Ihli wAkWUi>ir_. RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER S. IMS 16 Atlanta's SCLC Prexy Says Employment Next Target Atlanta’s SCLC To Launch 'Operation Bread Basket* ATLANTA O.) - The Rev Jo'.n Mienlrli.ii r iTidint of the Atlan ( t o[-Jr. of SCT.C i.i.notinced to <>:li< n« xl lio 'ft of racial ■ ■ .:! in . :o|.lo>:;i"nt drscrimi U * . O »*i ■ At;..: 'a ha‘ » good record in her • - i aaainvt >< “i< nation in public • c on,modal on hut we haven't p much m ;• ding new job mo; lunitie so o,r people W<> !>• be (o’! about the cv ■ .Hay r.erri.4 . f our people R. Middl* 'on -fated tha’ the e, n.op‘ I) Atiernathy minister f ’h' Wot Hunter Street Baptist ■■; ui. 1,,- o.iii tapped a- chair .. r.f r.pruatlfni bread b., lo t Jo a p r pared -tatement Rev. Ah atl ■■ -aid We havi ta en ■ on •tiictinj arc M-arch study of discri mination in the Atlanta area for More than two inririths There are many many industries with a high percentage of Negro, pa';onaye that n;re Neg: or for ire r.ial task- only or not at all If we run their pio dteb thru ■*.( want <> <■ jote Re- Aticinatt'-v ob.-eivi-d ’hat an ■Lgp % Hfr lf V ' FOUNDER'S DAY PRINCIPALS President Willa B. Plnver, of Bennett (Zmllefe, Greensboro, /• shown with Bishop John Wesley Lord (left) ot Wmhington, who delivered the prin cipnl address and Dr. Earl V. Tolley, trustee, ot Scranton, Pa., who read the Scripture and delivered the invocation at the Foun ders' Dav exercises held on Sunday in Pfeiifer Chapel. ®BWirm PREMIUM CHUCK ROAST JQe Price? Effective — B- £ B Thru Sat, Nov. 3 LEAN. TRESH PET RITE GROUND FRUIT BEEF PIES 3 Lb. Pksr. 3 for SjOO i MAXWELL HOC HE PINK COFFEE SALMON 2 Lb. Can Tall Can 8 1'" 59' A ■ if. CAMPBELLS Snowdrift tomato .3 Lb. Can SOUP 5 9'lllV tomation is displacing the Negro more than any other minority group oeeause he represent- the nation's largest segment of unskilled and em -skilled labor “We have people on the streets [ out of work continued Dr Aber- I natt y “who want to work and can’t | »el mb- We are going to do some 'hirig atxout it ' "Operation bread basket” Is so I named beeau.se it is aimed at cas ing the unemployment crisis in the Negro eommunity Recent statisties revealed nation- I widr that eleven out of every 200 P< r um- are unemployed while in the Negro eommunity twhich is on ly 10 percent of total population> 22 nut of every 200'arc unemploy ed I H< v Middleton simultaneously announc ed that Atlanta SCLC is sponsoring a public meeting at Al ien Temple AMR Church Monday night, Oct 2» at H p m at which lime the first target-industry will la’ named Featured at the meeting I will be the Rev. Lerrn Sullivan of Philadelphia, who gained nation wide attention as the architect of the selective patronage of the Phi ladelphia ministers that resulted in the creation of more than 1,000 new "white collar" job* for Negroes. The public meeting Monday night will be preceded by a series of day meetings to familiarize key leaders and organization* in the Atlanta a rea with the detail* of the program. "This program can only be suc cessful with broad community sup port and especially the cooperation of the clergy” declared Rev, Ab ernathy Middleton said he had been as sured the full support of the na tional office "It was through the home uffice that Rev. Sullivan’s vi sit to Atlanta has been arranged" Dr King, reached for comment via telephone in Rochester, New York said "this program has great promise The ministers in Philadel phia have placed Negroes In white collar jobs in all 19 industries that they have approached. It all a sim ple matter of the margin of profit and loss over against the buying of the Negro community ” The V S. Department of Agri culture recently purchased almost one million pounds of dried whole eggs to distribute for school lun ches and institutional use PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ySa *AM ‘ ■ 4/5 QUART WPINT« OID TffLOR 86 PROOF Teachers Honor Dr. T. R. Speigner PIT TSBORO - Members of the Piedmont District Teacher* Associ ation, of tha North Carolina Teach ers Association met in their 30th annual convention last Wednesday DR. T. R. SPEIGNER at Horton High School. Pittsboro, cited Dr. Theodore R. Speigner, di rector of the North Carolina Col lege division of Resource-Use Ed- ucation and professor of geography, education. Speigner. who was president of the Piedmont District Teachers As sociation from 1°45 to 1947. receiv es. a plaque which read: ‘Tor out standing services rendered to the teachers of North Carolina, this plaque is presented to Dr Theodore R. Speigner. October 17. 