/ Hi ^ u . ‘..tSt-j-':*, i I .. .** .! . X (M!is;ii: ! 67 . e (Mi'.\ ., I ill A ■A’ ‘»a(;h (lay, lH^6>ra aia! allcr pmicliimr, ; of crrrnul a^as Ol, \ ^v!,Mr „ tim- v ai navt ■aii that (! sin. can haar all tin. pro-, huhiration Inn a saint n., of cntinnc to he, n ,oi ami aiilldni V | wiil ho turm of the Association, ami the i ahi.iin^ thnnmh lifi. in i !„wrcar fid,! Why, tvixaiil.c,-(it-.: (}.-(i's sh.a * o| the liOT'! s \\’(>rK Un ns; {1:1 sinn‘j]}'>' e I -.0-1 f' praise to his most ho!v mime - (vli vh’Icjyatc.s can also latar all tiie preach iml. rig at tiu cnem 1 )‘-r ; re,i vx’(i a i'(po;', iniicraiU: aco afli-cted tjoei.;, 'i’(‘ ami iu'vr inti c '.vonc' Ix' vuiir Hl'crt.s to u’e I su osia'iiicr -saama ,! ! :'■(>> n>\’s f ' t!;-' Syrian'-' to each nc>^, ' t;kc. Cox. Wi; '•’isited the .1. Stanntnn Ivivcr \v{3 may b(,' lonm] vvaitim.- to nn'ct tl^e (i"''.] them it (’oti h-'i 1 not u c Association incliniitt!^ the secondStin hrideyroom at his co-.dn^ .,nii h^ . renareJ to ■uav in Atnjrust. It nu't antoiie- the hilis of Virtriida and in the mi 1st of a steri/no; [topiilation who kindly ^ntertaim'd tlie brethren. Tiit're are M number or’churches in that ren-ion Avirh but f sv pri-aoiiers. The lew Isreaciicrs thert' :tre very a!)le ttiid in- \tc!c(tme(! home to iieaycn—theiv' to p:uliisc witii sine- jyaise to Cod tiirony'i ail (>t{M-nity ti tiiit ■; n ... . ,, dine; ( , p.jj, I Pntniio.’e ..H ijit st m‘crino house s.i ‘C'd, comliirf, ffiit'i ^‘tdcinh A,. C., can Ik* stmt to Jeliet icin : irmnad of Iteinp; C"n Cninm, RaleifCi, N (A Wv a imu [ir'par(‘.i, in a thi,‘o!oe"cac si’Poui. m,„j son Cu'n' i'0!)e tlii.t of worshii) ot On I sinnet how- c-uj yfin b^'c*^'()lO(*l!t tork yon into i 1 is oa'j) sc’hooi, ;uid Ib*!^**--^ otucr \\i!i l>e bunt tbt'rt'. iti nn>-o(!Iiness? bow-can y on rol! sin !ns i -nsht and f>i(*i>ar(*d on by lIis ih iA (JoiiP. under your tnuno-e as a sweet .m-'i-sc! ? i Holy Spirit ami iadeimam wiilijusf iiow- c;!ii yon fot'ifet om- (Jod'? Oft( mu's r li(“:irlhf* o-nsoel S'Hind -■vtrvcJ?. Tn^bi^fVK* terc.stin.o bretliren. Vib* beard Elder an m joyful (‘x-n ! Iy .-neli (p! ml it i*- ;is and in pi-ccisclymk-Ii r, c;i I' -monners - o n ,, , . , . . conu* to ^ hnst onr Ivimr, for pp js John C Hail with iimch plca-nm*. : r i t ti .* ' , ' , I i jOi-iI Ol all ; Uh ! bro!tiers eouic. Oh ! Eiders MeDoweli and Martin are 1 n,, ,, , , ’ do no; sttuuf !ier(> nl!(> all the day. Oh ! sistt'fs come to 'lir-st one Kin"-. I; gifted preaelu-rs. Some yomie; Isretii- ren an* comimr on—tlu'sc w-c did not iteat It was a deliiriitl'id trsu and a i Oil ! do "Of mai-n* d> Dear .-hii- it-rt-a: pleasi-ire to be amoni£ fOieh Ba;)- dren, a!! of you J call, each one aloiit iists and tb-eir friemls. \ I Sliliillit ill 5ovo to (okI’s oum! ! tyili at)'*! tiow at Jeans’ f-ct. i I IK.izutK-rir A. Bf.xxktt. -tv* ( sAtuexs, Menard Coun-i'Y, Ir,n. “’Prrdse ye tiie IjO.*-!! : o!i ! ve re deemed of the Lord praise ye tlie jLoni.” 1 wili praise him fer bis great word and for his wonderful uie.cies. He has led me throueli dark yaiiey.s and ov'er narrow patlts and rugged nbicc.s whih, tiu* fui'iou^ storm w-as gitlu'iing over ray head, the \v )!fa d tiio lion roaring on mj right and on -tny l(dl. Ti'.e Lord lias been ,mv shied and stay amid the storm of trouble—J fttind siielter iitider the ■>• V My-- Iii-I ineiits of mi)st Itittt'r d'lstn'ss he chan ged into songs of swe-‘t praises, iiiy most lone-sorae and desolate hours in to prayers -ind thanksgivings. He preserved my feet from the many .snares that were laid for them, and shielded me from the fata! darts oi the enemy ; and, I now Lei to sav : ,his ways are ways of pleasantness, and all his paths are peace. Some South Lowell, N. liay -28tli, 1874. Dear Brother It wpc.',*,,* .•— A^our commii ication in'dicLAXi) MARKS, of the loth, of May 1874, giving some di'tails of yom- trials ami conflicts fijiii’itnaiiy, s ;o much to ilic to tin rcjii’cc '■•.