/ •> ft, and ilkiiL we ong ht to re’ vise atid ■-,ilT(.-cl i t, :i.n! imme nst' siuns v)f ilUHlOV ■liave i/i'i -11 I'uiscd to (h ) this with.— The tlli: !ig is as tiicv sa}', 1 K'ing ac- cninpli.-- In.'ii, tiu.it i,- tin ■}' iiavc rcN'ised ('oncbctc ■d tbe I’ H.lc .ami iiineh ii upi'oved it. A ‘v hat is tlio nh- c.ire an-. i e-da-i. of tl 'is ' Its nature is •s ) iiions irons usth that the men \--.'lio-pri -mud that t! le Bible is A'vrong (liter into the witne^^ses and tluysliall etand uprii.;;ht, an(l be caught iij) to (k)d, and a.-great earthquake .shall-; visit the ungodly. • i We sliould be faitlirul, eomending i earnestly tor the old landmarks, -.he ! ^’lould use the •expression). iaith once delivei’e>l to the .-sidnl's. McMIXXVIihLE, ') AVat;i!Kx ('orNU"Y, Tkxx., s August 17th, j idkfer P. J). 'Gohh— Dkau ibrtOTintu ix C/rnrsT—(ill Vs I have been taking vwur excellent .sheet I the Lax D-MARKS, for nearly one year, This issue ends the sixtlv volume | precious pieces ot- Ziox s LAXDMAitKS. Vv c fcol ; |^..^^tlircii and sister.^, 1 . i thanldhl, or desirous to do so, tiir the ; l,..ive concluded to write a few line.s, ‘ um!tii)lRx.l blc^^sings Oi our licavculy 1j a>asid(?r niy uuwortlii- Father, and Giver of every good and I incompetcncy I almost perfect gift, for Ids mereiful kindness ; gpj.p),]. back. Also we thank' our lirctli- | r member A‘ the rrlm- , ,, r I • I q-iends for their kind, indul- ; ]g„)tlst Giiureh two years in ■ r>clT.(T care ot his word. iiiev have; yu\^ , „ A , . , i gent manner towards us, while wceon- j (wtober next, and hone it was bv the wun a AJiO'.e wnicn i , , ■->,11 , . , less to mam'w.eaktie.s.ses, anrt to the ; the iHiitUe. Ihe;,, , •' . A Ailundcrs we commit, even winie cn- tendenev oi tins 'is to weaken the rev- ; . • , i ,1 1 , t. , 1 tleavonng to do tlie best we e;m. it , in Sfli... , l.otii; ,'^'ei themselves up asjui.iges to ■dictale wiiat .-sirt of a Ihblo tlie .Lord •■ou.>'lit to td ve us, Avith a .serious re-' ,, , . ' .. . A ,, , . ; to us all. jX'cfion on I'roA'idcnce tor not taking i Uicms im.v otl 'for to ereiiee ice'.t men .should have for tne . ,, , . i , . .. , ,,,, , . : is not ail easy matter liOAvever to pub- A'orti Oi God, lor 11 tne Gioic is so , , . , , , ; iisha paper iust as Avc could wisii.— 1 111! ot errors a.s ihev state, how does,,,,, . xi 1 1 . . ..A, ,, , : 1 acre IS much reason for thanxiul- oiie kimw it IS a Ihhie at .ail? Gaii : .1 . -i .1 n . , , ness that our brethren generally are | gee eye to eye. foich jia- in unity and evince in a femarkablc j are a great eon.solation amithuui ihat lii (ml Of errors the word \ • , , . ... j ■’ - ■' ■ m Views ^ of ]Sot that men of God. Knowing lhat the Avoi’ks of nian .shall uttcriy tail ac- eordingto the teachings of the .Bible. In coimectioA with tlie Lax:dma.rks I am taking the J^aptht Widoknitin and llnd that llicA' speak the same the Avo;\l of Goil be full of error ? VVJieii the of (Jod-f Could it he:? ])ublie mind becomes .satnruAd this nodon tliut the Bible is ful (.‘iTors it Avill be a dead book to them, and will lie down naked and despised and dead ill the streets of tliis gre.it Citv of spiritual wickedness called •Sodom (false religion) ami men AVill re.gard themselves as free manner a lieaveiily union of ' and ieelings. We trust this medium but after, tliev Avith "■''"'“’•b " I and women are suelt, of eommunication develops and | j.g joint heirs makes manifest in .some degree tl>fo Uvith Giirist I .say they arc of great fellowship already existing, and cheers yonifort. kVe hear from many dear many a Saint by the Avay. ! Pi.ctlireu ami sisters that we, ’ Avonld With much deliglit in my brethren; | ^f otherwise, and thqydtell rom restraints oftbcAvord of ’A',dll send prc.sciits to -each the God, ami ' other in token of their great joy at thedcadiof the Bible nr the' witnesses. 