\ A I I SUJiSClUrTIOX llECEI PTS. Oeorghi. Vrin. I)l;iekiu:tn, D^ceniber 1,1875, I). S?c‘\v:u-t. June 1') 1874, S') 00 2 00 2 00 5, 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Margaret ,V. ISruce, M ly 10, 1S74, Oregon, Thror.gli ilkler Isani Craii::!!— Khler Isam C'ranlill, Oetober 1, 1873, W. Jt. r. Adams, July 1, 1874, Louisiana. Throngli Elder Z. Thomas—?,)— I). O'. Tiioiuas, July lo, 1874, Eider Z. ThomaH, J uly 1, 1874, Angelina llurnett, July 1, 1874, Korili Carolina. Mrs. I). G. Jaekson, September 1, 1874, J. C. Miller, May 1, 1874, IMrs. Eannie Higgs, January 1, 1874, 15. Cooper, December 1, 1874, J. V7. Harris, December 1, 1874, E. 41 Lambeth, April, 1, 1874, J. ('. IMurphy, August lo, 1874, .J.’W'- Gilliam, November lo, 1874, J. 15.*Kennou, November 17, !s7:5, .Vsa lirooks, December 1, 1873, Win. M. Lee, December 1,1873, .'sallie Krunilett, Eebruarv lo, 1876, ililey Hill, Scptemlier 1, 18_72, Stejilien Privett. May 1, 1874, James Monk, December 1, 1873, C. G. Terry, September 1, 1874, J. C. Latta, November 1. 1874, Through Elder A. N. Hall—S8— ilrs. Mary Deaver, October 1, 1873, I\Irs. Nanev Evans, November lo, 1874, 11. P. Ilrooks, September 1, 1874, Through J. H. I'nller— Mbs Nancy Y7 arren, September 1, 1874, 2 00 Idu'ough Dr. Cannady I. G. Cannady, August E 1874, Joseph Rhrev, iMay 1, 1&74, Jol'.natlian llrooks—(tree) Win. Stanley, September 1, 1874, '1.. S. ilortoii, September 1, 1T74,^_^ L)avid Williams, November l-i, ioio, 4'hrougb Elder names S. Dameron- (Miss Marv Travis, May 15, 1874, Through John 15. Green—S14— 1 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 0” 2 CO 2 On 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 IV. K. P.ullock, July 15, 1874, Wm. Einger, lem'uary 1, 181 1,^ Clavbonie Green, August 1, 1874, Mbn. H. lArry, Scjitember^l, 1874, John 15. Green, June 1,1874, M. A. Suit, September 1,1874, Win. Suit, Septimber 1,1874, - - 44irondi W. 11. ^Vea! h ersbee— _ ^ \ 11. W. Wea.the7Tfcc, '/I'Cxas) Sep. 1, ’.'4, 2 {a. Through Elder pb Smder— II. W. Kivett, Eebruarv 15, is 4, Through Allred Plalock S4 44iomas Daniel, June 1, 1872, S. A. Horton, November 15,^!8i3, Purnel P.us,sell,. .July 15,1873, Tlu'ongli Eidridge Stewart .f.Tuilington, September 1, 1874, E. Stcv.'art, Oetiibor 15, 1874, _ Sieiilion Williams, September 1, 1874, •laeob Williams, fieptem!.er 1, 1874, D. H. Johnson, September 1, 18E1, v'luirlev Barnes, Septeinber 1, 18M, Sam.son Wilson, Sejitcmber 1, 1874, E. D. Pate, September 1, 1874, Eii Tullington, September 1,1874, Through Elder J. iV, Burch 8*8 Dnirv Burton, December 1, 1872, Mrs. Aurelia A. Malone,^Sep. 1, 1874, Win. Benson, Juno 1,1873, 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 .50 50 50 50 50 50 50 -.50 •50 4 00' 2 00 2 00 Ylr gillie 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 Tliroiigb Elder James S. Dameron— John A. Eeigusoii, September 1, 1873, Elder Asa liodnettj Septeinber 1, 1874, 2 00 Through Wesley Griggs— Miv. Mary Lon Martin, Sep. 1, 1874, Througii Mi-s. Elizabeth McNcely— G. K. Jones, Se])teinli(.r 1, 1874, 5[fs. Einilv DeHart, July 15, 1874, Through Elder E. B. Turner- Miles W.Adkisson, September 1, 1874, Througii T. B. Davis— Skelton Coleman, September I, 1874, Through Charles B. Williams C. B. Williams, August 1, 1874, C. L. LevJ.s, Septeinber 1, 1874^ Drury Owen, September ro, 1874, Will. P. Lanier, September 1, 187_-1, Mr,s. Mary 5Iay, September 1, 1874, Win. D.iwson, September 1, 1874, E. J. Lewis, September 1, 1874, ''.V. 15. Lewis, September 1, 1874, __ Mrs. Nancy S. 4'lij)pai, Sep. 1,1874, Goo. W. H'nndlcy, Septeinlicr 1, 1874, Joseph H. Aliboit, September 1, 1874, Benjamin Batcher, September 1, 1874, ' AGENTS. 