m-: m j 174 liave V('. broii;^]it U3 up oiit of Egypl todio iii tiic wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth tills light bread.’’ 'VVluit peojile are referred to? Israel only, v.dio had been liroiiwbt Id’ EiyP'" ''‘dioni may we apply it in a gospel sense? 'lo the spiritual Israel only, who h.ave been brought ui) from the bon- da're, of sin. The people of I.srael spake amiiiifst the Lord, and he sent fiery scrjiciits a.nior-g; tlieni to punish them f ir their sin, vrhieh consisted in that particidar iustaiice in murmuring against the ])rovidenee of God. Kow, this will not ajiply to the other nat ions of ilie cartli, who wore not involved in (he .sin ol tiie Israel ites, nor under the same government, at all; but totiie national Israel alone. Tim fiery .serpents bit tliem, and many people oI Israel died. This ehastiseuK'ni' proTuced great fear, and caused the jieople to eonfess tiicir sin, and imsort to dJo.se.s as their In tel«.‘-'.-.or, wiio prayed to the Lord in thc'ir behalf fm- relief. And the Lord saidyinto Moses, make thee a tlery serpent, and set it come to upon a iiolc ; and it sli jur.s, tiiat every one tliat is bitten, when he lool.etli upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of bra.^-s, and put i! upon apo!e;and it came to pa.'.-;, that ii’a serpent had bitten any m;'.:), wh;r^ he iKMK'ul the seriK’ut of iHTiSS, U( iivcu-" S'iranwK antidote! 'i'j.io swuents llnu bit the pc pic w£.re. poisonous, inllictinga deadly 'vVountT: Tiie aiuid'ile w.is not poisonous, jicither w'ould it bite, vet it was in ITS one offering lie hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Those onlv for whom he died believe on him, nor can t' cy believe without special revelation. Here then, is just how much God loved tlie world, “that whosoever belicveth in him might not perish, bu have (verlasting Hie,” lie loved the world just that imudi, as the Saviou'- has oxiiressed it. The promise of eternal life is to tliosc “who by him believe in God who i-aised liim from the dead.” It is by him seldom got the chance of hearing preaching; I thought if I could hear preaching I could hear somediing that would do me some good. One day while trying to pray I viewed my Saviour nailed to the cross and I on my knee.s at his feet, and my sins had helped to nail him there. I seemed to get worse and worse all the time; I got so I neither worked, eat, nor slept. These words would know which was the right Church. My hrother was going to join th»> Missionary Baptists, and he wanted me to join with him, but I lir.d a great desire toknow thcright Ciuirch. I asked the Lord to sliow me the right wav, and I believe he led me in the right wav, and inv lot was cast, run through mv mind that eternal life is given to those who bv him believe, &c. Hot those v.Iio by themselves believe, as some tell us. Th.e Saviour was lifted upon the cross, amtthere died to saiisty the law for his peoiile. Tlieir faith, which is the evidence of things not seen, embraces him as a full and' complete Saviour, in this manner God com- inendeth ids love toward us,that while we were •yet sinners Christ died for us. “It is of faith tiiat it might be by grace, to toe end the promise might l>e sure to all the seed.” ' It is only those vriio lv>ve l;een deliver^ from the bondage of sin and death that believe, and to such only have we the authority to ajiply the text. It embraces eviaw believer and there it .stops. Tnere is no projiosition to the dead sinner to look anti live, but to the erring jicoplo of G>al I would sav, that Christ nissesss.s a healing “ ITo'.v often hare I thought, Why shoiihi I longi r lie ; Surely the blessing I have sought Is not for such as I. among the Old Baptists, and I Ijelicve I am made to rejoice that my lot is cast among them. I W'ent before the Church at Old Leather Wood, Ileury County AM., and was received incompanv with a “ Rut whither can I go ? There is no other pool Where stre.ams of sovereign virtue flow To rrmke the sinner whole. “ rrerc then frotn day to day I’ll wuit'and hope, and try ; Can .Jesus hear a sinner pray, Yet suffer liim to