ISO ZION’S LANDMARKS. tlic Old Baptists have been my meat and drink ever since; I felt like I wanted to be with them, but lived in doubts and fears for five yeai*s. I went to hear brother Hall; before he preached he sung this song : “Mixtures ot joy and sorrow, 1 daily do pass throngb.” I thought it fit me so ^hat I could not hide it; on my return I com'- mcnced and told him somethin£r that I did not intend ; I felt awful; I would have given away everything 1 possessed it I had it back. Some^ time after that I went to the Bash Arbour to hear him preach ; he said in his discourse that he was aointr to O O tell a true mark of a Christian ; said that when they would do good evil was present with them; I thought that I could say that; I saw such beauty in baptism 1 wanted to be baptised ; I could not stay away any longer; after a short time, (some four weeks,) I had the opportunity and wmnt forward and told a part of what I have here written; I was rC' ceived and baptised by brother Hall; it was a feast of fat things to mv rso¥i2--doi!h ts and fears come, with ups and downs; I thought I was deceived and had de ceived the church, and had reproach ed the cause ; 0, my soul, what shall I do ? I thought I would withdraw myself, that I was not fit to be there, although I loved them people; I thought of that Scripture where it says, if yo eat of this bread and drink of this wine unworthily, ye shall drink damnation to your own soul; 0, the sighs, the groans, I can not tell; I lay down and felt that I could not live ; my prayer was. Lord, if I am deceived undeceive me ; give me one more evidence that I am thine. The next day brother Boden- hamer preached at Ma’s ; after seiw mon he opened the door to receive members; ray uncle and ray other sister came forward and told a nart of what the Lord had done for them and Avere received and baptised.— Brethren and sisters, 1 Avas made Aviiling that dav to folloAv the Lord in any example tliat he had laid doAvn in the Scripture; I could say it is enough, lie has done great things, Avhereof I am glad. So I have liad many ups and doAvns since that, but I hope some day ere long to surmount them all, if I am not deceived ; I am assured He aauII do right Avith all of His ; He is a Father to the fatherless and a husband to the widoAV. Brethren and sisters, I will come to a close fearing I may weary. May the Lord bless His people and church and bring them out of their cold and lifeless state. Dear brother Bodenhamer, dispose of this as you think best. “ Blest be the tie (b.Tt binds Our hearts in Christian love; Tlic fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.” SARAH C. WYATT. Grace be unto you, and peace Irom God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.—Paul to the Corinthians, 1st chapter and 3d verse. Here we see Paul, being an apos tle of Jesus Christ, through the Avill of God; Ave cannot deny he Avrote to the dilferent churches throughout the country, exhorting them to their duty; and such exhortation ought to be in this our day ; but not so ; and why, because they are fearful of hurting some one’s feelings. If the truth offend, let it offend. If the right spirit is there, you cannot make a Christian mad. But in this our day it seems that Christians Avill speak evil of each other Avhen there is no cause for it. It is a bad spirit. If they hear anj^thing upon one anothcT i it is a Christian spirit to go and sec I the brother or sister and tell them : Avhat you have heard, and if they I cannot give you satisfaction, then you ' Avill have a right to talk about them, and not until then. If it is of grace, then let grace much more abound in your mortal bodies, not an evil spirit. The old boy is always ready to help ! you persecute one another. I say j God forbid such a spirit should dwell among His children. It is enough I to cause hard feelings toAvards each I other. If it Avas not for the cause of ; Christ, and the love I have for it, you Avould ncAmr see my face again at a meeting house ; but for the cause with an aching heart I move for it must needs be that offences come ; but woe to that man by Avhom the offence cometh ! But Avhoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it Avere better for him that a millstone Avere hanged about his neck, and that he Avere droAvned in the depth of the sea.” Ho, my Father’s children, be cautious in these things. I am somewhat sur^ prised hearing such rumors as I do from some of the family. “ Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” If Amu have felt that the Lord Jesus Christ has borne your sins in his body on the tree of the cross, and has died for you, and has rose again for your justification, you Avill do Avell, my felloAv-traveilers to another Avorkl, to