Landmark f«' T18 »SFKISE fHS yfilMITIIS BiPflSTS. “TO THE lAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY.” .Jt I Yol. X.—No. 1. Wilson, N. C., No.member 15, 1876. Whole No. ^17. ZioiYs Landmark. V>Y the help of the Lord, tliis paper will e,'tmteiKl for the aneieiit hindmark, guided by its stakes of truth,and strengthened by its cords of love. : ,'tt Irnpefi to reject all Tit.ADlTloxs AND A^VritCTlONS ON MEN, and regard only the BIBLE AS THE STANDARD of TRUTH. It urge.s people to seiireh the scriptures and, obey Jesus .as the orriy King in the holy hit" of Zion, kec'piiig theni.selve,s unspotted fro the world. It aims to contend for the niy.stery of the faith in fiod and ilie Fatlur, Jesus the Medi- ytor, and the Holy .Spirit, the i5le.ssed Cd'm- foi-t-er. All lovers of go.spel truth are invited to write for it—if so impressed. ,, May grace, mercy and peace, be multiplied to sill lovers of Je.sus. ©niiirauninifcu. Near Cor.yers, Ga., Oct- 18, 1876. Elder P. 1). Gold.—Dear Brother:— You will find enclo.-ieda letter from brollter Forrnby, from Floyd Co., Ga., wherein he has'giveii a rc- iallon of his travels from nature to grace. Believing it will be very in teresting to many of your readens, I have gotten his permission to have it published, prtivided yon will do it.— l^friends [should TITe copy. "rn'the dose I will state to you, that we had a fine meeting at our last Association : great preaching.— Twenty-five or thirty preachers, some said. We had brother Pnrsley with ns again. We w'onld have been glad to have you with us. We were well pleased with the short acquaint ance we had with you last year at onr (the Yellow Fiver) Association. We had a good meeting at the Mari etta and Oconee Asssociations, All the preaching was peace. The ac commodation w-as good; a beautiful time, too, for our meeting. W. D, Almond. Near Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., Aug. 12, 1870. Specially Beloved, aifd Much Edeemed Brother,—Eld. W. D. Almond:— According to promise, I forward yon, for investigation, my travels and trials. Y"oii spoke of wishing to have them published in the Signs of the Times, while there are others who wash them published in the Land mark. Please request them copied, as the most of my neighbors are read ers of the Landmark. If it goes to press, there is one thing I regret; tltat is, I fear that I shall have to write more than the Editor would like ,to be plagued with. But I wish to say enough to give the reader a sense of the rugged road I have trav eled and where I have got to now.— I will consent to its publication to help to pay for the joys I have re ceived in reading others’ experiences. I fear it will not pay others, as theirs have benefited me. As Eld. David Patman .said, he would despair to try to tell it allj^so 1 feel that that is rny case e.xactly. Dear brother, in about my sixth or seventh year, I fully believed there was a heaven for the good and a hell for the bad. I v as in my mother’s .garden, and right there I had some f-erions reflections, and I have not forgotten them till this day, though it lias been about fifty years ago. I thought when I got grown that I wonlti get religion, do better, etc.— TheseYvere my thoughts frop; that time till I was grown, thinking all the time that when I got iny consent to pray the Lord, do better, reform, &c., that he would forgive my sins, give me religion, and I would join the church, and when I died I would go to heaven, (I was then a full grown arminian, But did not know it,) but in time I hope the Lord did arrest my poor soul. Then trouble came, and I yet was an armlnlan. I, like all Adam’s race, was trying rav own strength by the law. I read and turned from page to p-age, but found no comfort, but dispouragement and condemipitlon^ I ^onld reacl evdrAa opporttfiflB^^Bjjrpray dlveii tl-o'o' conceal ^ It .sp?(T)JBPBB^^^waSaTHance for every one but me. I was acting in^ earnest and candor, my brother ; for I thought if I ever intended to act iionestly, now was my time. I was daily visiting the secret places where I thought I was unseen by human eyes, in trying to pray the Lord for mercy. Eld. Joel Colly was the pas tor of Bullock church, at that time, in Newton county, Ga., where I then live 1, in one and a halt miles of Con yers. I Avent to that church to meet ing every opportunity, and visited the MIssionarIe.s, Methodists, and Presbyterians; but Primitive Btip- tists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Ylissionaries all could not ease my troubles. kSome of them would tell the sinner to continue to pray and the Lord would hav’e mercy on him. Along here was trouble upon trcuble, by day and by night. I was tempt ed to believe that there was no reali ty in religion, and even tempted to believe that there was no God at all ; for I had done all I could and yet had no religion. It seemed that there was a chance for every body else but me, till finally I was thinking the day of grace Was about past Avith me ; for I thought the Scriptures said that the Spirit of the Lord should not al- Avays strive with man. In 1845 1 had charge of a school at Rockdale church, and I can’t tell till this day how that school was managed; for trouble Avas my portion day and night when I was awake.