CLINTON NEWS nan jtohnson : CLINTON —Mias Wixie Sampson Will be host to the Friendly Garden Club on Friday night, Dec. 6. This meeting will be the annual Christ mas Dinner meeting. Mrs. Rena Hawkins of Syracuse, N. T. is the house guest of her sist er, Mrs. Mary Rich. Mrs. Aasie Lee Faison of Newark, N. J. was called here to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Rachel Ray who is confined to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Butler accompanied by Mrs. Annie Tatum and daughters, Deborah and Muriel motored to Washington, D. C. re cently to attend the wedding of Miss Barbara Ann Burt and Allen Legget Sgt Clayton Smith and family left, last week for Denver, Colo, where he trill be stationed at a nearby camp. Memorial services were held last Sunday at First Baptist Church for President John F. Kennedy. The BJUttEI SHOPS ~~ WINSLOW HAEM« SHOP. 108 Winslow Street. MCLEOD’S BARBER BHCP. 228 Franklin Street, HE *-9308 WILSON’S BARBER SHOP. 125 Hillsboro Street. ; BEAUTY SHOPS BELVA’S BEAUTY BOX. Mur chi son 84-. HE 2 9478. PBUG STORES . SERVICE DRUG STORE. 112 GO leapie. HE 2-2652 VLLIAM’S DRUG STORE. 502 Hillsboro. HE 2-2751 RESTAURANTS PHILLIP'S SANDWICH SHOP 24 Murchison Rd. SERVICE STATIONS John a cal’s texaco serv ICENTER. 839 Roberson Street. BE 2-9173. VIRGIL’S STUDIO HE 2-8790 200 lASPEB STREET SAM’S CLOTHING STORE SHOP SAM’S AND BAVTS! 131 and 218 Person Btreet A NEW HOME... Just in time For Christmas... IN BEAUTIFUL Biltmore Hills I3T SUBDIVISION ■ • NEW SECTION • NEW HOMES • NEW SHOPPING CENTER • NEW SCHOOL 2124 GILLIAM LANE SIO9OO PAYMENT 1.? OT t v Vs. W T *THHM * jjl pppP^j *|j||||P .Tr” jg ' •/I'i 'jj Bl Jfl jj™j|j'- FIFTEEN NEWSOMES Completely Furnished by Raleigh Furniture Co. K, OPEN SAT. AND SUN. P ” NOV. 30th and Dec. Ist 2:00 TO 5:30 P. M. 20 -25 and 30 Year Mort*a*e. services began at 11 a. m. with the senior choir in charge of th«f music. Pastor White gave the cell to war whip and the morning prayer was offered by Rev. J. A. Moore. Pastor White used as a subject “Why." It was a very sad and touching serv ice. Rev. and Mrs. James A. Moore left this week for Newark. N. J, where they will spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Flora A. Bell Mr. Herman Butler is confined to Sampson Memorial Hospital. The last reports were that he was on the mend. Our lives are full of countless blessings- When we stop to remem ber them, we realize how full we ar of th riches of God. How import ant It is to pause for gratitude. How important it is to have a Thankful Heart November is a month when we are often reminded to give thanks to the One who sustains us daily with the full blessings of life. No more fitting reminder of the Thanksgiving Season can be select ed than verses from Psalm 145: “Every day I will bless thee, and praise they name for ever and ev er. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is un searchable.” The real spirit of the first Thanksgiving was that of being thankful to a good God for “things they did possess," even though these goods could npt be measured in worldly value. It was the spirit which acknowledges God as the source of "all good and perfect gifts.” It was the spirit at gratitude in ti»e face of adversity- The qualities of a thankful heart are; Love, Happiness, Friendship, Cooperation, Appreciation and Faith.” ZEBITLON ZEBULON Sunday School op er.ed at 10 o'clock with the supt., in charge of the devotion and the moning lesson. Subject of the les son was, “When Christ Controls.” Rev. Odell Wright reviewed the lesson. Men’s Day was observed at 2:30 p. m. Rev. L. E. Young, pastor of Beaver. Chapel Church delivered the sermon which was taken from Genesis Ist chapter. His text was, "Man In God’s Image.” The Men’s Chorus rendered music with Mr. Gary Perry as pianist. We had as our visitor, Rev. Sister Ellen Yar brough of Raleigh. Rally began Monday night and we are asking each captain to please be there on their night. Rev. L. E. Young and family had dinner with Rev. Odell Wright METHOD BY BOSS DORA D. STROUD Oak City Baptist Chare* METHOD A wonderful service was enioyed at Oak