THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS. IMS 14 Sugar Ray Loses Wife And Fight MEXICO CITY ■ ANP' The old «an s that “life brains at 40" rto< k • ?ecm to bo working out too well fr.- fomer boxing champion Sugar Pro Robinson Vow 42, the onre great Sugar Man h > buffered two jolting setbacks it'rin the iast two wet ks one in a London pr ;zr ring, the other in a Mexican divorce 'w.rt ITAl«:r«on's Wife, the glamorous ex-c bonus girl Faina Mae obtain* f- a d’vo r re frr ■ , It v in Juarez, a •!c X, an horr.- '.< •:t aero ■ the Rio Orarde from El Paso. Tex Just a few day re fore, the "»g --trg M former (hart pr>n '.ad dropped - decision in London to young Terry Downes. Thi.ugh he staged a valiant rally toward the end of the f’ght. Robinson hist didn't have e nough left to catch' the British Tighter. Mrs Roh'nsOn and her attorney. TranrlFeo Javier Alvarez, appear ed In court f< • tae h< a: m'g in which she alleged "irr-ompa'ihility " She *.vas granted custody f ’heir '«n. Pay Robinson. Jr, 13. and alimony of ttOO a n According to the petition for the divorce ’he couple v a mu vd in May I<M3. i-. Chicago arid have been separ id'-d 'lot' 1 No ( -t ldu'l Before t < Dowru- bout S igar ■nd Edna Mae "(Of reported V'CT: engaging in ford >"t t rite which led friends n >,< 1 1« . < the pair was rontempla’ • a reeor>« iliatlort Id na wa« u-voi quoted as saying: "Everybony knows I still love Su gar " McGill Leads Hornets Past Goldsboro 27-0 DURHAM Hillside s Hornets ro itintied t’.eir mastery of Golds boro »' seattiaek J(*<*ph McGill led the Hornets to a 27-0 win, Hillside's fourth Mi night win over the visi tors. MeGM scored on runs of 2ft. ft and to yards, following ejimrt■■ id•:«< I; JcFae Piatt's goal long plunge in the first quarter The march be gan with a Dillaid fumble on tin 70 The remaining three quarters aa\y Hillside run up 240 yards lush ing to Dillard'i 72 to complete the t«ut. .' ■r r HLyu/'<K r/ WILL CHEER THE S HAW BEARS 70 VICTORY Those comely young ladies will keep the Bear squad morale up as they cheer the Shaw Bears to victory at HOM ECOMING an Sat urday Oct 13. when the sr/t lad will tangle with the Ehiaheth City State Teachers College Pirates n Chavis Park Left to right are. Martha Crenshaw, sophomore from Wake Forest ; Marcella Boone, runior from Newport News, Virginia. Joyce Robinson, sophomore of Raleigh; Josephine Dancy, captain, senior from Tarhorfi. Jo Ann G illev. tumor from Jamaica. New York; Elois Smith, sophomore from Greenville;: Matr\e Latta. co-captain, tunior from Raleigh. New Job For Tex. Mentor KAN >\S CITY; Mo t ANP» - A 0 • !«• . . at Mrtic Tt.v«« 5* ithnn Univri s:\y, Hou fon. I'.!*- •cn ,i iip ni » *.rd tn 'hr • xicutivr ropV'Uttoc "f thr Nation • ’ A*«rx ,a'.i n of IntricollrK-ate AtMctie A native cf PiUsbutuh. Texav Durlev *\a> S-< n a;*po • U\i a mom t»rr of the romn.ttif r»: a one-year pr :^hl He caoched at Texas CVlh’ur from ar ‘ had two Sotr n w t‘v\, n A* f.ic C'*r;ftrenu* eh..”,;*;■r,s t .;>s heso r e moving to Texa> w »>nt -n in 15*44 Dtu lev '* fooHv*.!! ch'h* at Snuthrr-t UOI. two S. - ; »h\v. M,mh •>« pin. tin -.