Baptists Boost The Lott Carey Funds $172,865 For Missions WASHINGTON _ Dollar* for Carey Baptist Foreign Mis •' ons inc-eased from $16,000 in IP -40 to $ for the year 1961- 02. according to a recent audit Growth over the 20-year period shows an increase in missionaries from 10 to 105 in various fields in Africa and Asia, also in Haiti. Today, there are 54 churches in seven states and the District of Co lumbia, each contributing SI,OOO or more annually to the work of Lott Carey. Total contributions represent 16 slates and the District of Columbia, where the independent missionary society maintains headquarters at 1501 Eleventh Street, N. W. Dr W. C. Somerville, Executive Secretary, said in a pre-convention statement that the goal for the new fiscal year is $200,000. Last fiscal year showed an in Asthma and Hay Fever Relief Comes in Minutes ... and Lasts For Hours Tiny Tablet Now Available Without Proscription I j Hew lerk, N. T. (Special) Medical Science has developed a new, tiny tablet that not only stops asthma spasms, but brings relief to those who suffer from hay fever attack!. Authoritative testa proved this remarkable compound bringi relief In minutes —and gives hours of freedom from recurrence of pain ful spasms. This fast-acting formula is prescribed by doctors for their private patients who suffer from asthma er hay fever. And now suf ferers can obtain this formula srithout prescription in most states Tormenting Rectal Itch Stopped In Minutes Science Finds New Heading Substance That Promptly Stops Itching and Pain of Piles New York, N. Y. (Special)- One of the most common afflic tions is a condition known as “itching piles.” It is most embarrassing for the victim during the day and especially aggravating at night. No matter what you've used Without results here’s good pews. For the first time, science has found a new healing sub stance with the astonishing ability to promptly atop the burning itch and pain. It actu ally shrinks hemorrhoids without surgery. Medical sci ence has proved this substance produces a remarkably effec tive rate of healing. Its germ killing properties also help pre vent infection. In one hemorrhoid ease after another “very striking improve t| 1 BOYS' & MEN’S SBCREW SOXS (7\ In Raleigh s OKj* gQ) Cameron Village TUR^CUFF J4\ (/ ANKLETS // School Opening Special Lon £ * ladies'and children’s Five-Hole Filler Paper '*» HANDBAGS 59* <o *1.98 ” L; T I «« P “'“’V LATEST FALL COLORS AND STYLES 380 SHEETS IMI Wh,t# ' and rnlon Babies’ and Small 1«. hn , . nlF *. Girls' Piece Good* Special For Special For y-\ ■ DRESSES Drip. Dry Fall Back-To-School Back-To-School T?* B*™ 8 *™ RAYON »«»“-»* BLOUSES ON QUALITY Muhin. Wnnhahle DUNGAREES #» «"»» PAHTIK -—— —— Dress Prints ymi i AniP(!( ouniiAKEti ,00%Vi^R,yorn,e - P.JinVRR Binders Novelty Stripes Western Jean. Guaranteed «Aoa end Bl ftIICCC Siret 6 to Id Aborted Col- 6x9 3 For With Clip Filler Paper Plaids Boys Long Sleeve BLOUSES lon. Regular* and Slim. I I and Organizer. Wi . de SHIRTS ■»*» 32 to 38 Long Sleeve* 9x12 17 AmotteA Cetoni 10 Yds. in Length SCHOOL OPENING tall SoeCtal School Special Opening' SPECIALI Popular Colon. Sixes 6 • 16. Assorted Styles and Colon H 98* 39* 2 For *3** 2 For *3** * Mens’Bulky Knit QUALITY GARBAGE GIRLS’ COTTON 51 GAUGE LADIES’ I SWEATERS DESK MIL ROSES'... SUPS NYLONS rPull-Over Style. Assorted Col- I lamps .... mm m 1 ■W g> Haas 4On 14 Msaa •U 1H or* Sires 8-M-L. Wl*. iSlankei »ale §-—rd kdfc or. low rmcii 44' Cotor > M -* hid Galvanized mu Sizes 72 x 90. Solid Colors - Ace- ————*——— 111 l,ll IHlfilljfl „ . w 0 LADIES’CORDUROY Lifting! fcAflßf gp-c ' #/ tate Satin Binding. Rayon and .|g£s«gjg SCHOOL RA6S r . DD , p. HTC _ _ %BS* Acrylic Fibers. bakdlm on xtxaf. amovtxd BTTLXB sc colors! vAiVII illlllv S| Oft I.cMr Q|| |f| An sorr.belt - bide zipper-pocxxt abbortbd *3.27 From OO* To 2.98 *1.98 crease of $25,000 over the previous year, he said, also a gain of 10 churches making individual contri butions of SI,OOO or more. The increase, he said, indicates that Negro Baptists are “meeting the challenge of emerging Africa'* and are endeavoring to re kindly the spirit of Christianity in Western Civilization. Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mis sion Convention will meet here Aug. 27 at Vermont Avenue Baptist church, the Rev. C. T. Murray, paa tor, and at Metropolitan Baptist, the Rev. E. C. Smith, pastor. Over 2.000 delegates are expect ed for the five-day meeting that will bring together the Woman's Auxiliary, Lott Carey Layman's League and the Junior Young Peo ple's Department. A state breakdown of churches giving SI,OOO or more shows 7 in in tiny, sasy-to-tak* tablets called Primal****. Primatene opens bronchial tubes, loosens mucous congestion, relieve* taut nervoue tension, helps dry up nssal passages. All this without taking painful injections and with out the inconvenience of nebulisera. The secret is Primatene com bine* 8 medicines (in full prescrip tion strength) found most effec tive in combination for asthma and hay fever distress. So look forward to sloop at night and freedom from asthma or nay fever spasms. Get Primatene at any drugstore. Only 98*. ment” was reported and veri fied by a doctor’s observations. This improvement was main tained in cases where a doctor’s observations were continned over a period of months I Among these sufferers were a wide variety of hemorrhoid condi tions, some of 10 to 20 years* duration. The secret is this new healing substance (Bio-Dyne*) dis covery of s world-famous research institution. This sub stance is now obtainable in otnt ment or rupporitory form known as Preparation H *. Ask for Preparation H Suppositories (convenient to carry if away from home) or Preparation H Ointment with special applica tor. Available at all drug counters. the District of Columbia, I in Ma ryland. 2 in Now Jersey, 1 in New York, 10 in North Carolina, 2 in Ohio, 6 in Pennsylvania and 17 in Virginia. Dr. Somerville is Mm first full time executive secretary employed by Lott Carey. He ceme to the poet in 1940, succeeding the late Dr. J. Harvey Randolph of Washington, who carried on the work as part time executive for several years. The society was organised in 1807 in Shiloh Baptist Church here. It was named for the Rev. Lott Carey, who lived near Richmond and who was credited with being the first American missionary to go to Af rica in 1831, though born a slave. For the role he has played in the growth of Lott Carey. Dr. Somer ville received the Doctor of Law Degree conferred upon him by Howard University in 1080. Convention officers are Dr. X. A. Parham, president, Coluirtbua, Ohio; Dr. J. C. Hairston, first vice-presi dent, Pittsburgh; and Dr. M. L. Wil son, second vice-president. New York City. Mr*. Mary M. Ransom* of Rich mond serves as president of the Woman’s Auxiliary, R. L. Hollo man. Norfolk, president of the Lay man's League, and Robinson Hon e, Richmond, president of the Young People’s Department Well over a million men and wo men are employed in the factories which make clothing for the Na tion’s population. This Industry in retail sales, office and ware house operations. As of June 1, 13 southern, states had nearly 40 million acres of “tree farms” —two thirds of the nation’s total. “Tree fanning” is a term for good forest management Reliava sneezing hay fever Um Dr. aeHR) erase Meeatela SKINNY? If ridaay, itela n 4 nndf weitht beets,* of poor appetite er poor eating habits, taka WATB-ON. Pnta as pound, and tachaa of Sraa aoUS Saab or aaoaay back. WATB-ON is taper rich in weight bailding caloric, plea vitamin,, min eral, and energy aiemrnta. Hoepital teaud-Faet weight aaiaa reported. No overeat ing. Makae eheekt, boat liaa, arma, lata (II out... putt Saab oa akinay figure, all over body. FlghafaSgoa, low fHSittSSOHg iltspltiinMi due to oadarwuight condi tion. If uadarwelMt ie due to dieeeee take WATB-ON under directioa of your doc tor. Get WATB-ON today. Bf 1 LIQUID OR TABLETS ; Only'S* sl Druggists ( WATE-ON ’-Jgif ■ ' XT'X' MiIB ■Jj ,r" £ ■lx ■ k a&t. . v ' 1* i 1 ififll ’ Ip” ;:;x CARNATION CUT AND RECEPTION Dr. Rom L. Gragg. 2nd from left Ist phs4e, national president. National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, expresses approval upon receiving Carnation Company donated cup, designated The PreeMan- Ual Cap. daring recent 66th anniversary session of NACWC at Shoraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. Loo Angeles baaed milk firm also hosted President’s and Leaders Reception, right scene daring the week-long convention. At left Mrs. Gragg la seen with, from left, Lee Ledbetter, associate. The Most H. Kendrtx Organisation, Norman W. Rasesgule, president, American Thophles, Inc., and Mrs. Rosalie Diggs Swain, MH KO amorists The beautifal trophy bearing the signature of Dr. Gragg, was awarded by the Detroit leader to her President's Committee of One Hundred for It outstand ing leadership In drive which retired mortgage on Association House, the stately head- A&T Asks $6 Million For Improvements GREENSBORO Permanent im provements for A&T College in ex cess of six million dollars, to be spent during the next biennlm, have been received t>y the North Caro lina Advisory Budget Commission. The requests, totaling $8,404,500, were presented by Dr. L. C. Dowdy, acting president of the College, as the budget group made It# recent visit to the campus. The group was headed by David S. Coltrane, chairman. Included In the requests, also, are aix new buildings: biology building. $885,000; dormitory for women, $550,000; mathematics and busineaa building, $700,000; student union building, $1,040,000; dormito ry for men, $1,100,000. and health and physical education building, $1,030,000. Other Improvements requested, Include; heating plant equipment. 