City Baptist Church, Sunday, Nov. Mth at 11 o clock. The new pastor. Rev. Leotha Debnam delivered a grand sermon. His subject was, ‘God Works Through Those Who Are Willing To Let Him Use Their Service." He was eloquent and sincere. A real soul stirring sermon on what we need to do In giving true service to the cause of Christ It was truly a feats for the soul. The groups made their quarterly reports and very fine reports they were. A nice amount was realised. We are so happy to have Rev. Debnam for our pastor. We were also pleased to have his wife and children present May God bless them and help us to work in a true Christian way with our new pastor. Christian Tabernacle Worship with Rev. Harris and congregation Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. With three first class pastors in Method we should come to the front Prayer Service Prayer service Monday nights at different homes at the Oak City Baptist Church each Wednesday night at 7:30. The public is invited to attend. AT CONFERENCE Rev. J. N. Sheares, Rev. Sister Mary Frazier, and other members attended the Western North Caro lina Conference of the AME at St Joseph Church in Durham, the past week and on Sunday Rev. Sheares and Sister Frazier have been in at tendance at the conference since Wednesday. Wa earnestly desire pur pastor back for ttie coming yeah SICK: All are about the same aa they were last week. THANKSGIVING *n»e Ladles Willing Workers Community will meet at the home of the president Wednesday night of this week to prepare fruit for the sick and aged. Thanksgiving morning services will? be held at St James AME Chmeft Rev. Sheares will bring the message. All are urged to attend the one hour service. TO WEST VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hogans left for W. V* Friday to attend the last rites for Mrs. Annie Hogans, who passed there. She was Mr. Ho gans’ sister. The friends here ex tend to the family their deepest sympathy. OUR DEPARTED PRESIDENT Our hearts are heavy with grief over the assination of our beloved President John F. Kennedy, one of he most kindly loving and business like men of anytim* May his soul rest in peace and wa pray that the new president will carry on the good work of the 35th man who was President of the United States of America. We pledge our support to the new President Lyndon B. John son if he pursues Kenendy’s pro gram for every man's right We appreciate the courage and bravo of his wife tor bearing up so at a time like this. LADIES CLUB Mrs. Laura Manuel and Mrs. Lu cy Scarborough will entertain the next meeting of the Ladles Club the second Thursday in December. On the JOth or Slat at December, Mrs. Betty M. Fadden will enter tain the Christmas Club at her home. All members are asked to be present Names for the Christ mas party will be taken at this time. > REMEBgBER "Behind each cloud the sun is shining. For some days will bring the golden sun. some days the rain v ill fall, but will be on every one for God doth send them all.” *> ■ Rhamkatte News RHAMKATTE Sunday School opened at 10 a. m. with Mr. Chester Debnam, supt, president Rev. Man gum was tiie 11:30 speaker and Sis ter Glenn prayed tor the sick ev erywhere. Our community joined in silent prayer for our beloved late President John F. Kennedy. The Terells have our sympathy in re membrance of thefr mother, Mrs. Eliza Terrell who was buried on Nov. 22nd at the Thomas cemetery in Rhamkatte. The Watts Chapel had a success ful day Sunday for their building fund. I have been out of circulation but I am back and appreciate hearing from anyone in the community who has news to Ssntribute. You may contact me Mtaiday after six at TE 48511. \ Mr. George Hand of Wilmington was our visitor for Sunday. Let us all pray tor a better understanding. CHOIRS TO COLLABORATE IN CANTATA GREENSBORO Members of the Bennett College Choir and of of Atlanta, Oa.. will ooiaborate in the Morehouse College Glee Club, performing the cantata, “To Saint Cecelia,” by Norman eDUo Joio Friday, November 29 at 10 a.m. in Pfeiffer Chapel. The text is adapted by the com poser from the poem. “A Song for Saint Cecelia’s