<110n.1l Nrgit hair - pionship in 19 j. Where They Play Elisabeth City hi Shaw University St Align* t,c * at St Paul < NC Crllrgc at Va Stale A&T College at Marvianci Stale Va. Union at UTn*’<>" -Salem Fayetteville Stan at Hampton •T. C. Smith at De!a«aie State B'uefield at Li vingstone Clark at S C State Texas Southern at Tex»« c dirge Southern U. at* A& M Pen edict at Bethune-Cookrran Mile* at Claflin FAMU at Morria Brown Philander Smith at Flak Grambling at Miasitsippi Vocational Howard at Morgan Knoxville at Tuakegee Morris at Savannah State Prajxe View at Wiley j —- - »» r i|fc§§i§|gf D. C. TOURNEY Hole-In-One winners get awards at Washington, D. C. finals. Players are shown (inset) whooping it up during play. Over 200 Seek Fame In D. C. Golf WASHINGTON—Amateur- lln 1.'4-it Summers and Ethel Pinches both of Washington. I) C and Bobhy M;iv■-. Pniiadclphia pro. wnc top wit.nets in ho t s OriH ;»r nun I j'olf tour ranv-nt sjx.n Ef.rofl \yy Mu IJ'b Stunt YMCA a I .in:' ton Coif Course nill.d ,*• th« la«t m;iior Hnitrd f.t'fi-i'- A' orn’i'll i'»r'fl ton* t■ t'nt of the vum. thr moot drrv • iio than 2bo golfer* fr > -i ■ dli.s Virginia. Maryland Holt 'v ;iro P'nnsyKami. NVw .J*-rs New York and th» District of Co lumhia The* Coca-Cola Comuanv Atlanln Oa . Bond Bread. S al’r Foods ;rnd Parks Sausage, Balti more*. Md cr -«eponv> r-d the even* I.nwrontc H ’nt executive seen bu y of tbo 1?t h St* r*c» YMCA nr an ardent colfrr. sor\«d as honoi nrv chairman of the Y tournament cnmniiltfr w 1 11 1 a m H H > man physual education director at 12th Strict, directed the tournament with the as istance ol Mrs I’ai is Brown. UGA national tournament ri i rector SiOOOO was offered to pros and tr.p qua I. t v gulf elidv. and ott- i .qu pm. nt to amateurs making Hole. In-one Th f""t en-sponsois utirlerwr.. • the net ~f troubles i At the Washington Y tournament Homecoming Plans Set By A&T Aggies MtFFVHUIRO A fotr-dav Cel < i>. . 1 «il! n'.nk the annual ! '■(<!'• r■ observance to he held it UI" (V’l.-gr. (Vt 25 2fi Main eseo - <>f the observance is the I'vtv.iro the AA-T Col- Vi-i- -Vi nod the Morgan State IVllr !'•■ s.-t for the Greet <- 1-0-0 Mr- .'Mil Stadium beginning ~t 1 .10 rtn Sa-urdav. Oct 27 The eoron.i'ior <>f the new "Mis* SA-T Rixibnc! Richardson of Wil mii -tut-. in i'l lhant ceremonies *t the Ch, • !<>* Moore Gymnasium -<n Thursdnv evcfurig. Oct 15. sets the ■ti’.ge fur the to it-day activities The All-Student Homecoming din r.- • iv ill f •• Mi-rphy Halt The pr, -.11- for Friday, Oct. 36. 'i«ts u ■• •• ,- .it the annual Art Postrt Ci - test a competition in art i-.t-ii ti-n for the treat presen • tat ,«n on the h i -mint theme, and that <*v< •ii . , .rcial and p*T a V at t! C! . Mtrore Gym i .t'mt- A pa* ..V to contain t»- odd f oats »-d other units, will Irate from t’-r ,a- pus st 11:00 a and-wimrits—way to the Sta dium ip pr<'(vn-idion for the 1 SO r- kickoff T-te ar-nti..' Homecoming Ball, to he held at • c North Carolina Na , tmnal Goa- 1 Armory on Saturday evening. will feature the music of the Buddy Johnson orchestra, with l.ila Johnson, the popular vocalist The present population of Tai wan Province la now U million with a drnaity of mar* than 300 persons per square mile. (ANP> Btate voters approved a consti tutional amendment paving the !»•>• for desegregated schools in I Oklahoma in AprU 195 <ANP> I -hole-in-one avzarda wert made | to Everett Payne, Tivey Best and John Ellis, who made aces during *he var in local tournaments in M H P msjil u.u.i n (QUEENS /»> a part ut the gala homes ommg activities Janet Young, a junior at the J. W. Ligon lr Sr. High School was crowned Miss Ligon High during the xironation hall held recently in the school gvm. Janet, a studious girl, had a look of elegance as she was crowned by Miss Ligon High ol 1«»62, Annie McKay As part of the cere mom . Martha