die V younger si.ster into tlieir fcllow.sliip, and was miptized by brotlier .lohn II Martin, on Sunday morning, in tlie year 1844. Bretiiren, I nave been through many trials .since that time : lialm for ever wound, am! a saU’ nn- “Xo, ho is full of grace, Ile'tiever will permit A sou! ihat fain would see his face To perish^t his feet.” There was a protracted meeting, (klethodiflt) there vrere several of my old school mates professed ; it seemed that I was left out, and there wa,s no (Inuce for me. “ IJore on my heart the burden lies, And past offrnces pain my eyes.” 1 went on in great trouble, trying to jiray, but there was nothing good tiiat I could do; it seemed that I was one of the vilestsinners in theworld. I went the next Baturdayto anoth er mcetiug ; when I got in tliey were “ ^Mixtures ofjo v and sorrow I da.by do pass through ; So:netiuu‘H Rm in the valio'’, And sinking down with woe. “Roinotirnes I arn exalted ; On eagle’s wings I fly ; I rise above my troubles, And hops lo reacli the skv. “Soinefimcs I’m fall ofdoabting. And think I have no grare ; Sonif-times Fm fuilofpraisin.g When Christ reveals his i'aca. “Sometimes my hope is so little- 1 think J’ll throw it by ; Sometimes it set:tns sulhcier.t If I were called to die.” ire moident m iio'soa r.' wi' biis wTliTcr iling up mourneis. One of tny neitrh.bor girls eaine lo me and asked ■' me ■■nY'-Vs''-4>wa.uajLXjM.,_f()r. hut I Hi.s atonement covers original sin, i-e'IM rl, out she pulled me up ; there I married in the year 1845 to Benjamin Davis, and moved to Town Creek C.hurcii; there I lived ’till the year 1858, then moved to Georgia, am! my husband went to the war. and there diet.!, which etiusetl me great trouble, mid 1 becamedise-atisfieu and --mw^...4xt_djA..yus.,_aii,L stayed tvro rite liimucss olTlm-e that Avercpoison, ami illd bite. “Cod, sending Ids own Hot; iii the iilicuess ol s.iijiul ihAsh, :iud for sin, eoiideir iied .si.n in the llesh,” Boiii. 8 ; 8. Tiie poi,sm)ed^.^si‘aciite3 Iiad only to look niioii the serpent of brass and live; blind unbelief could find no healing virtue here, but timse pO'.sessed Avith liAmly .sensibilities, and eauaciiv to look we.i’c tlie sole beiic- iieiai'ies. Mow, “ as JM)ses lilted uj) the sei’pcnt in the Avikierness, even so ” (in like manner) must theS.)n of man bo iiitetl iij) ; that Avhosoever lie- lie .'eth ill him should not peri.sh, but have eli-rna' life.” As IHo.'C.s lif.ed Uj) the serpent to the ariHcted Israelites Avho were suiTer- iiig the cha.stisements due lo their sin, as the pettuliar, chosen and maui- fesied people of Co:i, rd'ter their de liverance I'roni oitprcssiou and bond age. even so uiusl tlie Son of man be llficd up, that whosoever bclieveth iji !iim,&e. None .arc embraced here but bilievers, tl ose wlio have siiiritual lile,Avho have eyes to see, and hearts to luuierstiuid, and I do not feel autlmr- ized to extend the application fur- tlicr than th.c SaA'iour did him.self. Mow, in ]ireachiug Christ, due regard sh.ould he ]>aid to the little Avords which often serve, to dehue the Avhole sentence. “-1?, Moses lifted un the serpent In the Avihleruess, even t'O, must the Son of man,” &e. We s’uould not cxteml the application lurtlicr than the iigure authorizes, '’.Ihe Son of man referred to in th.e text is the Sou of Cod, and ivas lifted uip on tiio OIOSS, to die, thejust for s'-:e unjust, that ha might bring us to Cud,; without (his offering we AAonid iiave all been lo.-t forever, but by ilia and faith ia him evidenees tlic fact that eternal life is given yop in him, and by him. Your belief is not tiie cause of eiermil life, hut the etrcct. “As many as wci’c ordained to eternal litb believed,” (Acts,) J. E. Yh ILoxincnsox. seeihed to be great trouble on my mind: thcA- told mo to balieAm, but I knew I could noL for I ,was as one duml), 1 could do notliimg. I Avent on in that Avay until some time in the night, I don’t remember when; but Avhenl Ibund myselt 1 Tj.oyp Rpiungs, Tloyd County, On. ■July 2-3!ii, 3 873. Dear Jiroiher Gold:— was praising my i'A.iker; i viewet my Saviour coming to my relief, everything