Wake Youth Was On Way To Storey HUNT STILL ON FOR BOY-KILLER JOSEPH JEROME HOLLOWAT LeftTo Die In A Ditch HT STAFF WHITES According to an of the State Highway Patrol office hart Tuesday niaht. invest!ration u eon* tinuing into the death ol a 14-year old youth, who was struck and knocked front his bicyle on the Old Stage Road at 9:20 p. m. last Friday. CpL Bari Greene and State Trooper Stacy 8. Bailey, who was called to the scene, are still working on the case. Joseph Jeraaac Holeway, the victim waa feat dying la a ditch, and pronenaeed dead an arrival at Wake Manorial Hos pital. Death was attributed to a crushed skull, according to hos pital authorities. Witnesses reported young Hollo wly was hit by what appeared to left front fen der. It was last seen traveling South lb the direction of Blalock's Crocs goeds on N. C. 42, Bailey stated. The boy. who lived with hie grandfather, Lonnie HdUoway. of Raleigh, Ron to 2, ws hit about 129 yards from his hems. Mr. Holloway informed Dr. Wil liam Hedrick. Wake's deputy medi cal examiner, that Joseph was rid ing his biks to a atom about >OO yards up the road. A neighbor, Truman Harris, who lives an Old Stage Bead, about It miles south of Raleigh, told Trooper Bailey that Jo seph wae struck in (rent cf hb house and said the automobile continued an dawn Me reed wttheet stopping. Tha unknown killer's car wee passing a -yellowish bread or cigar track” Mr. Harris told the trooper. Hie truck slowed down, then re sumed Mb speed, he continued. Harris then went cut to the rend, found young Holloway lying In tee ditch beside hie SaL peliee milts hi tea aree were put an laahant far the vehicle, tndudiug the Ra leigh Peliee Department. The hit-run car may be marked with red paint from the youth’s red bike. (CONTINUED ON PAGE » W EATFi p: H Twpmlmi for tke >nt flv* taji, Tbaniay <kf«asfc Hm4v. win ninit I to * Mpm itan maraul. Writ sag law leapn*- ■am far Raleigh wUI W, 52-Jl. Rainfall will average 1 to 1 'Bar ter* at am lack, ercurrtei la per ttaai. tat* Tkariday sag aver tka ntin Friday mad a*ala aremad Monday. CAROLINIAN [ADVERTISERS I BUV FROM THEM r*M « IwdM OICm Gem Watch «»*? MOt I - ** rmmltmt * Caa«»aay FAGS 1 toSaaSfcn c* Matty tor Taytoe Kadto aad Mi cintal Oa £*«» Mm V. WtolfT* MM C®. __ f* m« Capital Ctct-Ctla BMUMg CM, rtligi »"'■ VpflfMM Mm *"*■ PAM 11 MM « WhW*»_OII Cw. toe. r«pal Cala towtMaa Ca. PAGt B*' BUrmaa-Ba'jky. lac. gSTtoSp Co. KaMe la'ito*Ca. df. c, lac. SnaMVaUa*!** lroal CA A ‘ V ' Mrs. Mallory, Contacted N. C. Kidnaper, Fights N. Y. Cop Over Congo Situation The Carolinian * North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 24. NO. 6 RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1964 PRICE 15c Murder Arrests Finally Made. Will Miss. Prosecute? U, S., World AwaitmgTtie Fate Os 21 MBUDIAN, Miss. (NFI) Tfte State ad Mississippi ettll Jim not Indicated whether It wIB file mur persons arretted to Connection wtth the rteaSw o t three civil rights vofkfiHe mtatotor. hero" tln'etarrJl with violating stril righto of the slain trie. The FBI. which made the ar mate, cannot file murder chargee. Murder to not a federal offense, unlace It to committed on govern ment peope rtg gtate Diet A tty- W. H. Jehn een eaid the atete to “reriew ing the earn and I am net at liberty to ear hew tong it will be before we reach a deeicton ae to whether er net to file chargee.” The mace arrests, which came shortly after W Director J. Ed (CONTDUta ON FAGI t) Kills Self As Boyfriend Listens In WASHINGTON (NPD Police are still seeking motives to the tragic death of a 14-year-old girl who killed herself while her boy friend listened ea the telephone. ed across a chair to the es her home. Hear the body was a Jt-celiber revolver, which had been fired once. . Dr. Balden B. Been county medi cal examiner, ruled the death as suicide. Autopsy showed the slug had passed through her heart, then pierced the spinal column. Police gave this account of the tragedy: Linda called her boyfriends, gam my Hepperle, who lived about a dozen blocks away. The girl was crying and said toe would kill bcr (cowTurtTrir on pa am n I * GROUND BROKEN FOR NEW ST. AMBROSE P. E. CHURCH Shown above are some of the participants who took part in the graundbreakmi ceremonies tor the new St. Ambreaa Episcopal Church in the Rochester Haights ana on Sunday, December 6, a 4 p. at. Lett to right ere: Purdie Anders, junior warden; George Foxwell, president ot Lay meets League; Leonard Her die, senior warden; J. O. White, chairman, building committee; The Rt. Rev Richard Baker, Bis hop of the Diocese of N. C., turning the first shovel ot dirt; Mrs. C. J. Barber, president ot Episco pal Churchwomen and The Rev. Arthur J. Calloway, rector. The building trill ha a SIOO,OOO edi fice and should be completed late in 1965. Accepts Nobel Prize: It’s Not “How Long We Live, But How Well,” Dr. King Says Nobel Prim winner the Iter. Or. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared he la not afraid to die In racial violence. hi an interview for an ABC-TV program on the Nobel Prim A ward* to be telecast Saturday. De cember 12, at 7:20 P. M. BBT.. Dr. Hoover Determined To Stay, Despite Demands WASHINGTON (NPD—FBI Di rector J. Edgar Hoover has voiced his determination to remain In his poet despite a growing demand that be resign. The sudden controversy over die FBI chief grew out hie comment that Dr. Martin Luther King Is a “notorious liar.” have repeated Dr. KJagls charge that Che FBI has ast darn aB H caa to track down perpetra tors as racial Crimea in the Rev. C. T. Vivian, an associate of Dr. King, said: “We never expected that action against (Hoover) might come so soon. But really, whet kind of man is this that ran call Dr. Kin? the country's most notorious liar one week, and the next boast that fit's a states lighter who’s against peo ple have their rights trampled by minorities?” Rev. Vivian said that “Negroes are the ones who have bad their rights trampled for doeadee and If Mr. Hoover doesn't know that by now, it's time be learned.' In Greenwood. Mias. Stoke! y Carmichael. GOTO prefect director, said: “I've bean here since IMI and I dent am all the Improvement some people taM about The FBI atb . King declared: “You must be will- I lng to die for something you be- I Ueve. ”1 dent think a man enn be fully free an til ha eenanen the fear as death aad I really feel that I have rssiaaisil this fear-” declared the noted From Raleigh s Police Filey THE CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Was Dancing With The “Wrong” Girl Robert Cotton, of Route.® Bnx M. Raleigh, told Officer T. T. Street. Jr., at 3:20 am. Tuesday, that a man called “J. T.” pulled a gun on hlw and fired It because. "I was dancing with a girl." Cotton declared "J. T. whip ped out the son aad shot aa I was walking oat the dasr - He was not hit. however, aad the •Mirer was enable to find evt denee as to wham the bwßet had leaded. The dapper and mysterious “J. T.” was said to have been attired in a derby bat. striped shirt, and dart coat and panto. No one in tervened knew fata full name or Three Men Fight With Can Opener * t leader as the wen violent etvfl righto eampalga who at the age of U became the youngest man aver to win a Nsbal Prise. He wfll be preeentid the Peace Prise la Ode Thursday (Pse whtoh wm ha dtowTaTtao Nehel Prtae Awagde khddsa pngiem aa wMeh he mprim ad Ms Inch es fans es death. Dr. Stag It the third Negri aver to win a NeMe Prise. *T don't hare any tour of death.” add Dr. Kfaw InTho ABC-TV to tCPWTDfPPD N MM I) “We drove up on David Sloan, Jr, 21. as 200 B. Booth Street, stand ing In the middle of the BM bioefe of B. Cabarrus Street with an tok en pocket knife in bis right hand and bleeding from hie right thumb.” Sloan waa reported* tatt ing very loud and appeared to have boon drinking. He taM the eope that lap Ham 27. as 42S Dakar Street, aad laray Wiliams. M, as tha ream address. kad besa fight jiha hire cMaere thea^toah dram! whew they twmd both AH edmHtod engaging la lto fight, ah ware Injured, aad all were hauled off to Bie Wage County Jail, charged with assault with deadly weapons upon each New Charge Drings Arrest; Out On Dail KBW YORK, N. T.