f tiTMmirni 68 ZION'S LANDMARKS I >' . ]xwsion on “■ publicans and sinnei's who were the lower elaases of the TOmmunity and bated by the self- righteous. Among these sinners were many Samaritans, Arhom Jesus bless ed, and against whom the JeAvs held a constant hate. See John 4:9; 2d ivings 17 : 24-41; Luke 10 : 33.— History informs us that the Samari tans were the descendants of the ten tribes. Avho revolted under Jeroboam, (1st Ivings 12 : 19, 20,) but Avere very smich mixed Avith foreign blood, and Jiad at this date became very idola- tfou.s, and had spent all their sub stance, and had lost all their j)rivi leges under the Iuav. Many of theso were noAV returning, and Avere more .A'cady to show compassion on a fellow creature in distress than priests or Levites. Lukel0:33. The Prod igal represents these revolted tribes, or last sheep of the house of Israel. As they Avcrenow returning to their father’s house, and Avhen Jev SOS shows them any respect the older I'rother i.s envious and je:ilous, and is not willing that the rebellious should 1)0 forgiven nor blessed. The older !,»rothcr, the lionse of Judah, Avho stayed at honro, had all the privileg sinned against heaven, and in thy | projwsed to carry me out to Brother sight and am Avorthy of irothingv Bat God sees him afar off, and in ever lasting love and divine eompa.ssion embraces him in forgiving love, be fore he is brouo-ht into the house of res God; strips off hisfiltliy self-righte onsness, puts on the spotles-s robe of Christ, slioes Irim Avith the prepara tion of the gospel, and puts on his hand the ring of eternal love. Thus clad he is brought into the house of the banquet, and there is joy in the presence of the angels. O vthat eom- ]>as.sion is liere displayed on the part of the Father, and Avhat unspeakalJe joy and endless gratitude should fill the heart of the redeemed simier! This 2>arable also aa-111 fit the case of a back-slider in Zion, exactly, but I have been too lengthy already. The above fragment is submitted. I. A. YAKMETER. Ogi.etiiorpe, Ga., ) March 1st, 1870. \ Elder L. I. Bodenhaaser :— IX'ar Brother, I Ava.s much disappoint ed or my arrival at tiigh Point, when I received your letter stating that you had declined g’oing with me to strangvr stowfil of Idloftsino's; iin- l _ i Rowe’s house, and immediately scf out; AA'e soon arrived at his house, found liim at home, and Avas much delighted in forming his and Sister Roaa’o’s acquaintance, who treated me with much kindness and brotherly love and affection. I remained Avith them a few days, dtiring which time I had the pleasure of meeting with Elder John Respess and his aged fa ther, a brother Baptist, and farming their acquaintance, Avhi(# delighted me very much ; also, learning some thing concerning the appointments: conimeneing on Saturday before the 5th Sunday in January 18T0, and ending the 3rd Sunday in February, including CARiy day betAveeu the time mentioned,—commencing at Prosf>erity diureh on Saturday. I tried to preaeli Saturday and Sunday for them; met a goodly number of the brethren, not only the church there, hut brethren from other churches, Avhom I Avas much delight ed to meet and form their acquaintance. IMonday I Avas conveyed to the church at Bethlehem by Brother Jones, AA’hom I lodged Avith the previous iuigry at the bestoAval of blessings up- bc on the repenting brother ? Why filled Avith wrath because Jesus Ava,s oaliing sinners to repentance ? But the pi'ixligal also- may represent the Gentile church, or tlm people of God among the Gentiles, forsaking idols and coming to the house of God. But I cannot close Avithout noticing the ex])erimental application and fitness of this parable a few moments. We see the prodigal sinner Avandering far JlAvay from the paths of rectitude and from God, wasting his substance and ,sj)ciiding his time, health, talents and blessings in riotous living; full of self conceit, and opposed to. the legal restraints of his Father in heaven.— I’nt A^■hcn God aAvakens the soul to see Avhere and AAdiat he is, he soon be gins to feel a famine Avithin, and real ises that lie is destitute of any good ness of his own, and he and Joins himself to a system of Avorks ; but the famine increases, and the law gives him no substance, not even iuisks. lie is mixing Avith SAviue, AAuth the unclean, but their food docs not suit his appefite nor relieve his Avants ; but Avhen ho is brought by the Spirit to realize his aAvful state of just condemnation and absolute help lessness, he then is brought toward Ins h'atiler’s house, saying, I have country, net only to the jMioplo gen erally, b«t an entire stranger to all the Primitive Baptists. But contemp lating that our appointments