•c.'i iim’A-itimm-cl y*nil’s arc* liar 1 cr)s-('s to file i "■oing [iiron td derstnm! them try V'-u ; ver 1; '■ •'''isiics 1 i.; „ i. o,c ic, mv icar brni'ici-, tiial yon dis 1 'nic. 1 nen t A' lOli V t ; afi!j icfinns of n> ir-a”, ami 'O''’ "I’c >f '•'h, that wkJe yon are ;he n von cri'inot im. m)-i fhaf they sor"iy ’.•''mc-mixT t‘mt (! a!'- ^VopoiiiL nenis for Mdc-r R.Shrevc; Fiivt .Suimiav .ind Sunday in October, cii 1 M-'iiCij itonsc, CarfV,-eli Ooim'i-, X. 0. Man '-IV a 'lcr, ('oniitiY Line '•'wsd.w, Lndi'Arbo:. ;!i,(af:;*y, JjVncJi'a (’rest. ^ ■ Ocep OreeL Sai.i'-d ic and Siindii'/, ll'.ir ',[o:tdov. Tii M.. ttiiliamV. Pli a-.-nit Grovi. w-avs are imi on- wav-, ami rhink tiiatthis has been, is no'vand nrob-d>!\- evi'i- will b- tile wav tiiat G >d, in Ids infioite wisdom, m(*rcy. and lovig h-i* i'ri’p’ared bis sl'ienlu'rds to i>ed his sliec'p, r sav r(;jo:c" that God iris s(a{>u fit to o-iv(> A'on such liri'Tht and son! eh,e(>ring evidenee, that von are om'of ,"T.42s«»a, point, and so eomfurting to me, that 1 feel coiisir.'iima! to thank God for h's in fin I te nicccy, iij th ns Icadingvon about and instrueting you, and tlu'ii causing you to wr ite out so graphica'- ly and so aecui-ately the dealings of His Spirit with you, so that, these dealings should reach mo jiistin time; when under similar conflicts and ' irfals. I w-as jitiont to coiiolmle his chosen slicpli(*rds, as I hope lie V .-V aSti UUy has me, !)y being fed an C’oinfoi-t(*il In- one of his shepherds wlio has pro\-(*n to nu* that he has been led by tli,. .same w-ay and arrived at the same c-mclusioiis that I have flow strange and mysterious are God’s doing-;, indeed his wavs are past finding out. 1 feel (g.atefiil to ■PuK Lenoii A.s.mecilion As appoiiUe? to meet witli tlie ■Lcliaiioii ciuii'cli, Brooks Couii- tv, (Li., Eve rniie 77or(h-E,>st of Qaitinaii, llM-cc iniics and a'lc.ilf Xorth-U'c.st ofOvorhy St turn, A. A' (>. It. li., on S.iturday before the third Sunday in October 1874. Brctlircw are rctpio.sted to 'visit u.s. I-i. J. Williams, Tue Maviio A.ssOcialinn will bo held at .Matritiiony Cliurch, Rockinsham County, X. C., commencing Sain'day liefore the uiirri isimday in October, 1874. Tho.st.* coming by Railroad will be met Friday before at Reid.- viile, N. (J. that surely f must be a cast aw’jiy, a po ir de eivcd w-retch, dilf, rent j Irpm ^o mauvT! from iuiy one ekse, one to w-bom tliis j that while I live here on tlii.s cartii f world could no longer give any liap c;in never feel thankful enougb. I do say, “Prai.se God on the seventh day.” I say, “Praise God six days and thtm praise him the seventh !” Some .say, “The heavensglorify God” .and “Tile angels glorify God.” Let Rje teii you, of a time when it pleased God to show- me the 1 ttlc ]>eb >!es uuder my feet praising God, and the little, !o’,v blade's of gras.s praised Goel Oil the bigiiest ke'v, then I looked [liness, but had seemingly ratbergain- ed in power and inclination to aniiov and distress me; one from whom it seemed that (bid had withdrawn ids presence, and left overwheltmu.‘d w-ith doubts and fear.s. In fact my dear brotiier, I w-as reduced to a state of complete wretchedne.ss? It .seemed that the eoiisoiations of religion were denied me, tiie very thought of .seeking relief from tiie world or from anv souree but Je.su.s,ot.iy servi*d to distn.'ss and .sink me lower into despair. You eert.iinly are gifted in your dcs Tip- net understand w-hy it is that w-e .so .soon forget am! doubt God’.s merev, when he lias .so often deii'/ered us from so many dangers and trials ; some- lime.s after being troubled with almost despairing doubts and fears when tiie Lord has again revealed himself as altog('ther lovely, 1 think that surelv i will never dishonor him again by douiitiug bis