As integrated Service Held: - pm ' " " Robed Bailsmen Enter Churcl ■ :.vj! ; ■'* ' <: '-SSSfc ' N. C.’s Governor Challenges South South Must Unite: Governor Sanford NEW YORK Governor Terry Sword at North Carolina Monday urced Southern moderate* to Join force* against racial extremist in the South. In a signed article in the new Issue of Look Magazine, Sanford said: “Extremism cannot and should not be discounted. By at tracting publicity, they stake themselves seem larger, strong er and more terriytng than they are, and thereby inhibit the ac tivities of decent white persons who wwt the civil-rights ques tion* fairly resolved.” Sanford called tar Southern white moderates to “find courage la their numbers”, stating that Aiiuienca ignores 4, f Leave Church WILSON An audience at Ne groes and white persons ignored tour robed bat unblooded men In Ku Klux Klen robes during a raci ally Integrated Thanksgiving Dor flHTwt BVTV. ■awavar, the an walked cat when a Nerro nrfnlater. the Bov. Xf. K Mam. parifr es the ft. Mm ANTI Zion Church, nan «a read the ecrlptare. r# WHeon, president es *4 WttSn Ministers’ Aseeefe- Men, tanned the walkent We* agansdhid the Warship at the Viral Baptiat qgveh here. Tim'Rev. Wilson went on to My, “I mink it hi very disappointing that they would come right in and walk right out of the Lord's house while the scripture was being read. I felt that sacriliglou*.” An estimated 290 persona, includ ing some IS Negroes, attended the eerviosa. This was the first racially tntergrated program of speakers in • ‘white* church in this town of 20.000 persons. Three of the robed men took seats VLioliiMJViAiitittO, MK. MAtOli’ it ae «um able James W. (Jim ) Reid, right, mayor of the City et Raleigh, was awarded a certificate of merit Monday night by the Rev. D. N. Howard, Sr., during the Annual Recognition Dinner for Boy Scouts, Leader a, Parents and Friends of Scouting. Rev. Howard, Scout executive tor the Occoneachee Council, is shown in his of ficial uniform. From Raleighs Police Files: the; crime: beat BY CHARLES K JONES Exposes Self Atop City Garbage Track Jack Watford, an official of the City Sanitary Department toM Of ficer Otis Hinton, Jr, «t *43 am. Monday, that employee Chancey Spivey, of Raleigh, was standing on top of a garbage track “acting fun ny." When Hiatan arrived an the scene. Spivey had lawered his was sickle* oat his toegae to the tee block as E. Davie Street ZTorZcrr managed to get him Ms the track's top and wrested him thr exposure. “He was not Jamaica ted. nor hsd he had ■ nothing will cause the extremists to flee more quickly thw the dis covery that they are outnumbered.” The North Carolina Governor urged the moderates to “discov er eaa another, and ferae the kind of community organise tleaa that have ae helped la our own state.” Sanford added in Look: “Politics will change the moment politicians know there is no longer anything to be gained from racism. The Southern moderate catt indi cate by his vote that he favors re sponsible change and disapprove* of extremism. Leaders are far more likely to stand up and challenge extremists, if they believe the ma jority wants them challenged." in the front of the chnreh before the service began, and the fourth tcmmmvup oit page d 600 Attend Boy Scouts’" Event Here Over 600 Scout Lenders, parents and friends of Scouting attended the Wake District’s Annual "Re cognition Dinner* Monday night at the ligon Junior-Senior Huh School. E. r. Rayford, vice - chairman of the Wake Scouts, presided a M introduced the special guests. (CONTINUED ON PAGE *) Shoplifters Beat Two Store Clerks Two unidentified Negro women are being nought by Beietgh eopa after two clerks in toe Hew Bern Avenue Piggy Wiggly store declar ed they stole several items and as saulted them last Saturdav night The clerks. Tammy Mttrtirlf n. as MM Team Street: aad Jeha Weaver. M. of ttU Bras well Street, taid officers they a* the wamea hide Sto mer- They were aamußed. they said, as they tried to bold the aliened until toe cope came, but one of them brake a wine bottle over Mitchell's bead, eat Weaver's (COSmWCSD ON PASS • The Carolinian North Carolina *s Leading Weekly V0L.24.N0. 