j A L L 180 [Jl k.s. -■lory reigns. -—, , ^ wondrous love, has been revealed to j Christians are spectacles both to | of “grace giv (.) ! what love, what i that my interest is there. enant, because we bear Paul speaking | and in time and place they are male en us m Christ Jesus j to hear his voice, and “you bath lu rcvealccl to i i^nristians are specuioiti? j,. ......... . , , , i i- . -e.*: . , , , ; jind meu : they are constantly ; before the world began.” God seeing , quickened who was dead in trespas.,t. jKXir aso le p ess ..inn s wak-hod bv the world, all their words i all huraanitv Iving in its blood and | and sins.” >.o\v he, in th.e a.)o\c quo bh^ed lamb ot God expired on So | gore, umler^he law and under the | tation, I think is the Holy G u.t , a f ' it becomes all who bear the name of i curse, unable to restore that relation- j comes into man’s soul and hm.s him Will it Bot talte a.t oenny to p i„ ,hi. 1 witl. a protty good opioioa of h„n- ,„,f„l.l tl,c .oyatenas of „ J oB.st be dooe ?-Uclf, bat tvhe,. he begias to make ,a- Me thinks t lat ^ bolieve in the lioly religion of i Christ in love ivas self-moved to take | puines for sin ami lays bare tlie ^ na- Will cause the I'l'n/-’ ' our Savior and the blessed truths ; upon himself what we justly merited , keclncss of tne land w heiein we smu. ring with shouts ot loud revealed. Yet glorv I and paid the demands of the law | and begins to resurrect our past sms and the heavenly clioirs will stn vC , ; of enemies j upon us to the Father which we could 1 carrying them to judgment belore- ■ lirir gidden harps aamv, ... the song then to I „I,t do. Well this is grace given . hand, then wo begin to feel o,.r ..e.a w„rthytl,oLa..,b that was sa.n, who | j ' q , all U,s (the ehai-ch) in Christ bhfore the I here is that grace beg.... ...the s.al h..thredee.ned..sto(,od hyl,.sblobh this ! that was given as befoi-e thetoan....- ,U1 W..0 have feal.red "C-csmTcelio,. be more confLned tol.is i cove,.aat between God the Father | tie., of the world, and we nre saved ll.c ovorw l.el,n.i.g power ol ths ’ ' bj, will be | and God the Son, it seems clear to by tl.at grace give,, as, u s,.ved at vine love are ready to e-vela.m, ; | designated the sin j Dear brother, I have penned you | against the Holy Ghost, that he did I some of my thoughts and in ranch j not atone ; for he tells us that it shall . weakness as will be seen, but I am ! not be forgiven in this world nor in Uure YOU will cast a mantle ot cliari-Dhe world to come, and that all other ^ ' tv over all. ^ shall he forgiven. I ask the j not created when tms grace wa.s giv ■V - ^ j " o ! may the great Captain of our | que.stion ; Did not Christ have a | en^ us, and ray experience teaches me v'demrm^'abidin-*®^’God’s | salvation abundantly bless yon in all | right to designate many characters | tins. , , *•, , rh tn keen a uoor sinncrwmur lalwrs, and cause you to of sms as seemed good in Ins sight, | I read in Ho,} Y Uv c ■ . . InrJiWH in^he dJst, and it would | Rejoice in beholding the glorious light ; that he would not atone, for it was ! acters-the Son of Itig.iteousness am limes at least; ‘•Tr'liv was I made to A lid enter while thyil 'i tliy voice, if» room ? Wiiiic tliousands mtfc a wretched choice, And rather starve ttiai mil lupine : 'Twa,s the same love that spread the fea-st Which sweetlv pressed nij^i; bl.se r should still rei'iis^to triKr , And perish in my sins.’ all. grace Xow the question is, wliat ? 