"I L. to tlic gntjpel. The Tar Tiver Association calls V\’ake Forest a camp of instruction. In its last year’s report on lMini.^tcri- nl Iv.lneatioii, it says: “A camp of instruv.'tion lias been cstablislieil at Wake Forest.” I The Mt. Enon P. B. Associ ation meets on Saturchyv before the 3rd t'luidav in A^oveinber, 1873, with Empire. Church, Sumter Co., Fla.. 20 miles Soutli of Okahumka. Ifcre tiiev train their young war riors for the battlo-fiehi and to gather tiic pin Ildar of money and wealth wliich t!uw collect in the mime of re ligion to ])rosccute their raea.surcs. P‘a candid close oliserver docs not s^ee that their plans arc shaped and inanaged to raise money then we ax-e totally mistaken. If lovers of truth do not feel, and will not more keenly feel the bitterness of their hatred, then we misunderstand the course of V'vemts. True ihey have '“‘'seed-corn' !int it is to plant the wind and reap ^he whirl wtnd. True they have a "camp of instruction, but it is to train me.mies In the trntk that shall make ■W’ar on lire Saints, The Keiiiikce Association is ex[)ceted to beheld with the Church at Cross Boads, 8 miles from Tarbo- ro, Edgecombe County, X. C., on the 4th, 5th, and 6th davs of October next. Brethren in all directions are cordially invited to attend. Those coming by rail road should endeavor to be at Tarboro on Friday afternoon 3i‘d of October, so as to be met and [irovided for by friends A branch of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad extends fi‘om Rocky Mount to Tar boro. C. B. Hassell. MISCELLANEOUS. Our ho|)€ is in the Lord God of Israel. ~~ A^CIATIONAL. The Union Association meets on Saturday bcfoi'c the 3rd Sunday in October, 1873, with Friendship ihnreh, 12 miles North of Araldnsta K>n the A. & G. R. R., Ixxwndes Co., 'Ga. Elder E. J. M^illiams has changed his Post Office address from Valdos ta, Geoi'gia, toAfeon, Bei’rion County, Geox’gia, where he request his Breth ren and friends to ad'iress him. M'e arc thankful to our Brethren and friends for their labors in obtain ing subserlbei’s for the Landmarks. Wc ask them and all who ai'e willing, to obtain subscribei's for us, that it is not necessary for them to be appointed agents in order to do this. We have not spxice to insert the names of all the agents. We would Tlie Contentnea Association is appointed to be held with the Church at Aycock’s, Wiyne County, N". C., near the Wilmington & Wel don Railroad, on Saturday beforo the 2nd Sunday in October, 1873.— Brethren visiting by/ Railroad coming from the South will be met at Fre mont, those coming from the Nortli at Black Ci’eeW like for all our friends to feel like ac ting as agents and to do so. We are requested by the citizens in tlie vicinity of Cross-Roads Meeting House, Edgecomb County, N. C., to state that conveyance will lx: at Tarboro on both Thurs^y and Frida.}" before the Kelmkee Associa tion to convey visitors to that Associ ation. The \Vhite Oak Association •oxjxeets to meet with the Church at South-West Meeting House, (New Riyei’) Onslow County, N. C., 5 miles Soutli-\Fest of Jacksonsvillc, embracing the 3rd Sunday in Octo ber. A. Davis. We hope Brethren ia the Ministi’y will visit us. ly" The SoRtb Carolina Prixni- -tive Baptist Association will convene with tlxe Ciiurch of Christ at Bethsai- la, if the Lei’d penult, on Fi’iday before the Second Lord’s Day, in October next, nine miles North oi Camden, Kershaw County, S. C.— Services to oommence 11|- o’clock in the morning. AVe earnestly solicit all Minister ing Brethren who can to visit ns at that time and place. M. McGRxVw. Primitive Baptist will please copy. practice of families from twenty thirty years past and the present practice. The change is more appa rent in many families of Old School Baptists than in any other denomina tion of professional Christians that I am acquainted with. Thirty years past few families of Old School Bap tists omitted worship. Parents then instructed their children the princi- ])les of Bible morality'. On Sabbath morning after adjusting the family matters, an hour or two was occiqiied in reading the Scriptures and other books of a religious character, after which both parents and childi-en went to the House of God together. It is not so now—(a few exceptions) —I find some worthy" families, from the hour they rise in the morning until starting to the House of God, busily engaged in fixing and adjust ing the affairs of the house, dressing, &c., and if a little respite is afforded vo srive and receive infonnation about o the crops, markets &c., than hurry to meeting, and on the road tliey" sometimes give the balance about the AYilson, N. C., Sept, o, 1873, Brotiier Gold :— I desire to suggest to the Churches composing Contentnea Association the propriety of changing the time for holding the same from Saturday', Sunday, and Monday", to Tuesday, Wednesday", and Thursday. I Vv"ill mention some of the reasons why many Brethren with whom I have conversed on the subject desire this change. The chief reason is that we should not be troubled with such large nmubers of people as to make these meetings, as heretofore, vex’y dis agreeable. The thousands of intru ders, who visit our Associations, among whom are many" drunken peo ple and liquor-sellers, it is thought, would remain at home should the change suggested be made. More Brethren