5 RALEIGH, N. G, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1964 PRICE 15c “No Fool Play” In Local Fire Death B— \ W pi r | V Wwt* ■ R •fee* ’A , DEBUTANTE QUEENS. ESCORTS AND COURT The above photo appears to be a family affair as fathers of the in and out-of-town Debutantes and their courts were marshalled bv their fathers at the 27th Annual AKA-aponeored Debutante Ball, held laet Friday night at Ra leigh’e Memorial Auditorium. Lett to right: Miss Peggie Andeteon, out-of-town queen, whose teth er Oliver Anderson, was her marshal; Miss Margaret Edgerton, end marshal, Weldon Bdgerton; Miss Diarm Peebles, and Charlie Peebles, marshal; and Miss MUdrad Vivian Campbell with lath er, Ralph Campbell, Sr., her marshal. (See other debutante photoe on page 15). “3 Circumstances Challenge Our , Highest Creativity:’’ Dr. Via 6. Player Dr. Wills Beatrice Player, ami able president of Greensboro's Ben nett College, told an overflow Woman’s Day audience lest Sun day at First Baptist Church that three circumstances challenge our highest creativity. Thu anted epmhtv cited these Soldier Killed By Car As He Lay In The Street FAYETTEVILLE A ft Bragg soldier was run over and killed an Jasper Street Saturday at 6:18 p. m. He wm identified aa Harmon Dailey. 9. of Btb Trans. Co. He died an route to Womack Army Hospital at Pt Bragg, police aaid. Patrolmen Raymond Miller mid toe police department received a call at 8:10 p. at that a man was lying in toe street, and toe car Struck Dailey while police were on their way to the scene. Two paseersby* had seen Dailey, summoned police and sought to help him. Miller mid. He said Charles Coles of MB Jasper St attempted to direct traf fic around Dailey while Wilbert Cassias To Join Ranks Os Fathers BOSTON <NXP> Leaving no doubt concerning his preference. Hravey weight champion Cassius Clay proudly announced: “1 expect to have a baby hoy In about eight months " In this manner, Clay, whose title bout against Sonny Liston was can celled because of emergency sur gery, iHsrlmrd that bis beautiful wife. Sonji's baby would he a hey. he replied: “Why. hm Just got to be e bey . • « hd . • » S might be g little gbt- ae: *We cry peace when there I Is as pease.* *Ctvtl Bights legi slated lawmen the need te de end ear fraedem," aad "Hunger and depri ratten abound m a land es plenty.* Introduced by the Women's Day chairman, Mrs. Nora Evans Lock- Garner as Co. K Ist 804th Inton try. Ft Bragg, attempted to gtva the man artidflal respiration They toM Idler a ear “slmori ran over them aad* struck Delley. The ear eras driven by Lawis K (coimruEs on page n CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM r age s jgl"- Mis. tttotar* and Co. Central Drug ton PAM* fendm dd Ce. d. g. Setae Paratters Company dim Oats Md PACE 7 UP Stores K atom's WaysMs ■stelae QllSert Ce. Memer’and DmfMet PtSSctobUMcf es BaJ«Uk Btdseway’s Optician. Ins. POOP S nrT'siin and Service ■reeks Appliance Co. Tartar game and neshrlrsl Co. PAGE M Wade's Aeas Mm hart, Dr. Player spoke on. “Chris ta in Women in the Space Age: Moments of Faith and Courage.’’ She described poverty ae “the gap between what we are end what we may become," adding, "the breadth and depth of this gap la indicative es the extent to which we ourselves ere improverished." Dr. Player said the Brat task is the inner person's recognition of the need to advance from eonoern for self to a self-fulfilling person. She declared eetf eeteeai la MghOghtlag ear level es eeptre Hen end “that Is net easy to a variety where we have been llHiMltFo* (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Catted dsnS-Ads PAOI IS Sanders Matte Ce. ■ant General Toe Ce PAGE U PAGE Id t | SmMPeSn Co. leer's of Hlddk MSsmtirfk-xftrOs sTtodsisk usMner's Panseal Name Cemamnttr Ptastat Canunmdir Bras Mrs Carer tom tamrvvssaent Ce. Msdunles and Parmars dans PAGE Id WMta's Od Ce.. lac. PAGE It jßnnM?n»r to PMd Padlock Was Not OoQoor According te Information resolv ed last night by & CAROLINIAN newmgiw Donate A. Mills. M-year old one armed white Apex resi dent, who wee burned beyond rec ognition et 4:16 p. m, Monday, tn e one-room shack, might have gotten out alive, as the door wee not pad locked as previously reported. Detective fgt L. B. Council stated he could find Be evidence et teal play thus ter. bat said be end Sgt. Horae# Moore are sUII Investigating the Incident. The hat was owned by Thomas Jackson, a Negro, and friend es Mills. Mills’ body was found In the hut on Hogan's Lens in the Method community sfter tthe shack had partially burned. Original reports Indicated that Mills had been locked In the shack and died trying to get out of a window. Council did state Tuesday, how ever. that tthe door of the hut might have been closed with a latch, but was not locked from the outside. The door did not have knobs, and a wire or other object had to be placed through a small hole to o pen It C. R. Pursyeer, assistant firs chief, stated Mills’ body was found In s kneeling position on a bod with his heed at one of the two windows, which wss nailed up with barbed wire. It was reported that Thomas Jackson, had left Mills In th# shack to go to the store. Jackson Mid he did not lock the door. As Jaeksaa was returning freoi the stare with seme Pace (paint thtnaar), which waa al legedly to be need by the twe men er drinking parpanca, aad a can es barmens far a Are. be mw bis bat aMase, dropped the • sea ea the rallread tracks aad ran te the mis. Two of Jackson's neighbors, Wll ’ (CONTINUED ON PAOg t) W HATHER - wm Tcmperstarss tor the next five gars, Tharagay throsfh Moagay. will air rasa arar seasonal normal aver North Carolina. M«eh aag law tomprrataros for Palrteh. 