t'vtT since, BOinetimes I have a llttie i man.” However severe the trials to Hheriv nul sometimes a t.iilure, then I tiiink I will quit. N-ow, Brother'Gohl. yon sec T am no schoiar, and if you can arraiiye tiiis fh,)’ the press you can do so ; it not tiirow it iiwav and all will wliicli the believer may be subjected in the fulnllinent of the Divine pur- es/ncernimi' him, this spirit of nose be right. ()|'-position wliieh then manifests itself In perseention, is now the more re strained, but on the contrary, its j)os- hlav the Imrd nhde von and all of | ses.sors a.ro emboldened to put forth renewed strength with every increas- 1ns childrc‘1 in tin! secret ot truth, is inv praver. Farewell! d^o^v it I am deceived in one of these scribbles,' J am in both. I tried to write them ;>s ihev oceurred to me. Yours, in niiicli afPiietion, *P. F. Wjiite. iug trial, and if an abiding conii- denoe in tlie Almighty be exhibited, their exertions continue with nnabat- Ing' detcrmiiiation to destroy that con- oft’ times has cause to utter with fer- venev, the lament ition ot the proph et—“O, that I had in the wilderness a lodging' place ot way-farcing men, that 1 inig'Iit leave my people and go from thtmi! for they be all adulter ers, an a.ssembly of treacherous men.” To sneli a one the path of humility as reganis this world, is easily followed; for wisdom directs therein, and her ways '‘are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.” Forsaken by all, and separated by all that the nocent, and in whose eyes a vile per son is contemned.” In such a one will the Lord take dcliglit, and sho'.v liim his salvation. To him shall the promise be fnltllled.” thy diy, so shall thy strength be,” and he shall see his desire upon his eiiemies. It shall be his delight under the bless- bestowccl to shoNV forth the mgs n j ' 'p "7' i lidenee if it be])ossible to do so. Vv^itli I world approves, he prizes more the tin sophistry they seek to overthrow I evidences he then receives of tne BFTHEL ACADEMY, P. O., FAUQUiEU COUXTY, Ya., June 10th, 187 .Edcr Gold:— Dear llKOTiiER,—A,s I Iravc been con.^iderablv impressed with, and ex orcised upon the subject which I feel indined to write alxtut, and indeed have felt so inclined for some time ]'»ast, 1 will take tlio liberty to request you to examine this communication, and, if it meets your approval in overy wav, so give it a ])lace in your columns, hoping it may not jtrovc al- tottether unprofitable to those who mav read it. In giving expre.ssions to convictions wliich are the rusult of oxnerie!K‘e I trust I am not influ enced by prejudice, or actuated b}' nn)n.stifiab,e notions, but by the de sire to add n-y testimony to thetnith, ,«o fir I have tlie ability to do. I bdleve the Almighty has a purpo.se in all our trials if those trials, .are sucli as to prove the Scriptures true. It isourdut-y, I think, to testify thereto. There are some scriptural doclai'ations whieli seem entirely overlooked and forg-otten by n.nnv, when it would be well tha^ they .sliould bear them in mind wiiile subjected to the snare.s and temptations of the world, and wiiile liable to be seduced by the vain sophistry and eunnjng craftiness of those who “lie in wait to deceive.” Those unto wiioin the lines have fallen in pleasant jilaccs, and who liini, and, vdien, at times, he i.s ima ble to meet their arguments wdien left to Iris own reasonings, lie is indeed made to realize tlie strength of their purpose against liim, and is driven in his trial to God above, Avith the sonl- burdtned prayer: “Hide thou me from the secret council of the wicked j f'-cm the insurrection of the workers of iniquity, who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrow.s, even bitter words.”— They hate with cruel hatred; they imagine mischief all the day long ; they Avhis[)cr together in secret, and follow evil devices. “Let us see,” saj'' favor of the Lord than all the world’s applause, Avhile Avitli a blessed reli ance upon his word, he I’est.s in the knowledge he has gained, that “It is better to trust in the Lord than to {Hit confidence in men, yea, than to put confidence in princes.” Having realized through his trials, the kind ness of that ever faithful Friend, lie can now unite with the Fsalraist in promi.se of Almighty power; to lual thev of the righteous man whom the Lord upholds; “examine him with de.spitefnlness and torture, that we may know his meekne,s.s, and prove saying “How great is thy goodness his {latiencc, and prove also Avliat hap{ien in the end unto him,” ;^c.