•■p b ZION’S LANDMARKS 27 |.)rivllego of heariRg our belovetl Pastor, William J/ Puringtop preach «very Sunday, aad sometimes through the week, but how little do I appreciate it, how boldly but not impudently does he declare the truth as it is in Jesus. He contends for Ealvation by grace al«ne, and I firm^ ly believe that he would go to the etake and be put to death before he would preacli any other doctrine, he has been with us five years and I be iere there is a groat wmrk for him to perform. Oh how much I was strengthened when I read Anna *?pragins letter in the Signs of the limes. I felt that these promises of God that she raadeh'eference to were applied to my case, bit I am so un-' worthy I hardly dare to hope that they are for me. The only hope that 1 nave is this, that the things and places that I once loved I now hate and the places I once hated I now love. At the last communion of ear Church, as they sat and partook of the Ln-d’s snppir, I thoa|r: ht I nevea’ saw such a sight, I saw it as I never saw it before, I can’t describe it. Oh how this poor unworthy me you tliitik tl)is worth an answer, my address is Davisville, P. 0., Bucks County, Pa. I would very much like to have your Photograph. I remain your friend, A VOICE FROM SOUTHAMP TON, PA. do likew'ise. When it goes w’ell with you, remember poor unw'orthy me, and gi%"e more of your preaching through Zion’s Land Marks. I remain yonr unworthy brother. HARGIS FARTHING. Subscription j^KCEiPTS. has to ex-laim as did the dying thief •ou the cross, whetf^liC rebuked the other thief saying dost thou not fear ‘God, seeing that thou art in the same condemnation and we indeed justly Ibr we receive thejust re'.vard ol our deeds, h«t this man has done noth- iii'y amiss, and he said unto Jesus, Lord remember me ivhen thou corniest into thy Kingdom. But I must bring this scribble to a close for fear I weary you, as I am about to close, I have one request to make and that is this, I want you asd all the saints, who may see this, to pray for me, that I may be out of Babylon for I am tired of feeding on the husks, that the swine fed on. My Dear Friend if you think this iseribble is worth a place in your pa per, you may publish it, if not oast it aside and all will be well. May Is- i-eal’s God be with you, and keep you st«adfast in the truth is the wish of vour unworthy friench A South- sun pton voic«. My precious friend ia Christ, it you publish this please sign it A Southampton Voice, but if you don’t think it proper, you can put my name to it, I saw aa account in in your p»per that you did not like to pablish anything without a itame. Charlottk, N. C. ) November 10, 1872. 3 My much esteemed Brother, by the kind permission of an allwise and merciful God I am still the spared monument of his amazing mercy, permited one more time, to send on my remittance for the welcomj Mes senger Zion's Land M.-irks. Broth er Gold, you will please parden me for my delinquency in forwarding on my dues. Inclosed you will find two dollars for Land Marks.— Brother Gold my health of late is excellent and also my two daughters for which I wish to be thankful to the giver of all things, either for time or great eternity. I was permitted one more time to attend Mount Lebanon Church, of which my membership is, and I did think that I gathered some small crumbs which fell from my masters table whilst Brother Moore aud Brother A. N. Hall were preach ing ill the spirit and power of God. It has been several years since I was amongst my brothers and sisters and I feel a greater desire to meet them again. 