CARDEN TIME arm oumn a. c sot* I aa writing this one ths m of Sm Now Tour, IMi. I don’t make naolnttaoi but I plan to bo kind to ay nalghhoit and hope that you will, tea If enough of u* do Site, too Now Yoor will bo happy, bright and pwaporoua. Thla la too least wo can do, but we are ao prone to overlook too everyday little things No cm la over too young or too old to appreciate a pat on toe back. “Whan I waa a boy I could go to too woods and pick up all toe eheat nuta I wanted. Wo boiled them, roasted them, ate them raw and need toast in "stuffing” tor tur keys and chickens Is there any •banco that we will over gat the opportunity to do this again? This query makes me real homo •total could do toe same thing. However, the dimnf for a come back of the native cheetnut look indeed aUm. Wo still have toe ghostly, mute reminders in our woodlands but so tar no native chestnuts resistant to the blight, which destroyed them, have been developed. Soma sprouts from dis eased trees that have survived long FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO ANYSMALL APPLIANCE rtii. TE 2-3950 OB VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. “The House That Service Built” IM R MARTIN ST. (smith! 1 COAL SOIL CO. I I_ £-Oi& of Merit" \ 834-1318 • FUEL OIL • INDIAN MAID STOKER • KEROSENE COAL « HADEEB POCAHONTAS • OLGA STOKER COAL STOVE m Buuamrra • NLT FOR FURNACES • M b 9 BLACK ACE EGG • FURNACE SERVICE For Stoves and Grates FILL UP YOUR COAL BIN OR TANK NOW! DIAL 834-1318 WILL YOU OWN YOUR HOME IN ’64? As little as $350 down and payments as low as $75 per month, can give you ownership of a well built, comfortable home split level, 2 story, or ranch. Open houses every Sun day in beautiful... Biltmore ★ Hills Estates Building Co., Inc. 4TM YADKIN ST. JOHN WINTERS CO RALEIGH. N. C. MIL MARTIN ST. non 757-12J1 non va «-*7m enough to bear few nuts, seem to be doomed to follow the path of their ancestors. We do have toe Asiatic species. Os these toe Chinese types seem to bo superior to other Asiatic chest nuts. Tour nurseryman can sup ply your needs if you want to try them. Tor the lower Piedmont and east ern Carolina readers, I want to re mind you about the importance of fertilising your pecan trees. We had a good crop last year but many were small. Then, too, an annual application of fertilizer will pro mote annual bearing of the trees. Neglected trees have a tendency to bear every other year because they cannot store enough food in the "on’ year to produce the "off* year unless you feed them. Have your soil tested and. if neeeasary, add enough dolomitic limestone to raise the pH to 64. In late February or early March, fer tlixe the treea with an 8-8-8 mix ture. Use about three pounds per inch of tree diameter measured about one toot above the ground level If your trees can be culti vated, toe fertiliser should be walked In the soil. If trees are growing in your yard, the fertilizer should be placed deep. Use a crow bar, or the axle of a car, to make the holes. Stagger the boles around the tree Just under the drip of the branches. Divide toe amount at fertilizer needed for toe tree and place in the holes, uni formly, around the tree. A&T Graduate Featured On Air Force Card GREENSBORO—A recent gra duate of A&T College is featured on e poster entitled, "Aeroepece Leaders From ROTC Cadets,” pro duced by the U. S. Air Force end aimed at promoting its ROTC Pro gram. First Lieutenant Curtis E. Dixon, Winston-Salem, a 1961 honor gra duate in mathematics, is one of two officers trained under the col lege end university ROTC Program who are featured in the promo tional piece. The second is First Lieutenant James E.. Northup, 1958 graduate of the University of Miami, Miami, Florida. DRIVE SAFELY! “WHO'S WHO ” SELECTEES AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE The above students are among the students at Saint. Augustine's College who have been accepted in “Who's Who A mong Students In American Universitiaa and Collegesaccording to /. E. Spraggins. registrar. Seated, left to right, are: Claybum Hatcher. Miss Amelia King. Mrs. Margaret Haywood, and William Birchette. Standing, left to right, are: Bobby Horne, Miss Juliet Williams, Mrs Doretha Blalock, Enoch Henderson. Miss Ella Baker, Miss Barbara Fisher, and Frederick Douglas. Mem bership in this society is based upon outstanding character, leadership, and scholarship. Each stu dent also has above a 2.00 average. By SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: My fellow stu dents in high school school are al ways pointing the finger of scorn at me, calling ma "Egg head.” or “Genius,” or “The Big Brain"—sim ply because I get along easily in my studies and am an honor stu dent. I try not to let this bother me, but it does. Do you think I should relax a little in my school work, so that I can increase my popularity with these other kids, or what, J. G. H. DEAR J. G. H.: And why should SECRETARY CITED—Mrs. Dorothy G. Jones, secretary to the U. S. Army ROTC Detachment at A&T College, was last week cited with the Department ot the Army Outstanding Em ployee Rating Certificate for outstanding performance at the poet during the past year. It was the seventh such award Mrs. Jones has received since her employment 11 years ago Lt. Col. William Goode, professor of military science and in charge of De tachment, mokes the presentation. But Comet The Language, If You An To Be As Prou J Later. DEAR SALLY you crave popularity with these jealous kids, just because you hap pen to be smarter than they are, or a bit more studious? These kids are even more “bothered” than you are, because they feel inferior to you, end they’re attempting to take some of the sting out of this by pok ing fun at your brains or study habits. Remember, it’s the egg heeds who later have the laughs en the lunkheads—all the way to the bank! DEAR SALLY: A very fine end lovely girl my husband and I have known for a long time has now married one of the moat impossible, loud-mouthed, overbearing, egotis tical men we’ve ever met We’ve had them In our home tor dinner three times, and each time it's been a terrific ordeal. He dominates the Conversation, considers himself the final authority on every subject that comes up, and all In all suc ceeds in making 1 'mself almost in sufferable as a guest We would like to write him off so far as any future social invitation are con cerned—except for the fact that we love his wife and hate the idea of ending our friendship with her. What do you advise?