^aBdmarks. ^ >r c. ) Hul salvution of all inankiuf], for if that be true how shall the scriptures be fulfilled, or eternal coudemiiation bo ex[)i'essed against sin ? ItfUt when it >s said that that day .-hiill burn as an oven, and shall burn up the wickc'il leaving them neither root nor hranch, it expi'esses the cu- tire and everlasting jinnishinent or destruction of the wicked ; wheretore ‘•kiss the Son lest belie angry, and ve perish from the way wlien his wrath is kindled hut a little. Bless ed are all they that put their tnist in ” Pslm. 2 : 12. iiim. OXFOKIO, N. C. Jlarch 20th, 1874. / i ■ Elder- P. D. Gold, Wilson, N. 0. Dear Brother I enclose you two dollars for the Landmarks, which came to hand the first of January. I was confined to my bed about the fii-st of December with an athick ot branchittis, trom which I am recov ering very slow, which now is dis- pajed to run into consumption, which I have been pre -disposed to go into for several years but our departure is with the Lord. 1 trust his pre.sencc will be with me when my change comes. I tried last Spring to preach at two places, for the brethren, sisters, and people, uutil ray health tailed so I had to stop, after mended a Ijttle I commenced again, but only two tiU'^npts, viie last the fourth y 1 • ^ T Ifiilvn fhr' meet witli the adoption of the change not that I shall have «ny personal interest in the meetings for I never expected to be able to be at anotiier, bat I want the brethren and sisters to have a place of less attraction and show, and less riotousness, a place of quietness and peace, a place where it looks like the oil of God’s love is po’ured out and comes down upon their heads and runs down upon their beards and upon the skirts of their garments, a place to all true worship ers of God, that look like the moun tains of Zion, and feels the dew ot Herman, descending upon it. h or them the Lord commanded the bless ing, even life forever-more. Yours in the hope of Christ, B. Bryax, would stay where I pvas with the world. But since you were up here I have been so much condemned fv/r disobeving the commandments of our blessed Saviour that I was even afraid that he would send some great judgment on me, so I have come to the conclusion to offer myself to the Old Baptist, my trials have been great I concerning this one thing and in- ; stead of ray parents being the c.uise I of my faith as I have been often ac- i cased I am constrained to say as Paul i did,by the grace of God I am what I ' am. I believe here I will write you i a little of my experience; when I was ! right voting I W’ould have serious thoughts of death and judgment and ! at times I would have such bad feel- aries and duiing that year there was a })rotracted meeting in sight ot her house whicli lasted fouriceii dr.ys they would try t'6 get me to tho mourner’s heiich, hut i cor.ld not ao, it seemed to me that was not iho place to go to for religion though others would go up and make a pro fession, they talked to nte so mhch f became very much troubled iiukerl but not on the account of my sins. One evening after I returned home im^’S even the Sun would shine dmi Suiulav ill fs'ovember I learn the | brethren still keep up my regular! appointments at Smith’s school house. Ifi-otiierAToore meets wdth and preach es for them every iMoiiday after the second Sunday. There ai-e several o-ood warm-hearted whole-soul Bap- O' lists at this place, come out from uu- dar the yokes of the IMissioiiaries and and Methodist to graze m aquiet and |)cacable pasture, and several wish to cxmie, hope they ivill be able to establish a church at this place after a little, which was my wish to try to do. I am plea.sed to read the remarks of our father and brother C. L. Has sell this moring in the Landmarks, on the.change of time for holding our ^ks.sociation, his viws are mine intoto, a.s they are nO|\v held, Saturday ’and Sunday is aii open field for the ing'athering of every sin and vice that can be practiced, holding auction sal es, drinking and eating saloons, gam bling, swapping, trading. stealing. fighting, shooting, and the Lord only knows what all. And we by holding meeting on those days, which days the wicked claims to be his days of pleasure above all others of the week taken, we but license them to gather themselves together and come into the fields and to their work and de- lur ht. It has long ceased to be a pleasure with me to attend our asso ciations. The rioters being so large ly in-the majority upon the grounds which tvas designed to be kept sacred. I hope brother Hassells’ view's will TvOODSDALE, I Person Coknty, N. C. > ■ May 26th, 1874. j Elder Vf-oodard:— Dear Sir : I aidre.^s you iu this manner because I am not alowed the privilege of saying brother, although you feel like a brother to me in Christ for I know I have tliat love and fellow.ship for you that I have not for the world, and that I believe the world knows nothing about—you requested me to write to you soon af ter you left this neighborhood. I wrote you a letter but failed to send it I wa.s so dissatisfied in mind I thought I would wu'ifce to you again. I told you some of my feelings on Sat- urd.ay at. Shilori and not having time to' talk as ijmch as 1 wlriied' I thought I wouhlj go where yon fvent ^ Suiulav and talk with you more, but j so it was when I came out of the i house my husband told me there ivas company going liome with us so that of course deprived me of the oppor tunity of being with you any more then, but I hope the time will come again when you will visit us for we certainly have hut little gospel preaching in this vicinity as I