i Eichla^'d, Georgia, \ July 7th, 1873. j J:Wct- P. D. Gold:— Dear Brother,—Since reading tlie communications of Eldex’s Denton and Barker of Texas, and the troubles about tv.'o seed and especially as re lated to the devil, I have luul many reflections and canb well disjulss the subiect from my mind, and while 1 have no dispositioii to take ]>art with either of the'Brethren, and iau the ‘nals of controvei’sy, yet I have an inclination to say something; and, Avithout knowing exactly what I must sav—but however, I Avill begin by saying that I should bo pleased to hear that any of our Brethren were contending Avith, or against the devil —but I am tru’v sorry Avhen I hear that they are- contending about him. I am inclined to think that the less we have to do with the devil, farther than to resist and point out his wick ed devices, the better we will be; and, especially the Minister of the gospel shonld be very careful to take as lit tle of the devil with him into the ]mlpit as possible. ISo difference whether he is self-existent or created, no difference whether he came from above or beneath he is here, and Ave are commanded to resist him. I have thought the devd did like very much to be brought into notice and -r^-ti^ially to hear his Satanic majesty ])roc’aimcd from the pulpit'. So, it he can get the preachers’ mind charged Avith some point of his honor’s exist ence or non-existenee—it matters not with him, so he keeps the preach er’s attention directed away from Christ. I say if he ean do this he accomplishes an object of this kind, he deprives the Chnrcu of hearing the gos})el of Christ, and entertains them, or ra.ther detains them Avith some imaginary and fancied views a.bout himself. And Avhat good would it do a Christian to prove to him that the devil was created or self-existent? luAvliatdireetion Avould he 1)8 edified to profit? When Ave ])reach the devil Ave do not feed the flock. You Avill neA’cr see a Brother or Sister shed a tear Avhen you preach tlxe devil to them, you Avill never see their bosoms heaving Avith the emo tions of love to Christ, you Avill not see brotherly lo-Am increased, but you Avill soon see discord and distraction, Aou Avill see Bretlircn haAm each oilier by the ears and in circles of con- A'crsatioii a'OU Avill hear the de\ul spoken of more than Christ. I have had some observation of these things in gone-by-years, have • seen Brethren Avaring Avitli each other about the devil, and ucatt have buoAvn any good results to groAv out of it. Sec tlie distraction already in '.fexas—one Churcu dissoB’^cd and rc-constituted and stands dis- roniiccted Avith her Brethren. All oftiiis about the poor old devil and his seed. 'I once received a letter from a Brother Baptist in Avliieh he asked me for my A'le-Avs on some very knotty ])oints about the devil. I re plied to this dear Brother, that lie mii&t excuse me as I had never had ' sure that I would be the next, and any impressions to preach the devil, j there was a disease in my head that and so I Avould say to the dear Breth ren evervwhere, sureh' thereis cnoiish contained in the gosj)cl of Christ to employ our Avhole tinu'. If there is not scope enougli in the Divinity o'l the Son of Cod to employ onr talent let us take Paul’s admonition to Titus and constantly afflnn tliatthey Avhieh hav’c belicA'cd in Cod should be care ful to maintain good Avorks. Tjet ns toll onr Brethren to draAv near to God and he Avill draAV near to them—-to resist ihe dcA’il and he aatII flee from them—and for ns not to ’pursue after him nor hunt after him—lie Avill re turn soon enough. Yours, in tribulation, faroAvell, I. II. Teat. Avould kill me and that I would go to torment. J^fy fatlier Ava.s reading one night, as aatis his custom to oo, and I thought if I could read some it Avould relieve me—ho stopped and asked me if I did not Avant to rcau. I told him I did. I ivad some and CA'ery Avord seemed to