THE CABOUNUUf RALEIGH, S. C„ SATURDAY, JANUARY It. IM4 10 The Raleigh SCENE BY MRS. MAY u BROADIB Eternal Father, forgive ua our railure to appreciate the the worth of Thee of that which wo hare. Help ua thii day to 4# for Christ aa much aa our meana allow. Giro ua deeper understanding to hack our faith with worka worthy of Jhy praise. Mar w« from humble hearts give Thee thanlu this day we pray In Jesus' name. WILSON TEMPLE METHOD IST—Church school began at 9:30 am. with the superintendent, Mia* Nanie Morgan, in charge. Morning worship services began at 11 o'clock with the Junior choir in charge of tho music, under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Kelley, or- Morgan. Morning lesson and ganist and pianist. Mias Teraldlne prayer b7 the pastor. Rev. O. W. Burwtck. We heard a wonderful sermon delivered by our pastor. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church school began at 9:30 a.m with the superintendent, Mr. Walter Curtis. In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of the mu sic, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Hayes, organist, Mrs. Lu clle Campbell. Morning l'weon and prayer were led by the pastor. Rev. J. P. Dempsey. Be also brought to ua a very rood ser mon using as his subject "When Life Tumbles." It was very In spiring. BT. MATTHEWS AME—Church school began at 9:80 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. Robert Le- Sane. Jr., In charge. Morning wor nhip began at 11 o'clock with the Junior eholr in Charge ot the mu sic. under the direction of Mr. D. R. Leach, organist. Mrs. An nette Peterson. Morning lesson was given hv the *"•* "—- a v«iy w>uolB Cotton Street ware at follows: Mrs. Josephine Robinson, Mrs- Mary C. McKay. Mrs. May L. Broa dla. Mrs. Carrie McDonald, Mrs. Ruth L. Williams, Mrs. Mary L. Mitchell, Mrs. Rosa L. Jones. Mr. Prank J. Hinton. Sr, Mrs. Roberts 0 Ward, Mias Joyce Hinton, Mrs. Ralph Burt Mrs. Margaret Hinton. Mrs. Mamie BurrwlL Min Morelle Jones, Mr. Will Lyon. Mr. Early Regers, Mrs. Rosabella Hinton. Mrs. Elisabeth Crump, Mrs. C. J. Pitta, Mrs. Lydia Walker, Mn Ma rie Peterson. Mrs- S. M. Walker, and Mrs. Lina Dunston. MONUMENTS Store IMS—Marble Granite Our reels s»ri U taste turteS^ Come to Shoe Vtru lot -wire 'FMagjFgsß Sion Sc* o*n iHBBi&j 8 XW Ur orm. glSl IE You doe t > •rwu «wr» WARNER MEMORIALS j My Lady's Doings * ♦ + In And Out Os Town Mr. Smithey become# the third Negro member of the So ciety. Dr. Marion E. Musgrave, head of the English Depart ment at Alcorn College. Leg man, Miss., and an authority on John Donne, and Dr. David W. BOBEBT A. RMJTHCT D. Nixon, protestor of EnfUA. Memo ry Teat for 10 NtoA c«Kin trifo -on A* mm hi Ik* own Mow. New, eat the mwi«o*« e«i0o sad wt Hm mom over o lew Homo 10 ***ii*t. It won't ho loot Mere Wt WILL know H yoo kooo pomt the tool. Qft Hearing AWs IHldjcaiijfii 1 OPTICIANS, lot. I * *** vsas •*•••* Semi-Abstract Paintings On Exhibit At FSC FAYETTEVILLE A »erol-ab stract exhibition by Larry Blizzard is being shown In the Chastnutt Library at Fayetteville State Col lege There are 14 paintings in the collection, which made up a par tial fulfillment for his Mister of Arts degret In Fiat Art ct East Carolina College. Blizzard’s idee that "painting la a creation, some aspect* of which refer to rest life" it eleariy reveal ed in his figurative paintings. These works challenge the Imagination of the viewer. The exhibit is opened to the pub lic and will extend through Jan uary 24, between the hours of 9 son. to 9 pjn. Plan Meets On Money In Wake County The extension staff of Wake County will be conducting meet ings throughout the county this month on Family Financial Plan ning. The meeting is designed to assist families on how to get the most out of the family dollar. Meetings for the weeks of Janu ary 13th and 20th are as follows: Wednesday. Jan. 15, 8:00 p.m.—Jef freys Grove School; Thursday, Jan. 16, 2:30 p.m.—Dubois School, Wake Forest; Thursday, Jan. 16, 8:00 p.m. —Cary School. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2:00 pm.—Holly Springs School: Tuesday, Jan. 21, fi:00 p.m.—Lockhart School; Wed nesday, Jan. 22, 8:00 p.m.—Carver School, Wendell: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2:00 p.m.—Garner School; Thurs day, Jan. 23. 8:00 p.m. Apex School. tVs svUnslnn oinff I are- W C Davenport, agent; M. W. Askew, assistant ag ricultural agent; Mrs. N. P. Wim berley, home economics agent; Mrs. M. B. Graham, associate home eco nomics agent DEATHS MRS. CARRIE BELLE MOOSE Graveside services for Mrs. Car rie Belle Moore were held at Moun: Hope cemetery Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with the Rev. James | A. Avery officiating. Mrs. Moore, who died Monday - of last week in Wake Memorial Hospital, has no immediate rela tives. Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan, a Milton scholar, are the other two Ne gro members. Smithcy holds the B.A. degree from DcPauw University and the M.A. degree frm the University of Wisconsin. In addition, he has done extensive graduate work at the Graduate School of Arts and Sci ences at Harvard and Cornell uni- Vcrsilles. Mr. Smlthey was the first Negro to be approved by the English De partment of the University of Mary land as an English instructor in the University of Maryland's over seas program, and for two years served as the only Negro on Its Far East faculty. Smithey has also serv ed as chairman of the freshman di i vision and head of the Communica tions Department of Talladega Col lege. In Alabama. Everything For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LI MBEB • MILL W ORE • 4THEVH PAINTS • «l ILDtINO MATERIALS • BUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA GUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N Dawson St RALEIGH. N C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ua for Reasonable Estimates Prompt it Service Rhone TE 4-5558 -The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Slf B. Martin Street R«)a«h. 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