1'56 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 I 50 Zion’s Landmarks. AGENTS. 50 lord Contily. Elder D. L. Hitchcock, Eatenton, Putnam County. Deacon .Joel Ilardie, Trwinton, Wllkerson Comity. Elder I. R. Teat. Richland, Stewart County. Elder D. W. Patman, Lexington, Ogle- thrope. County, Dr. 11. J. William.s, Social Circle. Daniel Goilard, Liberty Hill, Pike County. C. (V. Hearn, Houston, Heard County. Jesse T. Davis, Quitman. John G. Phillips, Hogansville, Troup County. Mrs. R. Anna Idiiilips, Rome. Elder J. N. Woodall, Ellaville. Elder JI.' McDonald, Vienna, Dooly Coun- ty. E. C. Tlirasli, Flat Shoals, Meriwether County. Elder, T. K. Pur.sley, Amcricu.s. Wm. B. Davis, Mill Town. Elder E. M. Woodall, Rreston. Elder J. J. Davis, Dawson, Terrell County. ]'i. \V. Lowe, Green Hill, Stewart County. Elder T. .J. i5azemore, Macon. liiii.ois. Elder I. N. Vanmeter, Macomb (McDono- ngli County. Elder J. G. Williams, TJrsa, Adams Coun- ty. Elder J. II. Myers, Itecatur. I'ilder G. C. Murphy, Concord, Morgan Countv. PUBE [CATIONS. LLOID’S IT/’O EDUCA'STONAL. W IT. S O N ! ; 3 '? .. i a... Kentucky. W. P. Moore, Dickson, VVebster Comity M.lsslssippi. B. F. Wilkinson, Amite County. Kortli Carolina. Elder B. P. .I’itt, 'rarboro. E. G. Clark, Wilson. Elder E. D. Hart, (traveling) El der F. L. Oaklev, Ander.soiVs Store Alfred Blalock, Busby Fork. Elder Q. A. Wanl, Pleasant Grove. J. 4'- Motley. Ruflin D.epot. Elder Wm. A. Ross, Greenville. Elder D. E. Moore, Mount Tirzah. Elder Altlridge IGrtoii, Raleigh. Elder Bryan Whitiord, Newbern. Elder A. N. Hall. Woodsdaie.— Elder Russel! Tucker. Peach Tree Grove. Elder C. 15. Ha.ssell, WJlRamsjon. R. W.A. Dallas, KeuLsville. W. E. Bullock, Dntch- ville James S. Woodard, Wilson. Elde;v( Will. F. Bell, Tarboro. Elder D. W. Top ping, Pantego. Joshua L’ Ercenian, Danbu- ir oj-E •• O 7? P b y 1 h A b w 7e keep always on hand a Ud! supply of the | c^^'mCTL Y NOX-SECTAJUA X. PELMITTVE HYMNS, r (JRIM.'.P.Y. ACA!»?:mU', and COE- LlAHAb E DEFAilTMENTo'. bv Elder BeTiiamin Lloyd, which maybe had ! on the following terms; PRIMITIVE HYMNS—C.VSH PRICES I’lain substantial (sheep) binding, single copies 06 Six copies for 5 00 Twelve copies for _ _ 0 00 Red and black Morocco binding, plain edge, single copies, 1 2-.) Six copies for liO Twelve copies for 12 00 Extra gilt edgm and gilt covers, elegant^ style, single copies, t 50 Six co[)les for 8 (’0 Twelve copies for 15 00 At tlie.se prices we will send our books by mail to any post olfice in the United States or Territories, at our expense. Any person, company or church ordering a dozen books, at the above rates, shall have one book extra of the same quality as the dozen ordered; or if a mixed dozen is wanted, the extra book shall average with the dozen, Tliese hooks are, gotten