In f. 2 NC WOMEN KILL, MAIM MEN Dr. King Praises Pope THE CAROLINIAN - M . - . M maw I-I -mtßrtdrn ■— * ~ * i‘t i n' r ; HWnMw Wki flfc tl VOL. 12, HO. 47 RALEIOH, N. C. BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1964 With State’s Education Department Negroes Named To Fill New Positions Lockamy Is Elementary Supswv Cimtltf Aft „JPmw. rlTr yiMi ~ * ' Mitni feibiji jit asrvistwimdAtStetotraitou from Haw Terfc tJatverstty. Lockamy served as tcoeher-prta cipal of the Broadway Elementary School. Broadway, daring the 1*44-45 school term, principal-, (COWtin pup at PAOS S) | From Raleighs Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Woman Jailed For Leaving Child, 3 Samuel Green, at 10S Bragg St, told Officer B. E. Lae at 1:33 a. m. Sunday, he came home and found 3-year-old Robert Earl Green a sleep in an abandoned car in front of hi* home. Green stated he had also seen the child is the auto at T:3O p. m Saturday. of the chll*. Mr*. Fraaeas Mil an* added be had aeea the moth er darlag the bean the child was aleae hi the ear la the Mg Mack es W. Seath Street The Welfare Papartaaeat was notified aad aa affMal Were t*M the eep to to hertlli Street After a warrant was signed a gainst the mother at the child, she was arrested and taken to the Wake County Jail on a charge of aban doning a child. Nab Dentist In D**"i>V DrHinsr Dr. Alseta Edward Beyktaa. «. es Ml E. Leaelr Sheet *as arrested at *IS t a Friday aad ckargad with driving a ear obiter fee taftaraee a# aleeheL ”P— arrest teek place at the e«-ner es E. Leaelr and Seath fount Streete. D- Boykins practice dentistry at 327 S. Blount Street Declares Roomer p— ° , *fmerty j-t. Ftirabeth Watkine. SO. of 311 E. Store! reported to Offi cer V. B. Soer.ce at 11:02 a. m. Sun day at police headquarters, that e man who rented an apartment from her had damaged two pieces of her furniture, and moved from the residence. _ A warrant Is MfO aa fO# far Jamas Jeefcsea. j Join The Crowds During Raleigh’s Furniture Festival!! Clip Coupons from Ibe j CAROLINIAN And firing To The Store Rearing Name. Ton May Receive A Prize. ,".t f * • North Carolina s Leading Weekly & I H m . -trr . ■ T" 1 W? - W ,1 T* .T> Females Fury Runs Rampant In 2 Towns In g roundup of weekend vio lence over the State, two women breaking a dresser drawer. Jaafcaea. who works for the City es Raleigh, la alleged te have darn *» worth es deamge te Mm. Watt las* ptspsrt|. (coswrois aw wua n 4 iM DINING WITH UNDA BYRD JOHNSONS*. Quincy Mm* ai BmtSt s/wwn in Atham. Greet* Wadnaaday dining with Mka Lynda Byrd JtAtnon.JA-yew-otd ter at U. S. Fi oosiioih uni Mr*. Lyndon B. John-ton. Sfi a wm m Atham for the wadding fas# Fti day at Gtaecda Kit* Comtantim end PrincaeaAnm Maria at Danmark, and took the opportun \ity at a trm day to amt an Air Form bam and anAtneriean Cammmdty scJwnt. ammda Atham. I {UPI PHOTO). - tel death and lye-thrown* Inci dent. to "trtii**** imT. ,n h tote* h*W without bead_ fat imir"r with the ytf Iff?, l.&£si!*Thto ■heating task phma hi a to bacco bam last Radar day. Accenting to Sheriff Lin wood T. Faulkner. Mrs. BseberrUle is from the Henderson aim. A hearing in Value County's Recorder s Court was scheduled for this week. Deputy Sheriff g. B. Mhas stated Mrs. BasherHße declar ed the ahssHag was s mistake, adding she didn't knew toe gun wus leaded sad M fired as (conmrom~oii ress a ntU% I* Bailey Gets Position As Psychologist VorU G BoUey. who Is andHtoj ad as a psychologist in the ytoucation Section oftba R| ESutSmTis tojtfpto East HigOTtohaak r -ft ., MTVOTftWlßtKii*- yfSmlL Boris KRtort ua They have a 9sur-year-eld sea. Vorte, Jr. t After serving two soon in toe (oesmNPgp oil Mai t> Zetas Here Join Karamu House IDs Omicron Zeta Chapter of Beta Phi Beta Sorority. Inc. es Raleigh, reoently became a mem ber of the "Friends es Karamu i House." This local organisation will pre sent "Karamu Album. 1954.” on Friday. October 30, at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. Last year, the Zetas presented toe Karamu Players in Lamina Hansbury's (ctmtnwwn ow root n Says He’ll Denounce Race Bias VATICAN CITY (NPI) lnte rnationally famout Integration lead er Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr* president, Southern Christian Lead ership conference, lauded a pledge he aald Pope Paul VI made to him in an unprecedented 29-minute private audience here Friday te make a personal and public de nunciation of racial segregation. King's audience with the Pontiff of tthe lemai fslhilti church la the ApoataHe palace la believed te he the ftiut ever granted te as Amertean aM righto leader. Dr. J. K Jack sen at Chisago, pidteet, Wa- U.KA, Pm* had a private au dience with the lass, beloved (COMUNVRD ON MCI I) an ft l AMOnt taaeher as ptwoehsvs" ‘Dean 7 Os NHnistsrs Eulogized ESBULON Hundreds of per sons from all walks of life turned out here Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Wakefield Baptist Chtseh for the funeral eervtoee as a man who has beenoaUed a taaeher of preachers", Dr Conte nt* Edward Askew. 