1962" The association's citation commit tee. in considering him for the hon or. described as outstanding the a chieve.nents in rcsource-use educa tion which have resulted from his leadership in the movement and which have contributed to the im provement of the quality of educa tion in seventy-five North Carolina counties. Dr. Speigner joined the North Ca rolina College faculty In 1947. Since 1948 he has headed the resource use education program, which seeks to make public school teacher* a ware of a large resevoir of materi als which ran be found locally and used effectively in the enrichment of instruction and improvement of living. Grain harvested for seed should be dried to 12 percent moisture or lev for a year's storage, or to 14 percent or less for short term stor age. KING ( OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison RcL Fayetteville, N. G 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining Baths Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Between Fayetteville State Teacher s College and Fort Bragg REASONABLE RATES! Ypu Can Always DUNN’S W If UnD find ttut when yon 9| Into Dunn* Ease Service yon re mKr \ eetre the asms chnslderattos whether yon Juat fill ap ronr re die tor or here your not rreasea We Hke to feel that wr*rt helplnt ram yet more enjoyment oat al ronr ear. Why not (Ire no i trtelf Our Service Always Has A Smile! DUNN’S ESSO SERVICE MS S. BLOODWORTB ST. PHONE: TE t-NN n*TnTTiM »y>r r7TTT»»Tnm— iT»miFMnjm [iiryj ifTyfl ib Now. you can get a complete 3-piece modem bedroom auite ■ IN YOUR CHOICE OF FINISH ... at big savings! Choose \ from light and lovely beige mahogany or rich, deeper toned L/ walnut in the design that made modem furniture popular' This ia the same style ... the same usefulness, usually found only on higher priced furniture! There's storage space ga lore! Handsome, dresser has storage areas big enough to double as a chest! Slim-line bookcase bed has roomy expos- ad book shelves and behind-door storage areas for your tjP |f|f radio and dock! And. included at this low price is a large yet plats glam mirror that tilts to the position you want! WW Taka your pick at the finish you want... use one of Rhodes’ S convenient payment plans to budget your choice! Prise Mataai CORNER OF WILMINGTON h MARTIN STS US? “ w|tk —^ Open Friday Nite Till 9 P. M. may dan Larkins Named Veep To Council On Family Life Dr. John R. Larkins, Consultant, North Carolina State Board of fhib lic Welfare, has been elected First Vice-President of the North Caro lina Council on Family Life, at the annual meeting held at the Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. October 21- 23. The Council is an interracial Statewide organization, attempting to bring together family-minded organizations and individuals to ex change ideas and concerns. It pro vides an opportunity for consulta tion and cooperation to all organi zations and individuals working with families and a means for de veloping State-wWi plans and ac tion on the goals, needs and prob lems of the family. The membership of the Council is composed of State, and local health, religious, civic, fraternal, and welfare organizations and in dividuals interested in family life. The present officers are: Presi dent, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Middleton; First Vice-President, Dr. John R. Larkins. Raleigh; Second Vice Pre sident, Miss Grace Daniel, Salisbu ry; secretary, Mrs. Kate Garner; and treasurer, Mrs. Helen Ashby, Greensboro. Dr. Larkins is the only Negro officer of the Council Yes, We All Talk PLATING SPEECH GAMES QUESTION: In working with children who have speech defects, does one usually play games to keep children interested in tha sesaion? Mrs. P. L. ANSWER: Yes. the speech cor rections employs the use of ma ny games to keep the young int erested; but he also let's them know that there is ‘‘speech work” to be dona as well. If the speech therapist is interest ed. happy, and enthusiastic, the children can be persuaded to do anything. Their enthusiasm can easily be worked up. The therapist must watch their moods when they first come in and fit her activities to that. The therapist must watch the children’s level of fatigue as well as their ahifi of attention. Children aeldom need to know the reason for an activity; they generally need to share it. We, of course, are speaking of young children. Prescriptions FILLED R. E. WIMBERLEY, Ph. C CENTRAL DRUG STORE BABY SUPPLIES COSMETICS 501 E. Davie St Raleigh, N. G Phone TE 2-8084 TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING §on New Tire Cost • 8-Hour Service • Same Quality Rubber as Used in New Tine /krjntTN RECAPPING Vif/HUi rmstttm J Terms To Suit You! 14 and If INCH TIKES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. 4*B a McDowell st. phone te 2 -wi READERS: Ibr my public V«ak ing pamphlet, send a aatf addraaaad stamped long bustbaas envelop* ts Dr. M. H. Boulwam Florida AMI University, Box StO-A, TaUahanee, Florida. ~ - My iiigkliri