up in the best stylo of printing and binding. At tiicse prices c.vsii must accompany or ders. Sums over live dollars, send by Ex press ; under live dollars, by mail, in register ed letters. Address MRS. N. A. CIIEATTIAAI, Greenville, Butler County, Alaliama. Persons ordering books will iilease give their Pest Oiiice, Gouuiy and State pl,aixl,y. Greenville, Ala., March 17, 187W. For .sale by E. G. Clark, Wilson, N- C. Only at retail prices. fiTOte jasiv.' A5))C and ox’H'i'icnccil 'reachit;.. Valtiab’-i TJInary and .'.iiparntn.s. Eifiv inti-ivstin ; i^eriodieals. Tlio sclmol kc))t as a well-rcgi - latcd, hig!i-toni-(l thuiHy. I'bc a'.iuiiinlmg comforts of a refined Kd-icational Honii).— The piiysical. thn intcllcctu.d, and rhe moral facilities of onr Pupils, haruionion.ify (b'- ve'ioiH'd, Iiistrucfion given in 2u i’raetiaar •Arts, by any of vviiieii a livelihood cm ' c iiiaJe. Entire average e.'tp.nisc, ineha 1;ng taiiioK, books, iioard, ftiel, light, and wash ing, •'■'52(10 per acadeinii: year, •Sossiou extiMii'is fi'oiii firs-:: ilond.iy in Oc tober to last jCriday in ,1 uiiP- .Srtideuts aJ- iiiittoil .at any time, aiivl charg'cd i't r only tiia time thoj' come. Avddress, for Catalogue, SYLVE.sTEIi li'AS.'^l'lLH, A. AU, PriiicipaL SCHEDULE, JL 12. jompamj. OFFICE CHIEF ENGINEER) AND GEN’L SUPERINTENDENT, - WiLs,n>TfiTox, N. C. Jr.ne 14ih, »373. J CHANGE OF SCHEDUF.E On and after June '.luh, P.csim- ger trains on the & W. Bailrosid will run as Kiilows; MAIL TRAIN. rv. Mrs. Elizabeth AlcNeely, LeaksfQ'' Kvieviiigl'ir.iii County. .lohn Hays, Creek. 0. O. Botven, Durham’,s. E.Euiiifi Ilarri.s, Ruflin. Justus IMrrish, Raleigh. Boiitli CaroIisMi. HE ILSOi PLAli DEALER L'’u.i)]isnCvl Aycciviv ut ^;\VILSOX, XOKTII CAIIOLIX.A, W, SINfiELTAEi. SllltO?. Elder (Marshall AlcGraw. B. Huckabee, Camden, Kersliaw County. Teiip.essee’ Elder George nnflman, Bloomington.— -John E. Frost, Slielbyville, Bedford County. Elder James Cox, Franklin, IVilluimson County. H. J. IVarson, Brownsville, Ilay- woofl County. Elder Vfm. B. Owen, Mur- free.sboro. Texais. jNFiss Sallie S. Floyd, Cofl'eevillc, Upsber County. Ruben Manning, Cotton Gin, Free stone County. Hoah T. Freeman, Harmony Hill. Elder James C. Denton, Mexia. J. J- MeElroy. Sweet Home, Lavaeca. Yirgm'ia. Elder G. L. Tuggle, Elamsville. E- 15. Turner, Martinsville. Jo.seiph France, Prnn- ty’.s. W. A. Thomas, Pittsylvania Court House. TEEAIS: One Year, - - - Eight JAontJis, — — - Pavable in Advance. $1 50 1 GO —DEVOTKD TO THE- If WO liave omitted the names of any of the brethren who have been acting as Agents for the paper, who desire their names inserted herein, they will please notify us, in order that we may add them to the list. We also ask other brethren,sisters and friends, who desire the succe, s of the paper, to act as Agents for n.s. 50 1 50 Ahilnmrj, EMer Wm. (M. IflitclicH, Opelika. Mrs. N. A. Clicmthain, Greenville, Butler ((ountv. Miss Sue .V. Crutcher, Madison .Station, 51. & C. Railroad. F?:orMa. Eider Joel W. Swain, Okahiimka, Sumpter County. (seorghi. Elder Jolm Rowe, Butler, Taylor County. Ehler Jolm Dickey, Hickory Grove, Craw- PUINTING. JIlTlBI IWlOlRIK Friiaitive Baptist Cause, Is Published on die 1ST AND 1.5TII OF E.VCII MONTH, TF I