He Was Trying To Do Good De«d: RALEIGHITE McNeill Acting NCTA Sec *y The Board of Dtreotoro of tbs North Carolina Teachers Associa tion recon tly appointed Fred D. From Raleighs Police Files; THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Shoplifter Does gglaP— go ..< ki<m toejlfiflßmf' 1 1 isySik^Si Cent Store. Mia Tata reputedly admitted to the eop that the atole one pair of red panitee and ooa bra, valued at $1 and gIJO, respectively. As Mat* afltetak —isthil her, the allegedly itowi Mia Jolla Waalati, a M-year-eld white alaglri at the aten. In* to . fUaa window. Shs then Is Mid la have atteaptod to ran ■oath Me Os the etore ae hard it brake the plate glass and "Get Out The Vote” (An Editorial) The decision of the National Newspaper Publishers Aaocia tion to support an all-out “Get Out the Vote” campaign u a sound one in a year of so important a presidential choice. It is true that during the summer there has been great emphasis on the registration of citizens, not only in the South but in die urban areas of the North, as well. While men and women have been pay ing the supreme sacrifice m die South for the right of the ballot, too many of the residents of the North have adopted a "Let John Do It” attitude about participating in political elections. There can be no excuse why a people, sruggling so hard for full equaliy under the law should be apathetic about the baric right of the ballot. The CAROLINIAN is enthusiastically sup porting this campaign which should move more than a token number to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 3. We stand ready to as sist in any way we can in educating and helping those who want and need such assistance. Thanks to die dedication of many groups and organizations, thousands of Negroes have been placed on voting rolls in the Bouth. Every responsible civil rights organ ization has adopted some form of emphasis on voting. It is now up to every individual to be fully aware of Its great potential and act accordingly. In short, we must resolve dow to vote in great numbers on Nov. 3. Only .in this manner eon we perform our in dividual duty. r ' . • • ‘Ladv Bird* Johnson Issues Equality Plea ARLINGTON, Va. lds. Lyn don B. Johnson began ter whistle •.op tour of tte southland Toes* day morning with a strong pick for equal rights for all Americana. Ee ore a wildly cteertng crowd o( thousands of flag waving and tenner carrying fans. Mrs. John son said. “We are a nation of laws, not men. and our greatness is our abUty to adjust to national eon- Mrs Johnson, whose given name is Claudia, spoke from tte rear platform of tte gaily colored "Lady Bird Special" as she ses terktd on tte four day tour which takes ter through IMX mße mots covering Virginia. t^Osrettnte Deadline Far Registering k Monday, Oel. 12* Be Sure To Get Your Name On The Books No 1 ' 1 1111,1 11 McNeill, Jr, currant flaM ropre • aantattva. to serve as acting emeu- I ttea assratary while an Interim m m j n i. 1.. imfeAaMieiW iSgT*. ll " Officer t. C. Patman at ?:00 a. a. Mender. Bart whOe aba was in Baltlmara. Md, Mat 91 hiaamß rtMgeKarmS map hank, and teak meat at her candy from a candy Jar. The strange part of the entire incident was that the cop could fipd no sign of forcible entry to bar room or to the bank. (CONTINUED ON PAOE » MRS.CLAUDLA JUNDSON Committee of the Board Interviews Charles A Lyons, Jr. Dr. Lyona as aumad the duties of at ad* missions at Haward Puleewnr on Seplembrt L Due te the rest r net Inn «f Mrs. Barbara H. Doujqn. McNeill u also serving as Acting Coordinator at PUD D. MsHtn.l. ID. after serving an Iha staff tor on* year. A