0 that it may he so that I can meet with them, live with them, and lastly die with, and after death, ppiTUART. live ivith them through the never en ding ages of Heaven and Glory, wheie tiiei’e will be no more sorrow, sickness, pain or dea'h, where the v/icked cease from troubling and the weary arc at rest. On reading Brother F. A. Chick’s answer to Sister Francis’ request, in the Signs of the Times, Oct. 1st, I felt edified and built up, and that I could wit ness what he said to be so. Brother Hold, I of late have been as low down amongst the pots as any mor tal it seems could get to have any hope in Christ at all, and if I am one of his, I feel that I am the very least of all. The most disobedient in my short comings, and misgiv ings, and feel often that I am uns worthy to take the pure and holy name in my [sin defiled and polluted lips but to whom shall I go, thou hast the words ot eternal life. Brother Gold vrhen you pass through Char lotte call on me a poor cast away RIIODA WUITFHEAD battle. Sitter Buttle departed this life ori ^th Deecinher IStS, in the 8od year of her ase. She wrs mai ried to Elder Jo.seph J. Battle (a minister widely kijpwn and highly eetceraed in his day, and whose memory is fondly cherished in the hearts of many now livlnjr) in January 1810; and was h.apti/.ed by Elder Mallory Reeves, in Powe'ton Chnrth, llaiidcock county, Ga., in July 1812: aud had been iHerctore at tiie time of her death a meinher of the chnrch for about sixty years. There are many brethren and sisters scattered abroad in lliis and other states who upon reading these lives will recur to pleasant interviews aud hospitable enter tainment bcueatii the roof of the late Elder Battle and to the kind ministrations onr more recently depart 'd sister and mother m Israel, for she was indeed a mother in Israel. She was at tlie time of her death a rn ember of Phillippi church, Schley connty, Ga., but had not been able to attend any of the meetings for pcrliaps the last faur yeirs. For the last tv.'O years she lived with her eon. Brother K.in- dolph Battle, and it was my priviledge to con verse with her seventl times, and in spiritual things, though old in years, her strength had not abated nor l:er eye grown dim. She ex pressed herself as awaitiug the summons of the Lord to depart aud t-»si with him. She was ever deeply eon.-,cions of her uu worthine.ss, but she I J. M Yarhoro, Jan. l-j, lS?t ‘ knew in whom she beiieved and was persnad- ed that‘he was able to keep that which she had committed to him against that day.” In ^,er last sickness of two week, when first taken she Slid the meesetiger bad come, and she ardently desired to depart and bo with the Lord, !ind though a part of the time she sutfored excruciatingly, no .complaining word escaped her lips, but with patk-nce elie Buffered until her appointed time and then as peacefully as a chili, she fo I asleep in Jesus. Tha.s one by one their faces ate changed and they are sent away; but says Paul, ‘’I would not hare you to be ignornat brethren conoenring them Which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rosea aiu even so tliom also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” 5 endeavored to speak some comforting words at the burial, after which her body wuis deposited in the dust to await the resurrection. J. R. RESPESS. GEORGIA. Richard Barfield, March l.>, 1874 Throngh Elder J J. Davis. (H i Elder J. J, Davis, Jan. 1, 1874 Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Dec. 1, 1873 NORTH CAROLINA, Mrs. .Tcnncfte Staton, Deo, 1, 1871 Du id Hall, Dec. 1, 1872 Win. E. Green, Jan. 15, 1S74 J. IL Draughn, October 15 J87S Wm. Kooks, Jan. 15, 1874 J. G. Ajcoc.k,J.in. 1.5, ISn A. Leach, Deocnibcr 1, 1873 Jam s W. VViliiams, July 1, 1873 Samuel H Thorne, Jan. 1, 1874 Geo. W, Smith, Jan. 1, 1874 Ceborn Farmer, 1)(C 1,1873 Mrs. Nancy W. Holloway, Jan. 15, 187 >■ Through James D. Jenkins, ilj^l 50.') Dcmp.sy Jenkins, Dee. 1, 1871 M.'S, Frances Killebrew, Jan, 1,187.1 Threugh Elder John II. D.iniek $12. i Mrs. D. Cobb. Juno 15, 187:1 J. W. Andrews, Fob. 15, 1873 Wm, Hodges, Dec. 1, 1873 Elder Wm. Warren, Jan. J, 1''74 Susan F. Thigpen, Jaa. 15, 1874- Mrs. M. M. O Ue.