94 years old. After the faneraL the pro eesslen «sa to Raleigh's First Baptist Church where a brief mnanrln? service was held, with the Rev. C. W. Ward, paster, hi charge. The noted ilsrgyuaun, me i—ili"" after as eparatten at RaWgf’e W^te MmuMßn *itrm?uS!2Sr<-i pert far tte^vet * “y*’* temnmSSeS num n te toe To Our Reading Public: Yon Are Our Biggest When you buy from a Merchant because you taw his ad in The CAROLINIAN pleaae tell him YOU saw hi« ad. We ask thin aa a favor from our readers. The ads you see in The CAROLINIAN make pos sible the news and pictures of yourself and friends. Patronize merchants who patronize your paper and do ns the favor of telling them. THANK YOU! CAROLINIAN STRUCK BY V ANDAUSM—Shown above in a portion at the damage don* whan vandal, invaded tha attic** at Tha CAROLINIAN aarly Bat Thmaday <"****•'"**«* picture, a mailing machine war knocked dawn by tha intruder* and tha ea/t drink macUm wta turned around. Bottom photo thawa general chaoa created around g now* daak. Drawer* ware pulhd horn than aabineta and two talapharm ripped from tha wall. A* Furniture Festival Underway The annual Furniture Festival, a mammoth event, sponsored by the 15-member Raleigh Retell Furni ture Association, got* underway here Thursday, September 24. and will climax on Saturday, October I when the name of ■ grand prize winner Is made known. Over IMS In free priooe la available this year te perseae who will register te resolve them. The drawing for prise* will be held ea Saturday, Octo ber l, at d:li p. aa The grand prise will boa 8-plect dining room suite and s 5-piece bedroom suite. Some of the ether prize* which will be given away free Include: a Sofa by Kroehlor; Qulltermun'S Box Springs snd Mattress by Born eo-Rom as; Kiagsdown Original Box Springs usd Mattress; Motorola cteumißß ow pom at Newspaper Plant Entered By Vandals; Still No Leads The persons or persons who hove plagued The CAROLINIAM with at least sight break-In* the past two years outdid themselves test Thursday morning as about 9176 in damage was dons through vandalism. Blood was found ue a fe male employee’s soot sad in several other place*, Indicating the Intruder eut himself ea broken glass. James Otis Rogers. 99. as 1125 S. State St., Apt. 11. eoll ed police and Informed Os floor Temperstur* ter the «*• Say per log, Thursday thfoogh Monday, wtil ttnui twe te tlx Sssrsos be low uormsl, turn In* cooler WeW portion ThursSsy, rooter rrtSsy aaS Saturday, s little warmer SnuSey anS eeeier MoaSay. Shewers There- Say an* about Sunday wtU average ewe-half to one tech of.rste. CAROLINIAN ■■■—■— ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM - PAOS t tailUi’s Nsntrr Aaiburn PoaUac, lac. ■erten's Cart Iwn PAGE a Larsaa’s PAGE • Hutton-Belfc-tnrtf. John W. Wtatori as* C*. y. C. stat. Pair B. P. Goodrich Here PAGE * Janos Baad.n Til. Cd. A cm. Boatty C*. Papal-Cola Bottling Co. Jim JoTwi Sanaa*. BUUnorr NUIa of hatotfS Amburn Pontiac, lac. Medlla-Pavto from Poultry Co. Ivory’s of Baletgk Breach Sensing aa* Trurt CO. MoSson-Bett-EHrSe of ttototgh Eelclgh Savings aa* Loan AwwcUOoa PAGE t Electrical Whirl welcrt, lac. Wad*'. A at. Sales Eawla Motor Co. PAGE • Coton la I Etorot ■oat Goaoral Tiro Co PAGE * bum Banaors Co. G. a. Taefcors A Brortors The Capital Coca-Cote Bocttoa* Co. PAOg 1* Thursday, that ha was aattteg by Tbs CAROLINIAN. SIS ft Martin St* whan ha Shosvag been broken oat. Nothing was stolen, waattag a mystery aa to too nsottva of braskteg to. The offlosr colled F. K. Jsrvsy. ownsr-pubUahsr of the nswspoaar, snd Mr. Jervay was tmohte to o*l anything missing. At toast fifteen windows wow broken, the Urns dock was Mm through tbs plats glass front vf*» dow, two offlos moohinas worn thrown to too floor. • oamsra sad copy board used to ra-pbotogmptt its stand ana two private sms phones wars putted from to* «teo and thrown torouhgtoowtteMw. •w&sra, seas fd poßs* sfflstotejtotejto (oossgmwg em SShttSS.'S' of Botalah im °*** ■* glulu rural two Londaa Oil Co. Theatre •} PAGE U Klac Colo Motel joMrt Wtator'a Ptsrtrtlmi Public Sonrteo Co. of W. C. Balclgk t.afood Taylor Kadio aa* gliMrtaal Os PAGE It lira Balts A Eorvtea Carotins Power aa* Light Co. - PAGE 14 _ , Moehaalca aa* Panaocs aaah —* luicifh coaaaatestea Moms, lac. PAGE U Duaa'i Ease Eorvtea PAGE 1* Caraloifh ParaMaro Co. Cortot’s lae. cooper’s ParatSaro nara.r’s Wayatda Holllg-Levine Klmkr.ll'a w .tom’s Wanjjto^ Tto»*Eatoo a Eaivtea Daam

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