condemn me. I laid down the Bible and Avent out in the dark, thinking I h.ad sinned a wav the dav of grace and I felt like I Avas gone sure I remained in tins condition some time AueAviiig the justice of God in my condemnation, and feeling condemnation continually. One night I thought I never would sec another day and just before day I AA'ent to sleej) and dreamed that tlic "We heartily and affectionately com-' -day of judgment had come, and that ^ I . . /» \ rt'\ » ITT mend Ihe aucavs of Brother deat above expressed concerning this root of bitterness. "Wliile controversy inay be needful at times, Satan does have so much of his spirit in it, that avc I saAV all the saints assembled, robed in Avhite and praising God,and I Avas cut off, and Christ a[)pcarcd and told me I should be Saved, and I aAvoke. SU XliUCll Ui ‘Un iii iLj uiJ.Lt- ^ • T \ i- should becareful to keep oui solves out It Avas tne prettiest morning I tnoug'it of strife. Sparta, La., Leb. loth, 1873. Brother Gold:— I have been confined at home and to the house Avith bron chitis, or preacher’s sore-throat, I Avas taken the second S.iturday in August last Avith a hoarseness Avhile trying to ])reach. I gradually got Avoi’se ^11 the otli Sunday in September, av!^ I preached my last sermon,., aijd have not been able to ni’eacli above a tosv Avhispcr since Yo\mmber, and may ncAmr be able to tall-c; any more, so I Avill tiy to Avrite some for the Laxdaiarks. That is, to give a reason of my hope in Christ. I AA'as born in the State of Alabama, Lauderdale County: my parents Averc Baptists at my first recollection, and niOAT'd to ftlississippi Avherc I grew to manhood, but up to the age of fourteen I never feared God nor the devil, and really doubted there being any sucii Being. ’Though I feared my parents, for they tried to make me knoAv my place. So one Sunday AA’hile they AAmre gone to meeting leaving me and my older sisters at home, I Avalked out to tlie road some distance, and as I Avent this thought struck me—vou are a miserable, sinner!—I stopped and looked around to sec AAdiat AA'as the matter, and it seemed that 1 had been, and Avas then, the Avorst being on earth. Right there I thought I AA’ouid try to pray, and s"'- lected a place Avhere no one Avould see me. But Avheii I got theie I thought some one Avould see me so I Avent back home Avithout trying to pray.— Bv this time my parents had returned from meeting and the preacher stop ped for dinner, and they all talked about the meeting, and I tliought they Avere all good people, but I Avas a miserable Avretch and deserved pini- ishiiient. So I remained in this con dition some (inie, frequently trying to pray, until it seemed like my prayers did no good, and I felt afraid, to get on my knees and try. About this time a voung man died in the settle- that I ever had seen, all Avas pe;ico and joy until I Avent to plougiiing about tAvo imnrs after Avlien tliis thought struck me—you arc deceived, it.is nothing but a dream, your sins are not pardoned—and then I tried to pray— Lord, if I am deceived, undc- ceiAm me ! and that has been my prayer cA’cr since. There aatis a A’cry eminent Brother told me that he could not ha\’e received such a deliveraiu'C, and itliought I, and prayed carnestly for a jilainer one but never got it. • This I received in my fourteenth year. I AA'as in trouble three months and I did not unite Avith the Church till in my twenty-eighth year. I Avent to Union Chm-ch, Nosenba County, Avas received and baptized by Brother J. G. Crelins and have been a poor, weak member over since, desiring to do right I hope, yet I find in ray flesh dAvells no good. The 'Laxbmarks come to me regu- larb/ and are mucli comfort, as it and the Signs of the Times are all the preaching I hear, thougli Ave have regular preaeliing here but I am not able to go. May God lead you in the right AATiy is ray sincere desire.