•,- ' ' T hi Robeson County Tragedy MOM OF 13 KIDS SLAYS HUSBAND £ -i --Vv - • * *' • < V*\ T-e>-‘ v K *- 5 t '*. is* ;• : $ *" ■* 'V T* * * * J 4 - „ . < Jw-.ST* *. *1 : . ; -555?; v. ... Crowbar’s “Claw” Fells Angry Mate nr charum a. mhuhi FAIRMONT—A strange «twy of bow tatee accuaattona cu lead to almost Instant death was related to this newsman here Tuesday night after a 34-year-old husband wee bludgeoned to death by his 93-yaar old wife, leaving IS young children fatherless. tosakeßy. the vtctfca had Joel attended the funeral el a leaf- Dm friend the day Mm he AwMaat VoNee Chief 9. W. win died a herrtfjrtoc death af ter eeadag haato at MS am last Thursday, aecustag his wife of Infidelity. dragging her eat es bed. toon kicking her. Mrs. Pecolia Baldwin, the wife, bad hem fishing with sosse of bar IS offspring and another wom an. She had returned home to find her husband not there, prepared a fish dinner for him and pieced it on top of the television set She and the children than want to bed. HfclWVWt tfcfe ATfIDWBt ••• ed into the house. After the beating and kicking, Mrs. Bald Local Elks Observe 44th Anniversary Sat. Fidelity Lodge No. 317, Improved Ecr.cvc!cr.i ST-i rxctcctlvc Crier of Elk* of the World, located at 619 E. Davie Street, win celebrate It* 44th anniversary here Saturday, October 34, at 8 p.m, at the Elks' Home. Ham- -1 ExaMef % r- ‘ ‘ «W* Ca*o - a^^_as^u invnca rwotvb are wpeciw « lie tji tllAmlmcf celebration ter tee part four yean. iv. itiliir«*t« ** she fcr- Featured speaker vi be £. M. Butler, Wilmington, Stats secretary of North Caroline Elk*. A special feature * On pra graa* will be the praseutattan by Bta*e fndlist A T. Bale*, es Shelby, of awards te mem bets es the teeal ergawtsatiou ■re. Muubara wtsTS'year* as Elks were eMed be 1981. tat Ms year they eertW- At the dose e t the membership drive, the Grand Exalted Ruler, the Han. Hispson & Reynold*, Phila delphia Judge, will appeer here to conduct initiation of new officers at Fidelity Lodge. mII < ■ RECEIVES NOBEL PEACE PRIZE NEWS IN HOSPITAL The Her. Or. Martin LufA • King. in an Atlanta. Ge..hoapitel impacting m tftorummgtor hetd hr an onidsnff fiadf nurse who SooA Jw fesuiurtetin after A* wee informed that he had won tim 1964 ffoM Pence TSJZtUwmm the a -dtoefa*" when wood at the award wm motived. The norm aril right* had*a tempaetura wea normal. {UPI PHOTO). dead aa arluMtUMutort The woman was carried to the police station tod quart! owed, but was released without bond "to go back home and take care of her children." BbßhMn by*toe"*btew» ITthsMwaaiaa. whleh tshsUeved to have eaas was S 1-S toshes to length Blood was splattered over toe Immediate area. It could qpt be ascertained as to whether too vic tim bad been drinking, but Officer Williamson mid he had known the family quite a number of years, end had never “had any trouble with Baldwin drinking." Mrs. Baldwin will be given a hearing in Robeson County Court on Monday. Funeral set vices for Mr. Baldwin were conducted on Sunday, Octo ber IS. ‘Extremely Moved,’ Dr. King.says ATLANTA, Oe.— “ThR is .an and trimsly moving moment to py Ufa. Tha mice that I have motived tha 1194 Rpbel Mae tor Mace is as great a shock for ms was the newn .nl, my nmnlniMto some monfMaM. ft fills me Wtth data grrtltt.de W+mZ cipient of this foremost of earthly honorv declared the Bav. Dr. Mar tin Luther King, dr. test Wednes day. “I da ast *mldse this mar* ly aa toner to ass peraeawßy, bat a tribute to the disetgHne, tear age es the srtMsns es gal teat Negre and white penaaa es gaadwm wha have fetlawed to setsbllek a reign es Jastiee and a rate at tore aerem this