— As the wicked hate that wh^clj®'.vill expose their wickedncss.jj^gjii^jjf’.^i.. a, source of continual reproach to them, so it follows that the more righteous one is, the more will Ids righteous ness separate him from them. This godly course avIII bring him persecu tion, and cut him off from earthly friends, for “.He that will live godly shall suffer persecution,” and “He that departetli from evil maketh him self a prey.” If he be esteemed for his integrity and firmness of character, the opposition to his influence v/ill be proportionate, for say they, “He is which thou hast laid up for them that feai' thee: Avhieh thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men ! thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man : thou shalt keep tlicui in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. They shall be abundantly sati.sficd with the fatness of thy bouse; and thou shalt make them tlriiik of the river of thy pleasures known to the sons of men his miglity acts, and the glorious majesty of his kiiurdoin. Though his trials have been suflicicntly severe to cause liim in a dark hour to rail out with flit ter com{Jaints, yea, even, Avhon mnler the resistless influence of tiie arcli- fiend, to crave the power to hurl the xilinighty from his throne ; yet, when peace is spoken, he can iii that spirit of reconciliation which pervades Ids soul and sweetly brings subini.ssion, exclaim vvdth hcart-fealt adoration ; “Jast and true are tliy ways, Al- ndo-htv God ! Great and marvelous arc thy works, thou King Eternal!” A^irginia Waedex. Athexs, Ietuxols. “Wlio can find a, virtuous woman ? for her jirice is far above rnlne-s! She maketh herself coverings of tap- estrv. Her clothing i.s silk and purple. She is like the merchant’s ships, ..she bringeth h«r goods from afar. She ' ri.seth also Avldle it is yet ■at to her hou.se- niirht and givetli me; O o , ,7 1 ! i. I • amvin.st us,’’ “Ilis ways are contrary have not been brought by circum- . n stances in conflict with tlio enemies of the truth, or been subjected per sonally to persecution, can have but a very limited knowledge of the hidden enmity existing in the world toward those who, by their course of life, manifest their birth of that Siiir- it which is not of the AAmrkl. Con sequently, the seeming friendship of the world is received as a aeality, and one is allured through worldly consid erations into a life of Avorldliness, whicfi will, however, in due time, bring its reward if the reward be but wounded pride and disappointment. .But there is no true friendship from the Avorld for a believing child of God who walks uprightly in his fear, for there lurks in secret io the depraved depths of the heart of all the unre generate, the s{)irit of oppo.sition which needs only the force of circum stances to bring it into action, the evil of the heart depending on the condition of life only iu its develop ment, for “As face ansAvercth to face in water, so does the heart of man to to our doings: and we are esteemed of him as counterfeits ; He was made to reprove our thoughts, and he is griev ous unto us even to behold.” They then make diligent search for his sins, and iprivily lay snares for his feet, for their thoughts arc against him for evil, and “the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart is deep.” But the Lord will not de liver him over to tlie will of his en emies, but Avill enable him to baffle their designs, Avhile he will put them to shame that hate him. Having found that the friendship of the world is but enmity to God, he does not crave its honors, or desire thorn; but yields a willing obedience to the com mand, “Come ye out from the world and be ye separate.” He boasts not ofAVorldly prosperity, for he has {iroved it to be but vanity and vex ation of spirit. He seeks not earthly friend.ships, nor do earthly considera tions influence his conduct. On th contrary he desires, and enjoys th separation from the world, Avhile h