Orgi- :iJ Million Vote For Him A* Eyndon Gets His Landslide Win Two East Side Murders Stun Raleigh SMILES'OF VICTORY President Lyndon Baines Johnson end his wife, Mt*. Mk*die ILady Bud) Johnson, ere all smiles es they arrive at the DtiskHl Hotel hi Austin Tuesday night, Where they awaked dm election returns with friends. The Johnsons spent the day at their LBJ Ranch after voting early in the day. (JJPI PHOTO). Man Rapes Niece Here BY CHARLES R. JONES Die uncle of a 10-year-old Meth od are* girl lured her into a wood ad area on the pretense of “going to the apple orchard;" and ended up raping the child. Memphis Hen ry Pigram is being held on charges as ravishing his own niece. Detectives It I* Ennis and C. D. Gilbert received a call at 2:40 p.m. Sunday, to come to 810 Method Rd. Upon arrival, they were to tem* by Walter Clark that toe daughter had been raped by Plgraaa am* tost toe uncle had “flee tote the weed*" book of his house after committing the capital crime. An interview with the girl dis closed these facts: Her uncle approached her at a tunnel behind a Method church, put his arms around her and held her tightly. Then he carried her up a read beyond the tunnel, near a gar bage dump and on up beside the woods another 100 feet to a fence. "Ha then told am we were VV EA T H E K Temperatures te tha next Ova Is e«starn*Nortti CareUas, and turn ta fear degrees elsewhere. Na Im portant day-te-day changes ta temperatures are anticipates. Utah and law temperatures tar tha Ra leigh area. se-M Little II aay rata ls* la mdscaled tsreagaeut the parted. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ——— BU\ FROM THEM *■*,« * lari- a t Cut *!•»• MM J lap.-. I Caca-Cata Hoitltm Co. Larmi ■sii—-seta-cnra* taka W. Winter* sad Co. MM • llt*kmo* Mm* Co. p»Ort-€oU Co. ZZ7Z kMtl Staters peottai. lac Ijteta-talli ■xtTl of Utak teranrS Baakki aaf Trmt Co ■atam ITitTi In--- of Batotak tiller fntm aM Loss AssectaOan tamos |nlm Tte Co. UkMosr-s Paacral Roan f*M * • Water* Aoao sates tbs team tart taabt WateMaiiaa Terrace Apts. Ite Mate teaMaao aM Loan AaTa ILJ.Lj*»U_J.IJ nSai (Stag te the apple orchard,” stated the girL “He pat me ever the fence” and they had feme about 40 yards when he told her te lay dawn. She said he handed her some hair grease from a piece of paper and told her to “grease myself." At this point the child start ed to cry and refused la da aa ngraaa naked. Ha then report edly grabbed her, cheked her, THAT WE MAY CONTINUE IN GROWTH (An Editorial) America indelibly showed confidence and approval in rite Johnson administration and the philosophy of die Democratic Party Tuesday in its decisive landslide vote, remaining constant in the Roosevelt “do-how*’ ideals and “let-live” promotions. This great victory tells the story of the majority of the people. It says that Social Security is intact: it says the federal govern ment is to still father the land; it says that we are not going to turn back into a void of apprehensions of the future; it says that our Great Presidents of recent generations shall not have lived in vain: it says that this great and beloved Republic is determin ed to advance for all people; it says that we shall remain a leader for peace, Understanding and. compassion among the neighboring nation* of the world; it says that America has shown its great soul for the backward, retarded, underprivileged as well as the aged and needy; it indicates tie tolerance of our people to de bate and differ, and then close ranks and go ahead in die best interest of die people of this nation; it shows the blessings of God Almighty to guide in die paths of righteousness, thus allowing great growths of peace and brotherhood among the peoples of the world; it points up the opportunity for all of us to attain our as < CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Cotoatel (am team funeral Two l» Loofoo OH Co Url(l Coaloote PACT • AAP Stores Estates Bankers Co. Narnkk i TroMtlkißi Ikotes Pvrmtars PACE is _ POOR Cou teoWlas Co. of Baton ■Mgr way's Ogtlrlan kt PACE It jfij£jii_ W * y *nitain ■ I oaten «a Beß Ccanal Drag Moca PACE M Catollaa Paver aM Lists Co. Tfco IsssHat n*l> Ofstot j M6I IS PACE 11^ threw her en the ground and raped her. Mgrani gave the little girt a quarter and “threatened te kill me If I told