aatten sf ears. R Is aka grati fy to* to knew that tha Battens at toe werld rsnsgntoe the civU try as sa stgaMleaat a amral ferae as to merit sack recag (oosrtonngp on naan s> Over 500 Beauticians From 5 States Coming / The Carolimas North Carolina *s Leading Weekly —■■■ ■ -*■ - VOL. 32. NO. 31 i RALEIGH, N. C, lATPRDAY, OCTOBER 34.1164 f«CE 13c LBJ Next Meeting Topic: RCA Told About Barry Shaw 11. Prof Discusses Goldwater Dr. King V. Cheek, assistant professor of soosxxnics and Mat peas at Shaw Unlv., spoke to the Uw"^UaartMto B PtoposlUh” aS MMibttstif carried to Me togtoel shtnuae. welfarism wtß ansfi the dee a as - m a a j-Ksaimn imouon oi nccuum oe uuuiuv to every waHt ai Ms. The difficulty with Oils view, hs said, is that it distorts the mean ing of freedom and tgnona the struggle to define and tamtoment one of the cherished principle* he seeks to preserve the right to life. Dr. Cheek went on to sag that when Mr. OoMwater speaks of freedom of choice, be should be reminded that snob freedom has meaning and content only In a context to which there are alter native choices. A band of a house hold who U the victim of the uoo nomlc grip of unsmptoyawnt has n «3sTiSßraa- i ■ LATE EX-PRESIDENT WITH QHANDI Former U. S. Praaidant Herbert Clark Hoorar, who diad Tuaadmy of tlm wee* at 11:3$ a. m. to Me Naw York Hotal auita, la shown with tha late Indian laadar and martyr Mahatma Qhandi during a 1946 riait to India. Hoorar, who warn tha Slat Praaidant ai fMs country, was 90 years of aja. ( UPI PHOTO). Palmer Named KCTA’s Executive Secretary Elliott B. Palmar, prlnetpal at the Lahevtow School of tha Dur ham County School System, has been sleeted Executive Secretary of tha North Carolina Teachers Association, Dr. S. E Duncan, president of the NCTA announced test weak. Hs aneeesds Dr. Char les A. Lyons, dr, who resigned to aooept a position at Howard Uni versity. Washington, D. C. FWmm^h^eMwedMhtojpss tjTlteajPd** HiiiU ae stoUnZa aT*«to W 1 AT H K I{ Mi o fir orSaSLrsSt as Wtw* CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BW FROM THEM PAM 9 srstsf. i=~~. aarr WteUii sad Cs CaeOM MOt Cs. Casual Pasl OH. Is* oad Cssl C*. r-gs-n ~ SSaUr C*. Pams to ueu tSrzTaZ, Beard at Dtraetess es the District. NCTA end (comwvd oh I p/m it HHORVnUHB ■sal* MsSse C*. pam ; i sail am c*. Msrtrtesl Whatssalsri raos a SOP stars* riTtslet Ssillin Co. The Casual C*ee-C*la EstUtas Cs. Taytsr bates sad MiiSrtiil «* PAGE S__ fifidtUmuCe of BoielvV ■Mftwsy** OtetUse las. PAM U CaisMas Pawsr sad UgM C*. ■rash* I||l Cs. SieSUL ActmT essHy Cs. 9b* rsbetc Shoe PAM W fktUN sad servtre ■am Oseerai Ttrs Cs -** - - * m OiMs dfllis/ B PfWWg wiwsw ZL'ZJZfr- C*. Bricklaying Champion Announced Bubert belters at Fayetteville Is (forth Carolina's chompien appren tice bricklayer es 1994. Sellers walked nray with top honor* and arises. tmdudHe a 9300 bead, after besting 90 other spprsn m|Bß*Swymppwl sh the lttb Annual Bricklaying Com petition at th# State Fair last Fri day afternoon. Sellers is reviving Ms sppren tlceahip training under supervision of th* Group Apprenticeship Com mittee for Bricklayers of the Fay etteville Area and Is employed by Masonry Contractor, J. L. Nunnery of Fayetteville. James Alvis Greeaon of Liberty, Route 3, and Robert W, Osborne, Jr. at Greensboro tied for second place in th# all-day competition and each received ■ 978 bond. Gary Johnson of Nlldabran was third place runner-up. A driving rain during most of the day failed to dampen the en thusiasm of the 91 bricklayer ap prentices who cam* her* from all over the State for the Contest Th* (OOUTDfPBO OX MM t) Wilmington Fair To Be ‘ ‘Unique ” WILMINGTON—The program of the Southeastern Regional Fair to bo bold to Wilmington. November 9-7 is unique In all its phases. Th* program includes a high school marching band contest on Wednesday, November A Tbs bonds will assemble at th* Wlfliaton Sen ior High School at 9:90 am. tor In struction and practice. Thursday will feature International Relations Day. Friday will feature the famous Beauty Conteet among high school young ladies. Exhibit* win tentsdi egrteol Raleigh Omegas Laud Choice Os Dr. M. L. King Members of lota-lota Chapter. Omega Psl Phi Fraternity. Raleigh, loot no tim* in endorsing th* se lection of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as th* wintiei of the Nobel Peace Prise, at Us monthly meet ing. Monday. October If. Th# Greek tetter fraternity rec ognised th* fact that there had been some pros and cons about th* selection end te keeping with one of its cardinal principle*, manhood, hastened to send Dr. King w tele gram. in which they congratulated him and urged him to continue th* fight until th* lost vestige of sec ond-clam citfsenshlp was banished from America. They were happy over th* fact test Martin Luther King bed spark ed freedom with non-violence and even though he suffered many In dignities be never swayed from hii convictions end never was beguil ed bye lust for power. ‘Bull City’ Will Hast Hundreds DURHAM—Beauticians from five states—A la hems, Florida, Oaorgia, North and South Carolina, will eon* verge on Durham Sunday, ter a three-day mast of the South Atlan tic Region of the National Beauty CuHurtsts League, Inc. Mora torn 900 are expected to attend. The ssertiws are to get wider way at MV Yemen Baptist Chweh Sunday warn tag, where regtstrstlea will begin at A The delegates will warship at the chareh at 11 ito an. Oftkare m« Mato sapervteere wtn at tend secafervy* at i m end Bustoses seasons are scheduled to spea at t pm. Monday. Tbs fea ture sf toe meet Is a clinic work shop tost will be hold Monday and Tuesday, beginning at 10 am. This workshop Is planned to discuss the laUwl Wcl«uu«» in the several arts of too profession. Exports, to their chosen fields, will direct the clinic*. “The Parade es Clttes" wtU be held ea Tecaday warning. Tbs plowars haps to display too styles sad eastern ea es too respective cities. In the geo th em legiaa. Mrs. Margaret Minor it general chairman of arrangements. Mm Is being assisted by Mssdsmss waiter McKclthan, Cora McCloud and Col lie Day. ‘Need Spang GOP Drives’ Roy Wilkins NVW YORK Republicans “can win back substantial Negro support it they will work at the task In mors thou a querllous and sporadic fashion, M the executive secretary of tha National Associa tion for the Advancement es Col ored People declared today. If Republicans had cultivated the strong Negro vote gains made toy former President Dwight D. Elsenhower prim to 1960, former Vice President Richard Nixon might have been elected Prsal dsnt In 1960, Roy Wilkins stated In the current 'November) Issue of McCall's magasine. “Many a Nsgra Is as asm to the party at people ha can not forget: Barnett, BaS Con ner. Eastland, Bilbo, and Wal lace; be weald wsleeme aa •nurtnlAr in niwa Imnm* w r r ul aasasswy vw ■ pvhs ss (to tha Rspablisan Party). OeneraJ Rteenhawar received tl per cent at tga Nsgra vote to l»t, bnt U per seat sf it to Hit Mad tha Rspabllsans cultivated this gain a eel fleas ly In the fear years balers to ss. they last might have ad ded enough Nrgreee to have elected Nixon to 1999. stated Wilkins. The Negro leader stated that "... Democrats aro not perfect on the race Issue; hut thay have developed a knack