154 Kioirs I«iiidmarks, tv of nmrder?” “rio (iosi said, to Adam, dis the day lliou calcst thereof thou sr.alt ,sure]}' died” '‘Die and i)}) w'o to Iieir?” ‘-'No!” So, vhen ker’o sav. Elder Seeiy was out up to preach he openly denounced Elder idir- doetrine as two-seed lierc;- Thcrc was a general cxcitenient :md confusion, words were passed I'roiu pulpit to congregation, then at Trinity Ilivcr A.ssociatiou (a small terminizatiou led by Eider S. Clark: loruierv of lllin>is and also an occa sional correspondent to the Friiaitive Pjciptid. Ill t!)c following Fall the same kind of confusion existed; so being convinced that such a, .state ot affaiis could not continue with any good result. Elder Seely ami my,«c!f made an effort at tlie Sussion of 1870 to get a voice from the Churches of the A wociation on the subject, but a majorivv being two-seoders, we tvere dcloatcd. So, in February following Elder Seely told Union Church that tiic time had come to call iier Preach er for the coming year—and that he wished to know if she intended to (‘all him—that he declared a non- ibilowship for “Parkcrism.” When one Brother moved that we dissolve, another seconded it; the vote was taken, the Church was dissolved. I was not there on Saturday, but on Sunday I consented to what the Church had done. The vote for a dissolution was, unanimous,mot a dis senting voice till this dayl 'It will lU, remembered that Elder Seeley did nothing but take the vote, and then eousented to what was done. So those of us who wish to live in a Church capacity' agreed to be consti tuted into a Primitive Baptist Church and for this puriiose called Elder G. W. Meilonaid (Moderator of Con cord Association, and a very able man of 40 years cxpereiice in the kiinistry) and Elder J. Beaver, (now dead,) vrho, after learning the “iacts" in the case, proceeded to constitute us into a Church, and also ordained the writer at tlie same time. We have remaiued to o'urselvcs because of the distance to orthodox Associations be ing so great. Eider hIcDonaid has visited us occasionally,he came recent ly ami assisted in the ordination of my brother, S. C. Demon. Elder I hi. Duke also vi,sited us while lie was here. But the Lord, as I hope, i.as taken him to Calilbrnia. 1 rec ommend him to Caliibmia Baptists as a good man, and a sound Minister. ?4av llie Ble.'S-'ings of High Iloavcn rest in aial ujioji my dear Urothcr. I dearly'. I have,' in tlm held corros]M)ndcnce with ’■in,g BrcLiircn in other cattle Tie Macedonian erv: “Come over and help ns’’—is not so remote its to require extensive traveling—it is near n.'. I have seen jicopie g'o abroad for comfort, wliile others v.'Iio attended to their own businc.'io had it at home. I will now proceed to give some other items not y'et mentioned : Soon after We withdrew from Union Uisso- ciation, I met Elder Parltcr and had a long argument with him in which I liroposed, for the benefit of tiiosc who had not understood the real dilfcr- ence, that we publicly' discuss th.e, subject. lie would not consent, hut hearing afterwards that I iia'I stated publicly, that I h id made such a propo.sition, and that lie rerLi"ed to tisls in Texas. I now repeat it.— i that ado;)tion does n'^t, and cannot Two-seedisni has fiirmcriv held an j bring about blond-rehitionslii]). Bui, influence here that is rapidly giving ! are we :o mmu;n> t;i ■ p'-rcr of the wav, and its advocates, unless vhey j iuunite Jehova!;? recant their princi^l!e^y must go oown i poircr mid iC:i’{ Co c vm n 1 ‘Tn .!