1 understand it to he a free donation without wprt-li or merit on our part. Ye see wo dal not merit this grace, stioing .Ylain was to I the Son of .Perdition, and the bond maid and the free woman are two rnblea in uie uusi, aiui tu ... „ , , , i i- .wee.ni that a soul so touched with | arising upon Zion. Ynd/i w mify/di/! love and merejohat moved him this he-ivcnlv inliLienee would ever be i and?n7dur«edu. Christ has arisen - atone for an) ? . i i -e r h ruh-.v bm, w ' .V o own its Lord m.cl ' vieforiotk death, hell and the | If this be e„.Tect now comes ,n pro-j chmraeters oppos.le f,■>,.. each o , n ke ...eniion of I,is ri.ghteons..ess | p-ave. Ife'Aar. all-conquering King. | destination , nndorstaod me, near the [they are not nentsol u.e sm. e p.o..,- -TO , M,nw often k is * Hc holds the scepter in his right! character that does not commit tnis ; ise , ..t.so, Jacob na\e i . - o r, “;h.e : lie : d.t 1, ti:: lwm Lso an peopi: .0 . ..npa..don„b,e sin is ptedestinated, Esa.. have I ha.ed--„ot the i.nW i (Hind to be or , ^ ii uc u- * ' ' gikI w'rr ^ T an«%rer because Christ 1 ual Jacob nor tne imiivuluiu Ihsau, ...rakness of the hes . ,e tc,,.,^ , ^ow «,te W _ m.d w ^ _ i.unisofbatan. Man) ot tl e piecious ^ l our nu o m-lne Ww few this character and i the son of righteousness and the sou rr'dieir blc^ed r^ M. M. IlA^SE-Li.. | the^are inside (if the ciivenant. FYw Gf peHidom I think oiidas repre- Aliistor li’liG gtivo bis Hie jior Hern ; J* Kk-.v Peter, deny their Dord, ,■ and like M. M. HaJseat.. ’(they are inside of the covenant. oNpw WI pemmon. x unmv uuua. tvp.v. , L . L i P ref)e:*»ted it fwa.s not H/r ; sented tli^m^of perdition, fo|I thud; ''uamaian CotrxlA', \.v., f | ["Adam’s t^lnsgl•^»sion biit for my ow^o | it is saul-J^ havi?; Mus* nhtimig Tik .v.„y..^.ehfuaryj7th, ISTW althougli we inherited tliat m- | Father gave me save the son of per- r> .U (gftn? . 1 i 1 , , .. d> \ .1 C„,I I mdraii . anmp cev tk'O: \v>iq .Tiuklfl find fir a season fearing the 1 cm oaeh they I. , ^ ^ . , , I Dear Brother F. j). brold mav have to encounter. Atan} i _ ,> • ^ , n vav ■ m • i wftik'and treiiihling—thev look up-I Dnder impres.sions of mind and a ; eral head. Y e see man m this de- on their hope as liehig sni'all and they ] deep sense of my weakness, I write piorable state has powiir to sin but c'l’iiiot venture to own their Lord.— ! these lines, and am made to tremble , cannot atone for that sin, and if he (') ’that the blessed Lord would en-! as I write; but nevertheless, if I nev-i can commit the smallest sin, it fol- hcrent nature from Adam our fed- ' ditioii; some say iliat was Judas am,! J; tnat me oiessGii aju.v. v... , , . i , , , .„nr.io.e the weak and feeble and en- er say auythuig to the people oi God , lows, that be can commit »1 1 J M 1 .,1 c i v-w-k Kok I -X—,.,,., i-v-» + t-k ,w I Jrkvri the mo.st it might be, but .L think it more ap propriate to say that ho w^as the re]i rrsentative of the son oi jicrdition. able them to come out niaiifully and l>ear the cross of Jesus, for all such will learn that “His yoke is easy and his Inmleii light.” We rejoice to see atrocious crimes the Devil can suggest | falling away first and for I think i" is said that tiiat day shall not come except there come a that man of resTionsi- ' sin berrevealed, the son of perdition, pay tlie i So I conclude every soul that is lost that j is one of the sons of perdition ; so you until I feel worthy, I must hold my peace forever. | to the mind, and if .so he is The question I purpose to offer a ' ble for the same, be must few thoughts upon is this; The doc- ; penalty annexed to that crime .....v ^ — — -- ^ . . 1 k - iLk nianv are heiim-i trine of election and predestination.! ig the second death, his blood is upon | see he elects and predestinates the .UK. T ,q .