loye-iiid' merev, under the most trying circumstan-es. Dear brotiier, may a rnercifui God incline your lieart to w-rite often for the Landm.arks, and w-hen he calls tions of tlu'se secret iiit('rnal hem t op- j on you to go through deep waters or orations; w’hcn the !u*art is taken pos- around on the lofty trees of the forest j .sesion of by Glod and in.structed ami and the blight Snii that slioiie on them, and they were joined iii the Maine 8W(*et eoneert praising God in .more lofty tout's according as lie hai given them power. Then it please;i tiie IjOrd to open to niy view, a door in heaven, where I saw- tlie bright angels rijoietiing over the repentance of me, a .sinwr. Then 1 was per mitted to join the ssA-eet concert prais ing God, with tlie little pebl)le.s, the little low blades of gr.is.s, the loftv tree.s Ot the forest, the bright Sun that ishone (Ui tliom, and tlie bright angels. What a mercy is thi.s, what a heaven of blis.'j, how un.speakably favored are -wa wlio nave had our feet taken from tlie mire of^ui and jilaced on the rock giorv. set afiart for ii.S(as of FPis own Ami I doubt not tint that your hones ty and tnithfulnuss in thus unbosom iiig your.s(df, revealing the inino.st .«(>- crets of your heart, not only to .sister Piiillips and .sister Crutehtr , but to all of the Christian rt'aders of the IjANDMarks, w-ho iiavo been led in •similiar w-ay.s caused you to sav, in .so doing, you were aware that you were exposing your great weajrness; and probably making a fool of yourself. Did it never occur to you rny dear brother, wliyitwas or is, that G >d has thus shown to you, your weak ness, and your foolishness as you oail it ? Paul say.s, >vhen I am weak tiieii am I strong &c. Or wiiy it is that undergo fiery trials, tliink not that you are any the less an olyhag. of his constant care and undying love but tliat rather he is preparing vou to feed hi.s poor dow-ntrodden and opjire.ssed Ijftle ones and tluit your rewtird will he .sure to come hereafter. M *y hi.s grace .sustain you in every conflict, in every trial, and may you continue to rc'flect tlie im igo of the meek and lowly Jt'sus, fir in thl;5 image you are most worthy to receive, and will be sure to excite tiie warme.st love of all of Godls iieojiie. ^V^hefller 1 am one or not I do now-, but when 1 see his image refl'cted in any one it excites ill my bosom not only entire confl-. donee, but fel.'owsiiip and the warmest love. Youas in hope. L G. Ca'axady-. Ici- G U' Murphy, Aug 15, ’74, TENNESSEE. Thrmigh Flifer Abner Ilern-; G Womack, 8ep 15, ’76, TEXAS. 1 50 Through .Samuel C. Denton ; Frank Abbott, March 1,’76, .M ISiixo'i, May 1, ’75, T)rrough J 14 Jlardie: J B Ashby, May 15, ’76, Through C B Wulliam.s : Miss .Judith Tliomp.soii, .Sep 15, ’75, VlltGlXlA. 2 00 2 00 Through Eldel- Janus S Datueron J B Gammon, Sep !, ’74, Through John We.st, $4: Eli Farkri't Feb 1, ’75, Jolui West, Feb, 1,’75, 2 OO Tjirough Mrs Elizabeth McKeelj, $3: G K Jones, Sei) 1, ’75, (4eo Grigg.s, Sep 1, ’75, Through W A Tlionias, $21 : Win E Linthicum, April 1, ’76, George llodnett, Sej) 1, ’74, Win F Jefiersoii, Sep 1, ’75, John B Dodd, Dec ’75, Jolin B Slu liiorse, .Sep 15, ’75, Joliu Hodiiett, Dec 1, ’75, A B Owen, .Sep 15, ’75, 'riioiuas D Wood, Dec 1, ’75, Harman Cook, Oct 15, ’75, Ouruelius George, ,Sep 1, ’75, 0 F Joiinsou. Sep 15,’75, David R Collins, Sep 15, ’75, Ruth J Inman, Sep 15,’75, S T Myers, Sep 15, ’75, O T Pickrai, Sep 15, ’75, W A Thomas Sep 15, ’75, Through 0 B Williams, $19.50 ." C Y Wilar.ms, S(;p 1,’74, 0 B Williams, Sep 1, ’75, J L Williams St-p 15, ’75, W II Giles, .Sep 15, ’75, Mrs Mary May, Sej) 1, ’7.5, James A .Shiehis, June 1, ’76, Joseph Ab'bott, Sej) 1, ’76, Wm Da,wson, Sep 1, '75, Falix Dod.son, Sep 1, ’74, Eli Lewis, Sep !, '75, Win !*. Lanier, S -p 1_. ’75, Drury Owen, Jcp 15, ’75, Mrs -Fajicy h i‘’!ippci!, Sep 1, T8,