6 THE CABOUMIAH RALEIGH. N. C-, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27. IM2 PLANNING COMMITTEE Snror Blanch* Rivers and her committee for the contestants "Miss Blue Revue ” are shown in the picture above as they confer with Sigma brother John Har ris. They are (left to right): Soror Mary Barber, Brother John Harris, Sorors Hazel Sorrell Blanch Rivers. Ruby McKinney. Millie Veasev and Barbara Ligon. GARDEN TIME fr«] pirf of family Ufa Tt in here that the family can live and play together and their friends ran en joy the great out-of-door* The de velopment of plana and a-range menta are reflections of individual taste* and family compromises It lend* it*e]f to family prnierta, na ture study, outdoor rookery, hob ble*. recreation, fruit and vegetable production and relaxation. How it j develops 1« determined by the oc cupant * and their desires Wiiatev- j •r the goal, a plan i» nere • o . The purpose of the plan i« to do- j ♦ermine individual prefc-opec- an estimate of costs, establishing pri «.Title* for lmmeelin’c needs, essen tials that ran wait and avoiding costly error*. Ma ny mistake* are ma lr in the j beginning unless due consideration j I* given to site selection such ns ■ trainage. views and exposures Fir- i J.W. DANT 7 YEARS OLD f f n §o*l 86 PROOF Fj KENTUCKY [YW STRAIGHT mg BOURBON Jjjgf WHISKEY s/ioo L? °? Jtl fe» «• ,;I '*Tr mu *jm $ 50 ■ A- THE OANT DISTILLERY COMPANY, DANT, KENTUCKY rors in tb* s*l**ctir>n of auitahl# plant materials rrav be di'appoint ing and rojitly in tirn#* and la.oor Planting tree* too elo&e together, tall growng shrub* p rt-u»r indov;tr.d por rlv located valk« ;ind drives Thrte are )n«t a few of ') *• t.- t ■■ on errors. The objective?, of the p’an art aft • nr* iv* nf«' ronvi f.ifinrc to bo josffol ,f-d o?f T> .a. o.b • f r ivm< ■ ', i:, n K 1 ' :* v Ire tr -, h ( t\ ptlb’l t O.fs-t oft» • '-ntt-f ! :.nd I e’'' 1 I- 1 l* h n out y. ui d ! f \■ • of *hf prw.f.l,. • o !jv»’ !t } » it' vVht n ♦h* 1 r • ider of a home < ;♦ ndiiminity, r*y. ibit otH- * rrhnrs.s, nr;»i r:o«.y, and harmony, it < rtevet fail?! to attract aHm'inn and j 1 favorable ron 'U"-?i* r breaiiac it :e --| fleets a ‘f irjt of rr»im iimtv m irle ' and n iifhb o r 1 v i Hat i Srhrjnl c ildrrn ran be taught to respect beautiful surroundings Frorr a material standpoint the attractivenes* of a home and its. •i: mound mgs will enhance property f*rs having an attractive and well arranged farmstead. It is good for oust ness. IIAII.VI Words for the World SOURCE OF EVIL The source of nil evil is for man to turn away from his Lord and | set ins heart on things ungodly, i —From Baha'i Writings. For Fhirther Information Writ* BAHA I LOCAL ASSEMBLY I’ O BOX 102*1 RALEIGH. X C. With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly I it to interpret •itten on our hastily writ ;hat they may lestination. A through life, leaded in the h points the hat all should and Saviour. i THE LORD :H SUNDAY otfi oppointed ogency ■ (Ml ling she knowledge of Rif love u sis demond for moo to respond loving his neighbor. Withoof W n the love of God, no govern* M y or woy of Me will long fjd te freedoms which we hoM so lobly perish. Therefore, even |XK int of view, one shoofd support gjj lie sake of the welfare of him* W imily. Beyond that, however, nXj [Hjld uphold and participate hi 9use it tells the truth about |A li and destiny; the troth which iKj tim free to live as a child at \BO iiiiil in. P. O. Dos 4087, Dofloi, Texas THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP WAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A €IIIIUH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOLR LONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PLRLIC SPIRITEP INDIVIDUALS AND PtSL\ESS FIRMS. lALEICH runrnuiE COMPANY A Complri, Lin, in Rom, Fjrmtmo H»-m Last Harf,U—Tl J4UI • SCABS. ROEBUCK A CO. Cam,ran \ HUn * American cxedit co. Vf> Eih Loans To Salt Tom lann, isi Su Dia) S2S-T2SI * PINE STATE MILK. ICE CBEAN Tow Star? Or By Homo Doßrory M# Gtrn-004 A to. - US-7441 ialqgh paint a WALLPAPER CO Gru Seal Palau «M D...tm i-nzz * C S. TUCKER BROS.. OIC. V. I .'* I .* 1 o**°* IU "W* U~-Vk MM