Integrate UNC Dorms: Chancellor Boyßape, Girt. 3. r vii i c Tilin uinucy IvILLo IWU WUMtN I The Carol ini a a A/brfA Carolina ’s Leading Weekly ■" - ■ ■ i.I. —. . ... i a— „..i ~, • 'aft vol. n, NO. 4« a- ? r srailwih. N. c, Saturday, October 3. i9w~wad |§ NAACP To Greens!)'o + + <|* , + r 4* » *p Atlanta's Lester Maddox Defies Court Again h * . % -hf":, ■* Cafeteria JwnerTs Court fij. r .► alaed IT rwihritlllr Hwm dec, a rite-hard minBELvETS tfate mafopoUtaa qjßrgte pity, coart in a contented proceeding after be bed opened a new case/ terta and refined eu ins’ to Ne groes Monday orthte week. V. 8. District Mn rnugft A Beeper leered an erdsr td qairing Maddox to appear afa bearing Friday, OeMwk’t* •agbTte taSr IpllSb." 11^ The motion tor tbe raw order was brought bp tbe dhglnal Ne gro complainant, who sued him id tbe first test of bis Piokrick eUtty rather than ssree Wy» Ms eafetS ajfia?£!y>iS big. “Thtluit*?mUSkSS eteria dees nptaceept Integra tiniots as eestiiaers neither or obits. We race, eoler or weed, bnt be (compete ow nm s> a. i i ■ ■—■■■■ i . y ■ i i , WEATHER Ttasttttgft fa tin stxt flv# 4avs. Titndiy Mnsuh BCtsAar* wffl tvaiie Bdtr fflinssl, wtth n . 111 Si 2*2** MarnOnM* tS-St Sunn. Prrefutation wffl averse* 1-0 to I tech, wttfc beany klrfur ■niwU occnrrtos Than Say and ftteay and asaln a boat eider. - I I « imAi —CAROLINIAN : , - ADVERTISERS ===== Sift FROM THEM PACK t Cart ■'* CM* Star* Carolina Pvwor aa4 UIM Co. PA4.B 1 Tiro Bain * Borotoo PACKS Brook* Appltun Co. lak* W. KWm aoa Co (to Watch Shop Sim Federal Ua Jtart Mi>t« Mm*r Co Co. trry'a ot »iM|ll CnaMMtor Co. BwdltakßlNl I--a asr,**- —tmm lfatriMUjteJtelae [iwTfiZr* 11 *'" ,r jmjMkC* aSS k3m* PMBI 11 ACCIDEItt, CLAIMS ONE UPB Polk* officer removes George Cowans, 31, from the wreckage of Sit car, which hit • bridge mbutement on the Major D#egan Bxpreeaway in Bronx, N. Y. lari week. Anrihrn man inthacer, Joaaph Andrews, 33, of iVeopark, IT. wo* killed in tha ac ridatd. Contone woo taken to Moniaani Hoapital in a critical oandNton with multiple injuries. (U- Pl PHOTO). < • Threatens To Bomb Home Os Jim Brown After Muslims OK o CLEVELAND (NPD— Tha pro ducer of the Mike Douglas televis ion (how toot week ogtoil re ceiving a threat from a woman caller to bomb the heme es Cleve land Browne* ~ ftopboll Her Jtos Brown if he repeated views, stated early over a network program, ex- MufUma" oegaptoettep. SOMkS PACK »•___ fSSTTP* WMb ka PAoia liiiiaai PMotaf Mw ■ W ' - - v nS JmSTon mc Eku&em. MbMmMMmM o—. SttrMm oo ro ported rocdvta| ySaaf ooflo hod ooM te Lash smitsjsr- ** ' aoporate atete ter Mogreao < ~iaß? tp *» mSTdooSSb Jham! Uwm rapart Growing Negro Vote Power To Aid LB J A Macro note which to almost double what it woo lour yuan dee la Cm Couth, ghres Praeideat Lyn don B. Johnson a strong hand hi fteam*iuteaaed°lMt wcatoMd? ** boon toefattortag jM^/te^oS^m '***"%*» » ad to Cm u£ - ( 'Saw ■tote tnatai a Wpirt!! ■kdteWtoj^CwteatWs^ The Caw. Dr. thwtlp Luther King. whose **** * roduMr a tenadtete& 4H nattroat.dM aot dater Crown, who put oa tbo show aad raitar stpd|hi». the Muslbns. . hsoaa*at Imm wwmm * Brown, Cm Browns star hCtodt to itho national Football laoguo's champion ground galnor. 