Zion’s Landmark : Wilson, N. C. 4 ] would try to pray again, Afllii’tions, though they seem scyeix?, (fin tiinwgh mercy sie sent, They stopped tlie prodigiil's career And caused him to repent. I reached nty lonely liouse, and bc- fitre rcacSutig the door these words were whispered in my ears, Yoa are not fittetl to live, and not prepared to tlie. I for a few minutes wished that the nountatns tuight fall down on nil, and iidc me from evay niortal ■fn-e. My sins came up liefore me on every side, and I felt t!u\t I was com pletely wailed in by sin. I opened the door of the house and everything was as still a.s death. My wife was gone, and my two little diildren sep arated from me. My tirst thoiEght was to take the ministers advice and read David’s troubles. I seated myself out in the porch and commenced reading the Yew Ttstament, and to my surprise these words were whispered in my «irs, “ Jesus is knocking at the door Cff your heart.” I immediately left niy seat and went back in the house, and while meditating I was con- s-tr'iined to try to pray, which I did, but seemed to get no better. I tried to ask the Lord that I might not be- iccelv‘(!. It seemed to be niv \ !», o * »tc!onge.-t mi[)ression to pray an hon- c.st; .prayer. I seated myself again, and the colored man that lived with me passed by and asked mo (o go over and look at tlie tobacco plants; 1 ''told him that I would after a while. Soon I left the house, and on my way to look at tlie plants I r>.me to a small stream, and thougiit could man loll lie vJwy 'real!li|(r agreed to, aiill took up his plow and started off in the di rection where we intended to work. I remarked to him that I would go by the house. I. had not gone more than fifty steps (near the foot of a liill,) when I heard these words, in a small still voice, ‘'stand still and.see the salvation of your own soul.” I called the cclored man to come down tome; he did so, and brought his wife with him. I told them that I wanted to pray, and vlesired them to bow down with me. They did so.— At this moment I was shrouded in darkness with both hands clenched. The woman ran and brought a buck- r-t of water, and when I found myself I was on my feet with both hands in the bucket. The man took me by the hand and lead me to his cabin. As I entered the door I requested him to let me lay down across the bel— tliere I remained for some time, in a praying condition. Seou I found myself setting up on the bed, view ing my hands; and asked the colored people to be not alarmed, for it was Jesus. I asked the woman to sing— she commenced a song, and I began to rejoice. Light here, I can safely say, that it was beyond expression to tell of the joy that I was filled with. I went over to my sister’s, still nfioicing. I then went to see aiioth- «r sister who had belonged to the Old School Baptists for a great many vears. Still, in this feast of reji icing, 1 had to go to my father-in-lav\'s. I returned home at last and asked myself this question, Is it possible that I have deceived my best frieuds? God forbid, if I had done them any wrong. Fear and doubt seemed to he ail about me. I seated myself and had a desire to open the book and that it might give me some ease and comfort, t read from the first cliajJer of James down to the last verse, “ Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father,” &c. Here i became reconcileil tliat it is God that works in us both to will and to do of Ids good pleasure. After reading the scriptures for some time I offered to the Clmrch, and was received and haptisted by Fdder James S. Damerou. After this I had lasting impressions to try to |ireach the word of God, and refused to do so for some time. At last my impression continued to grow so strong that I went out in the woods and made a shelter, and made seats, and had two appointments a day— one for the white people, and one for (he colored people. My imjiresslon wa-s first drawn out to the colored people, for I thought they had been neglected. Mav^ God bless what lias tieen written—may his name have the praise Eliason C. Dodjson. ri ir.cetoii, N. C., Sep., 17th, 1876. Elder P. G Go/d,—Dear Brother:— Having been requested by some of the brethren, and having an uncle who is a member of the PriHiitive Baptist Church, who cannot hear, al so desiring t' know the reason of my ho[)e in Christ, I have concluded to try and write a portion of what I am trusting to lie (the dealings of l!u^ child. The child, for a time, would grow weaker, till almost all hopes of its restoration were banished. I at last concluded that the child was suf fering on my account. I would sometimes be in the house and some times would be walkibg the yard, and sometimes be in some secret place, trying to pray for the restora tion of the child. It appeared to me that even my wife could bear to part with it better than I could, I went off* in the dark to try to implore God to spare it. I went, and on my re turn from the lonesome place, I heard sometliing say with power, that no one knows only by experi ence—yon had better pray for your self. I stopped, and desired to see the salvation of the Lord. I then turned around and went back and tried to pray for myself, feeling that it would be an everlasting separation between me and our dear child to de part from it. After a wliile I went to the house, feeling that I was go ing to die. It was then about an hour till day. J went and lay down across the bed with the child, never expecting to .see the snn rise again.