believe. Sometimes once in two months I hear iSIr. Hall preach. I can hear a plenty of this Free-Will doctrine but how can I believe it when I have seen that there was no help in me and that uothing but the goodne.ss of God could save me from an awful hell, aud right here I believe when any one comes to this point tliey nev er have any more use for that doc trine, for I know that I have never believed it since, and because I do not believe it I am almo.st dispised by my neighbors and they will say what makes me an Old Bapuist is because ray parents were; but oh, my soul if that was all I surely would have been a Missionary for my companion was one and when I first obtained this little hope I thought I would jom them,for going any wdiere else seem ed to me like parting. As i would go to their metings and would think I would shut my eyes and join anyhow and in a moment this would pop in mind, that which is not of faith is sin, so I could not go forsvard under these I finally concluded I and every thing look gloomy around me. I spent many years in this condi tion and at last as I hope Lord sIkcv- ed me what I was bv nature aud I was in my room lying on tlie l.vJ and my husband came in there and commenced talking to me and I in so much trouble I knew not wlial'. to do, he soon left the room mosing the door after him ; and oh, my .enul what a feeling I then liad, I felt likb 1 neither had a friend on earth nor i iu heaven, and in a fev.^ minutes iny ' mind was directed back to tio'i what I must be bv grace if saved. I iiow'saw and felt that J was a sinner and now I knew it, my sins were pre sented to me on the first of the week and oh, such a week I never spent before iu my life; morning, day and night on the account of sin, it seem ed to me like mv troubles were more than I could bear. I.felt so sinful that even when I would go to the table I would feel to© unworthy to partake of the nourishments thereon, and oh, I would wish some times I had never been born. I did not wait for a protracted meeting as some do and only mourn while round the stand J as i^‘0p(as dis'missed, out laughing weeks’ trouble lad he a IK and talking , and with the largest crov/ds ill the \|ard. I have often seen I was married, and somcL,hing scv.ni- ed to say to me—-that my sins w. rC forgivivcii then—and in a icw r.-.o- incnts my troubles were all gone and I felt like I was full of jiraiseto God. My husband soon came back inta the room and asked me if there bad been a change in me. I told him. 1 felt better but still I did not think this was religion, nor neither did I . claim it as such until some time af- warclsl heard Mr. Hall preach, and while he was preaching it appeared to me that I had a hope for a hoi-'O, and ever since then 1 hare been claiming that little hope wdiich I hone the Lord has given me; and, tiih world may mock and })oint the linger of scorn at me but thanks be to G(A this the'case if’I am mistaken not, I never laughed daring this week’s trouble for every breath I drew was Lord have mercy on me a poor sinner! I desired to be alone where no mortal eye could behold me for I did not want any one to know anything about ray troubles. I was so afraid my parents would find out that something was the matter with me I took an old Testament that was never used by the family and carried it up stairs to read, for that seemed to be my de sire. But the more I read the worse I ffot for I was so great a they cannot take it from ihe. Kow, in conclusion I will say to you, if I am saved at last it will h'C by grace and grace alone—nothing 0-0..d that I have or can do. I would o be glad to see or hear from you. Your friend, . M. D. Bailey. sinner that 5"^ .w. - o j--, everything seemed to condemn me„ One day while on my knees tryin^*l!() beg the Lord to have mercy on me, then was the time I saw that there was no help in me and that nothing hut the grace of God could save me. I then saw that my works were noth ing and that is the reason why I cannot believe this Free-Will doctrine but now I thank the Lord for it for if it had been left to me I should now be where thousands are , believ-* iiig there is something great for me Preaching may be e.xpected, it the Lord’s will, at the following times and places : Anaiast, 7ih, 8th & 9th 10 th, Ecniih'.h. Kaluiii. Healthy Piairi:'.- to do. I tried every way to get rid of mv troubles but could not, but at feelings and last they left me. I cannot tell how. I did not think this was conviction so I went on for several years without nuich trouble—during this time I married in the fall of’67 aud went to my husbands mother’s to live the next year and they were all Mission - The Upatoie Association is appointed tO meet, if the Lord will ; At Bluff Springs 4 miles north ivest, of Andersonville, and 8 miles soothwest, of Oglethorpe, Macon coun ty Georgia, commencing at 10 o’clock on Tuesday after the 1st Sumiav in Septeuihcv next. Those coining i).v Kail Road, fi'ongtho East will arrive^t Oglethorpe on Monday, vihile those coming from the soutn ’.vc-.st, will arrive at Andersonville on the same dny and they will be met an'd conveyed to the place of meeting. All that loci an interest are invited to atted. S. iT. Exonisit. The Mt. Enen Primitive Baptist Associa tion convenes at Bethlehem church, Hills boro County, South hlorida, on Saturday be fore the third Suudaj'in November, 1874.— Ministering I'retliren from Sister Associations are invited. We hope to see Riders Parrisb.and Stallings from the Union aud Elders Smith and Coon Cornell and Grover from Suwarnec —and would be glad to see any of our dear brethren at the Associatiou.