8a to atao au highest paid playar la pro fboteaU. drCh a salary late ssa sadtnrCMCi • tha Macro rote, now mbiprising about tt portent of tha electorate, goo solidly Democratic as aspaat ad. FroMdaat Johnson wUI aosd to pull only 40 to to pssoent at tha white rota to carry such stetos as Ksrfh aad Coute CtesHas. Georgia sad Florida. Clralsu —sd by <ha B ipteC can Party aton at aasrylag tea MMBfnte<Mtod» heTte Ms*io vote la tea state tmteMbCMMi sr Mjo^tf .iA". A AA; 9 Otter females Ravished raw YORK (NPt)—An Illiter ate. 17-y**r-old Ntgri youth. 4*» Ooribed by hi* mother a* “rick and f evsrsexy” last weak confaaaad tba murdar of taro woman and tba ray* In* o< IS othan ranging in ages Jnm S to U. ergy as crimes after he was ar rested. On* of Ma Intandod ate* fritewedtom ta hit hama aad oJTsh sriMß‘tk^yalrth l tried to nt h a* alarator hat who mod aad writ* aad says ho diMaat kaow why ho eaatmit tod tha crimes, b Anthony former porter and St eonfaaaad aad b aocuaad of tha murder of Mia* Charlotte Lip* aft, a school teacher, on May M, and Sirs. Mary Payne, an !?-ye?.r old woman, on Labor Day. During his cor.fc.uon. Sponcc-r also told that fab rap* victims in*< eluded a fiva-yaar-old girl. 1 don’t kaow why I do it," Spencer said. “1 gat hso dachas, pass out and 1 hoar funny _nol*aa." _ 1 Joar"^bJ^bmtt Hosts Meet Oct. 8-12 j BY MM. HARBIN I OREENSBORO-Th# Jilt An nual Convention of the North Piwiihu confereno* of the Na ionalt Assodlnbon for the Ad vanosmsnt of Colored (NAACP) will oonvaao la Oraenoboro Oc tober g-10 with headquarters at i tbs O'Henry Hotel, 101 Bellomede Street The first day sessions (Mintaters Conference, nreaidad tObOOmiiteSew eftrnsawe vew^oi over by the Iter. Otto Hairston, lo cal NAACP Ministers chairman) win ht held at St. Jamas united Presbyterian Church, Roes Ave nue, Dr. Julius D. Douglas, minis ter. A banquet for the ministers wffl ho given at night. AU toslimt sessions, workshops, and eommittee meetings wffl be held In O’Henry Hotel. Contrary to previous yean, there wffl not be a Sunday mass masting tbto year as the final feature wffl be Sbs NAACP youth department’s Talent and Beauty Contest in the OffIOUIJ Hotel baU room Satur* dsyjtMl teetwee tbFher. droos to the ministers Thursday night at Si James V. 9. Cfaureh on Bom Avenue. Prtdav night wffl boa social for the delegates fol towing the keynote address by cwvw^b. VF/U. BE HONORED AT TVFFER Tha Tupper Memorial Baptist Church wUI honor tope ot Ha oldest, active munbara in a spadal service at tha church Sunday, Oct. 4th. Lait to right: Edgar Ewans, Mrs. Elisabeth Hawkins and Mrs. Harritt S. Jonas. Not pictured is Jamas Alston. Sunday wUI ha Homecoming Day at Tapper. Tha testimonial service tor tha honoreee will follow the Felkmahip Dinner at 2-JO p. m. Tha Reverend D.N. Howard, Sr., h pastor at tha church. A J BOY, 17. ACCUSED OP KAPB-MUnOER—New York: Arthur Spencer, 17, of tha Bronx it lad from police headquarters hen where he allegedly confessed September Hat to the rape murders of on tl -year-old woman and a 3 9-year-old auhoof teach er In Brooklyn's Crown Heights section. Spencer, an amateur box er with e police record dating back to 1938, was arrested altar an other tope victim saw him and, claiming that he was her attacker, alerted the police. See etory. ( UP! PHOTO). • OteteaasmßeHManßamaMaMaaßmaaamaaamaaaMMameßtosasiaißieitoataiMMamatMmmemaai From Raleigh s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES beWndtom TT Mrs. Mbkens, said she asked him wheThe wasted and then topped UnVA an slasMe belt Micksiis, appfflrtnily tsfßfiitsi by this act sr aeatotklng else, went tote a rage sad rat his wife gh tha spper