T"' r 7 T y Zion's Landmark : Wilson^ N. C. where lo repent. God gave eomnian- 1.1 men s to (tU the Je^\•s, as a nation, onder Mos(s aud the other rulers of Israel ; imt lie did not give the com- toaiKlmeuts to aoV’' other nation.— Will anv ost" undertake to say that oil the .lews kept ami oheved these '■•oinuiandmerits ? t suppose not.— When a o,mmaii(iiaent is given in the letter and verhaily, as were those «ielivered to th.e Jews, arc they fully ivhserved aecMniiug to the letter? yet when G«d writes his laws in their Siearts, and jHits: them in their minds, •liey are always won 1(1 ^ ■ 0^ effectual. So We ^ ticit after the resurrection \ )f Christ ail midiJIe walls of parti- 1 tkm are brivkcR down Iretwecii Jew and jrentik>, gind the apostles arc sent | hy the Lord God to preach the gos- | pel to every creature, wherein Gcd | fomiMuiKls all men every where to | repent. They preached the gosjxd in | aii'-tlte workl—nreaclKxl the eleath and rcs«rr(.>etion of Jesus, and tlic pidgivoint of all men by Jesus in | riiiliteousness. Goti iiath given as- I suranc'e of this judgment to ail by the j resurrecrtkm of Jesus, and he will !j bring every secret thing into )udg- 1 meat by Jesus who is tl‘.e Judge of | l.jolh ipvick and dead. | The cmimaml to al't to repent is | teddlshed, in the preaching of the jj' g,’os[)cl, to ev“ry creature, and assured 1; in tlie resurrecUiou ■of the man Christ | J;sus. the seemvd Adam: for as in | • idam all die, s-o in Christ shall all ^ be lijude alive, but every man in his | own order; for this refers to the I «>esum‘ctiot! »f t'iie body. Again: 1- 'I* And inith l.im authority to j shat have dime good, unto tlie resur rection of life; and they that have \ done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”—John 5 : 27, 30. A et lo all repent; This general (jail or proclamation of the gospel in the ^■jound of preaching does not of itself ♦^uiclceu any sinner, yet when preach ed quiekened sjnuers Lear it and be I'ieve. “ A-S luany 3.s were ordataed to eternal life believed” wdien the gospel was preached by the apostles nrlierevcT they wenC It became a (savor of 'life unt(f life to them,— iJ'ut odiers who dlid not hear mani fested their indifference or hatred to the gospel and were hardened. Thus it l^ecame a savor of death unto death to them. As it was among the Jews under Moses when the law was deliv ered to themed/; for, while a spirit ual Jew would regard it and fear, the iw.is of Jlelial wojirld manifest their corruption by disregarding it, and l>3 liardcned. But m this gos pel day God puts his laws in the mind and writes them in the hearts of his people, and thus the gospel eomes to them, not ki word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much a-ssurance; and they re- cle\e the gospel evidence of their sal vation. The word or truth is mi.^c- ed with faith in them that hear it, aud their faith fs fed, strengthened and confirmed. The word dwells richly in tlieir hearts, and they live by every word of God, and overcome the world, are bmoed up aud nourished in reading and meditating on the bible; for it instructs, ex horts, reproves, rebukes and comforts them. They put on the whole arm or of God, and take (he sword of the Spirit which is the word of God aud prevail. Prraddiig likewise refresh es and edifies (5\em; for it ministers the word of God or breaks it to them.— He is a gocKl minister, approved un to God aud proiitahle to men, who ri'ghtly divides or expounds tlie word and laboi'sS in the right s[drit, in sea- S(iu aud out of seasern. That oheis- tiau has an abundant entrance into the kingdom of God and its joys wlna loves and obeys the word of God and Jive's in and by it. To such the trutli is precious, and it assure.s them of peace and hope in the blessed Jesus. Suc’it are also k(>pt from the snares of a deceitful generation and v.aia world. it is a ])lain duty of the preachers of tlie gosjiel to preach the truth every where, as God gives them ability and as ihey have opportunity, whether men will hear or whether they will forbear. They should preach repeut- anee every where that they pu'eacli. It men calleit to preach conclude tiiey are to preach to none but believers, in the letter and general proclama tion of the gos[>el, they, perhaps to he consistent, had as well advise all otliers not to come to tiieir preaching, if men snp|>oss that any but believ ers are profited by the gospel in re- cei%M!ig its saring power tliey make a sad mistake. Paul at Athens pivacb- ed to all present, yet only a few be lieved his word. vArt. iraiea no etci^aiTrie believe when the gospel is preached, then there is no use in preaching to any body, and it does not matter what men do.