w Zion's Landmarks; Wilson, N. C. |itltsrri|i{iaii llctnpte. NORTH CAROLINA. Norfleet Ciitcliin, Jan 15, ’75 S 3 00 VIRGINIA. Through J (.'■ TIall : Jonathar Conner, Jan 1 ’70 2 00 Peter I’angli, Jan 1 ’76 2 00 'riironcrh W A Thonns : John V. Shelhorse, Sep 15 ’70 1 50 gjjijoiutnrais. A. 11. R.)—Saturday before the third Sunday in October next. We invite our bretlireti and sisters to Ausit us at the above time and place, especially our ministering brethren ivho preach salvation by ^ i^DEirs David House and 'Wni. A. Ross will preach, the Lord willing: Mcwborn’s Tuesday after tlie 4th Sunday in Ontobor. 5Vethi("c!ay Tear Creek. Tliursdav Sandy Bottom. Krid.av T^ewis’ School Ilonse. Saturd'iy and Sunday—Cliape!—at the Tois- not Union meetitig' Monday Nahunta. Tuesday ^Memorial. Wednes.day tipper Black Creek. Thur.'day Lower PJa'-k Creek. Friday Contentnea Saturday—rest. 1st Sunday in Kov Toisnot. I'^LDPiRS D. R. Tiloore and J. A. (7^ Burch have ap,,ointments to preach, the Lord willing: Bear Creek,....Tuesday after 2nd Sun. in Oot. Sandy Bntto.-n Wednesday. Beaver Dam Thursday. South AVest Friday. AVhite Oak Jissoeiation, t Vat North East. Saturday, Sun, and Mon ) Maple nil!, Tuesday after .'Id Snn.in October. resr Orcck Wednesday. Thursday. the saving grace of God, having no confidence in the flesh, and worship God in tliG Spirit. E. J. Williams. |ii gitliwtiam. Giye strength, dear Lord, to parents grieved; Oil, yes, their liearts have been bereaved. Lord give them strength to do thy will: Dear S.vviour, be their Sun and .sliield. Sorrowing patents, soon, soon you’ll go, To yonr dear babe yon loved below. Oh, Annie now needs not your tear.s, Nor mother’s love, nor papa’s c.ares : Eternal love for her prepaies. By hek Auxt, S. K. D. July 20th, 1875. MED, at the residence of his .son, in Milam f lED, at Countv, Texas, on the 3rd day of May, ISV.o r A TIimUTS OF RESPECT. From OiBPrImUlyeOapt fitriiorfls at Ppaeli Trep, Frassknti CoiiRj. Ylnceiit WN.ASMUCn as it has jileased Almighty A God to remove onr beloved and highly L> esteemed bn.ther from our midst by death, rvlio so fiithfully discharged his duties while a member amongst ns, from the cares and struggles of earth, we trust to a happier and holy world ; and, inasmuch as he was a faithful and a devoted member of our Church, therefore ave desire to exnress our sorrow in onr .sad bereavrnent, therefore be it Resolved, That while we bow in humble snbnti.ssion to the decree of our Ileav- enlr Father, yet we deplore onr Ictss, and (hat we should hereby give a solemn e.xpres- sion of onr appreciation of his worthiness, and what is to ns a deep affliction has become to him '^joy nnspeak.able and full ofglorv.” Resolved, That tvliilst we .shall ever hold in tender recollection tite noble qualitie.s and cxeitiplary virtues of brother Vincent, Y'^will ettdetivor to imitate his fe.arless desire ‘id Master, and to L.!l7!lVl Vilir'k ttivor Sandy f Irovo AVedncBciay .\jtEKicu.?, Georgia, Sep. 21, 1875. ■ ElJer P. D. Gold-.— .. 1 .BASE pnbli.sh the fobowlng ap- ^poiuDueuts: Elder M. AT. Helms, of Alabama, will preach, llic Ijord willing, at tlic following cliurches in ihe boutids of the Harmony Primi tive Baptist Association, in Georgia: commcncimr— Saturday, October 2.3rd, Chickas:uvhatchie, Tcrnd Co'.inty. Sunday !^^acedonia. Monday Beulah. Tnes.'hty Providence. Wedi esday Suuip’er City Thursday Harmony. The Brethren will please meet Brotiicr Helms and convey him. J. M. Woodall. C?v cU'f It. ;01t. Primitive Baptist A,s.sociatIon com - menoes on Saturday laefore tlie third Sunday in November, 1875: in one mile of Orlando, Orange County, Ela. Primitive Baptist ministers are invited to attend. They can come to Jacksonville by rail and then take the Steamer up St. John’s River to a station called Sandford, which is in twelve miles of the meeting— there they will be met by brethren who will convey tliem to the Asso ciation. Joel W, Sivain. 