1 1 i ,lp ZION’S L A N I) M A H K S anoe on the third Saturday an:i Sun day of Noverahor 1870, and joined the church and was haptized in this rejoicing state of mind. I remained led a si'.ort time before I began to doubt the reality of my experience of grace, but I have never yet felt the same condemnation I feit be fore: sometimes when doubts and fesrs arl.se and sin besets tne on every side and I am shut up in pris on, i exclaim witli John: is this the (Ihrist or do we Took for another, is this the evangelical change or do we look tor another: go and show »John again those things that are done, the deasl are restored to life,the blind rtee, the lame walk: when I am in riurkue.ss, 1 cry unto Jesus to brigiiten my evidences, and if I am ds-:eived to undeceive me: go and tell John the tilings tliat are done that Is the things that are done in mv «wn experience. I vras dead but 1 am restored to life, was blind but i now see, I was lame but I now walk in the strength of the Lord, I have a hope througli my evidences that rides over all my troubles, and I do now and then have a bright spot’to rejoice in, then I can say, bless the ord Oh! my soul. Renicmber me ;^ur prayers, Oh, ^ parents, but the true cause is “that the works of God should be made rnanifeat in him.”—Jobn ix, 3.— T!ie parents must suffer with the trouble and thought of their Son's blindness for more than 20' years, in order that the works cf God should be the more strikingly made mani fest in !iim. Even hard-hearted. Pharaoh was raised up that the Lord might ^^show li-is power in liim, and that the name of the Lord might be declared throughout all the earth.” —Eom. viii. 17. There are many things winch to our weak vision seem very afdieting and severe, yet in the end tliey are for our good and for tiie glory of God. The very op pression of Phaiaoh against Israel and Ids stubbornne.ss to-let them go dindshed an occasion for tlio Lord tf> manife.st liis sovereign }>o\ver m de livering his people. In tlie case of Lazarus’ death we see weeping sis ters and friends, but the whole mat ter is “for the glory of God, that the Son of God might ho glorified'’ Jolm I. Sorrow mav endure for a UCKS Co., Pa. ) IPTON, Nov.- 3 Bucks Southampton Dear Elder Gold:—As I have been a reader of your valualJe paper from the first of June, though not a subscriber, I feel as though I would like to wiito a few lines fur it if you think proper to publish. It is with great pleasure that I read it, for it contains the doctrine that I be lieve, salvation by grace. I feel like telling you and t!;e readers of your precious paper, what great things the Lord has done for poor unwor thy me. I was born in this State and raised up under the care of kind parents. My mother is a member of the Southampton Church. My father is not a professor of religion. From my earliest recollection 1 have told some ©f his converts that tea minutes was long enough for them la get religion, and the reason that it took some so long,-they did not com* in the right Way. I was never muck excited with his preaching until on« night I sat up against a post that had a lamp hung ®n it. Just about the time meeting wuis a going turn out, the lamp began to di* away. One of the members went tt»' turn it up a little but he told him lia need not, he said be just was think ing as he sa\y the light grow dim it the spirit of Christ was leaving those that were under it, he said it wouldy tlicre was a queer feebng came over me, but I could not tell tire cauw.^ I thouglit I would not go there any more, but I oc’casionaly went there bloss you in all things you -have need of and enable you to stand on /don’s wall and declare the wboh cxminscl of God in its purity. 1 remain your unworthy brother iu bonds of the gospel. DANIEL W. TRASK. XI. iiight, but joy cometh lu tiic inorn- iROTHEK Opelika, .Ala Sept. Gold:—Your "-dth, 1872 72 } very timely and ajipropriate remarks in the TvANDmabks of September 15th, in reply to sister Spragins, on the text in Mark ix. 23, has been rea Our dear sister Spragins has had 0 endure sorrows inexprcssablc, but dr the end her faith in flie power ui God is str-'Ugtheued and lias been mahled to ri.se above every rvoridly consideration, and look alone at eternal things. Her great afliictior lias some coiinec'ion with the very instructive and comforting thiug.s which appeam in the last number of by me with much iutcrest and com fort. Your views respecting tin eternal .salvation of infant^, idiot.