1' }4 ' M 7 r r:2 Si;iic'4ClU PTIOX RECEl Fi^. Heorsia. (,hi--ii»'v 1). (;i(H'!», Feb- 1, 1S75, K ili;r Siunn( l }k-utly, l),“c. 1, 1874, 'rbron^li I>i” C>. >[. liovntoii: Airs. II. Wimbcrl}, Nov. 1-5, 1872, 'rhroi'.”h Janios M. JIrvun—$1: Mrs. 1'. (.s)x, March 1, 187'), .1 ;:/!ci M. I’rvan, Dec. I, 1874, $2 00 2 00 2 00 CO 00 North Carolina. 1874, 1874, Ottlvin Wooilanl, Oct. 1. 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth Wil iford, )''cb. .I()hn 4'. HarttOs, .Aiip;. 1, 1874, Elias Barnes, Feb 1 187-), .Mns. Lydia 8. I’erreU, Dec. 1 Iredell Farmer, ,jan. 1, 1874, •lolui Lewi.s, Fi-b. 15. 1875, W. Bnddie, Dec. 1 1874, \.L. Holden, Oct. I, 1871, Through FI. Knffin llarri/- •Mrs. N'aiicy H- IV’il’i’.ers, Dec. 1, 1374, .-^rumiel Johnson, feo!.! Sey). 1. 1870, L. linffin Harris. Marcli, !, 137o, Elder Aaron DavIs-->! 1 : .luhn 8cott, March 1, 137J, Daniel N. Yats, .March I, 187-5, \bu''r (^ninn. March 1, 187-j, Eider James (,'.ivcnani,di, March 1 18.4, .John Kaincr, March 1, 1875, l.saac Jones, March 1, 187-), Eli H. D.ivi.s, April 1. 1875, Throiisch D. A. Coals—S7,50 ; .*^”,th Sicrllne, Dei'. 1, 1374, Natiian Sterling, Dee. 1, 1874, Sidney T. Smith, DiC. 1, 1874, .Uodii'a Parish. Nov. 15, 1874, Dr. T. Jones, >Tov. L), !8.'4. Ijavwood Reaves, Nov. 15, 1871, Throngh Elder .N. H. HarrDon—$4; Mrs. K. Siiittlesharp, dan. 1, 1875, .iiinu's A. Harrison, May 1, 187 1, 'L'hringh Eider Win. YCo ida;d —$10 vVrn. Bcicher, Nov. lo, 1874, Hoivell .lovner March !•', 18iO, Elder Win. Woodard, Nov. 15, 375, Throntrli IVm. Barnes, Henrv Kirby, M.ireh 1, 187o, Wr.r, Barnes, S. p. 1, 1875, Tiirnngli Bennett Bullock,—S5 05 : Mitw Primie Peel, Dec. 1, 1871, ■losne F'nlghnm, Nov. 15, 1874, Karris Daniel, Nov. lo, 1875, David Daniel Ecb. lo, 1874, Tlironsh Eldi'r F- L. Oaklv $6 : Miss ,S. C. Corbetr, Dec. 1, 1874, Miss Eliza A. Malone, March 1, 1876, 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 2 no 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 did, but he '.vas not able to t.allc much. I I will hero state about what he said : ‘‘Brother ' D. I am glad to see yon, would be glad if it ! w;u God’s will to hoar yon preach again, but the will of the Ivc>ra must lie done. I want i yon to wiito my obituary I'or /ion’s I.and- | MARKS. I want yon to defend the Old Bap- : tisD, for theirs U about all the doctrine that Is i . . i tvorth defending. Death is so difFerenl from ; what 1 always thought it would he. I have : all the while thought that I would have fearK, but I iiave none at all.” These were some of the last words of our departed brother. He lived and died an univavering Old Sclioo! Bayitist. ‘‘Bleitscd are tlie dead which die in the Lord.” J. C. Denton. James Trice, Thoma.ston, T'psiher Co. FiilJer T. J. Bttzemore, F'orsytiie. IMonroo Co. Illii Ol8. Elder I. N. Vanmeter, Macomb McDono ugh Couf.tv. Fllder J. G Williams, Ursa, Adams Conn- ty. Eld.er J. H. Myer.s, Decatur. Fllder G. C. Murphy, Concord, Morgan Coimtv. ADYERTLSIOMEXTS. B. 2 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 no 00 on 00 50 50 50 1 15 Texa?i. 00 ID.lcc Samjiel (''..Denton, blep. 15. 1874, 'riirongi? Eide. Jainc.s ( . Dcr.'An‘-qr-5; • lohii Burleson, Marcli 1, !87o, 2 00 :S. ('. Jones, Sep. 1, 1874, _ 1 00 Mrs. Matt. FI. Watson, March 1, 1875, ‘2 00 OBITUARY. FYashinoton, N. C., Jan. 26, 1874, i Elder P. I). Gold :— | Dear hrnther.—Through the request of ; brother .Jolin Wichard I will send vou a .0:-w ; lines to the memory of hrother Hardy Wieh- ' •ard w'ho departed this life June (Hh, 1872, at j his 'csidenee in Pitt ('onroty, N. C..