THE C/.BOUNIAN RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1982 12 ■news \ B HARREN VIEWS "WHY DON'T SOMEBODY KILL HIM. . . ? M POCKY MOUNT Daily press rs: ort? list thp above words as hav i.-.c been uttered by what was cie rr , ib»d as being a "beautiful girl" s’uient at "Ole college where our hem. ,T,imcs H Merodi'h is (dying under conditions similar t • those he fought through while ■ the Armed Services for the free* <:< n Es *h< world ru'd the race b.'na white studints who now s*'t k to t< ie. ./■' cr ( i n kill bun b' ause ii (i.ii'S. \r i : ‘et one of t ;ir ‘ exclusis ( " ji" now schools Do you think YOU could studv V r .su ; i4‘.!s, even v •)i eonstant i r.rds a< your siiie utter KNOfV ir.g and HEARING trot f. How- in dent* had v. :sh< foi ,-oir DEATH in their hearts b< cause of vuur ro le,r' You CAN GIVE SOME MON NFY to help the fn ht DO YOU APPRECIATE that YOU live ,r, a country wneM there r still a 'ederal sovri" rent with la" 5 to | rotect you and your fami lv and •> pr< e idert are - with a WILL TO FXFCI TF IOSK 1 AWS - e\ep for a hl»< k man Then JOIN NAACP DC) YOt: .APTFIECT ATH YOUR Apex News In the ac.sence of our pastor the Rev \V 1 Bigelow, who is taking the second part of his va cation here and conducting revi val services In Newark. N J . at the Cornerstone Baptist Church, there. The Rev J Farrar of Geth sernuie Baptist Church of JDur- ham. N C deliv ered to us a ferv erent message •Subject "A Stand For Ood." His text was tak en from the 3rd Chapter of Dan iel. 17th verse Everyone highly enjoyed the ser mon. Tile senior 'Km< choir was In MX*
    ran poke out your chest and have a sense of pride in your rare and vour self for having par ticipated in the EARNING of this freedom’ Then join the NAACP end send some money to the North r 'arelina NAACP Conference at St Mark's AMF. Zion Church, South Roy boro Street., Durham, October 11-14 We should have VX) minltcrs for Thursday and Thursday night to hear Father "Teddy" Gibson of Fio ■ da NAACP fame explain what it takes to he a real Mhenherd to a flock of huniap "sheep" Won't YOU HELP hack up the man-.of-the-hour Meredith with vour money given to NAACP (it h.a; ro't about s">o thousand al ready' to help further the fight for freedom. Saturday of the convention will feature Mrs Ruby Hurley of At lanta, On . who speaks at the Free dom Awards dinner Mrs Hurley j is a veteran of many NAACP bat -1 ties I Father Gioson will address the ' . losing Sunday mass meeting which promi IS to he a treat worth going many miles to attend Bring yous fre-doni money, please Remember: There is AI.WAYS 1 place for vou in the NAACP • won't-you fill it’ Holly Springs BY MRS THELMA MCLAIN HOLLY SPRINGS - Oct. 7. the Missionary Circle met in the usual order astir a brief discussion the Itreasui’r reported to the circle that wo wr re out of debt from re doing the ladies room In out church (First Baptist. Holly Springs' for which wc are very happy and pleased Also we wish to thank everyone for their help. At S P m the YWA Club held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mis- Clara Reekwlth Mrs Flossie Booker. Kve president wa in charge The next m ' ting will be at the home of Mrs Nellie Griffon The hostess served a delicious re past which was enjoyed by all pre sent. At 7TO p m (the YWA Club (pnnsored a Rabv Contest at the First Baptist Church with twelve | or name babies taking part in 'hr ! rontr ' which will go to the build ing fund. Kir st prize was won bv -Tames fituait rpon-ored by Mrs Flossie Booker. $26 60, second prize. Patri iin McLain, sponsored by Mrs j Thelma Mrt-atn. s2l #0: third prize Cliffs rd Underwood, sponsored by Mrs Pauline Arnold. $18.72 Grand total collected for the contest. i $lO6 00. j The V S Naval Academy In Annapolis. Md . graduated its first Negro midshipman tn May 1049. (ANP) Seasoning snd pre-shrinklng Os lumber ran nuikc a difference of as much a- 400 per cent In the ulti mate nail holding power of ftruc lures. CLINTON NEWS BY H. M. JOHNSON CI,INTON The membes of the Swan Club, aoonaor of the Semn •on County Debutante Balt enter, 'aned at a rtet-Apo"»inted A*?* l ' l»«f v-eetr. girls. W-elr m»r«hals »nd the narent* T, h» -Iris re —-esented pH «e-"(tnn# -* c-.-w, '"minty and one from Wavne Coun ty ml. n e'-1* -i-'-'i wf't H- maklpf ♦heir demit In Samnm" Cm-—♦ v *n ’ste r» Tr-an fV».