OOTMttNr; JAIL EX-CON Mail Shot In Head As Tensions Erupt Freedom Fighter Is Victim 2MBNWOOD, 10«. td«rittled as BQae MsOhsa, a reprusatallvs as Ike natter eunmtttoe. MeOhee wae abet dwteg afeWa to i«a*gre gate a keatoea mavte ttastea A physician at Greenwood hospi tal said X-rays showed a pellet at •anil bullet entered the left aidi of the head in front of toe ear, be low toe temple, and lodged behind the nose. The bullet came from a small calibre gun, A spokesman for SNOC said Mc- Ghee was shot qt he sat in an out* to front of e Greenwood case. Wit nesses said the bullet cams from i pemlng station wagon occupied bj two white men. Boh T-eHor at AM • SMCC field secretary, aftd Whit* volunteer Marie Winter. *U at Chi shhJi&sxjrM lisMHvhOaL r—nrtil fnrs toorso ai aoumweet mtmissbppa wora •opbcniom ILU *,tnd ttwhmen nIsMMS at tka John W. Idgtm Junior-Senior High School. The hat may he found on Page 11. The CAROLINIAN is coope rating with the administration and faculty of ligon in order to sxpedito the time it would normally take to register the more than 1900 students who wUI mttor the school In Bep tember. Next week, look for the the names of eighth and seventh graders, their home room teachers and room num bers. From Raleigh's Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES BEATEN ON WAT HOME FROM CHURCH Mn. EvendeU Ligon, es 520 E. Martin Street, told Officer Joseph Winter* at 10:45 p. ra. Sunday, that bar husband, Ligon, same aildr—, assaulted bar with hi* band* and fists in tbs 500 block es X. Martin Street as she was walk big bane from church. Tbs complainant agne to the po lice station and slgnM a warrant and Ligon was booked and arrest ed for action in Domestic Relations Court Mrs. Ugon reportedly suf fered bruises about the face. WALKED ON WRONG SIDE Os Raya Rayford, R es W B. ear H C Nipper at Ml p an ■t-m***”--mr m. y ■ k ' f ■'W TJ ** - " - tkhpt' IDWBIMMi E PTMWMMMMHWWWWMi ■M » V » t . ;,; v ‘ KnK-.IH / If JKbdk JBB i r HE ? . * jßh, ' HC. AND NATIONAL OMEGAS SOLD FOETH Os DCimat TUb li«aifll*iMM iflte«tf t arrivaisai Ui* operand^7Tc^*nS^*u*u^“-^T?**^*-^ ?aSS?£ SjSa.cTfc. £h!‘ih!»!i!jiSij? I liyOiNiiyy^^ Sfciiwtt c jg*J*g^ l^ l jy^ The Caro liman VOL. 22, NO. 42 Grigsby Quits Police Dept. B 43f®p ‘ H ’•Sfl T. ' -Wt-llfrfffa v'' NIGHTSTICKS IN ACTION Elisabeth,Now Jeeeey: Policemen brandishing nightsticks morph i to subdue and arrest a rioter as he attempts to gouge the eye of another policeman here August 12 th during continued racial demonstrations. Tide was ths second night of such clashes for both Elisabeth and Paterson, 20 miles north of here, as Negroes persisted in hurling bottles, bricks and Molotov cocktails at helmetsd police. (VPI PHOTO). JesMeand me ever my right eye. Ha wee vary large.” Rayford claimed tbs man attack ed him because be didn’t like the side of die street Rayford was walking on. He suffered “a cut head.’* the report concluded. •SLAFPEDMBMFACE WITH Jes Jordan at Ml a. an Mon day. he mas la Edna'S AH Night Case, H W. South St, and Sen Fries. fl. es iM E. hit bbn hi the Case wMh a (CONTINUED ON PAGE S> North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALRIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22.1M4 Omegas Hear AST Grad At 4911 i Annual Conclave DENVER, Colo. Scouts of stage screen and radio miser rrmtnats. bald in thdr rnsnontlie districts. The Talant Committee la beaded by Zeal E. Chartotte^lL^^ tty. gave the mere than 166 filigatu. sf*t—**~r the 46th Grand Conclave, In a lanebcon art dram. Tasoday, -*—*‘—*~* to the nadargradoate, the ■ grant set challenge behevSd to have ever been given to man*- bars es the Greek letter argan- He admonished his brothers that excellence wu the key to most of the ills that beset them and the raw. Be outlined the fact that rises the ban of prejudice mw* suMiMiw-Hm