Street Demonstrators Demand LBJ Send Marshals To Miss.; Leaders Are Arrested Church Chuckles by CARTWRIGHT . Il|y r " * mm \ Mmi i "Hmt I wWi I wrii ast Mm. m mwM Mr, his ssut mlmli gvsr Mb •effstsrsr { BS ' fef— ■■ - ■■■- b • -»* ' •toft* * * v ~>* goMmmßmv. - *fc jmßK&k< >9 si Mad About the Girl? Call Her Long Distance... Lowest Fare to Anywhere! If absence makes your heart grow fonder ... why not tell her so by Long Distance. No matter how far apart you are, your telephone can bring you to gether almost instantly. So go ahead. Have a date by Lopg Distance. It will make you both happy. [A] Southern 801 l a o ? YOU’LL HAVE UP TO THREE YEARS TO PAY ON EASY MONTHLY TERMS Financing that new car is no problem with our low cost, low premium auto loan rates! LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU ... . SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU . . - Come In Today And Discuss Your 9h Loan Needs With Us! FSSHRMICS & FARMERS RAAK f HA LEIGH • DURHAM - CHARLOTTE CHICAGO (ANP) The leader ot a new. militant civil rights group knave as ACT. and some AS at his followers wart untested hare last Weak after the* stated traffic. naritat Street demonstrations an the Southside to protect President Johnson's “failure” to dispatch marshals to Mississippi to protect civil right* Workers. The tea**-, haste—m ua baud brttetJte* <*** a raagh time wtth two school boyootte here racenUy, was twice taken into custody when he rallied his followers in the sive nights. Asms* others sweated wtth Lea- Ary wan Jhtot Otay, «L leader of a rawed nee strike as New York's Sarto*, and Oahtey tranche. to, et Cheater, Pa. tenter, tranche had eettwai vtnua» Oov. William to to toweeliihto pettw brutality ■eSTtoS* *** Jtoe tMh Waves at totoMfritw ewarraed anttod the station during one at toaat at thtea to custody Landry htmeett had at Brat refused bail. feonto *-* ~ - —-- - JkJs Mg mn towi WB IWCtBt Wt M® WWIW' Ha aaaauat had hash set far hue following htt Brat arrest, Wehaeh Panes ware hard put to aape with the demonstrations and ra enfenoments had ts ha brought to from other stations. The toehesh station is staffed pro dominantly by Negro policemen and • Commanded bye Negro. totOm lurncß. —sanwhti. to anotoor pro tost addon, u ssothira of the Ciagrata of Pedal KgaolHy stand trial Inter to Pm wash, after they staged an all-night HMD to the afftoe of the city building commission la demand totpoetton and intowetosNan prsgrato to rid halldtogi of raw end vanala. they were sharped with dtearderiy eandetl The ACT street demonstrators arrested ware charged with unlaw ful assembly. Morgan Will Offer Master’s In New Areas BALTIMORE, Md. Morgan State Collage lest week disclosed details of its hew graduate program that will began in September. Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, president, announced that the college will of fer master's degree curricula in Elementary Education, English, and History-Social Science. Courses In new mathematics for secondary tea chers. reading and other subjects will be available. As a special feature, the program will offer Courses to prepare teich ers work with the culturally dis advantaged Child. PATRONISE OUR ADVERTISER* ImFV t i jjjf dMwV9I fai " x ■> ft^ % >■ ▼ jiF’F'f > *BBF L f. • 4 I Bl g w A i jjSH—SB - If ■>"•• * # ' gfc. ' ■Jp* v - •J m Wk MM B B B ■ « CARY SCOUTS VISIT CAROLINIAN Shown above are Cary Cub Scouts. Pock 188, Umr don mother, and other adult leaders, who visited the offices el The CAROLINIAN last weak. Lett to right-, (front row)Mn. Viola Barnett, den mother; little Nit* Sharon Yvonne Bart; Jackson Parrot; Bveratt Petrall; Richard Barnett; Stanley Rewee and Gregory Bell. Second row, left to tight : /toggle Royster, Mn. Agnes Burt, Noroos Farrar, Mn. Josephine Ferrer, Roy Reaves, Tony Porter, Mrs. Annie Penal, Herbert Allen Brans, Jr., Mn. Jeanette Evans, and Bryunt Burt. Uttle Mies Shorten Yvonne Burt end Terry Farrar were guests of the Cub Scouts. if | r ">> -* ~• » H Aji' ftor» J i .rwfv F PRESIDENTS RECEPTION President Willie B Fleyer. extreme lelt. is shown gmting parents and relatives of graduates during reception held at the President's Home as a highlight of the commencement season at the Greensboro, institution. ’— i W --«*r* • -Jr TAKING RUMMER IN RflUDt Pretty Patricia Er in». i North CarnHnm College flgih— k wHalmorm ■mili despite the htmt and Intensi fied work she faces durine the Milage's earrant summer see* sion. A Junior home economies major frem Durham, she Is a graduate of the