L S 0 N N C Leave Union Depot d.aiiy (.Sundayo excej'ted) at ^ 8 15 a 111 Arrive at Gold.sboro at 12 H ]i ih “ Rocky Mount at 2 11 pm “ W’duon at 8 50 p iQ Ijeave Weldon daily (Sundays exceiilciQ at ' fljiiam Arrive at Rocky Mount II 20 a m GeuI.sboiO :it 1 16 p m “ Union De'pot 5 45 p ,w EXPRESS TR.VIN. Leave Union dc’pot, daily at 5 55 p I'l, A.rrive at Goldsboro at 6 05 p :a, “ Rocky Mount at 1131pm “ ICeldon at 1 20 a m Leave IVeldon, daily at 6 2-5 p in Arrive at Rocky Mount at 8 11 p ni Goldsboro at 10 20 p m “ Union Depot at 5 10 a m Mail Train makes clo.se connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line and Aicqnia. Cre-ek routes. Express Train connects only witl> Acfjuia Creek route. IMllman';? Palace Sleeping Cars on tliis TraiiA'^LK Freight Ih-ains wiil leave Wilmirgton tri weekly at 6.00 a m and arrive at 1.40 p m, Express Freiglit Trains will leave daily (Sundays excepted) at 6 p in and arrive at 4 u m. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. FiAsTS,' TilElA) &c. P. D. GOLD Of All Kinds, Such A.? BLANKS, "’HI a\tVO, POSTEIIS, illNUTES, , PIIOGRAMMES, PA^IPHLETS, Business, Visiting, and ]Vedding C A II D S etc., ct. Executed at the Office of Zioii's Landmarks. E (I H 0 r & Proprietor Tkiimj;—Two dollars per annum. For Clubs of five subscribers, a sixth copy will be sent gritis. Clubs of eight subscribers, ora liigber num ber, can have the pap ir at One Dollar and Fifty Cents each. , IVe do not strike ofl'th.e mime of suljscrib- ers when the time of subscriprion expiires, un less they request it. Remittances for the LANDeitARics can be sent by Post Office orders, by Registered Let ters, bv Exp.ress, and when in small amounts, by ordinary letter, at our risk. _ * Specimen copies will be mailed to any ad dress on application to the Editor. lil^All friends to us are authorized to act as 'Our agents, if they are so dispo.sed, in pro curing subscribers. “We have not space to publish the names of all tlie agent.s. M" I L S O N T I LJ IGRSERISS. c. XY c -ESTBEBOK, Proprietor, M'ouEi respectfully inform the' citizens of Wilson and adjoining Counties and the pub lic genera'ly,'that he has traiisl'erred his Nurseries from Greemsbom to Wilson, N. C_. and connected them with the W ilson Collegi ate Institute. Having a fine location im mediately on the Kail Koad, near the Depot, and a ripe exporicnoe of tiveuty years in the Nursery and Emit and Flower Gc.rden, toge- tiior wi’tii an experienced corps of opieratives, with additional faoilities, favorable to the conduct of a FIR.ST-CLASS NURSERY— th.e proprietor coiitidently recommends his productions to the ])u;>jio as being ile-eidodly better suited to a Soutliern soil and climate than Northorn stock, and perhaps more relia- blo in npmeiiclatiiro. tliousand trees (mostly one year old) can be fuiarisJjM to tlio s;>ring trade. Ornas mental Trees.'iWots, .Seeds, &c., will be fur nished from Uie well'-knoWn and reliable Gar- den.s ofCa’pt. C. 15. Doii.soii, Pittsboro, N. C., until the proprietor can oS'or plants of his own Xoroductiou. Price Lists and Catalogues furni.slied on anpiieation. Address C. JV. WESTBROOK & BRO AYilson College Nirisones, IVil.son, N. C.

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