-on that it take,' i>iore to exclude a >v't.'aohor for miH-condTict than it does ■o exclude a ooimnon niciuber, I ;hirk it is a mistaken idea. They ‘ take this for proof: “Receive not an accusation against an Euler iiiikss it bo in the mouth o‘‘two or three wit nesses.” It takes two or three u) ex cinde any member. I claim no pre- ■'minence over my brethren and sis teiN. There has Ixicn more confu sion among the Baptists caused by disorderly preachers than anything f.’ at ever came among them. 1 iiave htten an Old Baptist forty-nine ycaiv and luive noticed that all the splits and corniptious among tliem arose out of the pulpit either directly or in- 41 rwtiy. My dear brethien and sisiers, deal will) V' nr [ii’eacliers for miscomiuct or "heresy either in doctrine or jiractice, •ind if they will not hear the churcl) »xcinde them and save the chnr. h.— Clirist, in the thirteenth chapter of ‘Matthew, tells the church, “If thy riaht iiaud or foot or even the eve of- feiiv! you cut them off and cast them fro;n vou,” and so with your favorite tliis is often neglected—instead of go ing to the oflending brother, yon make a blowing-horn of it and make voursclvcs worse tran.?grcss()rs than vour offending mother. These things my brethren have come under my notice. 8uoh things will always keep the church in con fusion. Any brother that will back- iiite his brother should l>e dealt with. We are I'ommaiidcd to bear each others bui-dens, and so liilHll the law of Clirist. Paul said, “ll any i rotlier walk> tiisordcrly amoiigs'" you keep nor. co’iii.mtv with such a IS, I'/rcaclu'r for just as long as you re- Was that good discipline? I will an- | to organise our church I wanted t)-> swer, No! it was the duty of the Aeil yon of my little hope. It I aiu church to exclude (hem both. I will ! t’ot oecoivtsl. wben I was c-onvicted ,, , i- 1 1 I I and saw mv.selt a Sinner in the. siirht say,thedca(X)nofthcchurchwasonej^^,.(^^^j^j of the mam ones that contcndetl for | . ( vvas about eightwn vears retaining him, and, in loss than two | old It was alioiitsix yeare before I could claim a dttle h.opc. I would bear peoplo talking about getting re ligion, so, I thought I would try to ■ ])rav but did not get any better—I would feel worse. I went on in thk ■ wav six yai-s, waitiii}. at tlio pool.— one, no lot to tat,” that do not etunii.uiie with a brother in disorder, lie says again, “With draw yourselves from every brother thatwaiketh disordcriy amongst you, that is if lie fails to give ^aHs^action withdraw your feilowshin irtuu liim.” My dear bi'ethren and .-isttrs, ti c. church gets into manv trouides by let ting taiderness ontruie li-itiifnluess. The church is called “the salt of the earth,” !>ut if she suffers disorderly meiubers through tenclerness, to re main in the cluirch, she lose.s her saltness and will be hnaily trodden tain him vou will be iii what Clirist j under foot by men. They wdll say, etdici) iiell fire, that is, confusion j I arn as good as any of them: see t. - i'iistress, I will now sav, sun- years he took the deacon’s daiigiitor and ran away and left his wife. You sec what the church made by actbig partially. They could then exeinde liim and say that he was guihy of the first crime. Christ, in sneaking ''u j Others wonhl step in betore me and dir'cipiines lid to tluMifTriider : “Agree] ^ wunui f>r .t, I gave np^ all hojse • i ,1 • 1 . , , . land tlioug>-ht 1 was ouc of the lost with tliiiie a!versarv ouickIv wIiiibi i i i ■ 1 1thought there wa.s no s:il- cilUiS-l v\ itll ! jy,j, J this (iis- thee tressing condition some time. J. gave mvsidfnpin the hands of the Jjord for him to do just as lie |»!eased with me. If he did not save me it would •h with ( ( lu’t'r ,,Mch'' and the ■ ' ihe olVu'cr n.i'm be cast what kind of men th-yv have, they do worse than 1 would lio! But, my dear brethren, each aiui every one ot us should take iieed to our.selves lesr we be overtaken in a fault, and not take ho d of an offeiuling brother roiurlilv: but deal with iiim in love ;uid meekness ; try to reclaim liiiii or her, not command them in a Kvugb way- — pa> o;e whar/tboa.ovve.S''. My dear bretbren, if a preaelier or any oth&r me.niier is guilty of heresy, !t is {iiainly laid clown liow'the c>hu'-e!i shall deal with them. Aftei the fiv.si and second adm.niitionsjf ho will not hear, then reject or exclude him and .