=, Feb. 15, 1873 Mrs. Mary Ward, May 15, 1873. Through Elder James S. D.imcron. (17 ) Mrs. Turxah Travis, Nov. 15, 1872 Jiff Horner, Dec. 1, 187l .Mre. Eliza Roll.ind, Oct. 15, 1378 Tliroiigh A. Biaiock. Elder J. A. Burch, D.c. 1, 1873 Wm. Whee'.ey, Jan. 15, 1871 G. IV. Blalock, Dec, 1, 1,873 Christopher Blalock, J.ui. 15, 1871 W. H. Long, Dec. 1, 1873 ¥4 00 2 O') 2 00 2 C’l .5 .50 f^W.) Edwin Wl.iffivld, ,lah. 15,1874 Sarah E. Broi)ks, -Jan. 15, 1874 Thi'ough Elder B. P. Pitt. Guillbrd Moore, March 15, 1874 Weeks B. Parker, Dec. 1, 1873 Elder Thomas O’Berry, Dec. 1, 187-3 Mrs. Mary Jviie SingcUary, Dec. 1, 1SV3 Througn James Carney. -Mrs. Jordan Kui.ght, Nov. 1,5, 1873 2 00 (IIS) (SIO.) Mr Gold:—Please allow me a short space in your columns to commemorate the sai death of little MACKY DOW-MING, who departed Ibis lifi September 13tb 1872. He liad eutered into his lourth year, just old enough to be fondly cborishsd by his pai-ents. He was the. fii'st and only child ot Fannie aud James Down ing. Oh! what can we say for the consolation of his dear yjarents whose hearts at this mo ment must be wringing with ungu'sh. We can only say one comforting word to them; we hope he is at ixist with his Maker. But Oh! how sad to think that his silvery voice is iian- ished from their -ears forever, and his little prattling tongue will no more be heard. Death that great monster suddenly snatched him from lime to eternity and now holds him in his icy grasp to moulder into its mother dust. Beauiiful'y lovely lie was given A lair bud to earth to blossom in heaTen. B. & H. Through M. A. Angler. II, W. Dollar, D-ec. 1, 1873 Sterling Proctor, Dec. 1, 1873 Wip. FarLiiltLg, Dee, 1, 1873 M. A, Aiigier, (club) D«c. 1, 1874 Mayor Green, Dec. 1, 1873 Jesse Kig.”oee, Jan. 1, 1874 .Aaron Markham, Jan. 15, 1871 James A. Malone, Jan, 15, ’74 Paire 8hej)hcrd, -hiu. 15, '7) C. O. Brien, Ja;i. 15, loTl- P. C. Gieun, Jan. 15, 1874 Joseph Pi'octor, Jan. 15, ’74 Through Jolin Hays. Lossou Campbeil. Nov. 1, 'T3 •loseph Davis, N,jv. I, ’73 Jeremiah B:iss, Sr., Nov. 1, '73 Jeretniali Bass, Jr., Nov. 1 73 Susannah Webb, Nov. 1, ’73 John Hays, Dee. 1, ’7,8 Throuth S. IL Brady. Jesse K. Tliompsoii, Jiu. 1, '74 S. H. Brady, Sept. 15. '73 Thioiigh 1 heo. Alkluson. Lucy I’itt, Dec. 1, ’73 Theo A kiason, May I, ’74 Through Wright Wig ins. -flS. (club.) John A. Davis, Apr 11, ’74 George Drake, April 1, ’74 John R. Pitt, -\ptil l/’74 J. J. Hai'!’ei\ April 1, '74 i EJw.ird Staliing.s, April 1, '74 Lawrence Bullo.k, Ap i, 1. 71 Nancy J. Harper, April L '74 Martija Dupree, A inl 1, ’74 Jane Pitt, April 1, ’74 VV’right \Viggins, Dee. 1. ’73 TEXAS, 1 .59 1 .50 1 »:) 1 (50 1 50 1 1 .5-) 1 ,50 1 .'lO 1 50 1 ,50 1 2 O.t 2 OU 2 Ol 2 ( «•» 2 00 2 M 2 00 («4.) 2 to 2 00 2 Co 2 OM :i 2 2 09 2 Hi % (id l«t this has got a uarae to it. 1 have | ^nd do not pars me by as you have a reason for not having my name to | done of late, aud I extend the invi t, but I can’t tell it to vou now. If tation to all brothers and sistm to ^ ' t ! Died at his residence v.ear Whitakers on the 17th of De'ember, 1872, of Tvphokl fever, DEMFSY V. MAYO, aged £4 years and 9 mouths. Let sa ba admonished of the rhort- ness of life aud the certainty of death, and 60 to live that whea the summons comes we will hsve nolhiug to ds> but draw up our feet and cte-. Through Nancy Dultoa. Lueia V. lohnson, Jau. la, '74 Throutih Elder Win. B. Owen. James Nance, J:ut. 1, ’74 TENNESSEE. Through FJder Wm. B. Owen. Elder Wm. B. Ow'u, Dec. 1, ’73 S. D. Owen, Dac. 1, ’73 G6) 2 C9 2 9$ /■:'

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