atomaeh. tow er right ana sad tell hand with a peeket knife. According to the polio* officers, who arrested him, Mickeas had been drinking heavily. Mrs. Mlck ens was rushed to Wake Memorial Hospital, while her spouse was carried to Wake County Jell and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. This We Can’t Ignore (An Editorial) We ere not wanted anymore than our weakest, poorest, ugli est, hungriest, loneliest, forsaken, downtrodden, illiterate, black, smelly unkept, light, ragged brother among other things ... in the minds and hearts of our white Christian fellow beings. What ever techniques may be used in die immediate future by the race, <ccwwupgp~ow rang ») ' Local Shriners In Fish Bowl Classic Uaftor the dtreetton as Ctotof Po tentate Jeaspfa Bernard Christ nua aad promotional director Jamas Charts* Johnscm/the Shrtatrs to Habato Tsmpto 80. DOOft LOCKED, BUT ROBBER ENTERS m ' gtteny itr^dS»tMt:m‘ wSttaZiMite Ml s.m. Hern, W sift awake to gni a maa standing Hi her roam. )Bii couldn’t see Ms trie as Ms beck was turned she said, and se she made him awgra of bar faring wide awake, the' man calmly walked out of the room. Mrs. Ma&amb stetod she was pesMive it was a man celled ~B*-H*s". the rated Had Bath ing misting frem the hsase, aad weadered saw be gained entry. Is did the aep. The deer was toeked and gtore was as sign es ferelble entry. (CONTINUIBON PACK » — im ITT of Raleigh, staged a too art* van to Nor Toft. Virginia to attend the 17th Annual PMb Bowl Yorir Konaram os paps a SST Dr. Sharp ■^asssasa. mtiorr mob Bm ab’ wemTmrth? ttorcmlvMMyMm? tagofttoe on the wrtttiM^gtfßn chancellor. u Mis"^ Man stadente to Ikm A ? wMheto regard to mae er ddto y. The PnjvwWty wffljsito Jssas-Kaa.* &SSSJSrLL. , TS» to aa an adytocry body to ptott to to separate iworno. exoaptm oases where the students maumt to mixed aostßunante «SThte SStinfttßOJfffl summer. srssr as. nTfliJfSilifflr — , , ’ . (OONIOmp OH BAM 9> 1 Aaron Henry Gets Award ATLANTA, ft#-Dr AsmHi Henry, of Clsrkedsle. Miu,-who led the* etotob - ‘Pre-drim delegation to ft# DemacteUc ,Coa* eS*l* ChristiarT Ustortto^JteronteV highest hifjife. rfZXXSL ganlftto!* t 00WTtogBh‘ t) vHy The! Flag Os Freedom ■MUBmui* , ■ i i ntom^Haß I a.• • V Observe North Carolina Flat Day October IB North Carolina Governor Terry Sanford sent eat i.rmU aebee Wednesday, urgiag all North Caro lina manufacturing Arms, Stete ef to display tha United Steteo and North Carolina Stete Sago as Mon day, October 11 Pies Itoy. The MsM thief isiiaSai slated. Ter away years » have ceowmwdntoi pass » Ligon’s Parade May Be Best Evsr Held Nsri TTomoownlng win ba ohaartoTte tha John W. Ligon Junior Oggte High Bohoel bora Friday. OoMw a. as ths Uttls Btoaa > ptoy he*to Mow Barn’s j. T. Barber Ugh School. Ths parade, white aaacal fcr praaadaa tha gates, wCI bo ii ... Imm. ee* o._ wwßwooUte totob Memorial AadMostoa* to Hargett Itraat. dawa to B. u fcUate Mite turn toft aad oa to Chifto Fate __ boot ono oror staged by to. total high school as mors emphasis wtt bo placed oa duality, rattier thaa Quantity. uaaoratag flttote an* sored by the tour upper atoms, will ria for top honors. Other floats will depict sooaao at act* •not, mithfimßtkT. Lilinfr CMk the I rn?mm*m iShoel?™* Many other bends levs bees be* rlted to MrttaSMti 1b the afteb I.J kaLhaZSj sm neve UMneetea umt vn tHI part. _ . highlighted* Cto night.

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