— Farewell, Yours, in much afiliction, P. L. White. Dear Brother Gold:—I Avill now- give you a second experience, or call to preach, and I don’t think aiiyliav'e the rio'ht onlv those that are called of God, as AA’as Aaron. In my 23ru year I got married. I then tnoiight I Avoiild never unite Avith the Church as there AA^as much contention then betAveenthe Missionary and Brimitive Baptists. I thought I Avould read mv Bible and try to serve God at liome and take no part Avith either, but I did not try that mind long be fore I became troubled exceedingly,and did not knoAV the ca'.ise, but thought 1 told mv Avife it A'.'as so, ;md site sai.I it was not—and iliismadi' mucli con tention and liard-feebngs Iietwecn ns —i,ut Avhen I reflected I ki oav tiiej 1 Avas wi'Migg. I AA’as in tins si[ii:it;oi! al)out a year. One evening '.A li'l-e I I AvaS hoeing corn I AA'cnt io ratlcer a ! secret place and leaned ida' jUiid Jasrainst ihe neni'c, and tric'cl to iiray, I and tiK'se are the words of m,y j,rayor : —Lord, if I am deceived, un-deceive j mo and show me the wav y(.>n would j liave ni(’ logo!—so, I A'.'cnfc back to my hoe, and just as I took hold ''fllie iielve I hearil these A-ronls-^—try tlm Sniriis,for ve don’t know' Avliat man- ner ofBpii’it ye ai’C off!—then I Avondered Avliether I Avoiild he any thing or not. The T.oril Avanted me to he tliinking it Avas to take up tlie cross and fill a liai'k seat, but, alas ! I found to t!ic reverse. So I AA'cnt to tlie lionseand told my Aviie Avliat lavl taken place, and that I AA'ould ofu>r to the Church some time, hut mv eondnet had been had. I must iive so as to ;min felloAvship. Here i A f h must state that I road my Bil)le con- s'.antlv, every cham-e tliat I had, and could not keep my eyes of oft it. A ne'w text AA'ould come to my mind and Avith ail the beauty in the Avorld, and I Avonkl read it and feel at the time tiiat I Avanted every !;ody to liear, and it seemed to me that my A’ery soul AA'as led out for the weliaio of the Church, her peace Avas my peace. And Avhcii J Avas ba])tized 1 thought and felt that I had done my duty, and Avent four days rejoicing.— The the case of Annanias and Sa])p‘hi- ra A''as presented to me—yon iia\’e not paid ail the ';>rice, ]>ay that Hum. hast vowed—^cannot, I am too ignor ant and illiterate a man, no rcj.'iita- tion, and Avonld injuretliccansc \Aiueh Avas very dear to me. I Avept niiudi and praved to the Lord to relieve me in some Avay', for my burden Avas great er than I could hear. SometiiiK'S it seemed to me that mv heart AA'ould burst Avithin me. Tlien family AA'or- ship presented itself, and it Avas no small matter Avith mo as my Avife Avas no professor, I tried to get around it every Avay I co’uld, but I had to taKe it up or I Avould die. I tried to re lieve my feeling by talking to the Brethren. Even my father, avIio Avas a Deacon, reproved me so that Icould not stay in that country, bnt sold out and moved to Louisiana, thinking I Avoiild keep ray letter in the trunk ; but before I reached ray journey’s end I Avanted to find a church of the Brim itive order, Aviiicli I did, and put my letter in it Avhere it is iioav. I kept my feeliiigs hid for some time, and this text of Scri])ture foIloAved me for niontlis—-Curse Cod and die—the lan- it AA as for the neglect of duty. Tins 2,'uaini of Job’s AA'ife- o "■ -so, before the trouble greAV till I thought I Avas a \agaboiid on the earth, not fit to ZD ' ' live. I imagined that the people made a fool of me- and pointed the V —’ ment, and Avheii I heard of it I Avas finger of scorn at mewlierever I Ayent. Avar I commeiiced talking and AA’as liberated. I volunteered and Avent off in the army, (Confederate) having never tried to preach for OAwr a year.. Through the solicitations of my friends. I commenced trying again, the Church sen*- me license Avhile in the army. I continued trying to preach till Ave broke up some time after the surrender. I haYC been bolding out