A T 16 ZION’S I. A N D M A 11 K S OBITUARY. niui. lie leaves a lar^e dlslriot of Country, some cburclK'S, desUtule of a preacher : “Fray , , VC the Lord of the harvc4 that he would ser.d FJdcr THOMAS GOODWI^,waBborn Sept iabore"S into his vineyard.” A.re the 1ST2, at Cedar Hland, Carteret county, N.UL, i niin'slws weip.hted in the f.crlp- ..f poor but respectable parents. His .father j importance, of thegOhiud’s dying when ho was about seven years old, left j pveached in all the world to every crea- lilm in care of a mother of uncommon '"dus-j “ look for faith- t> -t .and economy, who afterwards was married I vineyard, and when he H • lf"“PlOTh ic.^ .0 M.rhry Lenfrow, Tiec. I, 1S73 Thomas Pope,?March 1, IS72. - Mrs. John ML King, deoember 1,1137H- Through James AVoodard. Wia Y. Moore April 1. l^-TI Through AVm. iVootlird. .la 10s l.arain, Dec. 1, 1873-•••....■•■ • Throusrh Elder I). K. Moore, ¥5,00 S 03 3 00 3 00 2 00 ADVEETISEMBN 2 00 try Old School Baptist for 1 o Josiah Daniels, iiuniy y‘5U's. E!d‘U- Goodwin lived with M'U Daniels, nntU ]i" arrived at tiie ago of 1!) ye.ara, wlicn he con ceived a 'iking lor the sea, and went on hoard of a vessel, commatided by Capt. Brooks, Voui dto FhlUuieli.bia. After an absence of -al inonths he returned- home, but Eke industriil haliits was sends them let us minister to them of our car nal tilings. APPOINTMENTS. Elder James S. Damcron has appointmouts the Lord will, to preach: Prospect Hill, Thursdiy, December 13, lbV2. riuo Hill, Friday, 13th. inopt young: siuiors o soon ready to visit Neptune’s dominions again , , . , and went with the same Captain and sailed j Elat l.Uver. Saturday, 14.a. wiih him several voyages from Wa.-hington, 1 Camp Creek, Sunday to ITiiladelphia, New Yo k, and Boston, j Suit’s School House, Monday, Ibrli. >Lh. N. C. liis Cnit-dn dying in Philadelphia, while he ^ Dutrhville, Tuesday, 17th. V us with him, lie entered in another vessel and Cedar Grove, AYednesday, 18 h. C. Elder Goodwin. iceiurnecl to AVa.sliington N. M'on raised liirnself in the estimation of the meu l.act and m.^-incr; he very soon became cl.ief mate on board a vessel in the West In dia trade, in which he continued to sail for many years, ha\ ing married in tlie t'mc o! ins going to Sea, which was in tlic yaw 1813. At- Ter Icing married he became more attaehel to home and fmaliy quit llio Sea and settl-ed on !'edar Island, aear the place of h;a birth, and r.illovved the common ociuipaTioTr-Slfi'C pcopic oftimt place, which was iisliing. started on a- yo.vage to Newhern in an tieuD laden willi fish liaviug another man wilii iiiin in a Ipcavy liloiv, -vyhicli filled the boat w iih writer in tlm NcuscjKivcr, seveial rniles fri.m i.iuii, blit, being very esp-ert) lie managed eacli the sh.'ire, ..Ler being nAny hotirs in , - -nvi Sandy Grove, Thursday, 19th. Fails Tar Sive,r, Friday, 3)lh. Tarhoro, Saturday, 21st. Lavvroncc’s-Sund'.y, 22nd. Kchukee, At mday, 23rd. Oonolio, Tuesday, 24lh. Spring Green, AA'cduesd iv, aiih. Skewarkey, Thursday, 2GtU. Fiat Swamp, ’r riday, 37th. Great Swamp, Saturday, 38th. Tyson’s, Sunday, 20;h. Meadow, Monday, 30th. T.ouis D- Willr.ford, Doc 1, 1873 James O. Latta, June 1, 1873- • Tlirougli Bennett Bn locki.A.gcnt. $20.' Bennett Bullock Nov. L5, 1573 . L D. Boykin, Nov. 15, 1873 Thomas Floweia, Nov. 15, 1873 B’-y.ant5Thompson, Nov. IF 1873 llunyan Smith, Nov. 15, 1873 Janies Eoyett, Nov. 15^ Isp -. jesge Fuigum, Nov. 1 >, 18j3 Wm JRicks,|Nov. 15, 18(3 ....