Peebles was crowned Miss Ligon Junior High Queen Martha, a ninth grader was crowned hy former queen Car olvn Perry. Pictured left to right Annie McKay, Janet Young, Martha Peebles, and Carolyn Perry. ®n»r $0 (JO $0.20 | (e&f 1 I Valley I so II 1 ~ GtirnfM BONDS MILL E * DISTILLING COMPANY l 9 BWedsd Whiskay 30S Str«fM wtHStay \ < >e*n o'd 70Ti |IM Mutfgl spints Washington, D. C. Each of the hole in-oners become* a member of Hole-in-One Club which ia pro moted by the soft dunk firm. Mary Potter Wins 8-6 t At Henderson HENDERSON Oxford’s Mary Potter finally managed to crack a stubborn Henderson defense Fri day to down the home club 8-fi. in a bruising struggel between two rock-ribbed forward walla. After both teams had grunted and groaned for the better part of three quarters. Mary Potter half back. Oaland Witherspoon leaped over for the deciding two-pointer to cap what appealed to be a luckless evening for the visitors The TD came on a march from midfield by Oxford Henderson came back to scare the visitors In the closing minutes of play. But after racking up a touchdown, the home team miss<*cl the vital conversion that could have earned them a tie Fleet back Tyrone Warren scor ed the third-quarter touchdown Little dues Kail Over Adkins 36-0 BY RALPH CAMPBELL, JR. The J W. Ligon Little Blue’a big line opened the holes and a bevy of fleet-running backs tore through a previously undefeated Adkins High team to pile up a 36- 0 victory before one of the largest Ligon Homecoming crowds ever to watch a game in Chavis Park. A record crowd of approximate ly 4.000 watched Willie White and James Dickens take turns In streaking through the Adkin Pi rates' line or around the ends for long gains time and again. White scored three TD’s and Dickens got two. Early in the first quarter. White started scoring with a 46 yard dash, which followed a 40 yard drive of the mighty “Little Blues” The conversion was made wher White threw a pass to Eugen Snipes, making the score 8 to 0. In the second quarter, Whit went 10 yards then he ran lnt< the defense of Adkins and pitehec out to James Dickens, who trotted 40 yards for Ligon’s second TD The extra points failed. Later In the second quarter White took the ball from the 5 yard line for an other touchdown. Once again White threw to Snipes for the ex tra two points, making the score at half-time 22 to 0. for Oxford, While his teammates kept Henderson under wraps until the fourth quarter. Shaw Sets Homecoming On Oct. 13 Homecoming at Shaw Univers ity has been set for Saturday. Oct. 13. when the Bhaw Univers ity Bears will take on the Eliza beth City State Teachers College Pirates In Chavis Park at 2:00 p m. One of the features of this year’s celebration will be a pre-game band concert by six bands from North Carolina high schools and the Elizabeth City State Teachers College Band. High School Bands participating are R. L. Vann. A hoskie. Spring Hope. Gamer Con solidated. Garner; South Ayden High, Ayden; J W. Llgon. Raleigh; and Oxford Orphanage, Oxford. The parade will begin from the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at noon and will follow the usual parade route down Fayetteville Street to E. Hargett and turn right down East Hargett to South Blount Btreet. down South Blount Street, turning left on East Lenoir Street to Chavis Park. Other events will include an a lutnnl coffee hour In the student renter of the West Campus at 9 a m ; the National Alumni meet- In the third quarter, the