-I~**es IT? 1-raVplVi HptoU TTHoltv f»r* -» Worne D T eK" “e Do* 1 -- ***> _ e|g QoMap Dd*»** ; a ’e -sg T r**"*??. a Pillow MV* Vs»i. rjr*a J.sags A nm♦ c ▼»■»•♦***• Rpe-U T%I. r f?P TH* An'' 1 ' T»s»r>»-T /sr>i»s I? T snf* r- tl iprinr< T no YYillg.,* ir *f V»rO TTmr-rnJI M’o , *H«P»V Tri'+r lOf 'f"rry^ V T Inda P-terson. T-onisc H d-'p*. Ver-eM«, Camnspr Conn'- seui.i-,,, CaH Williams and Carolyn R Wll '-'a—-son Mr*. J J Hill at whose home the affair was he'd welcomed the 'mono M*S B C G-id .den rv—sent. , d the l—t•1 —t• and Mrr P S White and Mrs W G Coty-el]. hrieSf-d the elrls and bovs on ♦he variou* af ♦airs that wilt be he'd he- the—i before the Debidante Ra'l xt-* N. W Merritt and Mrs I. S Tilford, discussed with *he parents the pur oo«e of the hall MRS. A. HOSTESS TO GARDEN CT.I'B Mrs Arletha Graham wa- hostess ♦o the member* of the Friendly Garden Club last Friday night. Mr*. Irene, president, ore^dr- 1 nv rr a short business session Plans were made for the annua] dinner and Christmas dance which will be held early In December. Members nresent were- Mesdames J ->sie Moor. Allle Matthls, Msble Carter, Kenella Faison. Estelle St-wart and Addle Johnson, also Miss Wixie Sampson Rev U. A Carlton ts a patient at ♦he Sampson Memorial Hospital. We are hoping for him a speedy recovery Mrs Cora Frank Powell Is confined to her home on William St Mrs. Anna Weed of Newark N J. spent two weeks here visiting relatives and friends. Dr. G-ady D Davis, Dean of the Shaw University Divinity School, Raleigh, spoke at the First Baptist Church last Tuesday night. Mrs. Joan Bennet Nixon of Smithfleld, spent the weekend here with her parents. Mr and Mrs Wil liam Jackson of William St. Ridgeview News BY MARGARET POPE AND GLORIA JAMES HICKORY The New Home makers of America had their iuitm tlon this week All week the new member* were require' to be on time for alt rla'srs, address ail N H A members as aister. wea- N. It A rut outs in white on H ’eir bucks and no talking to bovs Mon day through Friday apecial thinvs vc re designated for the member* to Ho Class officer* for the vear have been elected and are fulfilling their duties They are as follows: Seniors president Rlehard Da vis: vice prealdent, Anita Kissler; -pc ratary. Martha Bush: assistant secretary, Caro'vn Johnson hual nr*s manager Franklin McKnieht. Juniors prealdent, Famrstlne Jett- vire president Sandra Finder: secretary. Sallie Warltck; asatstant secretary. Gloria Jamea. Soyihomore Girls president, Shirley Hull: vice president, Peggy Coats: secretary. Janice Burke Sophomore Bovs president, Craig W'lfong: vice president. Johnny Hodge: aeeretary, Tillis Rendlrman: assistant secretary. Roosevelt Williams Freshmen X. Girls prealdent, Joan Brown; vice president, Aljua ra Carry; secretary. June Burke; aastslant secretary. Gloria Derr; treasurer, Janice t-ut*. Freshmen Y. Boys president. Jerry Reid, vice president. Edward White; aeeretary. Wlllia Sudderth; assistant secretary. Danny Carter; treasurer. Ollif Parks Freshmen T. Mixed - president. Jerry Johnson: vice prealdent. Bar bara Saddler; aeeretary. Jacque line Rendleman. aasistant aeereta •y. Mary Jett; treasurer. Muriel Sharpe The Guidance Thogram ha* in creased a great deal (hi* veer Mr p r Brown, the guidance counse lor ha* stated that there Is now an occupational Information file which ts based on the dictionary of occu pational tttele* ThU file is *erv»ng the purpose of helping students choose their vocations and the re luirementa for sikJi. l as* week Catawbe Roeenwald Hivh School had a Tamily Week Program sponsored bv the Home Fconomics Department Mr R P Broun, a teacher at Ridcovleu-. was one of the panel consultants His topic was Reereetion Between Family Members " The Ridgeview Panthers march ed to their consecutive victory .0- thev defeated Spindale 82-0 last Pudav Sept 21 l4»«t night ttirv met Wilkesboro on Ore Ridgeview Athletic Field RIDGEVIEW BLASTS LINCOLN HEIGHTS *4-8 An 80 yard touchdow n for Rtdgc v'ew was run off *hr Kick Off by Edward Cunningham The extra points wrr* added by Leonard Clay which gave the Ridgeview Panther* an 8-0 lead in th# first mmute of plsy Th# rampaging Panthers scored again a* Douglas Bumgarner raced 15 yard* to score and Cunningham added ths extra points. The remaining touchdowns were made by Leonard Clay. 35 yards: Donald Williams. 30 yard*; Pr**h man Allen Burch. 