—near Greenville. Flrolher AVichard was horn IMay 1783, and was received a member of the church ,at Great Swamii Ifeornarv, 18‘21, and was chosen deacon April. 1826, and filled (hat important offee np to the time of his death, and his vacancy has licen filled hv a very worthy h-otlier—his i-on, John Wicliard. Brother Hardy IVichard adorned his pro fession by a well-ordcrcd life and Godly con versation- Ho delighled in the doctrine of tlio Primitive Bartists, which is .salvation by grace through the merits of Christ. Y-.is, he believed what Paul said, when he .“aid : “Not by w'orks of rightcnnsne.s8 whieli we have done, l)ut aecoriling to his mercy he hath saved ns, by tlie wasliing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost.” He de lighted in reailing the Bible, and was well versed in its teachings, in faith and practice, doctrine and ordinances. He was willing to be, governed by the law and testimonv of the Bible, lie adorned his profe.ssion bv a well- ordered life and a Godly conversation. His name wa.s first on our church li.st at the time of his death, lie has fought a good fglit anil kept the faith once deliverevl to the saints. Let us not mourn for him, he is hut gone be fore U8 where the wickel cea.se fiom troubling ■and the weary are at rest. Bie.sseil art-^ iimv tha/rdohis commandments, that, t'^w;" may j’ have right to the Tree of Life and rn;?^ enter ki throngh the gates into the City. i Talitha C. (.liiEanr. AGE.XTS. Koitiu’Ky. 4/4. P. Moore, Dickson, Wcb.ster County MlSRlSFilppL F. Wilkinson, Amite County. Mls.soiirl N. J. Ring, Ilmistonia, I’ettis County. NorEji Carolina. Elder B. P. Pitt, Tarboro. E. G. Clark, P Jl_ •■'t- a Wilson. M. A. Angler, Durham’s. Elder F. I-. Oaklev. .Anderson’s Store Alfred Blalock, Busby Fork. Elder Q. A. 'Ward, Pleasant Grove. J. F^- Motley. RufFin Depot. Elder 5Vm. .5. Ross, Greenville. Fllder I). R. Moore, Mount Tirzah. Elder Aldridge Parton, Raleigh. Jtlder Bryan AA^hitlord Newborn. Fllder A. N. H-al!. AVoodsdale.— Elder .Ru.sseil Tucker. Peach Tree Grove. Fllder C. B. HasMcii, MJlliam.ston. E. W.A. piallas, KeidsviJle. W- FI. Bullock, Dntch- villu .Ja.ne.s >S. Woodard, Wilson. Elder Wm. E. Bell, Tarboro. Eid'er I). 5Y, I’op- ping, Pantogo. Joshua L- Freeman, Danbu- rv. Mrs. Eliz'ibeth McNeely, Leak.sville, Kor.^ingham Cminly. .lohn Hays, Black ('reek. C. O. Bowen, Durham’s. E. Ruffin Harris, Rnffin. Justus Parrish, Raleigh.— Jarret Gornto, Sneunl’.s Ferry, Onslow County. Elder .1. ('■. Hewitt, Polloeksvil’e, Jones County. R. B. Blalock, Mt. Tirzah, lYr.sou County. Elder Camden, Sop.lti CsiroMiia. Marshall McGraw. B. Huckabee Kershaw Coinitv. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. f ■ OFFICKOV OeN’L He'I’KKi-NTCN.IB.Nr, i 'Wilmington, N. Oct. IJlii, 187.5 i N and .aiter ()ct. 12th. iastanl, pa.sseagec trains on t'ne Wibri'mgtoa a:nl Webiort Railroad will run as follow.s ; MATI. TRAIX Leave Union Depot daily (Sim- day excopteJ) 7:45 a. m. .Arrive at Goldsboro a. la. “ Rocky Mount 2;>0p. m. “ Weldon .‘3:.‘D p. «. Leave Weldon daily (Sund:iy,s excepted) 9;50 a. m Arrive at Rocky Mi-nut 11-‘25a, m. “ Gold,sboro 1:37 p. .in. “ Union Depot 5:;>0 p. rs-i. EXPRESS TRAIN Leave Union Depot daily 10;.''-0 p. m. Arrive at Goldsboro 3:37 a.m. “ Rocky Mount .5,.'8 a m. “ Weldon. 8:00 a. sa. Leavti Weldon, daily 8;‘ii0 p. r«. Arrive at Rocky Mount fu-t;’, p. is, “ Gold.sboro... U.oOp. m. “ Union Depot, ” 4:0.) a. m The mail train maka.s close i-o:iriection al Weldon for all fiointe Nortli via Bay i.iriw and Acquia Creek rm.ite.s. FIxpres.s Train.s connect only wii'a .'le.tj-iiA Creek route.' Pulman’.s Pabice Sleeping Ca.