■; - iii ' SOCjS of witli it. Several Churciics iu Pilot: Abraham inroa Soliitaa iimon ami Grove Association have drawn up res-j ■vlnTons'iip widi iiim -oT! iiow i ! ]''or th' olntious of uon-fellowshi;) for it. The it done! By aiSoptm. fn’st action of Sulphur Fork sliows how she stands. Concord and Prnvidmice ::yd so are a,;! Ins progeny accept of it—hi.s champion pride ' stirred. But, let me here rcm:^i^( that I luive been, and am yetash.ammU of this a('t of my" life, chiefly" because it liad the apjiearanec of presuniption. I mention it because it is absolutely necessary, in order to bring ns to “facts.” Elder Parker wrote me a letter stating that he would meet me and discu.ss the subject, so I drc'W a form for debate. Here it is: First, God created all things, Satan not excepted, and that all men fell in Adam and all are alike related to him—Election, prede,stuiation and adoption make the only final, dilfer- ence—Denton alfirms, Ijurkei l|mie,-;. Second, That the sgo^T, or clTPiren of God, were created eternity, and actually receive! him as their seminal-head, and that in like manner as Christ is the semi nal head of this seed, so also is Satan the seminal-head of his seed—Parker affirms, Denton denies. Elder Parker objected to the form and proposed the following: Strike out theproposition all after the words-—“Satan not except ed,”—-and I will accept. And in the second proposition he spoke as fol lows: “If you will just change it as follow's—‘That the seed, or cliiidren of God existed in Cliri.st in Eternity, and actually" received grace in Inrn as ..'Associations stand'’ cntii'cly' aloof from it. Little, Hope Association seems to be in felIow,ship with Union, but I believe it i.s more, for tlie want of a kuowiedge of “facts” thrui fro:n congem'a.lity’ of Sjurir. Her klodera- tor. Elder Jefferson Stringer, c:ime from the Primitive \Ve.?tern As.socia- tion in Georgia, mid i,s, if I may' judge from Isearing h(^i-'preach once ,(>nly', a snccinii(e1^(|||.u Georgia .s Old jSiliool Bajnl.sts. Two-scedism is a ■cproach to oiir denomination. ?vl any people in Texas regard the Old Be.p- tisis as being of this stripe, because tivo-seed preachers couple us in with their heresy uy such expressions as “We old h)lks, we Old Bapti.sts,” &c. I once heard one of t.iem say “Ilerc is where we Old Baptists differ from the religious W"orkl, we deny the hn- mortaJity id i\\Q soul!” Many' such things as this have I heard from them. I loill not, lean not be respon sible for such tilings. I will now .close. Mucli is y'et un told. If the discussion, if it is such, continued, otlier Alinisters besides inys&T' wlili'don.iAVcss'hake .jfg part.— Elders Seely and'McDonald are able to take care of themselves. They don’t lU'ed my puny arm. I owe Eider Parker no iii will, wish him well, but I Tvould like it better if he would bohlly assume the two-seed doctrine as he really holds it; for, in so doing lie would not commit liimself so much in tigying to establisli it. I ginning of ti their seminal-head, and thak in 1 ike Uve him iui'an-Tmc . :io klmi •i' “if the Lord will,” ,!; :-o( )ii. r Elders .Price, P : i others of Kl'.lor Deb ll 1. , . manne" as Christ is the seniinal-head of the seed of God, so also, is Satan ths seminal-iioad of his seed, or, the children of the devil.’”—Parker af firms, Denton denies. I give these “facts” Tiat there may be “nothing co'v'ored up” but that “everything may' come to the light.” Anotlier “fact,” Suiphur Fork As sociation at licr h'- it Session drew up resolutions for non-ieliO’v.ship -witn Union Association “because of the prevalence in lier body of the t'vo-socd or ik.rkcrite clpdrino.'’ Bug .fJilcr r. II. Martin bdng'present, cesmau fer I ric 111 woriug clf :Uvue of doetr; do not charge'Daniel Parker with be luga bad man at iieart, simbly be cause lie advocated iieresy. I hope I wili not ho com’pelled to w'ri'te in this manner again—but, dear Brother Gold, if vou admit me as an hum- blc correspondent, you must aiio'.y me to refer to two-seedisni just as I do.to Arminianisra, or any' other “isms.”