city's Merrick - Moore High School. NCCPair Will Study Next Year DURHAM Earl and Arthrell Sanders, member* of the faculty at North Carolina College, have been granted leaves of absence to study toward doctorate* in their reepee* tlve fields at Indiana University during the 1964-45 school year. Sanders, a member of the Music Deportment, earned B MI and M-- MJEd. degree* from Roosevelt Uni* veralty and will study muaicolocy on an Opportunity Fellowship •» warded by die John Hay Whitney Foundation. Mr*. Sanders, who teaches Eng lish. received the BA. degree frsan North Carolina College and the M A. degree from Indian* She Is recipient of a Dantorth Teacher Grant for the year Doth MM the rank of sasuunt i professors at NCC Malcolm X Is Chairman: Organization Os Afro-American Unity Formed In New York City NEW YORK CITY On Sunday.. June 28. the Organization of Afro- I American Unity, organized and j structured by a crosa section of Afro-American people living in th* United State*, was formally an nounced to the public by it* chair man, Malcolm X, at a large rally at die Audubon Ballroom in New York City. Tho purpose of (be Organi sation of Afro-American Unity Is to unite Afro-Amerlsan* and their organizations around a non-sectarian constructive ac tion program for Human Rlgbta. This struggle for Human Rlghla links ear struggle with the pea pie of eolor throughout Ute world. Th* Organisation Os Afro-American Unity plans to aataMtah contact with these people and to Insist that Afro- Amartcaua be represented at all International conference* deal- if iten m <4fm MKI, .VIS i ■, mi *Jg I I ' LIjID FASHION PARADE Them wttwwre. in Steto tin alt of the dram rente ot the annual 4*#f Club Week obeervence /»/ Mrs. Myras Let smith, to. didn't tot her sex down when It cCttee to hcvtog the last word, and she tonphsaUcd ft hy using boiling water and hot grease. Acierdtef to pcnea, her hus haad, OWtoa. tt, had sssased her et bstog with saother asem During thi argument, he Is top* paced to have triad to strangts her to aa attempt to M her up. Whaa the argumeat ftael ly eaded. he wua« to bed. WhOe be was aataap, Mrs. Smith betted seen water sad heated soaee git see. aad Ceased MW husband wtth both HgaMs. Smith lamped ap eereaming aad ran eat as the hmssairatgh to Ceaaty Oeaersl Naapttel aad ★ We Appreciate Your Patronage ★ VISIT OVR STORM RMOULARLV , A Complete One of Meata | SECURITY MEAT MARKET 1M & MARTIN ST. PHONE TE HIM FOR A GOOD BUY IN HOMES CALL JOHN W. WINTERS & CO. 700 COLEMAN fT&EET - H0.M0.00 M 27 «> 3629 DAVIE STREET 14.5000© (Two new homes FHA to VA Financing Full Basements) 1020 CROSSLINK ROAD—EH teres 16,500.0© 1130 CROSSLINK ROAD—FuII bssement 18,000.06 One I-rat Pinehurst Street (off Old Stags Rodd Y... 3 000.00 Sire 100 x 100 4.2 AVENUE-ofl Avent Ferry Rd. WOO.OO Looking for a good deal? We have a good invest ment, 5.6 acres of lend near the railroad track (Industrial Site) Maywood Avenue to Rham katte Rd 23,500.00 CALL TODAY Henry Brawa et Ranald Carter VA 8-5786 V LET US HANDLE YOUR RENTAL ACCOUNTS! 507 E. Martin Street half-past summertime sale! ladies’ reduced summer dresses! 4 00 <» 30“ MUM*. Junior* *nd hklf ti***! STYLE SHOE SECOND FLOOR ladies’ summer hats reduced! 1** «» 15“ MILLINERY SECOND FLOOR sale! men’s summer pants Reg. I ll to 11.11 s*"-12“ Dacron polyeater and wool . . . cotton ... or rayon blend* in black, nary, olive, brown, grey, ton. blue, clay! 29 to 48 short*, regulars, longs. MEN’S STORE STREET FLOOR Ladies* Summer SHOES 2 f>o -i2 aa De Angelo, Joyce. Foot ttatr. Town dr Country. Natural Bridge. Valley. Sweetbrter. Hush Puppies. California Cobbler*. KedMtto. “R" Casual* I SHOES STREET FLOOR shop Friday night ’til 9! Hudson -Belk later to West AlUt MltolHil Mrs. Smith surrandarsd to Pblies : aad was chanted with tojury bp conduct regsrdtoto et USB. She whe rclesssd eti gSCO bad. petoHSd trtol In circuit court. MACS CORPS ©Rif The average cast et esmdmg aw* keeping u Peace Cotpe volunteer •varscas for a year has heed IMTS, toe Catholic ORNto to- At least 5 mutton tea* ot wato orte duet falls «n the Übrih every year, the Catholic Digest Ifatoe. WATCH REPAIRMAN: Tiek Date Catholic Dtgast Jans. brivi SAWMfT"* J ladies' sports wear sale! Ret. I.M to 12. M 3°«_g«o meek*. shift*. too*. alttrtt . . . *ll in doton* of color* end styles! 81ze* 8 to 16 end 8 to 18. ■PORTBWKAR SECOND FLOOR SALE! MEN’S SHOES 7»».|6“ Nunn Rush, wirwtowt. 1 Archdale. Hush Htolß Dozens Os StylM end MUM . . . In * wide rang# of Mto*l MXtrs BROKE STRUT FLOOR 5