Day” by John Dry den. Accompanist will be provided by the 10-piece brass choir of A&- T College, directed by Jimmie Wil liams, assistant director of bands Mrs. Sarah M. Smith, Patrol Lady, Succumbs Mrs. Sarah M. Smith, 55. an 18- year employee of the City of Ra- SARAH R SMITH | DEATHS || MR. WILLIE PREVARD Funeral sendee for Ur. WlUle Prevent, who died Wednesday of last week at his home, 915 S. Hay wood Street, were - held at the Man- "SHIS ly Street Chris- | tian Church Sun- MR W day at 1 o'clock with the pastor, Jvk the Rev. T. C. Wm§§ Ramans, of firm ting. Wmmm MU Burial followed in Mount Hope ■ Cemetery. He ■Sprl* JiplS waa a native Columbia, S. C. PREVARD Surving are his wife, Mrs. Viola Prevard of the home; one slstar. Mrs. Ida Redmon, Atlantic N. J. and several nelces and nephews. mm ELIZA TERRELL Mrs. Eliza Terrell, formerly of the Rhamkatte section, died tat Baltimore Saturday of last week. Funeral servloee were conducted from St. John's AME Church Fri day at 2:30 pm The Rev. K B. Worthy, pastor, officiated and bu rial followed In the Thomas ceme tery. She Is survived by two sens, Charles and oßman Terrell, both of Baltimore ;one daughter, Miss Clairs Terrell otf Raleigh: one letgh's Police and Recreation De partment died Tuesday morning In North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. Funeral services will be conduct ed Friday at 3 p. m. at St Paul's AME Church of Raleigh, by the Rev. Dr. L. S. Peon, pastor. Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery. Surviving are one son. Mr. O. S. Smith, Jr, at Washington, D. C; a daughter-in-law, Mr*. G. R Smith, alio of Washington and one grand child. There are also many nieces and nephews of seven previously deceased sistos and brothers. A special memorial service waa held In memory of Mr*. Smith at toe Croaby-GarfMd Elementary School Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. She had served as patrol lady tor this school and the J. W. Llgon Junior-Senior High School, and was located each morning and afternoon at toe corner of S. East and R Lenoir Street* siator, rMa. Evelyn Sample, Atlan ta, OR: nine grandohUdreo nine great-grandchildren. Seek Bids For Method Post Office The Past Office Department Is seeking competitive bids for an Im proved building to house Its postal °P«r»tioni at Method. Postmaster General John A. Gronouski an nounced. 9witedim b Alli^ tfw.xrffr: l tffgrfurHHmiirfffrfHrrwwHWimrwwtwr.NWfiwiHH>iH«wwM»Hi " To Be Our Guests During ; OPEN HOUSE NEW Biltmore Hills Subdivision i 2120 GILLIAM LANE Visit this and other All-Gas Appliance & Heated Homes • A represenative will be present to explain Modern GAS and its many advantages. SAT. & SUN., NOV. 30 & Dec. 1 From 2:00 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. A NfiXun/il Gm —‘ rJiTgssiEEQSSEa Lm^hBObCBhBM rm CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, W. C, SATURDAY, NOVEI**I» B, 1982 Under the DapartmenTß Cen ttreetton program, a can tract win ha awarded to toe bidder whe designates a building writ able to the Department** needs and agrees to improve M (ar provide a new building) ae cerding to departmental (paci fications and then rent it tc the Department tor a baste parted es five year*, with throe rive year renewal optiena The Department’* capital invest ment will be limited substantially ta postal equipment The building will remain under private owner ship. with the owner paying local real estate taxes. AL SMITH BUICK COMPANY GREAT SELECTION Os Reconditioned Trade-In* 1955 BITICKS 195 ft BUCKS 1957 -1963 BITICKS ALSO MANY OTHER MAKES COME TO SEE US TODAY! K. T. BURCHETT*. Mr- T. I. Button Tommy Sutton Q. A. Van Kook BUICK - JAGUAR SALES-SERVICE CAL Smith, {Black 431 Fayetteville Raleigh 828-3203 ro. 1 Th* Rea! Estate Officer Will sup ply bidding forma, specification* rent provisions and other informa tion. Bids must bo submitted to the Real Estate Officer by Deeambtr 22. MU Mrs. HerveMgh M. White to Postmaster at Method. CHANCELLOR TO BENNETT GREENSBORO Dr. John T. Caldwell, chancellor, N. C. State es too University of North Carolina at Raleigh, will apeak at the 4 p. m. 13