— There Avas a great deal of the time that sleep fled from me. I was dai ly in some secret place in prayer to God to have mercy on me. (I Avas not yet married.) I was sitting in my school house door one day, look ing at the children play, and had (his thought: If Ave were all called to die, Avhat would be the consequen ces. My.^elf and forty children, and not a Christian among us. Terrible! Terrible! I tried to pray for rny litle .school children as well as my self. I Avas not Avilling to see any of them lost. I Avent before my fathei’s gate, in the lone.some hours of the night, to an oak tree, and made that tree a Avitiiess between me and my God that I Avould spend the remain der of my days in prayer to him ; for if lost I could only pray the Lord for mercy. At my school there was a little close thicket near by Avhere I daily visited to hide myself in and try to pray for mercy. At one time I felt that if I waited till my regular hours to visit the thicket it AVdlild be too late. I made and left tile school room. I tell you time required haste. It appeared short, indeed, to me. I had got in fifty vards of the place, perhaps, when it e^'curred to n^e that if I Avent there V ould rake uTstantly, and if I went not, it was present death ; for I had been there many times and it had done me no good. It oocured to me that I was only making a habit of going there, and could see no good that it had done. I was getting Averse and worse continually. The more I tried to do right the Avorse I did ; but the very impulse of my soul was. Lord, have mercy. I could not utter words to convey to the Lord my desires. I could only say, O Lord, thou knoAV- est the secret intentions of my heart. I have not Avords nor language to ex press it, but grant, Lord, if consistent with thy will to have mercy on me. It Avas a dark and dismal time with me about this time. My older broth er and I Avere lying in the bed to gether one night, up stains, and he had been to sleep for hours, perhaps, but I Avas turning from side to side on mv bed, not knowing Avhether I should live till morning light or not. I liecame so alarmed that I \A'as mak ing considerable noise by groaning. I thought my heart had stojiped beating, and that I had ceased breath ing. I could not feel a pulse in my arm nor anywhere else. My noise atvoke my brother. He amse excit ed and made me get out of Led and carried me down stairs, and that aAvoke father and mother, and they bsing somewhat alarmed made me a bed on the floor, gave me some teas, and perhaps bathed me in camphor a little. By the by I fell to sleep and aAVoke no more till morning, and a short time after, as I was meditat ing upon my wicked and troubled life, 1 did wish that if it had been the will of God, I had not been born.— I Avould gladly have exchanged plac es with the foAvls of the air or the brute creation. (R'ght here I con fess I had eyes and saAv not, and a heart and could not understand.) So it was but a short time, just as I awoke one morning I had a joyful light, and that load of guilt that had been bowing me down so long Avas gone. I felt like the frowns of the Lord Avere turned away from me. 1 felt calm and joyful in all respects.— And now one of the strange things a[)peared to me; my troubles Avere gone and I AA^as no Christian.— for some time, I could not tell what kind of a fix I was in. I thought my destiny aa'us fixed in eternal pun ishment after death perhaps. I also thought that it might be that the Lord had relieved my troubles till death ; and various other notions 1 had. I fell in conversation Avitli Stephen Daniel, an Old School Bap tist, and told him my situation. He t«ld me that I ought to talk to the church. That surprised me; but I told him it would do me good or re lieve n;^e to confess ray>pin.q/>o God, AVvife 'w hell. Avasiis much as any could say. In February, 1851, I moved to Floyed county, Ga., near Rome, where I now live, and it began to be suggested to me to talk to the church. Finally I concluded I AA'Ould, but the time Avas put otf, and put otf. At length ray wife was taken sick with slow fever. The doctor, neighbors, and all who saw her thought she Avould die. I then thought it aa'bs af fliction sent on her for ray disobedi ence. (She Avas already a Primitive Baptist ; baptised at Bullock church, Newton county, Ga., by Eld. Joel Colly.) I went and got on my knees, in secret, humble prayer to God, and made this vow, that if the Lord AAmuld restore her to health, I Avould go in the discharge of my duty in talking to the church. So it came to pass that she got well again, but 1 could not get ready to pay ray vow, yet kept saying I Avould, Our chil dren took the scarlet fever, and my little son, I thought, must die. 1 then sutfered the stripes for not pay ing my vow. I again, in secret on my knees, promised the Lord if he Avould restore my little son to health, I certainly would pay my vow with out fail. But I had vowed and failed to comply, and how could I expect the Lord to believe me tlie secotui time. So I promised him if he v/ould restore my little son to health, this time, and I failed to pay my VOAV I would not ask him again to restore one of ray family to health un til I had jjaid my vow. My son was restored to liealth, and then I prom ised to go and pay my debt, but yet could not get ready. , ' I wei*t on go for a few years, when

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