■• Willis Haynes, Nov. 15, 1873 I Hariis Daniel, Nov. 15, 1873 • • 1 David Daniel, May L5, bS73 ! tliiliard Boyldn, Nov. 15, 1873 • • .1 osepli Fanner, Nov.^1,5, 1873..., S. R.^Farmcr, Nov.{15,"1873 TENNESSEE. M. Brady, Oct. 15, 1873- -■ 2 00 2 00 1 00 !5. Wil, & Weldon Rail Road Company, AOrFiCK CnTBFEKGiNEKR and GBs’t. Sup r . 1 Wilmington, N. C., ;J;jnc 8th, 18 (2. j Change of Scliedtile. 1 50 1T50 1 50 ^ 1 50 i , 1- no , ,1 no . 1 .50 . 1 r/) 1 50 . 1 50 •3 Ia . 1 50 .. MO . 1 50 trains on the VAL mail TRAIN. e Union Depot 0-iP _s’l^A. '00 • 12 11 i’. - 2.11 B. M, . 3 50 P. M. Li^sed often ./^aTa't(.*,say lie h.ad fah^h U' believe h- si oaid reachythe shore, and' ho 'permitted f6 (ifkr a relation of what lie believed God liad (iune for',ids imniortiU soul; whieli lie soon'did ,Vednosday, January 1st, 187 ton peceipts. ./xG-EllsrTS. ;iTid rva.s baptized in Di.eembcr, 1812. Elder Goodwin was soon convinced that he was ciillcd to tlie ministry, and was ordained by Elders B. J. Pollard and Asa Sidbiiry, in ilarch, 1:56. He visited many churches in his native Comity and many other Counties. Ho visited many As.'-oeiations in his native State. Elder Goodwin, became much attached to *I lie pH'opIe of Goose Creek Island in Beaufort cminiy, and he bouglit a farm on ihut place and setih'd there in February, 18.58 and soon U ok the xinstoral care of the church aLthat place, and sOOn after he took the pastoral cage ol'ihe church at Cedar Island, the jilace of his f unner residence. After settling in Beanfor county. Elder Good • win traveled and preached the gospel in most ol the Counties in Eastern North Carolina.— But being jioor be was compelcd to labor very hurd'-while iit home, many days workieg until uiuht, and many nights until 10 o’clock, if if was moonlight, which caused many b.dily in firmities. lie continued strong in the faith of the Old .Scliool Baptists, up to the time of his ^leath, which took place July loih, 187!^, He has- hfcu luiiversally lamcntej^ hy all Ih^churches of ills faith and order, as ^ well ’as by all good citizens of his acquaintance. Tiie Editor is requested to m.ike some re marks on his characler as a minister. It has lieen to our profit to hear him preach a few time*. His gifts seemsd to be various and ol a liigh order, though all .spiritual gifts are to jiiofit and none are to I'C desidsed. lie eicelied in a clear doctrinal and experimental exposi tion of the sciiptures, while iu a fervid, line- luvius manner he gave to each his portion in due season. His manner was very earnest and his life endorsed it, for he preached in his conduct as well as by his mouth. Hence lie ■Wits current wherever known, and warmly aielcomed amwg the brethreu and friends jTUih. 'Through Elder, 1 Ilefi-IT GEORGIA. C. D. Clegg, Feb. 1, 1873 Jac'ib Thomiosou, Feb. 1, 1873. •• Abner AA’ooda'i, Feb. 1, 1873. b'a-ah AA’oodall, Feb. 1,1873. J. R. Battle, Dec. 1, 1873- •, ....