keep in remem brance of Him. If I do anything AAWong, I am willing to own it. It is bad enough to do a crime, arid Avorse to deny it. We read in the Bible, “let God bo true, but every man a liar.” It seems that the truth of God is set aside, and the human fam ily is gone to the reverse of God’s iigith. Much more could be said upon this subject, but I Avill close for the present, hoping that these fcAV remarks Avill suffice. Yours in Christ, as I hope, JAS. CARNEY. go I on for the prize that I expect to get I Avhen this mortal body of mine i.sluid I in its mother dust and my soul Avill ' take its everlasting flight to that rest I unknoAVn to all persecutors of the ^ children of God. If it is of grace, .let it be of grace, and if it hoof Avorks, let it be of AAorks ; Avithoutit > is of the right kind of AA'orks, grace ; and Avorks Avill not mix together. I O “ Grace, it is u diariuiiig sound, 'Harmonious to a believer's It. heals his woutuks, And drives away his fear.’’ Let grace reign, and peace be multi plied unto you, and not be trying to devour each other. (See Matthew 18th chapter and Tth verse.) “ Woe unto the Avorld because of offences ! Near Daavsom, Tkrrel Co., Ga., ) March 4, 18G9. / “ Upon this rock 1 will build my cluircb, and the gates of liell sluil not prevail against it.”—Matthew 16;18. Brother Bodenhamer:—I feel dis posed to offer some remarks to the children of Zion upon the above text. It Avas necessary that this expression of our Saviour should have been given at the time it was for the learn ing and encouragement of his fol- loAvers and the comfort of the be lievers in aftertiinc. (I say necessary, for Christ said nor done nothing but Avhat Avas necessary and right.) This seems to be a kind of opening up to the understanding of the disciples of Christ something of the eternal pur pose and plan of God in the salva tion of hi.s people and of uniting them in one body ; and notAvithstan- ding the disciples believed in Jesus as the fulfilment of the j)roph,ecy concerning Clirist as the promised Messiah, yet they had not learned the eternal purpose and spiritual na ture of His coming and Avork Avhich He Avas to accomplish; they yet looked upon Him as a literal deliver er or Son of David, and consequent ly they staggered or faltered at the spiritual view ; and Peter manifested that carnality, over Avhich he had to lament doubtless, under the rebuke of his Lord. In many of the pro phecies, Christ is spoken of in a fig ure as a rock, a stone, and when Pe ter confessed that Jesus Avas tlio Christ, the Son of the living God, Christ then told him that and blood had not revealed this to him, but my Father Avhich is in heaven ; and then to shoAV the relation that existed betAveen tliem, lie says, “ I say unto thee, that.thou art Peter,” (Avhich name implies a stone,) and upen the confession of Peter as to the fulfilment of the prophecy in Christ, as the Rock of Israel’s sal vation, (He, from Avhem alone living Avaters could floAV, and the tried stone, the elect corner stone, and the stone Avhich the builders rejected,) Peter no doubt Avell understood Christ a-s alluding to himself and not to Peter, Avlien he says, “upon this Rock Avill I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ; ’ and to shoAV Avhat relaiion Peter av;is 1 to bea^tav occupy in thi.s buil;ii)-g, ns,- i one of the Judges that Avas to sic 1 upon tAvelve thrones, kc., lie said, I “and I Avill give unto thee the keys I of the kingdom of heaven, andAvhat- I soever thou shalt bind on earth shall be hound in heaven, and Avhacsoevcr thou shalt loose on earth sh^ll be loosed in heaven,” Avhich power Avas I given to all the apostles, as the tAvelvo I judges. The term Cephas Avas not ; original, but a given title to show ; the stability of the church, Avhich is I built upon the foundation of tin- apostles and prophets, Jesus ChiLsc himself being tlie chief corner stone. All these Avere chosen materials, elect, precious, (because the connecting link Is faith, Avhich is more precious tnatk gold, and the sons of zhou ai’C called precious sons, Lam. 4:2.) and Avere all chosen in Christ before the foun dation of the Avorld. The foimda- tion of this building, the churcii, be ing arranged and laid in election, ail the materials must agree thereto.— Men may rejoice in Avhat they have done to procure the favor of God in ; eternal salvation, or tlie salvation of I the soul, and boast of A\'hat they are, hut I am persuaded ^he cliristlan’s hope rests jipon this foundation, tlie eternal, unchangeable love and pur pose of God, manifest in election and predestination to salvation of the elect souls. The common salvation ■which Jude speaks of, and which

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