'Tlicn also those who preach tlie Gospel of 'h.rist. who (:o.ntend .for the. genuine, Bible, innst he slain, jxven now tlieV j)ubli(‘ mind is so corrupted, and so hates tlie teaching of the Bible that the faithful preacher often preaches with a warm felloAvship for them, and a strong approbation of their course, I close this A'olume, Aviskingtlie bless ings of heaven niav-still rest on-them. P. D. Gold. We have Avitirm four reeks at tended four Associations: tlie Little Liver, Kphukec, Contentnea, and White Oak. These twin sisters'^tllT evince the same spirit and fellowshi]-). Any observer can sec tlie same people whether in the tlirilty fields of Edge- in sackcloth noAv, but Avlien tlie Bible combe, or the loAV-lamls of our coast. .sludl be .'?iain or declared to be no ]>ible, because it is so ful! of errors, mid a new pretended bilile shall sup- ])lant it, while the genuino 'word of God sludl lie even slain and 'trrm- ]ded on in the streets of fSodoni and Egypt, then the faithful servants of God imist also be slain, for as the ..Bible iures .so will they because they ])reach what is in it. All Avitnes.scs must be slain then. IMaiiy are tlie efforts mov actually being made to re vise the Bible. One edition we have been told is published tliat has not the name of Chri.A in it. When the minds of tlie masses are so educated as to receive and believe all of this then the witnc.sscs are to be slain.— Just now, in this mouth, au Evan gelical Alliance, (as it is called,) is in ■ session in A'cav A"ork, composel of all the leading protestant denominations Avhetlicr in the learned or ignorant —united in the same, bonds. AV"e have jiever fonml a 1-timier, more af fectionate, and Christian-like set of people than those of the White Oak A.ssoeiation. Though all of these A,s- soeiatious and ail others I ha-A’c ever visited areof the samekiud, accommo dating, hospitable in s})irit and man ner. There is a considerable number of additions to the raembeiAshi]) in many of the Churches. A very large number of Alinistering brethren Avas in attemlanec at the Kehukeo and Contentneix Associations, and in some of tliem a very goodly number of the brethren profess fo 'have impressions to preach and exhort men to repent ance. Wc suppose tliat the gift of exhortation is as much needed now as it Avas in the days of old.Let him that exhortctli Avait on (or serve) in of the AVorld (the second beast) for the ; hisexh(-)rtation now, and \vc hope that expressed purpose of uniting them all ; there may be more exhorters, and that togetlier. AVheii tliey unite it will be oisr jircaching brethren Avill not neg- ygainst the truth and to kill the Avit- When they obtain the pow- ■'S' nesses. er of the sword they Avill procki-m a Bible of their liking, a A’eligioii of their choice to be receivexl, Avith death- penalties on non-confornusts, a slay ing of the Avitnesses. It will then bo a penalty of death perliaps to Avor- ship in any Avay but the one they pre- gca-ibe. But the Spirit of God shall again lect the gift of exhor'tation. Alen should be exhorted to repentance and to maintain good Avorks. The life of Elder AViison Thomp son, is a very attractive book, richly .setting forth the characteristics of the the anther jvho is yet much spoken of by our brethern who remember his nnu.s-ual gift as a preacher of the go.spel. onr feelings better than \vo can ex press tlieiu ourselves. Bat, as I said iu tlie outset, I am quite a poor writer ; hut, aa'c find that the.}' wlio fear the .Ijord speak often to one another, and it Avearc so fortunate as to once be considered in the eter nal eovenaut as one of that muiiber,Ave tiftpe by gAwe clivino li.