speed ing White took a punt and dashed 76 yards for Llgon s fourth touch down. The extra points were made by Frank Taylor making the score 30 to 0 Ligon’s outstanding defensive players were Eugene Snipes, James Smith. FTank Taylor. George Morgan, Daniel Peebles, Christo pher Hunt, Johnny Boykins. Mel vin Glenn. Freddie Curtis, and Lawrence Reid. Ligon has a 3-0-0 record. They travel to Elizabeth City this Fri day. The half-time entertainment was led by the Ligon Marching Band and a performance by the A&T Drill team. Bb7N|||2!*Ss_ SsßMKnMtjl HKiL. •> . A*!*** 6 ’ . 'J i.iti Pictured is Ligon's top flight offensive end, Eugene Snipes. ing will be held at 10 a. m. on the Vest Campus, In the Auditorium; then an alumni get-to-gether at Ebony lounge. On Sunday at 11 a m. the Rev erend J. W. Wiley of Rocky Mount will deliver the message at the Homnooming worship service in University Church. While many of the world’s major airlines operated at a loss during 1961-62, South African airways showed a profit -of approximately t-l 90.000 rANP> HOMECOMING - - - SHAW ft STATE iNA V*' SATTRDAY 4ft Y W * OCT. 10 Igjf CHAVIS PARK. # RALEIGH Gala Halftime rl ctivities: Presentation Presentation of of "Miss Shaw" "Miss Alumni" GET-TO-GETHER " “ ~Z The Raleigh Chapter of the Shaw Gdl. A dill. At G&te $2.50 University Alumni Association is spon students *I.OO i-JaS SEfc T “ k ~ - c "”"» <*•»- All alumni and ftrends of Shaw Uni- munity Drug Store. Hamlin Drug Co.—s 2-00 vrTsity are urged to attend. Aggies Sign Top Coaches For Clinic GREENSBORO—An all-star fac ulty. including the leading coaches in the nation, has been procured for the second annual A&T Col lege Coaching Clinic, which is to be held next Augusl 8-10. Leading the list of instructors are: Woody Hayes, head footbail coach of the Ohio State University Buckeyes. 1961 Big-Ten champions and 1961 runnerup national champs Ed Jucker, head basketball coach at Cincinnati University, whose teams won the National Collegiate Athletic Association title both in 1961 and 1962 and Clarence vich. heart football coach at East Carolina College, a leading national ' xponent of the single-wing of ense. The Clinic staff will also include: Bert Piggott. head football coach and his assistants. Mel Groomes and Murray Neely: Cal Irving, head basketball coach, and Hornsby Howell, head trainer, all of the A&T Aggies staff. At least two new features are to oe added at the 1963 event—heart coaches of football and basketball champions of the North Carolina High School Athletic Conference are to be invited as instructors, and a workshop will be conducted on problems peculiar to the coach at the rural high school. Some 160,000 taxpayers In the Malays Federation will pay a re cord $Bl million In. income taxes this year, an Increase of $4 mil lion over 1861. <ANP) J. W. LIGON LITTLE BLUES FOOTBALL SCHEDULE HOMEGAMES SPONSORED BY CAPITAL BARGAIN STORE Williston Hi, Wilmington Sept. 28 Adkins Hi, Kinston • Home Coming Oct 5 Hillside Hi, Durham Oct 19 Booker T. Hi, Rocky Mount Nov. 2 THE ABOVE SCHEDULE IS SPONSORED BY OUR STORE CAPITOL BARGAIN STORE 132 E. Hargett St. TE 4-7243 Raleigh, N. C. ■•N w M if;?': ■f m m SHAW LINEMAN John Crenshaw, Camden, 8. C., fresh man, who is considered one of the mainstays of the Shaw Bears. Coach (Stonewall) Jack son is pinning a lot of hope ta him and feels that he will gtve good account of himself at the “Homecoming’’ game Saturday.

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