anyone a boat tt,” she said. Upon reaching her home .the vic tim told her mother about it. The mother then called the cops and Pigram was apprehended 15 min utes after the rape occurred. He will receive a preliminary hearing in City Court this week. Woman Dies Waiting At Polls To Vote STJ.I BAIUN ROCKY MOUNT Chalk this up as one vote for President Lyn don b. Johnson which did not wit counted because of the CHrtm Reaper. Mrs. Lola Mae Dttaks. a atffte-*nf Sanest te. feß while waiting In Hm at the Beaker T. W ashington Sehggl htg*at 7%nk on the E4ge ghsrT CiUwi offldais are hi An ambulance was hurriedly called u> the scene, but Mia. Drinks bad died before she could be removed to a hospital The de ceased Urcd at MS Myrtle Avenue. Funeral arrangements were In complete Tuesday night. With a heavy ten-out of voteg teowrmtiw oif pace 9 The Carolinian —-—■—- ———■ - VOL. 24. NO. 1 \< Baptists Plan Integrated Confab It Was ‘LBJ All TheWay’ WASHINGTON - IW tha first time in his long political esrtot, Lyndon Baines the aeVMtodent stem the ' tmgrt eT PrasKsat John P, Kennedy an Navtmbar . 22, I*B3. Jett naan baa evenly exyreeee* hie dartre to beesma President In Me awn right—by • landslide veto He realise* ], last. An overwhelming 34,068,475 vot ers. expressed oonfideime in the man who had been instrumental in having the strongest Civil Rights Bill sines Reconstructs become law, an* who had side* the work ers of America to have more “taka home” pay at the an* of a week’s work. His opponent, Arizona Senator Barry M. Goldwater, received only 21,160.022 votes. Johnson carried forty-four States, Goldwater car ried six. These Included the Deep ON PACK t) Court Acquits AME Bishop D. W. Nichols PHILADELPHIA (NPI) - The seven-year-old controversy between Bishop D. Ward Nichols and the African Methodist Episcopal church over the SIOO,OOO which the sus pended bishop is alleged to have embezzled and fraudsnUy con verted to unofficial uses, moved into another phase bare last weak whan a panto of throe fudges ra vened a lower court Jury aenvto tion of too chargee. In an unnanlmous opinion by Judge Kendall H. Shoyer, Harold D. Saylor and Joseph Sloane, held that the commonwealth had failed “utterly” tn showing that the bis hop hart done anything illegal. Blahep Ntchets was Intoned charging artmppreprtelrta as griMia sa anarch lands as tween ISM and Mt He had already been faandgtoteaf to Jartwsnvini. Fla. (CONTINUED ON FAGS I) ■n|i Mmsm M J I 0 AT THE POLLS Koteers Ere •town standing in line to vote at Precinct No. 26, Ugon High School j| immsumi Tuesday at ter noon. A record turnout mm reported at moat precincte. North Carolina s Leading Weekly RALEIOH. N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 19«4 • ■ mm ■■l ■ ■ ■■ DR. HELEN O, EDMONDS Episcopal Women To Hear Prof. The R dsfepal Church women of Bt. Ambrose Episcopal Church will observe their 17th Annual Woman's Day here Sunday, Nov 8, at tha 11 o'clock worship serv ices. Dr. Helen Gray Edmands, dam as the graduate school, North Carolina College at Durham, will be tha featured Widely known and in de mand as a speaker, Dr. Ed atend’a presence hare la ex pected to attract a large audi- CHOC. Dr. Edmonds who seconded the nomination of President Dwight David Elsenhower for his second term. August 33, 1966, also served as Personal Representative of the President on the dedication cere monies of the Liberian Caltol Building, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. October, 1967, where she (CONTtWVgD ON FAQS-ri Voters Were Pro-J ohnson NOVEMBER 9, 1904—Tha CAR OLINIAN newspaper conducted an elaetton day poll to determine the anal affects that weeks of Presi dential campaigning has had on voters in the Raleigh area. Many elements an Involved in malting that final decision—party loyalty, platforms, and even personalities. The purpose of this poll was to seek out all such elements and to access a relative weight each had on the voting populace at random. Voter* were ashed to give their general sttttnde on this election. The fedowtng «aee ttosm wen asked: (1) De yea think that if Johnson Is elect MM. ALMA JOHN Alma John Pays Visit To Haleigli Mrs. Aims John, special consult ant for tha Modess Product Com pany and one of the nation's out standing broadcasters, spent sever