would be in attendnee than heretofore and at the same time have an opportunity of hearing better while the woridy-minded would find at our meetings nothing congenial, and would consequently remain away. Our jniDistering Brethren could attend the Associations and return • liome in fijjie to fill their regular ap pointments. I have been informed that our Northern Aosociations made this change years ago to avoid the Inconvenience of such lax’ge crowds and that they are well pleased with the result. J. S. Woodard. price of mules, Ac. Frequently the children of these parents go one way, and the parents another ; these fami lies being a little busy on Saturday', like a little time to hurry over the newspaper on Sundxiy morning, and finish in the evening. Mte find the cliildren of these families pay^ing x'ery little respect to the authority or re ligious principles of the parents, but by their conduct in joining any and every" denomination, say their parents were ignorant and false professors.— Why is this ? So far as I have ob served, the children of all other de nominations ti'eat their parents with more respect (in this particular) than the Old School Baptists. Is it not necessary? is it not the duty of the worshipers of God on all occasions, and at all times, when tiiey desire to act as above described or intimated.— Beloved Brethren, is it not nccdM that wc think soberly, and closely ex amine our hearts and ways and turn practically to the Ijord? ’Where is the blessedness that we once profess ed to know? My preaching Breth ren, have y"OU not dwelt (almost) long enough upon the errors of other de nominations, to take a short time for self examination, and ti‘y" to under stand how matters are at home ? It is not the infidel, or openly profane that brings the religion of JesusChri.st into disrepute; but it is the pj'ofcssea friend of the Redeemer that causes the way of the truth to be spoken evil of. I make a proposition to my Old School Brethren generally, that before we start to the house of God, we read a chapter or two, examine onr heai'ts before God, then by prayer look to God for his blessTpg to, and upon us, and our poor preachers, then take our children with us, and while at the place of worship, ucither toll or ask anything about the crops, mar kets, &c. My propcsitiou is harm less, and will do no barm to the prac titioner, although an unregenerato predestinarian may' suspect it is arrain- ianisra ani^ prefer a morning bitters or DRAM. ThEO. BoNHOAEE. AVe have obseiwed that where Primitive Baptists are faithful in tl e truth it produces an abiding impres sion on their children, who often leave other denominations, having been dc- coy'ed into them when young, and re turn in after years to the true church. APPOINTMENTS. Brethren passing fr«>m the Kehn- kee to the Contentnea Association arc requested to fill the following Ap pointments : Tuesday, 1st Sunday 1 p. in October, at J Wednesday, , Tyson’s. Thursday, Meadow, Tridav, M’^bite Oaix. engage in the public worship of the Fulton, Mo., June 22nd, 1872. Brother P. Long :— I ha^ observed lately a very con siderable change in thp discipline and holy", awful, blessed hextrt-searchlng Lord God, to be serious, to examine their own hearts, search God’s good W'ord, and look to God by prayer for those qualifications of soul they" (Christians) see and feel so much and so often to need ? Can a Minister of Jesus Christ, when he awakes in the morning remembering he has to speak to the people that day" upon the subject of their eternal interest, I say, civn he feel light-minded and meny? I answei', he cannot! Will he not feel a throbbing, aching, and heavy" heart? AVill he not feel his emuti- and gi’eat need of ? Will he not cx- motives, search to him for help and instruction ? ATill he not p-reatlv desire to be instrumental in O o' comforting and encouraging God’s children? AVill he not feel derious to point the heavy-laden sinner to Jesus? Will he not feel jcMous in behalf in the honor of God ? Will ho not feel tenderly concerned for tlie salvation of the ungodly ? I answer, if the preacher be the Minister of Jesus Christ, he will desire, feel, and It is expected that preaching will be held in the interval of the Kehu- ke and Contentnea Associations, as follows: Tue.sday, after 1st Sunday I Conetoe. in October, at ( Wednesday, Old Town Creek, Tlmrsfiav,’ Tpper Town Greek. Friday, ' , Wilson, Brethren visiting these Associa tions are requested to fill the Appoint ments. ness. Ignorance, help from heaven' amine his heart and God’s word and gi’oan Eueia’i Mebanesville, N. C., \ August 27th, 1872. j Elder Gold: Give these Appointments publici ty fortliAvith, to Avit: Second Saturday and Sunday j Salem. I Jo bason of September 1873, at j County, Monday, Archer’s Lod,ee,. Tl I csd aA', Cl .ay to i . Wednesday, Baptist Centre. Thursday,’ Bine Level. Third Sacuvd.'iy and Sunday q of September, J Monday, on return, Tuesday, “ Wednesday, “ Thursday, “ Fourth Saturday and Sunday \ of September, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Elder Q. A. WGi-d requests hi.s Brethi’en and friends to meet him at his various appointments and convey him around to them and he returns his thanks Yours affectionately, Q. A. Ward. Pine Level. Boon Hill. Union. Smithfickl' Little Elver j Association. New Chape'l Memorial Aycock’is 'WiLson