AAure made in Georgia, I did not feel satis fied to return home Avithout trying to fill them, notwithstanding, I at the same time felt my inability and AA’cak- nessto undertake the task. I felt like if I AA'as called'to the ministry that I should not look back, but trusting in the- Lord I felt to go for- AAurd, and trust in tlie Lord for his sustaining g-race, who I believed Avas able to sustain mo in Jill my under taking, and was able to give me light andjliberty, and mouth and AA'isdom, and utterance of speech, therefore 1 A\ns encouraged to press forward to discharge my duty. So Iproceeded on my journey Avith a prayerful heart. Kiight; there I met with a goodly of th§. brqthren besides theveyed ' Brother .Lewis’ clnirch ; -F tried to preaiOis the gospel! near by ; was joi'iied ant young man, to Good Hope churcli, where I met with a tew of the brethren. The day being very rainy I addressed them lor a short time, and after serA'ices I wa.s coti- A'eyedjby Brother Bell to his father- indaw’s, Brotlier Woodall, a min ister of the Gospel, who cared tor me very kindly. Tuesday I met the church at Mount Pisgah; 'preached for them; stayed Avith j Brother Highnotes that night ; found him to be a very precious brother. Wednesday, had appoint ment to preach at Harmony church, but owing to high water I »lid iiot reaeli there, but was conveyed by the same. Brother Bell, to Brother Elder Teat’s, Avho filled my ap pointment af Harmony. I was very mucli delighted in meeting Broth er Teataad f)rming his acquain tance alsohis wife, Sister Teat. E{t- on my arrival at their h.ouse they no tified their neighbors, who come in , and vve had a vei?y plee^sant rneet- ins: that night at Pllder Teat's ho-ase. Next day, Tuesday, I met the church at Slaughter Creek, in eotapany with Brother Teat. I tried again to preach to them the- Gospel. From t’sence 1 was coc- ho use, tha fr 'agairr to them. After services I Avas con- Auyed by Brother S. T. Murray to his house, to share his hospitality. Next day, Tuesday, I mot- the church Avith otlier brethren at Ebenezer; preached for them and Avas conveyed by Broth- j. night by Brother Teat, and had er McArthers to his house, and aaus beseeching the Lord to prosper roy journey. I arrived at Butl«r, Georgia, in twenty-eight hoiu'safter I leftHigh Point, in ])crfect safety and health, for which I felt A-nry thankful to God, for his blessing. On alinh-tin-o' off the train I immediately inquired for Elder John Rowe, being informed by the fpolite agent at Butler, that Brother RoAve liverl some eight miles distant. I inquired for conveyance to his house, and in a short time I AA'as introduced to tAvo brothers, who treated Amsy' kindly. Wednesday I met the church Avith other brethren at Monut Zion ; tried to preuich for them; then I Avasconveyed by Brother English, to his house, Avho Avas very kind ta me. Thursday I met the church at Bluff Spring, also, a con siderable congregation and se'veral brethren from other churches ; aaois much delighted witii the brethren.. From there I Avas coru'eyed by Brother Duke to Brother John Res pess’ house, Avhere I met with a kind reception, and enjoyed myself mucii in conversation with h.im and _his Father. Friday, Saturday and good I Sunday, had appointment to preach at Philippi church ; met a consid erable number of brethren, al&o Elders J. Murray and Woodall, whoEu I Avas much pleased to meet, partioular Eld. James Murray, Avho is an old father in the gospel, as 1 believe. I tried to preach two^druys- for tiiem. On Monday I was oon- the pleasure of hearing him prea.eh, wliich was very consoling to me. veyed by Mr, Se-Avart as he AATiS the second man that I had over heard preach in Georgia; found that he- preachetl the same doctrine that I was contending for, which encouraged mo very much. Friday I Avas conveyed by Brother- Teat to Mount Olive, in Cusseta;: there Ave met the churcli with many brethren from other churches,, with a considerable number of people. I addressed the congregation to the best of my ability ; after Avhich Brother Teat exhorted the people for some time, and Ave liad a very pleasant meeting. I remained in toAYii that night with a much be'' loved and highly esteemed (by me) Brother, 12. Bussey and Lady!—• N"ext day, Saturday, he conveyed me to Mount Perrin chnrch, Avhere I also met Avith many brethren, who appeared: to be interested in my welfare. After preaching I Avas conveyed by Brother Wall to- his. house, a precious brother ;. he also conveyed me to Country Line Sun day, Avhere I met a large congrega tion, and a number of brethren; I tried to preach to them. Alter services 1 Avas conveyed by a young I:-' ■-E

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