1875, De.accn N. B. Tyson. Brother Ty.son was born June 2Cth, i812, in the State of Tenne.s.see, and County of Montgomery. He joined the Primitive Bap tist Church at Blooming Grove (in the County and State of hia nativity) in 1829, and was baptized by Elder .Josiah Horne. He lived in the fellow.ship of said Chnreh until 1837, when he moved to Henry County, and joined Bam Fork Church, where he lived till 1848, when he moved to Arkansa.s, Ouachita Coun ty. Here he joined Bethesda Church, where he lived ’till 1865 when he emigrated to Texas, M'lam County, and joined New Providenee Church, of which be died a member. Brother Ty.son was made Deacon by Be thesda Church in Arkansas in 1860. He vras long the subject ©f this distressing dlsea,se —■Asthma, and of which he suffered much, but with great patience, Ilis aiaiable wlf©, to whom he was truly devoted, died April 20th, which was, as may be .seen, hut a .short time before his death. After her death he .seemed not only willing but anxious to de part. It seemed to he according to his de.sire, for at the time of her burial he was taken with the disease of which .she died—conges tion of the Liver, of which he died in about two week.s, and was buried by her side. The writer visited him during his illness and heard him expre.ss many of his thoughts and much of his feeling ou the su’oject of his life and death. A.fter hearing him speak of hirs iff family life, a.id e.speci- enler, or sorrow ever come. Hesolved, That we ext^'nd the sym pathies of the members of this Church to the afllicted relatives of the deceased, kau htah a copy of tiie.se resolutions be sent them, and that the same be pubh. .ied in Zion’s La.xd- aiarks. and also a blank page be in.s:crihed and dedicated to our honored brctlicr in our Church book, stating liis age and the number of ye;u-.s he served with the militant Church here behnv. Done by request of the Church on Saturday before the 3rd Sunday of July nieeting. W. G. Weeless. n r/c»v^«iuiiiia_iliiyotodr ‘last to him.. I made a -kind of minute of his words,” whicli I here give. . Addressing me, he said, “I am about to change my mode of existence: I do not dread June 26ih, parents, V.lc ' lED—of ChoDra Infantiirig iLfl 1875, at the residence of her AIary Annie Gold — daugtiter Oi J. Al. and Aa. J. Stone. Her life, though so brief, was long enough to endear her to many hearl.s besides her relatives. And how often it had been wihhcd that she might be spared with her two little b.-others whom the Lord gave her parents at the same birth v/ith herself; but the will of the Lord must oe done Primitive Ba[)tist Associatioe i.s ap- jioliited to itieei: Avith Salem Church, ]’,erricii County, Ga., ou Union Rail road—twenty-live miles N’orth of Valdoda, (A. &G.R. R,) and (wen- j ty-throe miles South of Eifiou (B. & | and onr dear Annie was seized with the fatal sickne.ss, June 20th, 1875, and only lived six days. One side of her was paralyzed earl'v in the attack, and the second stroke caused lier sweet .spirit to leave its tenement of clay-; and far above she and lier clear grand-pa who went a few months before, d .g “.Redeem ing love.” It was heart-rending to her fcnc’ parents and others who loved her to see l.c;- suffer so much in her helpless coiiciitiou ; hut wm are taught thereby—what a great curse sin brought into the world. She was loaned to her parents one year, foiirmonth.s and twenty- two days—suflicient to .say she was innocent and winning in life, and lovely and beautiful in deatli. I would say to her brother and only sister who helped to nnrse her all lier life, and whose’ hearts seemed broken becau.se of her death “ Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Her parents desire the prayers of the Lord’s people that the trial may prove a blessing to them. the change—death has no terrors for me ; but .solemn weight—an indescriKible I have feeling'. I know that if I am what I profess to be, it is not of me—it is all of grace. I feel that if I am not prepared to die I never will be. If I am changed I did not change myself; the Almighty did it, and if he did it it was done right.” Concerning his personal character and life, ho remarked: “I know that I have never done anything to merit favor, yet I have ever tried to be a law-abid ing man. I have been a member of the Church ever since I was seventeen years old, and have never been called to account for anything I have said or done. If I have dis honored the cause I do not know it. .Some people .say the Old Baptists believe what is to be will be a.ny now. They are ns far from being an any how people as any in the world,” &c. Here I remarked to brother Ty.son that 1 felt to be under many obliga- tios to him for his kindae.ss to me, to which he replied : “ 