former biology teacher and (CONTDTOKD ON 91OA S» Martin St. Baptists To Hear Orator 1 The Martin Street Baptist Church at Raleigh will feature Mrs. Annie M. Ivans at rayattsvill* as its an nual Woman’s Day speaker on Sun day. October 11, at 1140 am JOttoaik a grsdaato steal CaOsgi in On—Sirs. She toagta ta^hs^O— ber- Pol varsity. Mrs. Cv— Is affiUatod with the NEA, the ATA and the HCTA. She icon—p ow eaos » Local NAACP To End Its Registration The Raleigh Branch of Tbs Ra tional Association For tbs Ad vancement of Colored People, to now in its second and final weak of an oil-out registration drive. Tbia apodal registration effort tag—da to allow as near as pas state of those who are now un tbewStaM MsUao that tberatav with the many thpuwindt who arc already KIDNAPPED, BEATEN + + + + +> + + + Ooer 17,000 Welcome Ftnt Family: Crowds Hail LBJs rH E CAR O L INI AN II I 111 ■ I Min nli mwirt ' ~TrMM—Mm—lM—MßTlM—Minimal HieCMfIMHMMWnrrMMM—M—M North Carolina’s Leading Weekly » ■ ■ ' » 1 *j if ■ ■'■ —■■"■l in.—i.— VOL. M, NO. 49 RALEIGH, N. €, SATURDAY, OCTOBER M, 1964 PRICK 15e - milt I———Ml II M "■■■! Kills Own Mother With Axe; Relaxes A FAMILIAR SCENE Af/anta cafeteria owner anrf arch-eegregationiet Loafer Maddox, hit, shoves one of several Negroes who attempted to integrate Ms “now” reafaurant there /aat weak. He opened the "Latter Maddox Cafeteria" on the tame tite of Ms old “Pickrick, Inc." How ever, he it now facing contempt of court chargee for failure to integrate at ordered by the courts. (UPt PHOTO). Current, Williams NAACP Keynoters; Sessions Begin ■T J. B. IAMIN ORXENSBORO Elaborate pre par stions have gone into the plan ning for the Slat Annusl Conven tion c< tte North Carolina Confer tnea of the National Assodstkm tor tte Advancsmont of Colored People masting bom Oetoter HO with headquarters at tte OTUnry Hotel. Bishop Baber To St Paul AME Sunday On Sunday. Oetoter 11. the men of St Pstd AME Church will hold their annual Men’s Day program. This year they are very fortunate in securing as the featured speaker Bishop George Wilbur Baber, now presiding ever the Second Episco pal District of the African Metho dist Episcopal Church, comprising the District of Columbia. Maryland, Virginia and North Carolna. Btehep Baber Is watteoolly haaw far Mr dywwtee and wps«Ud l, ? < te anafhar high spat to hla lang career as a On Sunday night tte program >*«tt hw assembled a vary in teresting program, built around the AMB recording with tte Bsv. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Beginning at MO sun. Sunday, ton Mala Chans of St. Paul will 101 BoOamode Street (north of Market). Dr. O. & MutowN^Orecg ad hard to aaspaaii wtth state aonfaruaoa effleteb Kelly M. I‘Ttrr-lr St, a mi Charles A. — Halt inritriT hi «ha aglahm aal atoll righto warh alntehy at the St Jamas an h honor at lev. J. E. as Bn Chsd CiaalHia Tte Bsv. W. E. Banks, Thomas ville. State Youth Advisor, prom ises a lively session with the NAA CP Youth Councils and Collage ! Winners In Furniture Feat Named Winners in tte annusl Releigh Furniture Pmttvsi held last week ware meda public Monday of tads Tte grand prim. United bed room end dining room suites was won by Mall J. Pearce, of M Bt. Ooorge Rood. Otter winners Beret Thornes E. Kee. of lM Unartn Court, an (CMimn on pam n Chapters on Friday and Saturday. A now feature—beauty and talent oen test—will attract many youths to their banquet and closing sassien In the ballroom of tho O. Henry Hotel an Saturday night John Ed wards win assist to this promotion. Olastar B. Currant Now York, di meter as HAACP branches. will (amraivwD~oM sass w Mother, 3 Kids Drown In Automobile UIBNTOgf A mother and her throe children drowned in a oar early Saturday morning when the automobile In which they were riding loft the highway and plunged Into a rain - soaked creak t> ‘n a dead were identified as Mrs. Mary Ida Kinsey, 28, and her children, Terry Lynn. •, Theresas. 