al days at Saint Augustine's Col lege last week. Mrs. John, who received the coveted McCall Magasine “Golden Mike Award” In I*sß for creating an* performing too boat youth program, eniltla* “What's Right With Toen-Ag enr, held a variety as semi nars during her stay at tot cal lage end spoke la several youth groups an topics as special in terest. A film on ellnlcal hy giene was shown at the con clusion as her discussion. Determined to get the maximum milage out of her viait to Raleigh, Mr*. John appeared on WRAL Tel evison Network and on WLLE Ra (CONTINUED ON FAOB I) 'd he win eonttnae the liberal poMtoee he retried oat as laid down by the lata President Kennedy before Us easeasina tion?; it) Do yoa think Im morality and coemption in government shea Id have been given Urn wide dimension pro jected by the Republicans late In the campaign, or should It have been a campaign tome?; and lit Which candidate would be more favorable to you as a member as a minority rasa? Mias P. L. Wade, Elementary (continued” ON FACE I) ‘First’ I For 2 Bodies GREENSBORO - The 97th Oea aton as tha Genera! Baptist Bute Convention, Ihc. and tha 19lti,Ses tos aO tom teyiwan a Land** an Sbxiliary to the General Convention will hold their Annual Sessions st the Shiloh Baptist Church. Greens boro, Nov. 9-12 On toe afternoon as Novem ber 11th. toe General BapUrt Start Convention will moot with toe Baptist Start Conven tion in the War Memorial Coli seum which will mark tha first time toe twa Conventions will have met jointly la their his tories. The program is as follows: 2:00-2:15 P. M.—Worship Period: Joseph Stroud and Charles Blue; 2:15-2:45 P. M —Presentation of the Work of the General Baptist Con vention: J W. While: 2:45-3:45 P. M. —Panel Discussion, Baptist Coop erating During the Current Social Revolution. Moderator. W. R. Grlgg; Panelists, J. D. Ballard, Carlyle Marney, H. L. Mitchell, and Henry Turlington; 3:45-4:00 P, M.—Music. (continued”ON FACE *) •■? , M ? , aW ’ V'm .-y £••, 5' STATE'S DEMOCRATS WIN Democratic candidate Dan K. Moore wm elected the new,Govemor el North Carolina Tuesday night. From left to right me: the new Lt. Governor, Rob ert Scott end hie wife, with Aft. and Mre. Moore on the right. .UPI PHOTO). From Raleigh s Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R JONES WINDOW BROKEN IN MOVING CAR Mrs. Esther Pegese, 45. of 303 W South Street, told Oficer B G. Lassiter, at 5:31 p m. Saturday, she Svas driving east on W. South when a man threw a soft drink bottle ptnd hit her windshield, breaking lit. The complainant stated the man then proceeded to Identify himself as John H. Smith of 230 E. Edenton. and added he would pay for the windshield. When Me eep arrived, the was Jeha H. Maeeey. Mrs Pe geae signed a warrant sM Mas sey was healed eff te Wake County JeM. charged with dam ANDREW LEWIS RUFFIN . . . ilaUi by kls wife Knives Prove Fatal . Two killings in Raleigh within one block et each other, startled the Eaat Raleigh community tilt weekend. The tint occurred hi the 400 black et E. Davie Street, near Oalef Tavern, and wae brabgM rrisfsf w SwtS ®Bviss ■ of til 0. Beet tt treat, were argsing et 11:0 p.m. when OWleere Nerauta Artie and Jesses E. (Bobby) Daye arrived an Dm aeene. The couple waa asked to •« home by the Officer*. Ruffin Mid ha would go home later, hut bis wife consented to return to her baate et thst time. Mrs. Reffta enid die went heme, got a batcher hntt* and pet tt in her handbag, the* re tamed to Iks scene et the liga ment. Whan Ruffin spatted her, be came ap te her and began hitting her, aha deelared. Mrs. Ruffin admitted eieo that the •truck him ae aha ran shed hrtn her hsndbeg for her knifb. Mbs then subbed hint three times, once hi tha threat, the cheat and right afeeaMar. Enf* (CONTINUED *oif PAOB I> . PRICE 15c age te property aad pablle drunkenness. HIT WIThTrON POKER BY IN-LAW Daniel Reas It, es SM Mark street, told Officers Wrraiaa Artis and James B. (Mehhfr) Days si 1:35 am. Swnday, Jpa mother-in-law, Mrs. Yeung. U. -HM me m my MM with es Irate poker." at |hr beam. 41 Jae Laois Arenas. Althotegk Bern refneed to ga te the hospital, be «M Mgte a warrant charging Ms temmßf ia-lsw with aaaonit with • deadly wrspsn. (COWT(MCa9~Egt PAM m

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