1 havm’dbhe nothing but what I felt that I ought to do. I ask no thanks But I want yon, my dear brother, to watch over my children when I am gone. Some of them would, I think, join the Chnreh but for certain hindrances. I want you to visit them and talk with them. There are no ties to hold me hero now, except my children, but I must tear loose from them too.” My sister once three darlings had A triplet that she loved tooGvell Resigned she feels she .scarce can he; Acs, since one’s suhIch she cannoi sec. Apinic Gold, who was so dear. . No \inore we’ll see wiillo we are here • No more, alas ; it give;: us pai.rr— I will not grieve, ’tis her gror.t gain ; i.acu L'.io Irom weenii;'; etrmn. Sister Maey Tyson, consort of brother N. E. 'JTson, was born May 1st, 1814. She joined the Primitive Baptist Church about the year 1837, and died April 20th, 1875. It is due her memory to say of her that she was a kind and loving ivife .md mother, an earnest and devoted Christian—a mother in Israel. Brother and sister Tyson leave a large family of children, relatives, friends and brethren, to mourn, not their, but our Jos.s. May^God sanctify this di.sjiensation of Ilis providence to the good of all who are con cerned about it, and to the good of His cause. “ Bles.sed are the dead whicli die in tlio Lord from henceforth ; yea, s.aietli the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and ' worxs ! them,” Rev. 14: 13. C. DenI’on. 3effiBaaS!3a!El!EK!B3»32X»9SsaXSr-^f3Sr GVN. mmm^. W, k W CJo. CHAN9E @F SFHSDIILE. f Ofeice of G'en’l Supehintendent, 1 Vfilmington, N. C., June 8, 1875. f N and after .June 9ih instant, passenger trains on the Wilmington & Weldoa Railroad will run ss foilow.s : Mail T r a i n Leave Union Depot daily (except Sundays) at Arrive at Gohkshoro’ 11:45 a. “ “ Rocky Mount....... L53 p. “ “Weldon 3:40 p.m VcvLLvw lA.nrr ^ / :oD a, m. in. Leave Weldon 10:05 a. m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:41 a “ “ Goldsboro’ 1:35 p. “ “ Union Depot #:05 p. Express Train, and Through Freight T r a i n s . m, in. Ill Leave Union Depot, ikiily... Arrive at Goldsboro’ 6:.30 to a. r*’ iir m' in. “ “ Rockv Mount 3:30 a. “ “ IVeid'on 6:00 a. Leave Weldon daily 7:00 p. m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 9:,30 p. in, “ “ Ololds’ooro’ 12:25 a. m. “ “ Union Depot 6:30 a. m. The mail train makes close connection at Vfeldon for all points North via Bay Lin# and Acquia Crae’x routes. Express trains connect only with Acquis, Creek route. Paiman’s Palace Sleeping Car* on this Train. Freight Trains vHll leave Wilmington tri- vieekly at 5:00 a. m., and arrive at 1:40 p. m. .JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snperintendent. THE WlLMiGTOl STAR ■■il imf Yean mA DAILY S'’ H. ri.ll. AS the Largest Circulation ot any Daily New.spaper in the Stiitc, and a clroula- tion in Wiinungtoii Nearly Twice ■Large iis t’r.uYofany other ;m rr. All the news oj' t.no day V. HI bo "'mnd in jt condensed when urimportant, at length when )1 moment, and alway;( presented in a clear, intelligent ai- J iutevesting manner, . ■GuhsariijR^ons [ in mhxt/ise:) ^ One Year §7 q() Six Months 3 5(> 2 Ob' Three ^lonth.s.. ■'V RR:^rR^jR)TJCED. ' A THE M’E:'. s L\ ST.-VR now combined with the CAIlOI.i NA FAEMhR, and is o:ie of the cheapest papers in the country, at thif. following RED UCED RA TER One Copy, 0:ie Year $l ©o One Copy, Site Months 1 k() lAVChiiis of 5 to 10, One Year 1,25 per copV- h ■if“Clul),s of 10 or more, One War, oiiiV $1 00 per copy. Hiig^Specimi'n copies sent on apiilicatioii. Address, WM. II. BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, IViLMi NOTON, N. C. Wilstiii iege. STRIC'i'LY NON-SECTARIAX ! iMStRsite aiiii Semlaary ComI)li!€il. S EXES IX .SEPARATE BUILDING^. ilsgiilar C’Ollegc Course. Nine Able and Experienaed Teachers. FRie LBjmfj Apparatus, PkIMAJIY, PbEPAEATORY, Co.ar.MERCIAL,. Nokmal. Mvsical, Orn.\ment.\l, & Agricui.titkal Depahthent.s. Entire -Average Expenses inch',ding' Tuition, Books, Board, use of Funii,shcd Room, I' uel, Light, and IV'asliing, I 2 0 0 PER YEA R . MU8IG $45 ADDITIONAL. Se.ssioa extends from the first Jfonday in October to the la.st Thnr.sday in June. For Catalogue, address .SYLYE.S'rEK HASSELL, .-V. M., President of W1L.50N College, 'Wilson, N. G i rnaMmim

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