—One of the four persona oonvloted of kidnap ing a white couple In Monroe, N C„ loot Ptobruary, and the only woman Involved. Ifto. WlUle Mae Two Groups Deny They’ll Cut Off Aid NEW YORK CITY (ANPll—Re ports that Hm Southern Leader ship Confer ymro h«- support from the Council of Feder ated Organizations (COFO) are un true, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, SCLC’a president, told ANPI Monday. —as— aaswlnaa m talaalslnsi tv law SfrTlOtt Snfl mlrf lmwil ftptfte lum! IndlMtod lluhl SCLC and NAAOP had than dssiad tha aaitad civil rights treat asevemsaj In Hhnlmlppl leaving only Tha Congress es Baote^tej— toy sad MMTWnw oii MM M ■ »■ ■ a — Fort Bragg Soldier G|ls Reefer” Term WttRON - Bert Bryant Scott, 2d, ■ setdlr of Fort Stag* wheat na il— heme to New York City, was given active ppteon sentence ho— last we—end in Federal Court after being convicted of acquiring and transferring marijuana, some times referred to as "reefers.” Scott was sentenced under the Youth Corrections Act, which pro vides tor a maximum sentence of four years, plus a two year period of supervision. He faced maximum a—tenet es to years on two charges es dasHagwMi tee 11 tell weed af ter entered plus of guilty. Federal attorneys summed up evidence In tea ease, when they ■aid deoH sold six bags es "roe far" te an inferaser, who paid him wNh throe marked S2O Mila. Tha defendant was later appre hended tot his quarters at Fort Bragg, and one of toe S3O bills wss found wi his person. R could not be ascertained just where he will serve his time, but it will be In a Federal penitentiary. North Carolina docs not hav# one. PRESIDENT JOHNSON GREETS OLYMPIC MEDALIST President Lyndon B. John - Johnmm fc ehown laat week greeting John Thome*, at Cambridge, Mam, as a luncheon taoeptiem given at the White Houee by the Johnaorm lor the U. S. medal winner* in the recant Olympic Gamee in Tokyo. Japan. Thome* won a *ilver medal in track. (VPI PHOTO). » A r *■.- * Mallory, 37. was accused last week In court of assaulting a local po lice officer during a demonstra tion at the United Nations Platan. Mrs. Mallory, who Is free an *19,000 bail In the North Car olina incident, daring appeal es her 10 to M year kidnaping sentence, was ordered held tn *3,900 bail by Criminal Court Judge Walter H. Godwin. Also charged with felonious as sault waa Sayywd KhaUalsultan, 21, also s Negro, of Brooklyn. Fo was ordered held under a $1,900 boil Both were charged with assault ing Patrolman John Oallagher during a picketing demonstration Tuesday, calling for support of re bel forces in the Congo. Demon strators became unruly and four of them were jailed. Conrad Lynn, an attorney, renreeentinr the pair. Identifi ed Mrs. Mallory as the woman Involved in the N. C. kidnap ing. She has also taken part In a number of civil righto demonstrations in the South. Mrs. Mallory, one white man, another Negro, and Robert F. Wil liams, Monroe native and also a Negro, were convicted of kidnap ing the white-uouplo during a ra cial disturbance in Monroe in 1991. Williams later Had to Culm, where he sought asylum and is now making alleged propaganda fardirtntnti Gov. Sanford Commutes 13 CR Sentences Governor Terry Sanford announ ced last Saturday that he wss com muting the sentences of 13 civil rights workers arrested In Chapel Hill during the early part of 1004 end charged with various civil rights protests. One es the defendants was tbs Rev. Harman Lee Smith, a divinity Reheal prefesaar at Daka University, Barham, wbase conviction last April brought tears te the eyes es the women Juors after presiding Judge Raymond B. Mallard sentenced him te to days an the roads. All of the thirteen defendants (CONTINUED ON MOE *) Iwr*' MRS. WILLIE MAE M^ORY HOWAED LEE BOONE ... burglar finds ae way ant Could KeepVowyjo HU Lawyer j , OF ttettH a JONER A 28-yol-3d Raleigh mm. who allegedly vowed to his Jaafyer, ’TU never serve a (By If they (the jurors) eonvlet me." foiled to make good his voir and was sentenced to servo 30 to >1 years In Woke Su perior Court list Friday afternoon after sloshing his throat with o razor blade in front of too jury. The incident occurred about fI:M e.m. ' Howard Lee Beene, Os lIM 8. Person Street, waa reshed to Wake Memorial Hespttal after one e toe jmero yelled tsrtee, "The prisoner's eat his to—alt" Beene wae retarnM to smart (hereafter, however, and plead ed guilty to a resend charge of ■Meat degree burgtery after Jadga Haary Medians a had passed sentence an the first guilty plea. The Jurist than sentenced Boone to an addi tional to to tt-yaar term, hat allowed toe sent—saa .Ha ran concurrently. Boa—to wound wae deoeribed as o "stlgtot eat ander his chin." Boone was on trial tor first-degree burglary, but Wake Solicitor W. G. (Buck) RsnsdeU, didn’t gr—S far a first-degree conviction too capital charge. (CONTINUED ON MWI)

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