•• Elder John M jEieid Dee. 1,1873 Thomas Cook, Dec. 1, 1872 E. W. Lowe Dee. 15, 1S73 ^.. AYm. Johnson, Dec. 1, 1873 Tliomas Bird, Dec. 1,1873 James M. Simmons, Get. 15,1873 Eldor D. W'. Simmons, Dec. 1, 1873- • T. J. Bazernore, April 1, 1873 James G- Huckabee, .Tunc 1,1872 TFNNESSER.--Eldcr George Hufl'man, Bloomington. John E. Frost, Shclhyville. Bed ford County. Ellder Jesse Cox, Fr.anklin, Williamson County H. -I. Pearson, Browns ville. Haywood County. Elder Wra. B. Owen, .Miirfrcosboro. north CAROLINA.—Elders J. II. Daniel and B. P. PiH, Tarhoro. E. G. Clark, VA naon Elder R.D. Hart, La A Oakler, Anderson’s Store. Alfred BIuIoca, Bushy Fork. Elder Q. A. Y ard, 1 leasant Grove. J. F. Motley, Ruffin Dei'Ot, Elder Wm >. Ross, Greenville. Klder I>. Iv. Moore, Mourn Tirzab. Elder Aldridge Parton hahugh. Elder Bivan AVbitibrd. Newhern.. ifiaei A. N Hi.II, V.'oodsdalo. Elder Russcil luckei, Fcaeb Tree Grove. Elder C. 0. Hassml. Y d iamston. P. W. Dallas, Eeid.-^vale. W. Bulloel, D-utchvi! 1 e. Leave at Arrive at Goldsboro at ii Rocky Mount at “ AVeldon at Leave AV-cldon daily 9,15 a.M. 0(a }C*t'** 1 p 7 ^ Arrive at Hoi-];y Moant ‘ i in> M. u G:.U..boroTt..-. ‘ ‘ | “ .Union Depot.... « express TRAIN. Leave L^lon depot, daily, at- ■ ^ Arrive ,at (loldsboro at.■ - . *( Rocky Mount at ...-- • I AYoldon at. Leave A\’e dou, daily at Arrive ?.t Rockv Mount at >( Goldsboro at i> Union Depot al-• • ---■ 0- .50 -A- M. 7.1\) P. M. 8.58 P. n. 1- '.,58 P. M. 3.10 A. M. .al Wel- Ma'l Train makes close connee. doirforaiil points North via Bay >ane and As- ijulre Creclv routes. K-JV-Fxnres? Train connects only with .Aequin SfmuW Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Car. “■Via'^MYnCii^will leave Wilmington, we li'r(‘i2:nt invins tvul ncRlv at, 6.00 A. M and arrive at 1.^.0 t.. M. r-fnVcsft Frei^'bt Trains will b-iVm ml , vrexeeotaD at 5 P, M. and am,m at H (Snnd.iys excepted) A. M r-r--. -g. James S. V/oodard, Wil (•11 0 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 CO 2 00 2 00 4 00 0 00 2 bo 4 00 2 00 G 00 4 00 V7. I'opping, P.uitcgO. Joshua H. F;-i-'em'Ui, Danbury. Mrs. Elizabeth McNcely, Lo iksviile, Rockingham County. J. J. CuUodenFeb. 15, 1873-4 00 of M. J. ringiily Dee. 1, 1873. Elder John Dickey, Dec. 1,1873 Jslinathau Holmes, Dee. I, 1873 Elder Samnel Bertly Dec. 1, 1873 J. W. AALlliams June 1, 1870 G. A. Hardison, Dec. 1,1872 J, AY. Hardison, Dec. 1, 1872 Wm. Harp, April 1, 3.873 J. M. Meadows April 1, 1873 S. April 1, 1875 VY. GK Ailftjwa, Dec. 1, 1873 .S'."'W.'Murray, June, 1, 1872 - feWip. Johnson, Dec. 1. 187-3 '-Through D. G. MeCowen, Agent. ($10.) D. G. 'McCovven, October 1, 1873 A. Zellnor, Dec. 1, 1873 D, M. McCowen, Oct. 1, 1873 • T. G. McCowen, Oct. 1, 1873 A. B. Zellner, Oct, 1, 1873. Through Elder John Rowe. W. AY. AATlliams, Dec. 1. 1878. ILLINOISE. Elder I. N, ATanmeter, Nov. 1, 1873-. KENTUCKY. Elder J. II. Wallingford July 1, 1878 Through AYra. P. Moore, Agent. A. F. Dixon, Dee. 1,1873 NORTH CAROLINIA. ALston A. WhiUed May 15, 1878 Hargis Farthing July J, 1873--- ■ I Daniel W. Frask, U«c. 1, 1873 2 00 5 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 6 CO 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 TEXAS.—Miss Sallie S. Floyd, Cofro.-viile, Upsher County. Ruben Manning, Co'ton Gin, F’reestono County. Noaii T. Freeman, Harmony IIill. ILLlN’Ol'S.