14. SI. II will ho warmer first part of dm portog, tarn las eooirr tha lat ter part as Iho poring. Proetptta (tea will ho heavy aag wiU over sea awro than a half-tack. Body Found; Head Almost Blown Off GOLDSBORO A 14-year-old boy. Shelby Herring hunting in a wooded area near here discovered the body of Bugene Bizzell. 30. of Route 2. Seven Springs. Mr. Bit toll had been missing since Oct. 12. The body was found Thursday in a swampy area off Highway 111, about one mile from his home. Wayne County Sheriff Wll botd wan thnsat Mown from Ms body by • shot gun charge. A Ad gun eras found near toe And EM body and he la re Freedom Party’s ‘Democratic * Out JACKSON. Miss. A state eourt judge has made permanent an In junction barring the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party <MF DP) from using the word “demo cratic” in Its title. The MFDP challenged the right of the regular all-white state Dem ocratic Party to alt at the National Democratic Convention in Atlantic City this summer. State officials, acting In be half es the regular party organ tsatlen. sought and received a temporary restraining order from Stale Chancery Court Judge Stokes Robertson re straining 14 MFDP officials and the party Itself from operating In the state. mower Says Son Is “Sick In The Mind” NEW ORLEANS. La. (NIP) - “Splendid work" by the New Or leans police department has re- DavidHe'id, Barter, Is Eulogized One of this city’s most respected and oldest barbers died last Friday after several months of Illness. David H. Reid, Sr.. 82, was eulo gized Monday st 3 p m. at the St. Paul AME Church here with the Rev. Ben Fsust, pastor, offldatnlg. Interment followed In Mount Hope Cemetery. Mr. Retd was born In Morgan ton In 1881. son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry (Cora) Reid. He it tended public schools In his native tswn. At the age es Id. he came te Raleigh te live with hla grand mother aad uncle, securing am pler meat st a barber shop. Mg Fayetteville Street, where ha worked until his retirement hi September es IMS, first M a barber aad later aa a barber owner. On Miy 13. 1803. ha married the former t!m Ida E. Hunter. Joining St. Paul AME Church at an early age. Mr. Reid served faith fully In many departments of the church, specifically on the Board ot Trustees as secretary; and lend (CONTIM’EIT ON PAOg I) ML jhl 'EM I Wr Mm DAVID H. REID. SR. ported to have had a band an the weapon. Sheriff Adamr said search par ties had combed the area near a creek where the body was found, without success. Investigation ronUaued after Mrs. Eugene Blsrell Informed the Sheriff that her husband did net own a shot gun nee any ether firearms. It could not be ascertained whe ther Mr. Bizzeli was In bad health, but this theory Id also being in vestigated. along with the possibil ity of homicide. sere the Nattenai OffMMis, would have held theee named In eentempt es eeert The or- Amt wm MNMttdtodl ae that only buatneas shifted on by the MTDPwtthtn Wean The permanent Injunction, hand ed down November the party from using HS# Rhine “democratic" since the tradiUatial party has registered that name un der state law for its own uee. The MFDP argued that U was the only party in the state with an allegiance to the national Democratie Party and thus the only party With any right to the name. suited in the arrest of a SS-yuar-oM Negro parolee charged with th# rape deaths of two white w^smen. The sasoMh "ba »°PMjKdhr ‘■•v- 4 fr ■KfpK k m , J§r v - ; * COMMENTS ON KILL INOS New Turki Milgosh X who changed Ms warns «• MaUh A1 Shabass. haMa praae confer - enee at Kennedy Airperi Nov. 14th an hla return front African visit. Malcolm X, who split with several months ago, satd that the V. S. government and Cm galeae Malm Tshorn be share responsibility for the kflMags of while beetagM by Cengvtrse re bels In Hianleyvllla last wee# (UPI PHOTO). Beckwith's Soil Held As A Pig Thief GREENWOOD, too ol Byron de la Beckwith, thoooeused slaver of civil rights ltsiiao Martgar Evers, pleaded guilty to charges of stealing a pig and waa given a sus pended sentence boro. Circuit Caart Judge Arthur Clark saspsadsd a ftto fin# and a three wantb prises term tor ye*W BeekwHb sad throsHsant •tealiag aad staaghtoring a to tal farmer’s pig. The judge up* derad the youths te replace the rid- Also freed this week were Bwn white men charged in the 19M ma chine-gunning of a Student Howto- OP* %Hi ‘’m-iWs* ll * 1 ”* *

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