i J m Zion’s Landmarks. more excel lent or highly esteemed among men than tlie Persian, tlic | typify the Koman Empire Persian than the Grecian, tlie Grecian than the Roman ; and yet by virtue of increased numbers and a better knowledge of the art of war, each successive power overcame and sub dued its predecessor. Like as when of late, the Fcderalsavnd Confederates were at war, and the Federal force (.)vercame, subdued, and entirely van- (luishcd the Confederate forces; it was not because the Federals were any better in quality than the Con federates, but it was because the vast superiority in numbers, wealth, and the art and appliances of war wei’e on the side of the Federals. Tims the silver overcame the gold, or the brass the silver, but we suppose really there >vas no difference among the combat ants as to quality, because all were of ihe earth, earthly, and were similar to a part of the great image. “After these,” said Daniel to the King “shall arise another King infe rior to thee, and another third king dom of brass which shall bear rule over all ihc earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron; for asmuch a.s iron breaketh in pieces and subducth all things; and as iron breaketh all things, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes part of clay and ])art of iron, the kingdom shall be dividel, but there shall be ill it the strength of the iron, foras much as thou sawest tho*iron, mixed with mi-ry qlay. And as the toes of The legs and feet of iron and clay The two legs may be understood to represent its two great divisions, the eastern and the western. The ten toes may represent the ten , miidit well receive the throne of his ; o , I father David, reign over the house of Jacob forever and have his kingdom | established without end. This conception was supernatural. that is, above nature—without and kingdoms into which the Roman bevond the course of ordinary genera- tiie fett wcvcl^iart of iron aad part of ■^he Gre’feian.i So that! the Roman clay, so the kingdom shall be partly combined the strength of all the pre strong and piartly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with clay, tliey shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the davs of these King's shall the God of heaven set Ac., &c. up a kingdom,” Ac. The kingdom of Babylon was an imm ixedV'‘one—purely Assyrian—an absolute- monarchy, and Nebuchad nezzar the mighty, ruled at the time of the dream. This was the golden licad. The kingdom of theMedes and the I’ersians was a compound—denoted by the breast and two arms. One arm signified Media and the other Persia, these being united to the breast constituted the one kingdom. And as the right arm is considered stroufrerand more useful than the left, SO the right arm may' represent Persia, the stronger, and the left represent Media tlie weaker povrer. These wore united, however, under King Cyrus and he conquered Be’shajzar and overthrew the Empire was subsecpiently^ divided, viz : 1. The Vandals ; 2. The Snevi; j 3. The Alans ; 4. The Burgundians ; j 5. Jbe Franks; G. TheA^isigoths; 7. : The Anglo-Saxons ; 8. ITerulo-Thur- | ingi; 9. The Ostrogoths; 10. The Lombards. Some of iron firm and . durable, others of clay liable to be broken. They wmuld never cleave i together so as to again form a fifth j universal Empire. | Thus the completed image when i viewed geographically, as a Avhole, is | the Roman Fuq)ire in its utmost ex tent, including its owm peculiar do minions in the West, and the domin ions of the three proceeding Empires in the East. And it is observable that nq uni versal Empire has existed since the Roman. There never will be anoth er : our very sanguine President of the United States, as shown in his last inaugural address, to the contrary notwithstanding. The image was made complete by the succession of the Roman Empire. Nothing is to be added to it and nothing taken from it until the vision is fullilled. The Medo-Persian Empire was stronger than the Babydoniau—the Grecian stronger than the IMedo-Per- sian, and the Roman st»’onger than tion. It was miraculous and Divine, lie grew^ up to manhood, gathered his disciples around ^lim, delivered to them the principles of his gospel kino-dom—assumed the sins of his o people—-bore them in his own body on the tree—laid himself down oji the sacrificial altar—shed his blood for them—died for them and rose for them—a.scended on high for them, leading captivity captive and receiv ing p-ifts for men. ceeding strongest of them all. Empires and of course was The legs and feet of the image wns therefore the strongest part of it and sustained all the other points. If the feet and legs are destroyed of couase the image In seven times seven days there after he descended in Spirit on his desciples, who were assembled togeth er in one place in the City of Jerusa lem, and then and there he fully set up his visible kingdom on earth in the form of the gospel Church, This handful of men were not to be still and wait the approach of the ene my, but were to take uj> their cross and go boldly forth to war offensive- all tlu; deluges that he might tlsercMsi- ter send on the earth. And toward the end of the great Chaklcivn king dom, wiieii Nebuchadnezzar and ilc!