seemed to be praising the Lord ; I tliouglit evcrvthing looked II' ITAA'E tliought of Avriting a | the brightest and lovliest I ever saw, jyicce for your p;,ij)er but 1 feel i j- jgjj; Pefure a.s I did then ; mv A:'.o so unworthy 1 can t do auv £. ,r,1 ’’MY' tiling a.s I ouglit, except the Lon! will help me; I feel if a child burden was gone and I felt as light os a feather, and my mouth aaws filled at all I am less than the ieaH of all Cod's cliildrcn ; I feel the need ot j the prayers of all my bret'ireu. j I Aviil try, in my AA’cakiiess, if the ' Tjord Avil! permit, to tcli you what I | Imjie the Lord has done for my poor i soul. j I wa.s very vonng'Avheu T first .-aw i with praises, to mv Saviour ; but before the next morn- ing my inind was filled Avith doubts, I thouglit I Avas at a “ mourner s bench” and I was deceived ; I knew j did not feel as I did before, xis I AAV.S going boinc that evening I gf>t Amry Avet; it still seemed to press on w • T 1 n 1 r r i iua^ mind that I aauxs deceived, and i mvseit a sinner, i don t know that i I v ^ tried to jiray and ask God if I Ava.s (leeeiAmd to undeceive'me. * I Avas taken sick on felt A’cry imieli_yk-‘^t>’cssed on aeeount of my sins: sometimes I would be in a groat deal of troahle, but could not tell Avhat Avas tin; matter; I liionght I was going to die, I did not think ihat I ever could ^i\'e ’til! I ■ was grown ifl remained in thateondition. I AA'ouid go out to some .«ecrct ]>iace and try to lu-ay, but ' eonl-l not; I could only say. Lord, Inive merev on me a ]>oor sinner. It seemed to me that Cod Avas too far to hear ;:’ich a vile ."iimier as I aaus. I Avent on in this AAmy until f Avas nearly grown; sometimes I Avotild go in lively eompany, but my trouble AA’ould return. It seemed that I be came .so mucli trouliled that I could mV, kve. It .-v-eme-d that every ihiiys T (IM AAtassij; I tried to pray. I Avas Avcll as I recollect, and went on in this way about three days, in .a great deal of trouble, asking the Lord to show me Ayhelher I Avas deceived or not.* While lying on my bed plead- iutr' with the Lord to show me my true condition, it seemed to me that I viewed the heavens' open and my Saviour sitting on his tlirune, Avhich relieved mv mind. years, and reiuroed baelc Lo Georgia, to Hock Greek Cinircii, where In'o ’v beio'ug. '' '■ f *. Brethren, prav for mound mine, i, think I have liad uiiuiy ehasSsements,^ but I think they were for my good the Lord’s will must be done. I have experienced many doubts fears, my mind is often dark tmd, loiiidy I fed uuNA'orthy to be among,, and bear tlio mime of being one of the Lord’s children, and if one surely there is none Lass, or if a saint the least ol alb Dear breathren and sisters, I'cmom- ber me in your prayers at tlie throno of Cod’s grace. Y^uur unwoithy sister if a sister at all. Farewell, Elizjlbetji M. Davis. Near Lexixgton. Ga., Oct. 1st, 1873. Dear Brother Gold:— Q- notice in my oominunication some a|3 errors which I think wciecommit- ed in setting up the type, in the Laxdmailk.s for Bopt. 1st, 1875 ; page 155, 2nd coinrau and 25th line “ Sweet is the meniovy of tl.y grace, 3\fy God, iny !r.'avenl\ Iviiy; ; Let age to age th}' riglitcoasnes.s ill songs ofgloiy .cing. “Goti reigns oi hiLdi, but never confines ills goo Jnt.s.-, to tlie skie.s; TLi'imgh iil the earth his bounty shine.s, And every waul supplies.” from tiie top ihould read, “ and on things ATCiit.” it i.s printed and ML,’ things Avent.” Again : 3rd oolmnn Isc line, should read, if than %cc Brethren, my next trouble was to appj^y it to iiieo,” it ia. prir.ted “it’ ‘there are’ applyit to, men.” Again, 3rd line should read “ for the term immortal or immortalityB It is- print- (xi “ for the term ‘ immortal or mor-. ialityd” Again, 2!)th line from th.e tO[) .should read “ and as to the rcs- urrcctiou.” It is printed ‘“it D the lesurrcetion.”’ Please correct these typogreplucal errors ; .as many might nutl>e able to unsterdstand Avhat 1 mean as it now reads. • Your unworthy brother in gweat tribulation. " » D. Yf. Patviam. A

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