^ave the church from partaking of ■ us lieresy. bt. John tells us, “P any once come- unto you (the cluir'm ■ and brinv not this doctrine (I under- -mml the doctrine oi'Christ •ind the iposihs, all doctrines outside'of tliis ■ s 'ori'sv,) rt'ceivp him not into your p'-• ifere, is a report that •such a h, 'iliCi or sister lias done some verv i - ' I rime, sliall an individual go to o n brother or sister aiidsay to them, V 111 have tre;-pas.-?ed against me?—i #av, No! it is the business of the church to call on that brother or sis ter to know whether the report is true; rtutf it iliey Jeoy it aueJ thc-v3 i.J la- gos'.ei evidence you are done with that; )Ut, iftlie chs-u'ch belkwes them truiilvtlu v iiave tlic'ir eve on them, i r** * • fkir, for evil. It is a very easy mas ter to d ;a! w'itl) christian, and ex dud(' tV’Cm if they dese. ve it—but is a hard matter to get rid of a h'-]' oiTite. 'riiev will tell lices (o get into the churc.i a'ld the''' tell lies to ^cav 'hcie ui order to keep riie church ill confusion. We st'c that the church has> had disorder y lueu to 'deal with from the aposile.s’ davs- down to 'lie present time. Pan wrote to theehureh In w to d.eal wilh A member thiu !iad taken his lather s wite. Me did not tell tbe.o lo go to him and try lo reclaim him, liti, they told them to put that wickc-d person from anioiig them. Wc see that lume had committed a public offence, but w.i.s dealt with am! excluded [mblicly i will say, tiia„ all members who toll lies, steal, get slrunk or commit whoredom should Ix! dealt with [uibliclv, and it they j nr trouble, jviuay.-i nip disordei in fail to give full sati.sfietioii exclude tlie luul and never suffer it to go on] them and save the chureh from cor- dl! it runtion. iruit. thoii art in the w,- \ him, lest thy luK to tlie Judge (tin' .Judge deliver dc (tlie Moderator) a.- ....--u ur, , -.-i . ,, , ; . ' . be just, if he saved me it would be into prison, (that O' c--f mu ot die f},,.oiigh mercy. I was so miseralile fellowship ot tlu' c:nu’ i; tii 'u thou ] did not know wiuit to do, mv mind slialt not come out 1!" mu hast paid was directed to mv Testament; 1 the'utmo.st faitbmg. ' Mv dear took it up and op-ned it at the teiitn bi’ethren, it is a pri.son i > t'le true children ot God to be exc’iuled from the fellowship of the (luirch, and, when Satan huflets iiini lie vii! be ready to pay th.e w'mIg -lebt. It never did do the Christian any harm to exclude him or i-er for nuscon- diict. Wc are - an exchid'-‘d ec not'as ac e'-e ->■- theehiu’c;: in (leii'i' c -.■ ■im,''rs, but deal with 5 -’i? ^ same maniK'r ’ ;r do e-teem one brother ab- . , i;-.':' be sure" not to show it, lb.---" >-,’eu , lo'o much of tlii's ase-1 ii. i -c 'liurch and it alwavs •!>ad a b-id ( f-ct. BcmiXf^serer to "XMde a in-'m';)'''!’ witlffi^gOspc! ev i-le.'ce. YoU h id b tter clear the guilty titan to exclude the Innocent, f >'• Ik' Ins no way to get back into rui'ciiurch again.. I have s en inuo- eciit men ('xciuded and guiitv oik's •uandetl to treat r.s -a bi’o-her, and ■ i •• 'lear brethren, 0.. use partiality 1'.',rs, ret.aiiu'il ; and this is said to be “one of the a'l 'minations in the sight o> God,” to cUmi- th‘‘ guilty and banish Ice iim-H’.t'nt. ' .voiil-d say to brother Can- ie and -id that I have given iny views > ■ t iuu’ch Dis' ipliiK' in mv weak s\;u ; 1 :un old ami failing lioth in boflv and mind ; but, if I can be any pi'i'acli •mceiiiig hoii.-es, nor dwell in houses, even if they slionld Claim till' name, Primitive Baptist,— Paul toid the ehiirch “That men of vour ownselves shall rise up and sp,eak perverse things lo draw away disciple-.” It is the duty of the chiu'ch or its deacon to guard the piil- (lit if tlic ehurcli will use good dis- cijiline tliere need not. be any splits ('irhcr ill preaching or writing- Pfeel louM- or ciiurcli,” and yon laid belter elcantage to my bretiireii and -ister I,(It ^ll^^er liim lo pri'acii in •.a nr vour b'iiiig to spend and be spent for liu-ir wclli'areaml happine.ss. Every time I write a comninnieation for publication I think it will be my !a.st, Abxek Hern. Mv dear bretliren and sisters, good flisciplinc is liie life of tlie cliurch.