- and Imiatius arc substantially tb; pu'inciples for which tlie Primitive Baptists have always contended though some of us are not able to ex press the subject in as clear and forci ble a manner a.s you have done. The works of God are often dark and mys'orious to our natural com prehension. We cannot see the whole chain of God’s purpose, nor bow one thing depends upon another to manifest the glory of God. In tlie case of the son that was horn blind, the Jews thought as natural ists now think that it was owing to u t‘f the the Landmaprs. But I did not desi>-h to write a long letter and must close. I am quite feeble and have been during tiie past siuirmer, feeblo in mind as well as body. I hope the brethren will continue to bear with rny wcaknes.s and infirmi ties, and in fifithfu!ne.‘5S rejirove and rebuke if necessaiT. I shall not be £1^ some Etuural deleet or eiu otfended for their kindness. Brother Gobi, 1 sent yon a some what lengthy letter on P.slams 8-1:2, near two months ago, but as it has not yet been j'uUidied; I siiiipose it failed to reach you, or else you have thouglit proper to supjiress its pub- ^ lication, if so please return it to me. All will be right, W. M. MITCHELL. The a!?ove letter gliould have b«en published eanier. resolved to become a Ckri-stain but I thought it was time enough for that when I become a man, and now 1 have reached the years of man hood and find that I have gone from bad to worse, and have to exclaim “0 wretched man that I am who shall deliver roe from tlns-boily of sin and death. When I was about eleven years of age, I went to live with a nciglibo-ur of ours, lie was an Ohl School Baptist; 1 thought he was a good roan and 1 wanted to be good too, so^ I began to pray as 1 thought. I prayed night and morn ing hut my ])rayors were not heard. Oh how many promises I made that I would do if the Lord would only save me, but to r»y surprise I found myself getting worse and worse, so I concluded I would quit trying to be good. I lived there about six months, then I went to- live with my uncle, they were not members but regular attenders of the South ampton Church exeejxt my uncle, he did not go anvwhei'e very often, so I had to drive for them; this I did not like very much, for it made us late home and kept me busy to get ready for Sunday School, J used to get out of going to meeting as often as I could. I lived tliere un til I was seventeen years old. Since then I have been going from place to place. I generally went to Davis- ville ,=0 called Church, for I thought it was the right kind, for they preach ed a conditional salvation, they told me that if I would only be faithful the Lord would do the rest, tmt I have no desire to join their Church, but they thought that 1 would, for i attended their meetings more regu lar than any of their members, but i only went to see who would go for ward On tlic second Sunday in June, I thought I would go to Seuthnmpten' as rny cou.^iu ami two others were go ing to be baptised,' after the baptiata- was over I went into the meeting hoi>se and sat in the very back seat for I did uot care for the fidks to ee* me there, fur I luated the very nam*- ofthem, but when tlis' minister took 'diis text, though I can’t tell where it was or what it was, stdl lie casigEit a gliraps of me and it seemed ta he did not take his eye off once. Oi, how he to!(f- my very thoughts and ieelings so concluded that I would go the next Sunday, audit Si’emeid- that he prfstehed oul}’ to poor me, I eontinuod to go there and I must coiife.ss, that if there i.s a people on this earth that I love it is t^,e Old Bai'tists. Oh mv clear frieml havu’t I the greatest reas-m to rejoice and be thankful that the Imrd prsserved rae fron> their' anxious bench, or from joining their Church. But God w»rks everything after thecoBri- se! of life own wkil, thanks be to kt*- name that he does. I feel sometime as tliGugh I was a lamb eutside of tlie fold, and if I am 1 know that i am safe, for Christ sa-ys, my shefp- hear my voice and I give unto tlicm eternal life, and no man cun pluck them out of my hand, for my father which gave them me, is greater than all, but my friend I don’t want to deceiv-2 you, for I tlntik my sir* alone were enough to crucify ou- Sa viour, but I know full well that if rny sins \vere not punished in Christ tI®T must be punished in me, and ifpuu- ished in me, they vvili sink me to hell forever, Iwt my prayer now •ia'Lord ho merciful to me ii sinner, no not * sinner but the chief of sinners. 0^ what great privilege I have to wlurfe 'Ihcir Minister Mr. Cunard; some of the saints }>-ave, I have fh*

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