4120.000; campus lights, walks and roads, $55,000; renovation to Gra ham Building, $180,000; music and art equipment, $28,000; Technical Institute equipment. $130,000; li brary equipment, $180,000; farm and dairy additions, $59,500, and purchase of Lutheran College prop- Library Furnishings Cost To Be Studied A committee on libraries was In structed Friday to "shop around" for something a little more econom ical than the S2B waste receptacles i.nd the S3O sand urns proposed for the new libra: y in the Kress build ing! The City Council Committee on finance and law informed a commit tee of Olivia Raney Library trus tees that bids on those items should be thrown out and something new found. The Law and Finance Committee was assigned the task las* Monday of going over the bids by Raleigh's Mayor William G. Enloe, who questioned the cost of some items of furnishings for the library. City Councilman Paul Hoover, erty. $370,000. President Dowdy riold the group. "The capital impro\d*mrnt requests have been approached by carefully suiveying tne needs of the educa tional program and by conserva tively projecting the enrollment of the institution.” He pointed out to the budget group that most of the items had previously been recommended by the North Carolina Advisory Bud get Commission and the 195 P North Carolina State Legislature. • ri xSttHi | -■ - vvxv ' ■/ A. Bnß ■ ' * . I j ® 1 I ■ ~ mSmVIkH t >• iHHHuhv :»v If tn Hi It.. •**. J jpFPTr -iBl jSf 'V JME | • ;. Jg m vOHHb JHBH 'H* qaarter* of NACWC on 18th Street In the Natlon’a Capital. In right photo, Maes B, Kendrtx, whoee PRflrm represents Carnation Company, M ptaya” Carnation mattr* 1 at reception for 1888-member delegation from throughout the United States and (ha District of Columbia. From left, leaders of the Association are Cherte Vonno Lamest, Junior Girls Dlvltlon. from San Angelo, Texas; Mrs. Mamie Reese. NACWC Ist vies president, Albany, Ga.. Mrs. Doille Alexander, NACWC 2nd vice president, Atlanta, Go., and Mrs. Lillian M. Taylor, president of one of the District of Columbia boat clubs. American Trophies and the Kendrtx Organisation contributed plaques on which will be listed the names of the Committee of One Hundred. The two aforementioned firms also furnished a large number of the plaques given NACWC to its various hen 01*008* chairman of the Law and Finance committee said Friday, "We would 'ike to take a low old on all items unless there Is a question of quali ty." W. H Carper, city manager of Raleigh, said "Would quality in clude such things as comfort nnd appearance?” “I'm afraid not", Hoover replied. It had been recommended by the group that 100 stack chairs be pur chased from National Art Interiors at a cost of $1,500. Alfred Williams Company had submitted a low hid UMSTEAD.S TRANSFER COMPANY • GROCERY STORI LIGHT AND HEAVY FULL LINE OP HAULING GROCERIES LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE v .. Courteou. - Protn* Your P * tro ~** Efficient Appreciated ED. UM3TEAD, Maaager 602 S. Daweoa Street • Tar boro A Martin Street* DIAL TB 2-9478—T8 3-9313 m fflyfMHlilH RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST IS. IKS of $1,250. After much deliberation on com parative comfort, during which time Councilman W. L. McLaurin and Travia Tomlinson set in the vs rious chairs being discussed, Mc- Laurin moved that the low bid be accepted. The committee also recommend ed that the low bid be accepted on reading chairs The low was $1,833 submitted by Alfred William* and Company, but the library group had recommended that a bid of $2,992 from National Art Interiors be ac cepted. The councilman approved also, based on quality, a bid of $2,827 80 for 24 tables from Southeastern E ouipment Company over a low bid of $1,783 74 submitted by Raleigh Office Supply. FATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS rfe l ! . sr* BEEFEATER GIN 5? 5 IMPORTS) ROM (NOLAND 8V NOMANO CMP. NIWYODK I.N.Y. It NOOf *IOO% DRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS 3

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