V / 28 ZIO S I. A N D M A R K S JlEiiliiCK, Ijradforr Co., Ta. ) Nov. 21ih, 1872. / Dear Biic'tiierGoi.d.—Since\vc their natural powers. “These things are liid from the wise and prudent/’ thoUiili they may be thoroughly parted at ISIiddletown last June, I have letter of doctrine, and t.ften gone over again in my mind tne unto babes,”—babes in time we spent together, and have felt YtT cxj>ericnce them before thankful that you and bKitiiCi. liC.-?--, them in the word of trutli. ])Oss were enabled to visit om Asso- | -^yg wero-first enable to rejoice (intions. I enjoyed } Pleaching . glory of God the and our personal intercourse very i salvation looked so plain that muf.n, and 1 hope it was a spiiitual thought we could show it to any enjoyment. I am seldom (piitc free from doubts as to the spiritual charac ter of my csorciscs and enjoyments; though there arc times Wiicn all the g^j* pg^rd, neither Irave entered doubts and cpicstionings of my fleshly ; ^p^ one; but wm failed utterly^ in every at tempt, and so have learned what is writion, that “eye h.ath not seen, nor into j Lil^ injttlL V/A lIlcllA L i.o things which nature are hushed into sdciicc (jg,| p^th prepared for them that love I am permitted to enjoy foi a littic | p,j[. liath revealed them un- season a Pill assurance of ^ ~ : to its by Ids spirit.” kVhen the Lord "W hen tne Tarrd manilesm hinn^clt m ^ p„^ prepared any one of his children his holy temple all the Liiith is com- u]ion any portion of his word, manded into silence bcfoie 1dm. J ; then that p'oriion will be given to him remember with especial^ comfoit opened to Ids understanding; and ]ileasant season at tlie^ i)elavaie As-; attempt to study it out before noeiation, Avbeu we first met; and #hal! not soon forget some of oui conversation together^ nor the woiulcr- never docs become a jioor, self-loath ing sinner until lie is born again, for without'tlie spiritual life he cannot see nor hate his sins. One has gone down to great depths when he searches in vain througliab his being for holiness and purity, and while he loves righteousness and longs and hungers tor it above all things, has to give up that he is corrupt throughout, mind, affections and all, so entirely so that with Job he has to acknowledge corruption as his father- But in tijcse depths the Lord teaches his children wonderful things con cerning Ids vrisdoni and jiower and goodness and mercy and righteous tliat time veil] only result in the |>ro- dnetion of some tlicory in whicli there is no spiritual food, no life or power. In m_y first cx])Gricnce of gospel . liberty and joy it appeared to itivO that w.'A good, ^jj^^ change which I felt -was a ctiaime fu! sermon tliat brother Bespe.ss was enaWed to preach. It was tlie last of the fcasy and the wine ‘ ;-uch as goeth c.ov.ii .s>.cet.y, causmg ; iipo.-, niv natural jin-,vers and the lips of them that arc asleep lo! j s|,g„p| l.r speak.’ Our deal bioiuei troubled and harassed any more, a=^ T witii wnom we weie rm:co togediei Py fjljif,|| tliouclitsand [ifo- judgnieiits. lO the power of trutti diirii;-’-those thr(;c dav.s, Lassmee been crdled away from tlie.se ea.rtldy .scones. Low little (lid we thlidithon that his laliors WiWild .‘-o .soon L-e doin', liis wartarc over. Truly lie was one whose company and conversatidn were plea.sant and p-rofitable to (lie Saints. My iutereour.se with him was very- iniimato and pleasant during the jia.-'t eight years, and Ills friendsldp and fcllow.siiip were among my valued tren.'^ures. But thi.s is a sad and sor rowful world, and I eanrot feel like indulging in grief when (me of the .Lord’.s ti’iod Servants is happily- re leased trmn it, though wc feel the loss bo deeply, and the -world appears more and more lonesome as one by one of our dear personal friends who pensitics, nor ev'er have to bewail any trimr;rres,sions of die law of the spirit of life, wdii(‘h seemed ,«o sweet and easy to obey. Audi have no doubt , but my brethren generally - have h id such fr-elings at some time, jtut tlie Lord’s people arc not left in suei; a previous mistake as tlris. PeLr nmst be tauirht, though' it be througli bit ter afilictions, that tliat which is horn of the flosli 1ms not become spirituak , A.nd how frightened and cast dov/n the poor soul often is w-lien he finds ^ that he still has a heart that is di'C' it- ; fill and (h'spcrately wicked, a v/retch- ed, ’wandering mind, a nature full of , vile corruptions. Many a one has been ready to conclude that lie has de- ecived liimself and otliers wlmu these sire klnureu ill Chn.A, are removea. depths of sin in his carnal nature are Licept lOr uie SocieG (T the Lords opened to his astonished view-. fmople tlierc are liorc no real attractions yet,’, ho can sav-, “I certainly do see tlie King'lom of God; I do alone can tliesc bo lifted out of such depths, and when they corao up tliey- kuowsometliing more of