-1 f.' ZION’S LANDMARKS Charlotte^ N. Sept. 26,1870. Sir . C., 1 0. ; Brother L. I. Bodenhamer—Dear By and through the goodness and mercies of an all-wise God, I am still the spared monument of his amazing mercy, and blessed with an- otlier opportunity of sending on for the little soul-cheering messenger, Zion’s Landmarks, which i.s a source of great consolation to a banished ex ile, as I seem to be, excluded from the ])]easure of my being with or hearing the gospel proclaimed through a cru cified and risen Saviour. Brother Bodenhamer, since my last correspon dence with you, the God of heaven has again restored unto me a poor sinful and vile wretch my health, for which I wish and desire to praise, magnify and adore my God and Sa viour for his goodness toward the children of men. I had almost des“ paired of ever being well again.—■ Brother Bodenhamer, if you or any of the dear brethren should ever pass by Charlotte, please call on me. I would be glad even to see one of my dear brethren or sisters of the Old School order. Remember me, my dear brethren and sisters, at a throne of grace. I remain Your unworthy brother, HARGIS FARTHING. f—! OBITUARY. Bbothkr Bodknhambu :—By the request of the rolatiyes I send you the following obituai’y notice of our aged father and brother, WHITTENTON WIGGINS, who died at his residence in Stuart county, Ga., on the 5th of January, 1868_ and in the 77th year of his age. Brother Wiggins was bom and raised in Franklin county, N. C., and emigrated to Georgia, where he spent the remainder of bis days; he was the son of Archey and Sarah Wiggins. Brother W. had been iden tified with the Primitive Baptists for over forty years, and a meinberof the church at Harmony for thirty years, and was invaria bly sent as her messenger to the Harmony Association. He lived and died strong in tlie faith of the Primitive Baptists. His disease was dropsy of ihe chest and palpi- tation of the heart, with which he suffer ed a great deal, being confined to his bed for five weeks. He talked freely on the subject of death, and expressed himst^lf as being ready and willing to go and be with Jesus. He left a wife and three daughters and seven grand children with many fiieuds to mourn their loss, but they sorrow not as those wh» have no hope. He was very kind and affectionate to his children and grand children; they will never cease to remember and speak of his kindness. Why do we mourn departing friends, ')r shake at death's alarms, Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to His arms. Brother Wiggins leaves no son to benr his name. May the Lord sustain tho be reaved family. I. K. TEAT. APPOINTMENTS. Elder C. C. BLAND will preach as follows : Sunday, December 4th, Rose of Sharon. Monday, 5th, Bear Creek. Tuesday, 6th, Mewborn’s. Wednesday, 7th, Nahunta. Thursday, 8th, Memorial. Friday, 9th, Upper Black Creek. Saturday, 10th, Aycocks. Sundaj’, 11th, Lower Black Creek. Monday, 12th, Toisnot. Tuesday, 13th, Upper Town Creek. Wednesday, 14th, Pleasant Hill. Thursday. 15th, rest. Friday, 16th, Old Town Creek. Saturday, 17th, Spana. Sunday, 18th, Auter’s Creek. Monday, 19th, White Oak. Tuesday, 20th, Meadow. Wednesday, 21st, Tyson's. Elders WILLIAM A. ROSS and DAVID HOUSE will preach as follows : Skeewarkey, second Sunday in November and Saturday before. Ficot, Monday I4lh. Moratoc, Tuesday 15th. Acre Chapel, Wednesday 16th. White Plains, Thursday 17ih. Union Chapel, Friday 18th. North Creek, Saturday and Sunday, 19th and 20th. Concord, Monday 21st. Head of Pungo, Wednesday 23d. Neal’s Chapel, Thursday 24th. Swan Quarter, Friday 25th. Benson’s School House, Saturday 26lb. . Nebraska, Sunday 27th. Mt. Pleasant, Monday 28th. Far Creek, Tuesday 29th. Fairfield, Wednesday and Thursday 30th and Ist December. Fortiscue Creek, Saturday and Sunday, 3rd and 4th. Nathaniel Davis’, Sunday night, 4th. Pungo Chapel, Monday 5th. Christian’s Delight, Tuesday 6th. Beaver Dam, Wednesday 7th. Wa.shington (Court House) Wednosday night, 7th. Elder Q. A. WARD will preach as follows : Tarboro, 1st Saturday and Sunday of No vember. Sparta, Friday. (Ireat Swamp, 2d Saturday and Sunday of Novemljer. Greenville, Tuesday following. Tyson’s, 3d Saturday and Sunday of No vell) ber. Meadow, Monday following. White Oak, Tuesday. Aycock’s, Wednesday. Lower Black Creek, Thursday. Wilson, 4th Saturday and Sundaj' of Novem ber. Elder VVard requests that the brethren should meet and convey him to his various appoint ments, as he has no conveyance of his own. SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPTS. NORTH CAROLINA. Elder Benjamin Bynum.- Mrs. Elizabeth Hyman. - • Drury Burton Fewel Fulton. Mrs. Nancy W. Holloway- »2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 Mrs. Eliza Rowland. 3 00 Larry D. Farmer.. 