— "You may l>ear v/ith disortlerly mern- . fio-rs until the gliurch G'conies a stuoibling-blocrk even to the world, Glirkt lias told us plainlv bow we brings evil and distres.sing i ],.\UHF.I,, rRAXKT.TX Co., N. C., April liOth, 1-74. r. D. Gold, Dear Brother :—- As I am very nuicli afflicted with Sciatic riieumatism and notableto be at work, I have ilecided to relate to the bieth.ren and sisters the dealings ofGoil with my [K.-or soul, i tak-' i this opportunity of doing so through /jiox’rt Laniimarkh. I have liad the pleasure of noading your paper and so many of tlio brothers’ and sis ters’ experiences, they do comfort me. so raueh while I am in the valley—I am there the most of mv time. 8ome- iimes I fes-'i the love of G(k1 in my sc.iul, then it is tliat I can say, “Praise ve the Lord, oh my .son!.’’ Brother Golil, itha.s lx*on my mind to write to ymt over sinc'O tlie 5th of .November k'^k. The day you hd{>ed I will now state what took' place under my notice. There vr.s wiiat they called, a big favorite preaclrer, and a si.--ter in tlie church imouseii him of attacking her in a carnal way, and of course you know be denied it. shall deal with a brother' that tres- but tlie church took- up-tho-ruvse and excluded tlie woman.-and relaiiual him.. Y'e.will just usk,fb.e,.quet:tipn.; p w.'*es ag.aln.A us, that you shall go to hjn3 .alone; but, my dear breUireu, cliapt('r of Romans ; I commenced at the first verso and rea-i to the fourth, “For Clirist i.s the en! of the law tiir righteoiiSiies,s to every one that bc- licveth.’’ The fir.-t thing I knew I wa.s jiraising tlie jjord, oh, my soul! Br-'ther Gobi, iff was evi'r born hv the holy Si.hrit of God ir was then I hat my heavy burden of .siii ■ was re in* ved, btit I cannot tell bow it-came 'ir how it went. The Givioup toh! Xicodenius “The wind blowcth wnere it iisteth and thou liearest the sound rlu'reot, hut canst not tel! whence it cometh am!, whither it goeth.” 8o Is every one that is born of the Spirit —so it was with ii e, if I ever «a.s born of tlio, S[)irit. I comraeneed reading and studying the scriptures liiligently, they would comfort me ".here they coiidcinned me bcfiirc.— ATs, I could cl-aim the iiromis(-.s whiwe t con'd not before.' 'Then 1.. wanted iojoin theehureh. In three niotvrhn after T hope the fjonl pardoned my sins, which was the th.ird Saturday in August, 1 went to the meeting liouse and when preaching was over the door was opened to re- ceivi'mem laws, I wi-iit lurward ’ukI loid till' ciuii’ch what. ! lioped tfie I.ord laid done fiir mv poor soit'. 1 was ri'Ccived and wa.s haptized on. ^'iumiav It Eid, W’lllongiibv I{u(i:.‘’in,s —after the bapti.-m we went i.acL to- (he house and eoniracueeil .■ringing, fhise woi’i.s: Oh vi’hcn «)iai! 1 flcc .Te**us and r ign with hiiu al'ovc, Ami from the fi-uving fouiiiain drink ever- i-a.'Ung love? I sn g the .song through and timuglit I never slmtiid see :;ny more (rouble in this life; Imt, it was not more than thneortonr months bei'bre trouiile came again. I knew not what to do for 1 thought that I "as nothing but a deeeivi'd (‘reatnre and that I had di.s'eived everybody el.se. Then these woi’ds etime to my mi.id—Jx't not trial', trlVm ation-’. ard tomptation-- turn you away from your Lord. “1. he is k>r you who can he ag;i!n.st you?” Brotlier Goid, that i.s th-c wav the '.variin’e cornincneetl with me, ti.’.'h agaimst tlie .spirit ami the .spirit against the liesh, a oi wlien I wantei! to do goixl evil would he present witli me. 1 have been engaged in thU warfare twi'iity-.-even years ami v(*l J don’t claim lo be anything but a poor .sinner, and if saved it i.s for nothing go-ni tl'.at I nave done—“For f).' gram-are ye saved through faith .and ihtu. not of voiii-stjlves, it is tlio gif: (-lod,” “for ye are ail the chi'dren of G.od by flitb in Christ Jesus.” ' Luagrr-v W. Avexios.

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