80 yards; Leon ard Clay. 88 yard*: Mac Rol 10 yard*, and Frankln Derr, 30 yards Extra points were added by Don ald Williams: Douglas Bumgarner. Cunningham and Mac IW The fine running done by the offensive teem wae made possible by th* grest blocking performed by dte defensive team. The big Panther Line was led by Thome* ChUda. Richard Bavt* and Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch NEUSE BAPTISTS REELECT FOSTER ROCKY MOUNT - The Neuse River Baptist 'Missionary) Associa tion convened here last week with the Little Hope Baptist Church as host. New Hope Baotist pastor. Rev. Terrace Poster. -Sr., moderator of the association for some IS yea** was. again, reelected to succeed himself to the moderatorship. Dr. O. L. Shenill spoke for the State Baptist General Convention. Rev. Elbert Lee, Jr., gave the annual sermon and Mayor W B. Harrison headed the list of those bringing welcome messages. Dr. J L. Tilley, member of the Shaw University faculty, spoke at Ebenezer Baptist Church Sunday in the interest of the institution and the convention Rev Clyde B Wal ton is pastor of Ebenezer Church Rev. J. H Costcn had as his preaching guest Sunday at the Mt. Pisgah United Presbyterian Church the Rev. Jonathan Jackson, chap lain. South Carolina State College, Oorangeburg. S C. He was accom panied by his wife, Mrs. Joselyn Whitehead Jackson, sister of Mrs. Annie W. Neville Jackson is pur suing a doctrinal degree at Boston Uunlversity. Mass. Another pulpit guest was the Rev. Amos Causey, ar, army lieu* - . **■ L ARMED FORCES EXHIBITS Military displays rovering several arcea will showcase l'. S. weapons and equipment at this year's V C. State Fa'r during the week of October 15-20. WM Jm Miss SHAW UiMViRSI I V IS OFFICIALLY INSTALL ED BY PRESIDENT —Miv* Ellen Spirey, « aenror ol Louieburi. was oHtctmllr crowned "Afr»* Shew Unieoroity " an Fhdmy Oct. 5. Dr Nelson H Harris. Inter m Prewdont, plmcm the crown upon | Bar haod during Coronation Csi snuntaa tm OfttnM Audttornm* tenant and chaplain, native of Lit tle Rock. Arkansas. The trio of clergymen were entertained at din ner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neville. Rev. Jackson preached on “The ■rtrd P*a'm" and its significance in the life of man Jackson pictured the 23rd Psalm as being one of the mest popular scriptural passages, oerhar.s. better known for its use in times of trouble, sickness and eo teos-hing death than any other. He cited numerous instances where It was used in such situations to calm the dying and given them dying father did not recognize his son: but, even in a state of aemi consclousness he began repeating ♦he 23rd Psalm a* the unrecognized son started saving >t. • AN UNEASY CALM AT MT. ZION This column is "NOT GUILTY" of having written a story in anoth er newspaper last week about the Mt. Zion Bap* is.*. Church of Rocky Mount having allegedly voted to nsk their pastor, Rev George W. Dudlev, to resign within 90 days. In the interest of harmony, we had refrained from publicizing the slx-weeks-old local conversation piece about the city So many mem bers expressed the feeling that un favorable church news Is not the business of rhe public; but that which tends to boost should only be published Unfortunately, these people fail to reslize that the church, s* well *s schools and hos pitals, belong to all the people and the general public has a to know what goes on where they contribute their money Unfortunately, also, there has been an uneasy peace at the local Mt. Zion or First Baptist Church for quite some time. Like a volcano the rumb.ings have reached far be yong the city environs for many months. This, despite the energetic sermons and progressive program credited to Rev. Mr Dudley who came to the church from Atlanta a few years ago. During his tenura here church modernization and im provements have been effected, not the least of which was the reported $5,000 air-conditioning of the aging edifice. Several departments to aerve the youths have been activat ed In Mt. Zion. Nevertheless, as the financial burden has increased, there have been voices of protest at the mount ing cost of the ministry, especially whe. allegedly, ample contributions were not forthcoming to adequate ly sustain the program. Apparently “The Ole Ship of (Mt ■ Zlor." is trying to ride out this storm and hope that it is only a • tempest in a teapot” which will not upset the congregation as they travel toward the "Promised Land" where they hope they will not be •'Bothered With the Troubles of the World." REMEMBER MRS. SELLERS Rev. Jamea Costen announced re cently that he vlaited Mrs. Eliza beth Milter at the home of her eon Bing