— There I saw, as it were, a pole—one end was at the door of my house, ex tendi iort Something said. did, until I ; (tlie (lealii) ||^M|as sho^ [.orJ wis,^) nioj^rqas sho^ii '■'py ay;*- know luAv. The first awakening was one Sat urday about 10 o’clock—meeting day at Joimstoii Union. I had not been aceustomed to going to meeting dur ing the week. So I went to plowing (as that was my occupation at that time,) and saw people pass on their way to preaching. I heard a voice saying to me, forcibly, “Go and hear the gospel preached !” I ran to the house and mv wife asked, “ What is the matter •V’ I said I believe I will go to meeting!” She said, “ Your clothes are ready !” About this time I felt to be in the same condition tluit I was before the voice spoke to me ; therefore I returned to niy work and never went to preach ing until Sunday. I then discover- ed that the preaching did not sound to me as it did before. My feelings (sins) caused mo to take as low a seat in the house as I could get; though notwithstanding my low down feel ings [ contiiuierl to go to meeting, desiring to know the way of truth that maketii free indeed. I always believed, .sentimentally, in the doctrine i>reac!ied by Primi tive Baptists. After a while we had a child tliat was taken very ill ; all the ueighbor.s believed it would die. The suffering cliild and the full anticipatiau of its death caused mo trouble beyond ex pression, ural, at the same time, I be lie re, brethren and sisters, that my sins were going on to judgment, wiiile it appeared that conviction for my sins was all or more than I could bear^ In my feeble petitions I would try to pray for iio recovery of the walk the pale! which J met two men, and one of them said to me, St'ek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be ojtened unto you. I eontiiuied*to walk the pole until I got in sight of a new, large, white building—a house, I trust, not made iwith hands. Mdien I saw the build ing I ran as fist as I c«iuld until I t!>o iMor. when it;^ was open ed and I we|it in, wlierc I .saw the man that led me, and all his chil dren, Tliey were all dressed alike. I looked and fnind that I was dress ed like they were, and took a scat with them. I did not sit long before I got np and said, I must go back. The same man, I trust, who said, J will lead the blind by a way they have not trod, Ac., told me to go back and stay a while, that I should come again, for there was a .seat pre pared for me. I went out and walk ed the pole until I got to the end and stepped off. I then awoke, and got up.and went to the door to try to keep in sight of the wonderful scene or vision. j\Iy wife asked me what was the matter. I told her there was nothing the matter with me. I felt new and everything seemed to The 81111 was then and it shone high be praising Goii about one hour beautifully. My burden then seemed to he gone, and 1 felt tliat God, for Christ’s sake, had extended his. inerey to me — instead of death—and eau.sed me to rejoieo with joy nnspeakabh; and full of glory. Our child .soon recovered. Brethren, I wish [ emild use lan guage to expro.ss my,self. I was received in the Church at Johnston Union, and baptized witli five others, July 9th, 1870. Brother Gold, in iny distrc.ss I felt to bo friendles,s and forsaken— ti'iendles.s both in heaven and on earth.. In time of mv conviction 1 tried to do all I could to plca.se my wif‘(‘ and motlier. My wife will send you her cx[>eri- enco aficr a while. Yoiurs, ill hope of eternal life, ' /sADOCK. TuoMF.SO>\ Columbia, Tyriell County, N. C., October 21st, 1876. Dear Brother Gold:— H aving been requested by the Churches composing the Union Meet ing which assembled at Betlilehem Meeting House, in Tyrrell County, N. C., on Friday before the tliird Lord’s day in October, 1876, I send you this: The above named Church, and the Church at South Mattamuskeet, in Hyde County, N. C.^ having unitesi together in a union meeting capacity, the following is the plan of their con stitution : 1st. This meeting sliall be known by the name of the Eastern Union Meeting. 2nd. Each meeting shall have power to adjourn to any time and place they may see proper, so that the diff'ereut Churches in the Union l>e equally beiiefitted by their several appointments. Srd. When assembled they shall make choice of a Moderator and Clerk, and the Clerkof said meeting shall en ter the minutes of the Conference; and transmit them to the next meet ing- 4tii. a book shall be procured, in which all the minutes of the different Conferences shall be inserted, from time to lime, and a Clerk appointed to record the same. 5tii. In time of Conference each mtraber shall be entitled to liberty of speech, but shall first arise and ad dress the Moderator. 6th. Eo person shall be admitted to speak more than three times on any .one subject, without perndssion frorrrtlie Conference.' T / 7th. Any motion made aqra sec onded shall come under considera tion of the meeting, unless withdrawn by the j)er.son who made it. 8th. Every cxise or cpiery present ed in writing shall l^e twice read, if recpiircd, and before debated shall be; received by a majority of the meeting then pre.sent. 9th. New Churches that may hereafter be constituted, or now con- constituted, lying and being within the bounds of the Eastern part of the Kehukee Association, or convenient thereto, may be admitted into-this Unli'ii. 10th. At the time of Conference a door shall be opened for admis.sion to Church membership by tlie ordinance of baptism. 11th. The ordinance of the LorcFs, Supper shall he administered at tlie time of each Union Meeting, on one of the dav,s which the Confereme may appoint. 12th. The meetings shall lx; open ed and closed by prayer and prair-i.v to Almighty Goi!., ! Our next Union meeting Is a]>- [ polmcd to he lield’ with South Matta- i muskeet Cbnreh, at Eeaulah Meeting i lIou.se, in Hyde County, N. C.. to I commenc'e-uu Friday before tlie fir.~t I Lord’.s (fciy in December,, 1876,; wor- sliip. to commence at 10 o’clock, .1. M.,, stid continue tLree days. At which, timio and ])l:U'e, iirethren, we liojie to see-a goixlly number of you. present, so thnt we luny experieiusi I Imw gooil and how p.leasant it is fir ■ brethren to dwell together in unify. Done I'V order of Uouference, and sIi’^iK'd In bolialf of the Union. Mav the Eoi’d envwn tlu'se mce;- ing.s. with .success, Is the prayer ot* the- imwostlry writer, IV .M. Rx7V.S>EJ>8.. /-r-

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