— 111 mucli love to y'on and y"our read ers, I subscrllie mvsolt, Tour Little Brother, Jamus C. Dentox. MT-:xia_, Texas, July 7th, 1873. liSMAEKS OA liEXJAWiN PARKER’S LETTlsE. Luim was of the (smili, eartiily—- The i)'‘- hual existence of ti;c cc.rl'nly Adanr and all his nrogeliv w.as “in the L'cgi’.ming when t.he Lord God created them.” Ad.un nor na y of his cJuldrcn actually' existed in (Tins; Jesus or anyiehcre else, before time.— One .savs they all existed in Oiinst Jesus as their .scininal-head, and v.'cre infused iiit'o ^Vdam that tSuw niigh; fa!! aiM be redeemed. Anoiher .sriy-^ a part only' of Aiiam’.s ciiildre:!. oxi.-t- ed in Clirist, and that the others a’v- renrobatC'S. Tiiis is no betti'r, lor it makes a constitutionai diiierenee m rnen— it gives to some a divine seei.- in nature tiintotiiers do not have.-— The s(*ri.pture.s teach that all arc“oliii- dres of wrath.” One has no moi’c claims to liave an iuhcmance ni tiie etcTual heavens of immortal g^')ry', than auollier. God alone .makes one to diker from another, and thi.s he cloe.s b}" adopting and regenerating GRACE ! “By tlie grace of God I :im what I am” says I^aul. By “the r Having given a .statement of a serv- Tno “facts,” I will now notice that por tion of lii.s coni numiea; ion that has no reference to me Isut 'ro the doctri nal points so niucli in di.-ipute, Th.e suuple ihing ol (Jijcctiiig to the posi- .iis: ih;i ■ (. n; Mi r- ,-•■1 .‘S ..■(.n.S.i noTVAiVC; O’ (,■;cv-GoafederCi 0 ^ s. V. './ poor withal—so tiuit we i i no be.to iravei up.wards oi J vT)0 rhe ^wt pa.k Pnmmeraad I'glk A. 1, wo have not been to o (s.)) .or oe- > 1 . bbii "-un. , I I . being d I o; X'> 'iW mumcacion lA.'tFall, i. a divisio i golr. 0. 1 A. i'a anU a.s icialiou w.j.m !l shtUt COKl- ..n'-fW.cES ujcre was P c -b ;. “Je.sis Christ iu his t’u'.v alike rcTw-i'd to all nnhr insliss a m a -V . wo-.seed doett Ine. Btu until T.se ibjcct 10 Tie po.sition I jU\ 'v'C i id bor 1.0 X wo- seoaeus argue agani.st acAyshau on the ground tiiiit it i':oe,s llOt eommoniv spear. :g, rnaxc one of inood-reiation- Tiip to tlie adoptor. i readily admit Spirit of adoption” suiners are “made paviTakers of the divine nature. Men, women, and cliiidren, are “sons’' and hcliildren of God,” not liccanse ci eternal ci'dati^n, or»' gouf-isation , in Christ Jesug, but l>y adoption.— “Adam was the son of God” Lw cre ation, because he had neither iatlicr or mother naturally'. His posterity" was in him, not by'grace, (it was taken from another inode of exi.stence and placed in Adam, but by' creedion.— But not BO with th.a seed or children of the second Adam, the Lortl from heaven.” Tiiev were clebseri in luriu According as he has chosen ios (sin ners) in him before ilie foundation ot the world, that we s/imuWur (not were) holy a.na witliout blame bciore ium in love. liiv:ing,prcdcs(inated us unto the .adoption of children 'ey ue.su.s Christ unto himself aceorfdng to I lie good pleasure of his will,go the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein ho hath made us accepted in the belov ed.” Eider Plwker does not answer rnv ouostion. 1 will novr put it again a? a standing quc.stion to all who deny the a"iopt;on of any" part oftlie Adam man but Tie body only. If adojition cannot bmig the soul in to union with Christ; iu regeneration, how can it bring the body into union with Iihn in the rusurreruou hold that “regeneration” awl “ birtli” are-sulwraurinily the "com.-— For a full expression 0” iny " wws on ihis sul-jc'-t, see thcmtiLlo in r-'p “W;- alien appended to Eh; ;r 'U.nm;.tcr’3 pamphlet—“M alking about Zion.”— “Flesh, and b'no'i , n io> d '-t t;i‘ Kii.pwlom of Heave.:.,’ ur.d nuwefore the mol to of .’’(‘Ti r.i '> ! 'ition- shiji is irCt or . H ’* " . wo-..! wa;s miuie Ik"'.,’ "ww oie hi,.; clihclren ;u that' respe-w, Lliut Twy .1 new t. A. »m

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