3 00 Mrs. Eliza Bass. 50 GEORGIA. James M. Simmons 00 J. M. Ellis 2 00 •Tonathau Dew 2 00 A Treatise on the Arminian Creed. Pamphlet copies ot the above Trea tise, written by Elder John Rowe, of Georgia, can be obtained by address ing the .subscriber. Price, per single copy 25 cents; Five copies ; Twelve copies 02. . Address 0. S. McDaniel, Ofl&ce of Zion’s Landmarks, Wilson, N. C. SELECT SCHOOL, CASWELL COUNTY, N. C. The Fall Session of this School, situated near Rullin Station, on the Piedmont Railroad, will commence on Monday, July 11th, 1870. The subscriber has furnished hio „ew build ing with de.sks and other conveniences; there fore lie can accommodate a few more ;;ood pupils, but he does not wish to tarnish the reputation ol his present school by receiving bad boys. TERMS—Per Session of Twenty-One Weeks : English Geammak—The equivalent of Fifteen Dollars in Specie. Languages—The equivaleat of Twenty-Five Dollars in Specie. Boabp—Per Month, Exclusive of Light, $12 in Currency. At the beginning of the Session, patrons can pay board with provisions, delivered here at market price ; but should they procrastinate the payment, the money shall be exacted. If the Tuition be paid in currency, the ad dition shall not exceed thiity-five cents on each dollar of specie, and if it be paid at tlie oramencement of the session a deduction of ten per cent, per annum shall be made. Four barrels of good corn, will pay for the ! instruction of a pupil in English Grammar. Six barrels will pay for the instruction of one in Language.s. A slight pecuniary indulgence shall be grant ed to pupils who are preparing to teach, pro vided they are not able to pay the whole when due. Maimed soldiers shall pay only two-thirds of the ordinary prices of Tuition. No other deduction except in cases of protracted sick ness. During the first two days of the Session pupils can get conveyance from the Station free of charge. Patrons are requested to visit the School fre quently, in order to see how their children progress. The society is good, and the loca tion healthy. JAS. S. DAMERON, Pkincipal. Ruffin Station, N. C., May 27th, 1870. June 27 21-tf “PRIMITIVE BAPTIST," Devoted to the OLD SCHOOL BAPTIST CAUSE; Is published on Thursday before the second and fourth Sunday in ea"h mouth, at RALEIGH, N. C. BURWELL TEMPLE Editor. TERMS :—One Dollar and fifty eents per an num, in advance. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed to any address on application to the editor. For clubs of five subscribers, a sixth copy will be sent gratis. Advertisements not inconsistent with the character of the paper, will be inserted at fl per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents tor each subsequent iuskrtion. Ten lines mak e a square. Persons m.aking remittances for the PRIMI TIVE, should have their letters registered, or send Post-office Orders. Letters and communications should be dis tinctly directed to BURWELL TEMPLE, Editor Primitive Baptist, Raleigh, Wake Co., N. C. ZION’S LANDMARKS, Devoted to th« PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CAUSE, Is Publinhed c; TUB 1st and 15th or bach month, At WILSON, N. C. ELDER L. 1. BODENHAMER Editom. Teums Two Dollars Per Annum, in advance. Specimen copies will he mailed to any »A- dress on application to the Editor. For Clubs ol five subscribers, a sixth copy will be sent gratis. Tlie postage on our paper is six cents r>er quarter, (three months,) when paid in ad vance a. .ne office where it is received. THE PLAIN DEALER, DEMOCRATIC, AGRICOLTUKAL AND FAMILT JOUIiNAL, Published Wecklj' at WILSON, north’ CAROLINA. c. s. McDaniel, EDITGK TERMS : $3 per Year—$l for Six Months—50 cents for Three Months. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. J^LOYD’S HYMN BOOKS. We keep alwas on hand a full supply of ih« PRIMITIVE HYMN, by Elder Beniamin Lloyd, which may be had on the following teams: PuiMiTivB Htmns—Cash Pbjcbs. Plain substantial (sheep) binding, single copies, $1 00 Six copies for 5 00 Twelve co|iies for 9 OO Red and black morocco binding, plaii, edge, single copies, 1 50 Six copies for 8 00 Twelve copies for 15 00 Extra gilt edge and gilt covers, elegant style, single copies, 3 00 Six copies for 10 00 Twelve copies for 18 00 At these prices we will send our books by mail, to any post ofiice in the United States or Territories, at our own expense. Any person, company or church ordering a dozen books at the above rates, shall have one book extra, of qje same quality as the dozen ordered ; or, if a mixed dozen is wanted, the extra book shall average with the dozen These books are got ten up in the best styles of printing and binding. Ac these prices cash must accompany orders. Sums over five dollars, send by Express ; unde? five d illars, by mail, in registered letters. Address, MRS. M. A. CHEATHAM, Greenville, Butler County, Ala. Greenville, Ala., March 17,1868. Ig^Persons ordering books will please giva their post office, county and State planlt. I«rOTIOES- At the request of many bretliren, 1 bav# consented to publish, and now have about ready to send out, pamphlet called “WALKING? ABOUT ZION,” Embracing thirteen articles originally written for and pubished in “Zion’s Landmarks.” In which are briefly set forth tne Organization Laws and Ordinances, the Peace, Prosperity and Happiness, the Declension, Conflicls and final Victory of the Church of Christ, in a metaphorica Style. TERMS, in advance: 1 copy, 2.5 cents; b copies, $1; 12 copies, f2. Sent free of post age. Addfcse. I. N. VANMETER, M acorn be, JLU