* lie- -able; to dro]) a word that ayIII bo interesting to some one or other. We are bound to acknoAvledgc-that Avithin ourselves there i.s lio g'ood thing, that it is by him Ave have our being, that all our lu'lp must come from the .Lord, for without liim Ave can do nothing. “Be hold Nvliat manner of love the Father hath bestoAved upon ns that Ave .sliould bo calk'd the .sons of God,’’ 1 John, 3: 1. Then he .says it is love, not by anything that has been or can be done, that his eternal pnr})Ose might stand, Avhich I believe Avill. Well, says one—Hoaa^ are avc saved? by grace, chc.seu Clirist Jesus before t!u' Avorld began, and in time regenerat ed, renewed, and born again ot the Spirit of God. Then, dear Christian friends we have nothing to plead but the merits of our blessed Savior that suifored and died the .shamefid death on the cross—the just for the unjust. Then ho say.s, “if you love me keep my command men ts.” Then as he lias suffered and died—redeemed us from the curse—ecrtaiuiy aa'c ought to obev liim, honor him, pray with and for one another. Mav' the Lord rive praying, dutiful mimls, and a S])irit of love that his great and mateh- les.s name might be glorified. Ala}' Avo ]>ress foi’Avard as good soldiei’s of the cro.ss, for if m this life only we have hope in Christ Ave are of a.ll men most miserable. May our af- foctic, be on heaven and the b!e.ssed rest and everlasting peace that Christ has in his resurrection fw u.s. And now, 1 ittle children, abide in him-, that Aviien he shall appear ye may have coiiiidencc and not be asliamed before him at his coming,” 1 Jolin, 2: 28. AVc often get down, dark ch.nds come over ns and cause sore trials and troubles, but Avhen the. ap- ■ pointed time conies,tliat hcAvill remove, those doubts and fears, tlicn one can inoimt upas if on cagle’.s wings, and .see him Avitli the eye of firith akf'g.-d!- er briglit and lovely, and the fair-e.st among ton tliousaiid. Afy sjiaec i.s getting sliort and 1 Avill liave to close. \ In looking over this if a'ou think it, Avox’thv a place in the IjAXDAI.v'rk.s you can give it room after correcting mistake,s—if not all will be right. Eoaa-, Loi’d, give ns .grace divine Avhilst liere below, make ns sueli . creatures as thou wouklst haem xis to be—finally, when we have filled irp tlie measure of our days here below give us a peaceful liour iu Avliich to die, and iu the morning of the rc.siir- rection raise, change and fiishioii tneso vile bodies like unto his glorious body —carry us home to lu'avcn where'avc Avill be able to sing redeeming glories and to thee shall lie the prake forevei' and forever. Afours in tribulation. Ti. r. iWrTE.R. Elder Jkyan AV. Whitford will preach a.s follows, Tic Lord Avilling ; Sunday aixl Saturday') ot XoTombev, J ]Uo’.iday aftor, AA liiti' Plains. Tuesday, Ai-ro 0!ia|!e!. Tiiursdav, .t oiieori?. JSi-idav, ' tk-ad ofPaug-u. If «' 1. . 1 PanU'go. 4m. nnd.',}, ^ {Enneval of Aaron AVilkerson; AV1T.S0X, N. C., Got. 7th, 187:b 2nd Saturdav Sunday ot Aov. (.tenienlB iloni.laA', ' on return, Pteliobotli, Tuesd.a.y, ' Fellowshij). drd Saturdav & Siinday, oi'X'ov. Sandy Grove. Afonda-v, ' ' New Hope. Tnesdav, Nkil,s Greek. Wednesday, Harnet Chapel. 4th Saturdav lA; Sunday, of Nov. AVillow Spring Tuesday, ‘ ' ^ Ivtoiinl PleasanL util Saturday & .Sunday, of Nov. Aliddle Creek, Elder AVtird rerpiests his brethren and friends to meet.him :it Ids various appointments, and convey him around to them, and lieyeturns his thanks-. (b -A- Ward, AVilson, N. a Ib.Y.AioL'Tii A. C. Oct. 22d 1873. Elder Jo.seph E. Adtuns lias ;ii)- pointsto preach as fo!low.s, the Ijord. willing: Sunday in November at A V e (i 11 c.sd ay fo 110 V- i! 1 g Time day, Friday, Saturday,' Sunday, Afonday, Tuesday, AVediRvday, Till! rsday, Friday, Tuesday after tlie btli Skewarkev Spring Green. Cross Itoad-. Tarbor(n Falls, Tar Itiver. Peacli Tree. Host— Sandy Grove- Salem, Johnston Co. Arelicr’s Lodge, ifajitist Centre. ASSOGIATIOXAL. ' The Alt. Enon B. B. Assw-i- ation meets on Saturday lieforo tlie 3rd Sunday in Xovember, 1873, w itii Enqiire Chiurh, Sumter Co., Fla.i 20 miles South of Okahnmka. ffofoThc 'K),«iioit Fnj-on expects vo meet Avith the e!uii*ch at i-'lclminL’'* ■ Hill Aleeting liou.sc 011 Saturday be fore the f)th Sunday in Afoveinber, Brethren visiting by Rail Road A'.'ii) be met at Sliarp’s Store. "appoixtaients.