began to fan that then should bs s new rooval uation of the vahiu in Ufa. Be pointed eut that there toould he a W ]•; A T H K H tinp4Titflrtt nccpt rather co#l 4ty* I CAROLINIAN . [advertisers^ I Bin FROM THEM -* SUmmmT** UMJMhI O*. BmmA ihmm tai n wgt c#> ■mwp »»■”»«“«*■ Si-«. Sees New Future As P. 0. Clerk < ■ - Raleigh police officer Alfred L. Grigsby, of K-5 Washington Ter race, resigned |tis Job of almoat seven yaara bare last Wadnaaday to take a poaition as a dark with tba main peat office, ■ I v, H ■ i* w- • fe::... -:;m ’JiLd ALFRED L. OBIGBBT , . . enter* postal wash Tha 58-year-old officer wrote a latter of resignation to Chief Thom as W. Davis as follows: Dear Chief Davis: L the undersigned, am submitting my resignation to bo affective (Ms data. I am resigning to accept other employment I consider my other employment an advancement and a promotion. I have enjoyed working with you and your department very much. While with your department 1 gained a prodigious amount of ex perience and knowledge, none of which shall I ever forget. 1 wish for you and tha department much continued success. Vary truly yours, A. L GRIGSBY Mr. Grigsby began Ms dados wttb tba peat office last Satur day. and Warmed a CARO LINIAN rspnafsOvi Teas day of Me weak that be felt greater i|)irtis». ”1 like ehsOongaa,” stated Grigsby. A native at Chappells, 8. C, Grigsby attended Bettis Academy in Trenton. 8. C, Voorbees Junior College, Danmark. 8. C. He receiv ed his AM. degree at Bt. Augus (cowipnmn bation school until be reached the age of fifteen. Upon' release, Barnes returned to bis old kabitet—the streets and roamed them for four mors yean as the leader of a gang which consisted of other misled youths, such as himself. When asked why he didn’t raturn to school be stated. ”1 thought H was mere impor tant to be the leader of a gang and think es filings fee as to da than to retara fa uktaL* A gang of this caliber natu traily demands action againat society These actions netted for Bamse the following jail terms: At age 19. he was found guilty es larceny of Wake Farmers Mar ket Highway No. i. North, and ha received 19 months and was paroled S months and 9 day Iktsr. After three month' of mingling with society, he returned to jail this time oh a charge es tmfrgf-f la an affray. Ha received four ■-,./■ a .4 1 shsJce tor ttn SgnSSp tdWLgwdSi raa: Od IM general aSnaara the member* of heard at mm Ms to « Banfarsnaa at 4M WMta Haem to discuss «m guest administration MUs rstotsd to (CONTtXUSD oil PAOB 5) Miss. Bows To Court After 10 Yrs. BILOXI, Mias. - Whan severe, Negro children registered quietly at two previously all-whtta schools hers Friday, tba hut State In IM Union to comply with the historical U. 8. Supremo Court deetotan of May IT. 1554, had integrated below tha collage level. Na HUdiuts wen reported hi this Golf Ceaat reoort as 4M ahUdrte wetted eager abet taw subsets ufsHiuiiiiMMi by and FBI agseto wetshsd ClaimSngto M ths nations’ third oldest city. BQosd was founded in lIM, and to daasgragatlng its first grade classes under a Federal court order that alee applies to Jachten. the State ftoptfad, ciarMdal» in the Misatoslppi delta, to eadar atmi lar orders to begin intaggntoae this (CMWDIDWMr Mgjfr monttw and was paroiedk « days. ~rr ' with a tent to kllll to which ha pleaded toll defense. He was eonvictod of assault with a deadly .weapon, for which be received IS afbetha. A longing for hia mother, whom be bad not can for two years, stimulated hia seespe for a 99- day visit with bar la tow York City. Upon bis capture, bn rnceiv ad extended time, but due to within two years. _ Banco io at proooat onrilnj time for. oo bo put it. “Just frying to be helpful.” He took a rnwed sdf sfrntgua and a bowio knife from hia43- y ear-old brother who bad inten tions of committing a murder in