THE CJUOUMUUI RALEIGH, N. C~ SATURDAY. NOVEMBER S. IMS 8 REPUBLIC OF MALI VILLAGE TEAM VISITS lll—The Honorable Mourn* Doueoore, (third from rfti and Tbo Mlnivter Amadou Kelt*, (second from lefti official* from Mali, toured the Hampton Insti r‘r Division of Tcchnolo«.v and the campus during their stay at the Institute. Shown also are Hampton nstitute graduate Hermon Davis. Consultant for the C. S. Agency for International Development, (left) Or. William H Martin, dean of faculty (third from right). Peter C. Lortens. Consulate Representative 'or C. S. Division of Technical Services isecond from right), and William Moses, head of the Architect* iral Department. Statewide Resource-Use Confab Set For Nov. 15 DURHAM The North C.irolini i tlie North Carolina Resource-Use College campus will be the site of I Education- Conference which he rb" fifteenth annual meeting of | tun*. Thursday. Nov 15, at 9 a m. I I la '• N?>xy/2r/?BTQ R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. 108 E MARTIN ST. Your Capital City Tel TE 2-4471 urns CLUB ■ BOURBON r CLUB # 1 I *ov I I I L ■'•IMIb BEUiOWS Kentucky Straight P CLUB Bourbon (bourbon)) sq 9s 0 FIFTH II SDUIGm BOHOMM VIIIMSY j|l X-tJy if Y Vi%| tBLLOWS ft COMVAMT W V V A*Jfc*o**» \u* Avri *JO •if PROOF • BELLOWS A COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY* n B N Duke suditonum. In making the announcement re cently. Dr Theodore R Spelgner, director of the Division of Ra sottrce-Use Education at NCC snd state chairman North Caro lina Rcaource-Us* Education Con ferenre. indicated that the general theme of the one-day conference Is "New Frontier* In Resource-Use Education for Our Time*" 'Diis will he the feature attraction for supervisors. principal*. teachers, students and parents from through out the state Principal speaker for the first general se*sion. which begins at 0 a m . will he Mrs. Marie C. Mof fitt. assitant state supervisor of home economics education. State Denartment of Public Instruction. The morning session will also Include a symposium conducted bv seniors from participating achools on "A Need for Conservation of Natural Resource* In the Space Age" Othr »pcakcrs will be Dr Jo seph F Fisher president of Re sources for the Future, Ine . Wash ington. D C ; Dr C Bruce Lee. human factors analyst. U. S Army Tank-Automotive Command. De troit. Mich snd Dr Sherwood Gi then.v. .Jr . deputy chief scientist. Army Rresearch Offee. Dirham, and a professor of science educa tion al Dike University. Other activities included in the annual meeting are a one-day con ference for elementary and high school principals and stipervi- ->rs, which will emphasize new techni que* In adminlatrs*ine; the Prlncl pals-Supervlsors Institute, which will he a major feature of the con ference. bringing to the group