-> on this Train. IfuKiauT Train.s will leave YYilmingtoM tri-weekly at (>,00 a. m., and arrive at p. in- KxPRBfiS F'KElc.niT TKAIN.5 will !o:iva Wil mington daily at 2,0U p. m. an I arrive at ti;0» p. in. JOHN i'. DTVINK. Oct. ll-te. General Wuporintandsnt. rn TesMiesseej Fllder George Huffman, Bloomington.— -John FI. Frost, Blielbvville, Bedford County- Elder James Co.x, Fhankiin, William.son Conntv. H. J. Pearson, Brownsville, Hay wood County. Elder Wm. B. Owen, Mnr- freesbor*). Texa?. Miss S.allie S. J-'loyd, Cofleeville, Ups.hcr Comity. Rniien M.-mning, Cotton Gin, Free- .■^lone County. Toah T. Fh-eeman, Harmonv Hill. Fllder James C. Denton, Mexia. McElroy. Sweet ilonie, Lavacca. J. J. Vlrt^Inla. ^ • Tuggle. El:/:n.sville. IJM I'iulUli S" EstaMislied C-Voly Six Jmn I AS the lairgcst (.’ircnlati-'m of anv Davlf Newspaper in the .'-tato, .and a circuki- tion in Wilmington Nearly 'fwiceas Larg* as that of any other pap:.-r. All the news of the day will be found in b oondensed when unimp-ii'.ant, at^lcj'iU’,* T —About 8 o'clock on the 14th of i-Vbrnarv, 1874—our beloved brother, Thom- av Oakes, in the seventy-ninth year of hi.s .age. The siiliject of this memoir was a faithful Aiemberand deaconot Upper Ibnnster Chinch. HiMv.as confined to his hou.sa nearly twelve months with dropsy, in which time he wa.s visited and attended to hv iminy of his friend.s .and brethrcB who will bear testimony that he Mire hi.s afiliction with nm-ommon fortitude to the l:i.-if.,:md w.a.s perfectly sensible in one min- iue of his death—o.ften desirii-.g to fmisli his troublea here, that ho might be at rest. He tiss left ihree danghtew and one son to mourn •.heir loss. The writer of this attended j.is MUitral and burial, mvi tried to preach from .icb 7: 1, 2, J—“Is there not an appoinl- f.wi time to man upon earth ?” &c. The con- (jrcgK-.tion wasferiim* and attentive, and if ive uiav judge from hi.s exemplary life—may vre '.Alt sav, truly our lo.ss is hi.s eternal gain? — His favorite hymn was: “What poor despised oompany Of travelers are these— That walk in yondor narrow way. Along that niggwl rnatsf.’’ Wm. S. j\l€l>)Wfsi.L. Aialiiima. Elder 5v'm. M. Miti-liell, Opelika. Mrs. N.A. Che;itham, Greenville County., Mi.ss Sue ,.A. Crutcher, Madison M. & C. Railroad. Jasper N. Duncan, Beaverdalc, (Yunty. Wm. C'. Smith, Viena, i-*ickens County. Jo.seph N. Duncan, Beaverdale, F'ayette County. Elder G-. 'L. Turner, Martinsville. Jo.se-ph F'rance, Frnr - tv’s. W. A. Thomas. Pilt.sylvaiiia Court House. Elder Jas. S, D.imeron, Siia-dy (jrovr, Franklin County. q- wiien of mouioui, aim al-.v-.iir-, pre-fen'ia-i ’ yelear, intelligent r.nd iau--A‘ Bn tier St.Htton, Favetle If we liave omitted the namefl of any of the brethren who have been acting a.s ..Vgi iit.s for the paper, who desire their names inserted herein, they will please notify ns, in order that we may add tiicm to the list. Vve also ask othi-r brethren,sislsns and friend.s, who desire the .succe, s of the pajrer, to act a,s Agents for ns. ua«)ij«MgSBCTag»B?aeaw PROSPECTUS. Elder J«p1 W. S-waln, Gkahumka, Bunn.pter (.’oiintv. (icorffia. T. J. Gilbkkt was born March l&th, 1808, In Wilkeison County, Georgia, moved from liere to Houston Oiunty, and was married *A> Lavinia Thorp in 18X8; moved to Loui.si- anit in 1844 and joined the Primitive Bap- Cist (.'hureh at New hope in 184S; camo to i\-.x.as in 18S8 anel died December 5th, 1872. Brother Gilbert was a man of more than com- mon traits of character—he was grave, and a>od«st, and ornamental to both church and .