—Elder I. N. Vanmeter, Alr.comb McDoaough Cnuniy. Klder J. G. Williams, Ursa, Adams County. Eldor J. H. Myers. !>c- catur. Elder G. AY-. Murphy, Concord, Mor gan County. SOUTH CAROLINA.—Elder Marhall Mc- Giaw, W. B. Huckabee, Camden, Kershaw I>; strict. FLORIDA.—Eld. Joel W. Swain, Okahumka Sumpter County. ALABAMA.—Elder Wra. M. Mitchell, Ope lika. Mrs. N. A. Cheatham, Greenviiic. Butler County. Miss Sue A. Crutcher, Madison Sta tion, M. & C. Railroad. GEORGIA.—Elder Jehu Rowe, Butler, Tay lor County. Elder John Dickey, Hickory Grove, Crawford Ctxmty. Elder T. J. Ba.ze- more, Macon. Elder D. L. Hitchcock, Eatoii- ton, Pntnam County. Deacon Joel Hardie, Irwinton, Wilkersou County. Elder I. R. Teat, Richland, ^Btewart County. Elder D. W. Patman, Lexington, Oglethorpe County, Dr. H. J. Williams, Social Circle. Daniel Godard, Liberty Hill, Pike County. C. W. Hearn, Houston, Heard County. Jesse T. Davis, Quitman. John G. Phillips, llogans- ville, Troup County. Mrs. R. Anna Phillips, Newnan. Eld, J. N. AA’oodall, Ellavillo. Eller M. McDonald, Vienna, Dooly County. E. C. Thrash, Flat Shoals, Meriwether County. El der T- K. Pursley, Americus. Wm- B. Davis, Mill Town. Elder F. M. Woodall, Fresion. Elder J. J- Davis, Dawson, Terrell County. E. \Y. Lowe, Green Hill, Stewart county. KANSAS.—Elder Ira Turner, Fall River. MISSISSIPPI.—B, F. AVilkiuson, Amite County. VIRGINIA.—Elder G. L. Tuggle, Elams- ville. E. B. Turner, Reed Creek. JoscfJi France, Pniniy’s. W. A. Thomas, Pittsylvania Court House. KENTUCKY.—Wra. P. Moore, Dickson, Webster Co. g^=°If we have omitted the names of any of the brethren who have been acting as Agents for the paper, they will please notify us, iu order that we may add them to the list. We also ask other brethren, sisters and friends wlio desire the bucccss ol the p>aper, to act as Agents for us. Plain snbstantiaT (sheep) binding, single copies, Six copies for Twelve copies for ;■ Red and black morocco binding, plam edge, single copies. Six copies for- Thvclvo copies for Extra gilt edge and gilt covers, elegant style, single, copies, ■ Six copies hir Twelve copies for- At these prises we will send our books l|r mail, to any [)Oit oilleo hi the United Slates Territories, ai o-Lir own expense. Any Dcrsiftt, company or chiireh ordering a dozen |boolc# at the above rato.s, shall have one book exti^ (jf tlie same quality as the dozen ordered a mixed dozen is,wanted, the extra book shsffl average with the dozen. These books are gc^ ten np in the bust stvlbs of printing ata binding. ^ , At these prices cash must accompany ordes* Sums over five dollars, send by Express; tsu^ der five dollars, by mail, in registered iettei'a Address CHEATHAM, Greenville, Butler County, Alabama jg^Persons ordering liooks will please their Post Office, County and State bla.iklT'. ■ Greenville, Ala., March 17, 1870. For sale by E. G. Claik, Wilson, N. C. DR. A. E.' RICKS, X^o23(.tsi,l S-o.2?^©02:a., Rocky Mount, N. C. In office during each •wsek after the’ SiB- COND SuNDXY, ROCKY MOUNT. In office during each week after the Fias"r Sunday, Miis. M. Psndeu’s, TARBORO’. In office, during each week after th« Foubtu Su.nhay, Mus. Blount’s, WILSON.. • \

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