ’55 MERCURY, 4 dr. sedan, automatic trans. , *sso ’55 BUICK 2 dr., H. T., automatic transmission.... *450 ’55 BUICK 4 dr. sedan, automatic transmission... *395 ’54 FORD 2 dr. H. T„ straight drive *l5O ’54 PLYMOUTH 2 dr., H. T.. straight drive ... *IOO ’SO MERCURY 4 dr., straight drive *95 ’56 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan, automatic drive .. . *495 The Above Automobiles Can Be Purchased on The Family Plan! WHOLESALE MOTORS 209 Hillsboro St 828-0375 Dealer No. 1401 to automation, school dropouts, youth incentive#, migrant adjust ment and family disorganisation. An attendaao* of apprsniaauly 900 delegates sad visitors, repre senting Urban Leagues in 62 key industrial cities, is expected st the Grand Rapids convocation. Mr. St* agar said advance registration* indicate a turnout comparable to that drawn by last year's Confer ence tn Dayton. Ohio The Grand Rapids Urban League . £*»• > UMII ■ jrfm&'f? ■■* ¥ i ■ •: '■ * HE '-'B ■m/nKLj&]xtf&\*&£- •**; ’-*2''jH TEACHERS MEET The 59th Annual Convention at the Ame rican Teachers Association Held recently in Miami. Florida, drew large numbers of delegates from sene twelve states and consultant* from throughout tha country. Pictured above are George W. Jones, Exoou- Hvo Director of A-T-A; Dr. Rldgley, President of Elisabeth City College. Nat«h Carolina; Dr. Whitney Young, Jr.. Executive Director of the National Urban League; Dr. Richard V. Moore, President of Be than* Cookman College; Mrs. Louisa Prothro, Publicity Department, Nation, al Office of Pet Milk Company; Dr. Kenneth Clark, Professor of Psy chology, Now York University and M. A. Lockhart, General Manager. The Lockhart Agency, Ine. of Now York City. Dr. Young and Clark from New Tort were guests speakers daring A.T.A. sessions at North western High School in Miami. Educators Dr. Rldgley and Dr. Moors are on the executive board for American Teachers Association and co ordinated the convention program under the leadership of Dr. Jones. SPEED-WASH 319 N. Tarboro Rd. Welcomes You To Our New Addition (TWO EMPLOYEES TO ABBIBT TOU) Self-Service Dry Cleaning 45 Minutes Quality Shirt Service —ALSO— Complete Laundry Drop-Off Service DRY CLEANING 8 Lb* 88.98 SHIRTS JOc Located Across From St Augustine’s College DUKE’S MAYONNAISE qt 45c PURE PORK AQ J RIB BEEF AQ SAUSAGE Lb. WWW STEW Lb. fewC OR 8 LBS. 99c WESSON OIL AAm WH,TE OQA Large Slat 4*rC j FOTATOES 18 Lb* WWW FRESH GROUND BEEF lb. 39c OR 1 LBS. 8114 GOOD GOOD Aft BOLOGNA Lb. WWW WEINERS Lb. WWW OR 8 LBS. 98c OR 8 LBS. 99c RIB BEEF PA LIPTON’S AQ STEAKS Lb. WWW TEA <4 lb. Pkg WWU ARMOUR'S CRESCENT BACON lb. 39c OR 8 LBS. 75c PURE R ft- SNOWDRIFT p* LARD S Lha. *99s 59C FRESH SPARE Aft lml JpC ,ATWEII MACKEREI A|» n OR SUM. ■ 99c » Tan Can. 00C Oyea PrMay Night Until 8 P M HORTON’S CASH STORE 14t8.11 SO SAUNDERS ST. RALEIGH. N. C is host of the 1881 meeting. The Bov. Lewis B. Bmorias. professor of theology st Calvin College, is pre sident and Paul I Phillips is local executive director. The National Urban League, with <a affiliates in 80 states and the District of Columbia, is a profes sional community service agency establidied in 1810 to further equal opportunity for Negro citizens in employment, education, housing, health snd welfare.

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