-omnuinity. While on his death-death he njat for the writer of this to visit him—-which Elder John Rowe, Butler, Taylor Comity. F'hler .Tohn Dickey, Hickory Grove, Craw ford County. Elder D. L. Hitehccck, Eatenton, Putnam Cnnnty. Deacon Joel Hardic, Irwinton, Wilkeraon Comity. Eliter I. R. Teat. Richland, Stewart County. Eider D. W. F'atmaii, Lexington, Ogle- thrope Co'inty. James M. Bryan fUxdal Circle. Fllder J. I), ilntts, Lawton, Clinch Comity. Daniel Godard, Liberty Hill, Pike (,,'ounty. C. .V. lle-irn, Hon.ston, Heard County. Jesse T. Davis, Q-.iitman. .John G. Phillips, liogansville, Troup County. Mrs. R. Anna Phillips, Itome. Fllder J. N. Woodall, Flllaville. Fllder M. McDonald, Vienna, Deoly Conn- ty. FI. C. Thrash, Fiat Shoivls, Meriwether County. Fllder, T. K. Puraley, .-Vmericu.s. vVrn. 15. Davis, Mill"Town. Fllder F. M. W'oodall, P-e.ston. Fllder J. J. Davis, Dawson, Terrell County. FI. VV’. Ixiwe, Green Hill, Stewart County. Eldw- K. J. Williams, Aftoa, Be-irion Coiuiiv, 1ST —d!:votki) to this— Primitife iJapilst Cause. Is l^nblished on the AND 15T1I OF EACH MONTH STBSCSIPIIQNS ‘ii! AdYiUiGj:' One 5'ear. .i.7 Six Months 3 Tbreo Months, Star. PRICE liSDUtiED, TTIF! 4VEF-KTjY ST '- K is no-.v curnbiiisd ■with the CARi >Lf.NL\ K.VRMER, a-s.d i.s on* of the cheapest paiiers in the following ' aiiDr-v, at th* KEiiP'CED KATES, One t-opy. One h’ear,- • ■ One Copy, Si.v Months, . .fn,5» ■ • l,fs» -.AT- TF I L S 0 N , N C P. Editor & jr \j ±j Proprietor Terms:—Two dollars per annum. 'S55I..Clubs of ,5 t-s 10, ('>n« Year 1,25 per copy Asa-t'lubs of 10 or more, One Year, oaly $1.00 per copy. i.-St-ypeciinen copies se it on ;ipplication. Address, W.l. H. EEPuulR!), Editor A ProTu-letnr, 4VILM1NGTON, N. «, ^ ITitCA , B0T1! SSXE.S STRICTL Y ECTARIAN. lS®“F'or Club.s of five sulMcriboiw, a idxth copy will be sent gratw. Clubs of eight subftcribera, ora higher num ber, can have the paper at One Dollar and F'ifty Cenhs each. W'e do not strike off the name of Hubscrih- ers when the time of subscription expires, uu- less they rwpiesl it. Remittauees for the Landmarks can be .sent by I-’ost Office orders, by lUigistered J.i.et- ter.s, by Express, and wlien in small amounts, by ordinary letter, at our ri.sk. Specimen copies will be m,ailed t* any ad dress on application to the Editor. J|6;§"‘A11 friend.s ta us are authoristxl to act a.s our ageiiLs, if they are so disposed, in pro curing Hubsc-rilxir.s. We have not space to publish the names of all the agentic. P RIMAR5', ACADEMIC, AND CXR. LEI i IA 'i K D L F A K'f AI UN TS. .Able and expe-rieneed Teachers. ValuabG Lib-ary aa-.l Af.qiai-auis. Fdl'ty iiUt)re«ti»s_ Periodicals, 'i'lie school kejit as a wel)-reg-,i- latod, high-toned family, ['be aboundio-' comforts of a refined FIducatioual Hoius. - The physical, tlie intelieclual, and the morul faeiiltici oi our I’lipils, harmouiouHly dw- veloped. In.-struetiou given in 2u Practi-Al Arts, by any i-f whie'a a livt-liliood c«« made. Entire average expeii.se, iaoli*dln»' tuition, books, board, fuel, light, and wash ing, $2U0 per aoadouiio year. Session e.xtends li-om first Monday in Os lo,her to last F'riday in .1 uiie. Huulents «-»- mitted at any timo, and charged f r wUf time they couio. Address Ibr Datslogue, «yL'FKft,TKK HAiWEUL, A. M. X’nuoVpai,;

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