—G. L. DEAR G. Li So tar as any joint invitations are concerned, if you 'ove HER well enough, then some how you will put up with HIM. Otherwise, you’ll Just have to lim it your social relationship to after noon teas or bridge parties, when he’s St work and nnlv «h» tend; uluu.\ oallu wnai do you do about a boy who calls you up tor a date, and you don’t want to go out with him? I never know what to say. So I usually come up with some lame sort of excuse, such as. "My parents want me to go some place with them on that night” My father suggests that 1 just come out with it and tell him pointblank that I don’t want to go out with him.. But that seem* unkind to me. Can you advise me? GINNY. DEAR GINNY: I agree with you. It WOULD be too unkind to tell a boy bluntly that you don’t want to go out with him. It js much nicer to give an excuse, such as, "I'm sorry, but I’ll be busy on that evening. After you’ve “excused yourself* In such away two or three times, the boy will usually catch on and give up . . . and at the same time you’ve helped him to preserve his pride and you've behaved like a lady. DEAR SALLY: My fiance and 1 are to be married soon, and we have a great big problem facing us. His father ha* been married twice, and his first wife (ray fi ance's mother) Is a very difficult alcoholic. She and hi* father ere very unfriendly and whenever they happen to run into each other, there are usually fireworks. We know she wIU insist on attending our wedding, but we are fearful that this might lead to an embar rassing situation. Could we prop erly ask her not to come ... or what? PERPLEXED. DEAR PERPLEXED: Do you have some good and trusted mem ber of the family, known for hit tact, whom you could ask t* visit this woman and explain the situa tion? Have him tell her that her son wants very much to have her at his wedding, but that he does not want the occasion spoiled in any way. Have him suggest that someone (who can be trusted) will call tor her end take her home Im mediately after the ceremony. Per haps such an appeal to her mother hood and pride in her son will help NSF Grant Os Over $24,000 Given Bennett GREENSBORO—A grant of $24, 785 from th# National Science Foundation make# It possible for Bennett College to bold it* sixth consecutive summer program In science and mathematics for high ability high school student*. Dr. J. Henry Ssyles, chairman of the college's science division, will again serve as director. There will be 85 students accommodated in the program to be eeon ducted from June 18 to July 24. They will be from the 11th and 12th grade levels. Instruction in depth will, be given in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics snd in addition to classroom sessions, seminars and laboratory sessions, there will be field trip* to places of scientific Interest. Costs of instruction are born* by the Foundation, but each student is expected to meet at least a por tion of bis or her expenses for room, board and travel. Applica tions should be made to Dr. Ray Iks at the college and in view of th# limited number of place* available, early application is advised. BUY FROM CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS THE VETERANS CORNER Ben are authoritative an swers by toe Veterans Admi nistration to qaeettana frees tanner eerrtcemen and their families: Q —When win toe 1861 GI insu rance dividend be paid? A—The VA will pay toe 1964 Soli te BUILDING BLOCKS Solite - Concrete Cinder Blocks When in need of blocks fbt building, call ua for immediate delivery. STANDARD CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. TE 2-2168 N. McDowell St Raleigh Y our F riendly A&P-Come Save No Limit On Purchases At ■ JANE PARKER TANGY I.F.MON or (fit) 1 BLACKBERRY Hiir pies ■ 39* ■■■ i. i . Bill ■ “SUPER-RIGHT* QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED—PURE POK& SAUSAGE PRICES EFF THRU JANUARY 18TH it j| 254 MARVEL ICE MILK Mi • HALF GALLON V ANN PAGE FOODS GUARANTEED ANN PAGE RICH TOMATO TO PLEASE YOU a* m- KETCHUP 2 35c tANN PAGE TOMATO ill gag SOUP 3 cans*49c 3 cans z ‘ Lgy MB ANN PAGE SMOOTH OR KRUNCHY ■ B peanut BUTTER H serve With J ar I'/a-Lb. M PRESERVES * 0 SULTANA BRAND THRIFTY ft ah Salad Dressing 3 tic PORK * BEANS - fOc THE RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, JANUARY IS, IB#* Q —How many young men and women are taking advantage of toe War Orphans Educational As sistance program administered by the VA? A—About $6466 are enrolled In colleges and seheela at the Q—Do we have a reciprocal agreement with some Allied na tions that veterans of their armed force* may be treated In a VA STORMi^NOWi^K Sstha’s 4HT If? “save rr*m “SAVI-IT- H bdior’, n.w formula Hr urn and K hum» .t •» « «■".> pr.vwu ike lou of hair by dottroying icalp bactoria beg* llpfv ,dandruff —a for brooking hoir, thin fpt- V:~' 1, fomplot, and olh.r thin l pot.—o product d.iignod to ro.toro natural oil., giving lustra, baauty and ttrongth, converting short, stubby, lifeless bait into tho real "Woman's Crowning Glory." , AT LEADING COSMETIC COUNTERS If your dealer does not hove "SAVE IT*', tend S1 00 for *-* 2 or. tire, $1.50 for 4 or. i»r. (ter end pottage in- . eluded to ..rue—.-- Esther’s Beauty Aids / 2 j hospital? A—Yea, bnt tasar gneafto thla care just as to* ..'IMMIB States most reimburse «!»«•• nations far care e« •JHE** veteran. GI Insurance dlvldenJ3C3»- glble pollcyholdtan T—|gj» January 2 and Jana^jfcjftd. DRIVE SAFELYt 9

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