-...A I This is the doctrine I verily believe ; his own head. Xow let me illus-I character to he conformed to the im- Tf we are the children of' “h but still it is hard forme in my : trate the idea a little ; The law of j age ot his Son, whom khiist in tnat ( should he williiigto endure ' weakness to comprehend the length ^ Virginia is, it we kill we must hang | covenant agreed _ to die fbr^_ The harliiess as-00(1 mldiers knowing ! and breadth and depth of the doc-, .Athotit niercy-iiothmg else meets i cause ot election is love, t.ie eJect 1 .uuiim^ c. ^ ^ Tieveilheless I have my views, : the demands of the 'aw but death.— I salvation to many. Low God said ^vre-u°victorv'won througli the great | »ud if they are wrong I pray set me ; p ask the question, was this law made | to Adam : riiou mayest eat of all tne (.Hijitaiu of our salvation. The iiicjuirv is constantly with me , i right JL. *... - -q • ' 7 I - ^ ; for any individual, or was it made ‘ trees in the garden, hut tne one in And whosoever speaketh a word i for a certain character of crime? I 1 the midst—that he niipst not touch, “.km I his or am I not ?” not live and act differently Would I against the son of man it shall be ! answer -for a character, and 11 we | it he did the [lenalty wa.s death. if I was UiX'- KJWiA - I »» V.-A / ; * ' ! foro-iven him, but whosoever speak- j foU under that law, can we justly re- | Mark, there was forbidden but one 1.1 lit. o The fruits ol the Spirit eth against the Holy Ghost it shall , ply against it ? I answer, ....v . v,. ..v, acniki ian. ^pfoiot be. forgiven him ui this world, ^ ,uust die without raerey, and I am i is but one character of sins, but what are to m expec e( in , the world to come,” Matt. ; authorized to say from the truth of j have the promise of forgiveness that grace f ^ 32. Yow I understand from [ Revelation, that if we commit bias-| is speaking against the Holy Ghost ? that the world woukt take Kiiowi > ? Xo ! we ; tree, so under the new covenant there , bppn with Abis language that all iiiaiiiier of sins ; pheniy against the Holy Ghost we | I muss stop, I hope I have hurt ( ( ge(i leni .la Rr^ther. ; have the promise of forgiveness, but i juust die spiritually wit bout mercy, ; nobody tnat may read those iriiper- . (^us aiK „™.i the sin against the Holy Ghost, and ^vitli our hlocd upon our own head, j feet views of mine. Ihaved(.)nethe e iviioK ley gpQ,jij ; this has not the promise that it shall i because the law demands it and we | ven.’best I could with the light lie- oime( o n. i,g..n below ' he forgiven in this world nor in the j can’t replv against that penalty, for ; fore me, and if I have eomniuted ei- .' ;;;^i: l d hettr comitrv ! world fo come. This seems to prove I I think it said, “Who art thou, over , ror it is of the head and not of tln^ whiebuillra God. L to ray miiK^iliis sin was not atoned , uian that replietli against God?”-i heart, and I pray, brethren, set me know I most sensible fe^l that I fall for. I uudicrstand that God the ^ Some man will say if we do not Hep for short of mv liic^h^aiid holv call- 1 Either and Gdcl the Son entered in- : over this line of . deraarkation, i’no- and the profession I have made ! tbxv covenant long before Adam was | through the inheritance of our nature otMe^us 1 lo'm to realize and feel ! created, and God saw the end from ; how are men saved ? I answer, they morrsenffhly tire^power of divine ! the beginning, and of course he saw are one of the characters that is em- riglit. If this is not election and pre destination, I frankly acknowledge I twice in mv heaife'and have more j the conduct of man ; and it .seems n„lara«\ vieW3 f the strength and j "tear to my mind that man’s nyrduot ...crahv of God's salvation and knotv ] formed prominent items in that cov- braced in the covenant and Christ met the demands of the law and re turned it honorable to the Father, do not understand it. Yours in love, John McGhkk Y'"E.are glad to receive and pub lish the following letter of our aifiict-

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