rlMr' m • WkV7T M HTWAIV n a %ttwi g gi • «r W M’S HI. 11. 111 V H ■■li . H . li.lw ■ ■B B B4 II J ” V „ " E m HUMAN BLOCKADE AT CONVENTION HALL New Jersey State PsmWjNmn at Convention Hell, Atlantic City, ettm sotting op e wStaSs4ttgchade to hasp members at the Mis eUppi Ftetdbta from the early Tuesday night Cmm-gsR. Jowm* Crime Beat WOMAN SAYS BfAN ATEMPTED RAPE Ida Ttap bcmtm Cottas, 31. of IMI Walnut Street, came to po- Sae headquarters at till«« teit urdgy and reported that Donald to rape her. mZT e the! ' S p.m Bher WILSON Charles McCullough. W 8. Saunders -Street, She took her to headquarters. Was Coatee added she did not want to m to the hospital because Wilson dM not complete the act apd peMtisled her only sUchtty. .She tod. however. sign a war rant chairing him with assault on twisro^^rho^gtandi WIFR BEATEN BY OTHER WOMAN’ JjtnJjUrr Byrd. ar 31( 8. t rTit! rr * hilSiitTSlfc, StM one ELFZ\3<Sr-T2 sSa atstad to enter, W« Pulley aSepedty tan outside and frit her wtta Oaht bottle. foOowtag up with a flat Mew to MM. horde slows aeti rocrived ajump ofcoojiDo 00* mSSAmmm mSTd - ** < te v *** <•«' '** UN ALLY SEATED A group ot Negro os alt In the seats o# tha Mississippi regular delegation as the second session at the Contention got underway. At teat count Tueedmy night, 29 JVe groee had taken seats In the Mississippi section. (C/P/ PHOTO). Negroes Os Mississippi Put Other Delegates And Convention To Rough Test EDITOft’S NOTE: Only tten of the legates l jto^Mto Pctegajtan tsjhjtokasl ed by auSdeSbCemmdt at-larpemate tegetethepm dominantly Negro Dnden Drmsantir Party. Bather the amjertty es OM BBsstostopi DeiegaUon walked eat es the Convention. The body was ted er Eugene (BnDl Conner, fam ous fsr hie tactics in Jackson, the State's capital etty. against Negara drmsnstratan^Tweaty- BT J. ft HABBSN ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—The Boardwalk of this national play ground city was a mixture of fun and mirth, politics of all grades with peons of Dixie Mingling their voices with smartiet donkey-party lead era and being sought after and interviewed by the Nation's major news media -radio. TV, and hun dreds es news publication every day. The writer welted rito Cam once of cjartmtajs. MhJ»alppr« es dm Miaukuippi Itaedam Deem crane ratjr wmes ■ wtuing nara tor tbs privflsps of being neared tomTihgJ g Z j£m aTuto eeeeion. The banner displayed it self-explanatory. In the center of the photo ie Dr. Aaron Henry, chairman at the party, and Mn. Fame Lou Hamer, who testified loot Saturday an condi tions in the State (UP/ PHOTO). M solaced and tear whites, claim to be toe delegation which iTte’fltoDaMraSrpariy’ito (CUNIUUK* OH Vi OS » "MIES GOSPEL QUEEN OP 1964" CROWNED Noted goepel oinger, Slater Roeetta Tharpe, ie pictured at right placing the arreted croam upon the head ot Mr*. Elisabeth Crump, el 20S Camden Street, Raleigh Mr*. Crump won an all-expense paid trip lor two te the World s Pah, Flushing Meadow, N. Y., and a complete wardrobe, turnshed by a leading woman’s shop here. She eoM the meat ticket* in the campaign which culminated in the crowning at Releigtfe tint "Mice Goepel QueetC at the Releio l Memorial Auditorium Sunday, August 23. attended by several thousand parsons and featuring many ot the leading goepel sing ing groups at the nation. Mrs. Crump plane to leave here Friday lor thejtaa YorkWcatde Peat. Sha defeated tire other conteef- rOB STUDENTS The CABOUNIAN is eon rinding tie three-week public ity naiapalgn hi which bar is being presented In erdar te at feet speedier registrattsn at the J. wTUgan Junior Sen ior High School on Thursday, September t. This week, the names etf serenth , endrighth SI TEAM SERVICE ■sleigh runeval Heats, ls> eated at SM S. Cabarrus St., is sbssrring Ms Mth aanlrsr sary this moath and Is featur ed In a siz-ptge tribute this wash la To hgw 11 through tt. Cabbie Rapes Passenger The Carolinian! North Carolina’s Leading Weekly -?:■ If 1 " ■ - I ■ I ——Mil— . VOL. tu NO. « RALRIGH. N. C, SATURDAY. AUGUST 29, 1964 PRIC*IS« After 30 Years A t Shaw; 1 ' Dr. Harris Resigns + 4 + + x + + %-• , 'jggj Terror On Bus Judge Tries ‘Queen City’ was on Me first day aa a bwe driver, ns heps ere: James Bynum, it: Herman WoeTlfi Thomas Oriy, Its end Nosiy The women an the dtp Coach Company bos shielded the driver with their bodies end eubseauent hr threw* the hoys off the mm. (counwcgD on paps s Sepians In Va And NC 4-1 For LB J MDHMOMD, Va. (MR) k water ament Negro voters la Vir ginia and north Carolina Indtcat ea that at least tern eat ot every tire Negro voters wtß east their ballots rar Lyndon ft Johnson If he is nominated for Harident at the Democratic National conten tion. ft Is already eoooodod a mong Mg-wlgs la the party that he win be the party's candidate. As for Barry Ooidwater. be would never be steeled If he bed to depend an Sm vote ot Virginia Negroes. And this seems .to be juto about as feetuel for tS» entire country as far ee Negro votsn are eon sera id. Negro voters la staVm's; Snot wtth him In fals belief that states ought to handle etvU to matters. They have had that for 100 years In Virginia, many votsn an saying tt Ooidwater Is elected the leowsmle trend will be from Oold wator to bread and water. Mean while, the higher ups In the Dam to—Ho (toftf (|| fehd fltsis i|f OT gantattig to pst out the vote tor Mmml • Seme Vhwtols eschews have sene OOP far twe pmddenttal Ssritows JtacfstoM nd to the state’s largest etty am wvrtosg hard to prevent this treat happening in Nevsmbee. Negro voters In Virginia have a stiff fight agetnat the Byrd ma chism. but men dissatisfied white voters an Joining them every day to on effort to rid the state of the W K AT FT K F< ItaHtemtemsterJheflvs dm^wted. SpeVmhMMriow' aonneSuiome norm al hipi end lew temperetwree are, ■eleidi oTmt to. Met much change m naspemSurae Wtoadjtowto. PcWcb wg be gmersny IlgM. averag- i iii m m ' Divorcee Is Victim Os Taxi Driver cmpAOO - Charles -arsfSSfi wrmS-fMtm w*» Mpemheger lalSwab. *y ' HeSn. a eab drivtotor tore SSyttofSefjS ssi^fSnfix Moves was fewnd in the esb. The victim, a M-year-old dtvor eee, said shs boarded Newton's cab at the Shwaten-Blaeketone hotel for a trip to her home. On the way. Am said he drove Into an alley, climbed |w 4» the beak seat and raped her. : I (COMTIN USD M PAM f) Laurinburg Native New Frat Head DENVER, Colorado - Oeorgs ft Mcares, Probation Officer, Supreme Court. State of New York. Kings County, was unanimously slusted Grand Basileus, Omega N Phi Prntornlty, at the tom Conclave, Cosmopolitan Hotel, hers Tuesday. Mr. Means b s nettoe of Laurinburg. N. G, and e gra dual of toe public schools as (cowwwTw PArig to MmMpMMBBHMBBMBHHfIfIBBMfIfIBBBMto CAROLINIAN -*4—» ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM—s— * mSv VMM » __ tote Bstoe set teemd «• ■estoa’s <toh seme IFAOI » : •S Ceat-ar lUasste VbisWs tee Meraiek KAOS U mei's a ts seat oter* i rrffg'V ™* ** KS?.”—»t!SUr *"” ■wtaeo-Pett-ROrte kX«coZTisb2i Z teha W. Wtateee aad Ce. 1 5*L*g"y CeaeaUdilee Credit Carp. Cto**-ce. jemegs lieni - Ism Sealers TPs Ca. paos s raoM it _ Sri toss Seevtee Ceases I StetoMtovti ** Murray Ttou^Sr^aS 1 * \ getter Brake Shop es Balalsh, tea. PAWt U | ._ | | t Z£sSr f?!J£?*TisSTmm J Sririsb atelais sad uTun iScLccd, WsMsa * Lsatss -= PAGE t to** Ujte Cesepeap .» Bewle Meter Ca. PAWS IS Wte?. Aate galas Atty ut Mra- P. A CmnsgS - pads S »arito Ceel * OP Ceaepaay CrieaUl Steree Pee Wee's PlarMS ; uuwjt*"- aafetas . i USL’mmm. Sm.- aTtS p. page n . g-.ir.a-g.nagg su SJSsr*~** ; PAGE IS at. ead tern M. U tow Carattes Saggars Ccrm. Ptorigh «ttaMHk ; gsasr.w KsssiShs i * ... . 'X ■ i 88, MBUSff ft HABSBS -'W Takes Post As Prof. At Fayetteville Dr. Nehott Herbert Rente, Sr. of MS Now Ban Avenue, to re signing Us peettleo at Shaw Uni versity after thirty yeanefearw lee, to teka e pmiltlnn at Vaywtea vflls State. Daring tote parted at atom. Or. Harris has served op head of the INvtecasf tltototi, and heed of the ftiiimiS Burma at the oatoaitoer. He served m tutorial pristlinl tor erne teat, ants Dr. Jtotoe. ft Cheeky JMM^Shew^gtelli. When Harris earns te 4hsy. <he mmaenmeasma ; m

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