the way of sal vation tlian they did before. They have grown in grace, and in the knowl edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chriftt. JVell may the'poor, trembling,self- hating soul question whether he has been born again, when helms tliouglit that in the.new Inrth a change passe,s upon the po',vcrs of the natural mind and tlie alihetions of the.natural licart, sp that they hccome sjflritnai, and arc uj longer vile and sinful, but pure and lioly. Tliougdi lie loves God and his peotile, and Jus felt unspeakable loy- and s'.voet peace m bebevinp;; yet now lie is ready to question'these feel ings hecansc he finds the [bnntain from wliich lie tiiougfit they flowed, his mind and heart, not iniriiu'd as he suppo-setlj but stifi corrujit. Xow lie !s ready to und'erstund and rejoice in the teaching of tire inspired Apostle, ihat t'nesc tilings are the fruit of tlie spirit, and not in any waj-, either in wliole or in pru’t, piroducixl from, though, manifested in, the flesh. A poor, feeble and sore-broken sinner still', he yet can look forward in sweet abiding hope, waiting fijr the adop tion, to wit: the rc-demptioa of tiie body. Th.e talk about a change of any part ofour vile and sinful nature into a holy- and divine nature in tne new birlli, docs not suit mv experience at dom of God-” He may be a man of very siqx'rior intellectual powers, and of the noblest natural principles and affections, but tlie.se arc all the pro ducts of his first birtli, and he yet boa no capacity to see the Kingd-nn. “In the wisdom of God the world by wls ■ (lorn knew-not God.” 1 Cor. Mlien be is born again that natnr®' w-liich \vas the product of the first birth is not reproduced, but a ueyr sjiirit, a new man of grace, v.-ith new po-ivcrs and affections, is produced in ns by- the Holy Spirit. H still ro-- mains true of oar natural powers tlm Aye hath not seen, nor ear lieard,^ all, nor mv miderstandiii"- tho siihjcets of. Scriptures of truth. There is of tlie dcvol- 1 have been thinking over my past experience, a work that i am often tlmt Kingdom, and lo-ve them too; i opment, manifestation, a change of al.H'iit, and It has led me to reflect up- gaviour has said, “except a | condition, hut no change of nature in on the wonderful way- In wliich tlm inim be horn again he cannot see the|n hirth. This was true of our first Jjord teaclu'S hi.s people the doctrine Kingdom of God.” How is thisg; hh’th, in -which our iiaLilral life tvas d salvation, and Ieau.s them into Can it be ]io.ssible that one can be manifested. It is equally true'of the all truth. Ilicy do not l..arii tne di- Povn again and vet remain > iiie niv,Aerie.s out of any book, not self-loathing sinner?” Yes,, a poor, that is second birth, in w-hicli our spiritual life was manifested. “Except a man neither have entered the heart of man the things Nv.liich God hath prepart'd for them that love him.” But no%y having received a new- life from Gol tlirioMgh our Ixird Jessus Christ iur the new birtli, wc have new eyes to- see spiritual tliing.s, new cars to luxir them, ne'.y heart.? to feci them, new' minds to undor.st.and them. If it -^v-as by our natural powers made sjiiritual that we understand .spiritual things, w'G should not be so often in ihe dark about them, but could see as clejiriy' at one tinre as anot'ier; as we can un derstand natural thing.s as 'well one day as .qg^ther. But it is only when this new spiritu il life is in exercise that- wc ('an understand spiritual thing.s. In prc.scnting this vic\v I do not differ from those -who say that in tlis' nc'.v birth sonuAhing about us wliu-h was dead i.s rnaclo alive. The man is madeali-ve wlicn spiritual life i.s im planted wlihin him. To quicken or make alive is not to change the na ture of thatw'hicli is thus quickened; so if I should say- the soiil, imagining that to be some distinct and separate part of man, w-hich was dead is now m.ade alive, still that w'ould not im]dy tliat its nature w-as changed. Suppose a dead body- lies before ns. By tlie power of God it receives life. Its nature is not changed, but it now possc.sses life wliich it did not have be fore. So it is with the sinner de.ad in sin,-5. He ha.3 natural life, but i.s dead to any holiness. He is qulckeneij and born again- He now- has both a .sin- Yul natural life with sinful natural : pow-ers and affections, and a pure and I holy sp'iritual lllc with pure and lioly 1 lowers and affections. He is thus I made aliv(', not with tlie pure life of I Adam before the fall, but with tha ’ life of Chri.st. M’hen Kicodemu.s expressed the na tural idea that in being born again the jiroduet of the finst birth must by some change heeorae the ])roduct of i. even the Bible, by tlio exercise of j^st it; and not only so, but a man be born again be (xmnot see the King- the secomi birth, our Saviour ds-

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