- sliazzar were the ivigning m!)mirci. , W(' find their astroiogers, magicians, sooth-savers, philosophers :md wis men generally, leading the people in to all manner of idolatry, vice ami immorality; instead of dn’ccting them to a knowledge or tlie vrai'sliip of the one true and living God, The magic of the East, during the existence of the second kingdom, only Iv against the kingdom of Iron. must fall and come to nothing Babvlonian king- iom. The kingdom of Greece was first rdnglc and then compouml, represent ed by the belly' and the thighs of the image. The belly' denoting the undi- 'vided sovereignty of Alexander and the thighs, the twochief kingdoms of Syria and Egypt, into which his Em pire was principally'divided. A shrewd General, sometimes, it is said, in order to gain a victory attacks the weakest point of his adversary first, in order to gain advantage by degrees. But yet he may do this and vet through weakness and want of power ^get defeated in the end, when the stronger forces of the ene my are thrown against him. If in the beginning he had knowingly been wise enough and strong enough to vanquish his enemy he would have attacked him at the strongest point first, and after that was overcome the remainder of the conquest would have been easy. It was at the zenith of Roman glo ry and magnificeuce when Christ was born in Bethlehem, Judah. The wisdom, strength, learning, greatness and grandeur of the world were ab sorbed and exhibited by her. It was the Augustan age. Men had climbed the hill of science until they thought they had reached the top. Heathen |[Iome\ the mistress; of the wqlrld, -mo nopolized all its vrealth, glory and magnificence, and all nations lay prostrate at her feet. Who then could measure arras with her ? who could overthrow her? “In the days of these Kings shall the God of heav- set up a kingdom.” The stone cut out of the mountain did not roll from the image, but against it, and attacked it in its strongest part, even its feet, that were of iron and clay and broke them to pieces. “Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and gold broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the Summer thresh ing-floors ; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them, and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” As though God was both wise enough and strong enough to attack this image on its feet, the strongest part; and when they were beaten to pieces the re mainder was destroyed, as a matter of course. The stone cut out of the mountain without hands represents our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Stone rep resents his humanity or earthly' na ture. He was born of a woman to show his relationship to man; and by the overshadowing of the Holy Gkost the virgin conceived, whereby he be- God had winked at the ignorance of fallen man for 4,000 years and stood by to see what he would do. Man was clamoring for “a chance,” and God gave him a good long chance to find out God and save himself. But the longer and better was his chance, came the Son of the highest and the still poorer use he made of it, and the farther he seemed to get away' from God. In the setting of the first one of these great kingdoms, by' Nimrod, the rebel, (as his name signifies) about 2,325 years before Christ, infidelity was the characteristic trial. A tower was to be built, whose top should reach into heaven, not to get to God, but to get away from him, and save themselves in defiance of him and of lead the Medes and Persians further' i)ito idolatry' and mrdtiplication ot idols. The wise men of Gi'eece, with Socrates and Plato at their head., with Xenophon, Demesthenes, Honn r and Aristides following in the train, did not lead the people to God under the third nnis'Cfsal kingdom; but lead them further from him if possi ble, and steeped them deeper and deeper into idolatry', and the mystic as well the open vices. The Sages, the Statesmen, the Em perors, craters and poets of Rome did not lead the people under the fourth uni%'ersal kingdom any }iearer to God than did their predecessors; but of all her predecessors, she ap peared the most corrupt, voluptuous and debauched—swimming in vice and immorality of the deepest dye.— She multiplied idols bey'oud ail other nations, and when Christianity was set up within lier bounds, made use of the most unheard of means and ffNasures to uproot i(, so^^s to leave neither root or branch ^ it alive. Now will some one inform us what advantage it was to the people under all these reigns, to have a good chance,, a great chance, and a long chance to find out God and a way of salvation ? Did one of them fund him out, go to him, love him, fail down andworship- him from the flood to tlie coming of Christ? Unless God first re'vealcdl himsels to hum, was there any knowl edge of God, under heaven, by mor tal man during all that period ? We are compelled to answer—No! Them is “chance” v/orth anything to man in the matter of his salvation? We arc bound to answer—No ! The true God and the light of divine truth Avas Avith his people from the calling of Abraham to Moses, and from Closes to Christ; but did the surrounding nations care for it ? 'WitR all the good chanees they Irad, did. they come to^this little nation and, learn the truth,? Did they seek it at all ? Did they come to, those, holy fires and be. warmed ? Nay verily',, but they-derided this handful of men.. They harrassed them, tiiey fought, them, they desjjised their religion, they sought to destroy them root and branch and banish their religion from the earth. That is the use they made of a good chance, Just the same use are AvickedAmeh making of a good chance now, just the same on the revival of letters, and, just the same aaIII they' make of it ir|