8. and Tony, f-weeks-old. Accord ing to Jonas County Comer Oeorge Davenport, all four drowned. Pour persona, also in tte ear. aurvtvod. Including the husband of Mrs. Kinsey and the fatter of tte children. Ray Kinsey. 40; driver of tte vehicle Willie Koonce. also 40; bis wife. Mrs. Blanche Koonce. 42; and Aaron Murrtel. 2T. none of Wham required hospitalization. AJB wars residents of Trenton, rpfrrtnnr C. E. Oakley quoted driver Koonct as any omumusa ow rasa n Marderer Fsund Or His Porch jumn jRThs _mjvsh* uSSooi"ln*Wiis(ilD kUL Oaorg*"iofttn, Jr, NHfear* tiSMSH staiitly. Mrs. Btbol Lottfti. W.SD rnuuMy nsvar knew what bit bah. 8he t wm preparing breakfast ad Barth* In th* day, Ida MB* ar, George Let tin Ir., had tab* on o shotgun away tram the young ■—» and hid N. Raymond Meadows, Jailor at tbs Fender County Courthouse, told a CAROLINIAN representative oar* ly Wednesday morning, that be cause of young fcoftln's mental condition, he was immediately charged with murder and return ed to Cherry Hospital, when ha will probably spend th* rest of his life. Whan found. Mrs. Loftin’* body was hanging out of the window, with a cut over am ». ceased by tbs breaking is at th* point of Impart. Chief Deputy Roy Bradshaw. Jr., stated Loftln had been a pa* tient at Cherry several times and had been borne for about ate months. Loftln was spotted sitting calm* ly on the front porch of bis home after the fatal dead. Be ran to a neafty wooded area after ha saw the oops and put up a struggle before being subdued. W K AT H 1: R » starts aaa* five Cays, through MsnSay, win svsracs t to • Sscrtss kotow aer aui with lltUo or he rate iqnhl ■emewhst wanner ThirsSey, semewhat tool or loSerCey ail wanaor MouSay. «—CABOUNIAW - —■■!■■■■ - ADVERTISERS) Bin FROM THEM~— rioi i BMtM i CMI Btor* ■eSsea-80l k - EHrSo Saha W. wla tor, aaS Co. PAOU S O'Noal Motors tee. Capital Tool OU Co. Capital Past OU, be sad Cool Co. Suphounon Music Co. PspM-Cols BottUaa Co. Jesse Inn Csuaaso • out mar, mil, troy's as Ualoiah Aiuhany posUae. lac. Crass Poultry Co. (very's as nalolch ■roach Bon king aaS trust Ca. MaSata-Brlh-KArSo as Sabtah ******* wo4o*l Auto arise Bowls Motor Ca. ■arise Smears Tractar Carp. pa os a Cstsabl Ctoroa I —fp ou ca. inm Coaiorr Mb Co. pao» a I brria Theatre ■ ■ ■ || ■ ■ F* (nVl I> On Hand To Cheer Trig Ilk* R in the jwart tfTdSSbL Dm ncipllM over 1,000 well-wlshaea lelgh-Durham Airport to great him. Authorities at th* sirperthKiiab ed atiieru to itar sway, IMM|| of parking Inadequate*, MhjßMr pleadings Ml on deaf edHt TWere was also a am||MlW aini m i Um a iAa A |m^Msmanlmh4de trtzno jam irons bn iteietgii. Jne t't csiucnt then haui» struggle through a liMKNRNB to inly t^ltt>oo*wUdi?j^^B^ CoUeeuro was SMBT to • **oo* *MaMb«o efaMir h y OesdestF^eatSl^^t • ilty ••**•** ’ '** •' , jgrtjae ■- -J[jfcrj(g ~ J MTirißß Ym fO«t>Btomplnc 'W# WftUjHlphlHNMl' and would liivi fSTlnlilp ‘Comes To' a«. On Farmland nr ouum a jbnm a second thought g£ trhhhWdgMyf* I*. C. Stab Pair , sue I PAOBU Mather Daachtar wroas.rns/r a 111 Mr Tns it Aoto rshltll S Ualoiah Offleo Supply Larry o’ Cut-gab Oraearr"*a U. ■. atohos JionerrM CwaßU Seven-Up UoMUaa Ca. CbimMhi IMbbbb SmMb ( Difsiis Casual Bavfaln Clara •• - ttaaaai Hri gBoV r^|r

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