— Fatalists, on the other baud, say that the g03[)el is never to be preached in tlie letter or word even to any but the elect, and thus both classes virtu ally meet on that point. This is a matter that men have not the control of. Tliose that use money to sp(x;u- late, make merchandise, prepare and send preachers, directing and control- ing them in preacliing, and who claim the power of saving souls mere ly by their preaching, show their cor ruption. Those, on the otlier liand, wlio have no desire to see the gospel preached to others, and have no de sire that it should be preaolied every where, according to God’s word, show that they are not in the Spirit in their desires and views. The truth is, God will judge all men—believers and unbelievers—and hath given evidence and proof of that to all men in the resurrection of Jesus, and the gospel shall be preach ed in all the world as a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. All men must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Jesus wdll raise unbelievers or the unjust from the dead in tho final resurrec tion, at the last day, and all shall he judged according to the gospel that Paul preached. Believers shall be adjudged righteous, and unbelievers wicked then. What manner of men then should we he in all holy conver sation, hastening thus unto the com ing of our Lord Jesus. Let the ungodly remember that, (xnnmit sin here on earth with as much ease as they jilcase, God will bring them into judgment, and tliat salvation is in no oilier name but the name of Jesus. '‘And 1 saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, liav- ing tile everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Saying, with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to him ; for the iiourof his judgment is come ; and worship him that made heaven and eaiili, ami the sea, and the fountains of water.” A HINT. wrath and doubting and pray for all in authority,that we may live a peacea ble life, &o. Let our brethren gener ally practice the doctrine of Jesus— rendering to God the things that aia God’s, and to Cesar the things tliai are Cesar’s. VOLUME X. At the writing of this it is not known, at least to me, what political jiarty has triumphed in the recent elections. This paper e.schews poli- tic.s, and advises Baptists never to sufler it to be a question of fellow ship. There is corruption in all political jiartie.s, Kewspapers and pub lic .speakers, on both sides, often do much damage by misrepresentation and stirring up the hatred of men to ward each other. While a little boy, I ivmomber tliat tlie bitterest strife lictwoen Whig.s and Democrats was often arou-ed before the late war. Let us remember that it is the du- tj!-of Baptists, as well as others, to snbniit to the powers that be, and not revile our ruler.-', it matters not svliich party triumph.s and holds the ofiffes. We are citizens of another e slionld eschew the bitterness of politics and endeavor to Have good*-will toward all men, and the party defeated are just as much citizens of the country and entitled to its rights as the party in power.— Let not the one that prevails unduly glory over a fallen foe, but endeavor to rise to the merit of the trust re posed and administer the government for the good of all classes. Let us remcinher that man is more, than politics, and duty higher than party passion. Christians ought nev er to he so carried awtty by their pas sions and prejudices as not to do right, as much to the one party as the other. How does it behoove Baptists to practice tlie principles and breathe the peace of the blessed gospel : “G lo ry to God in the highest, peace on earth and good wdll to men.” We .should worship no man—no party —hut God ; .‘should maue war with none, hutcheri.sh peace to all. We should hate none, hut have good will to all men. Reformation must begin also in our own hou.ses. It matters not what party administers tiie g«>vernment, it alone cannot relieve us of troubles.— The people must reform at home too. We .should labor honestly, live fru gally, do justice lo all, and return to j the pure morals and' teacliings of the I Bible. M^hat a blessed reformation I would follow if good will to all, hon- I cst living, and peaceful industries were i)ursuel by all. liCt preachers always eschew poli tics and preacli the word of God.— Ijd, theta lift up holy hands without This issue opens another volume of Ziox’s Landmark. Time rolh on unfolding the events hound up in its mysterious folds. How often do the .scriptures declare that such and .‘(uch tilings wmre accompli.shcd that they should he fulfilled. This paper, not at all pretending to foretell the future, nor unravel tli.- pre.sent ami past, seeks, amongst oth er things, to point out the stakes and trace the cords that hound Zion tin City of our God. and describe tliv footstciis of tlie chosen flock, accord ing to the ancient landmark, and stilt hopes to pursue the track of its pre- ceeding years. The communications and views of the writers for it are not re-cast and moulded over by the Editor; hui each writer is allowed to speak hi- own sentiments. As in tlie preach ing of the gospel tliere are differeni' gifts, hut all to profit, so here writers of varying ability appear. Let the strong and gifted readers remember that if tlie weaker com munications and editorials do not in struct them, yet they may he hlesi to others. Though, so far as I know, all the readers of tlie Landmark show great sympatliy and .forhem ance toward me. My lahotisi,’’-! tr coilKiiili! tiiat I cannot devote as mil™ timd as 1 desire to its publication. We do not pretend to publish a paper that will side the Jastidioti- and critical tastes of those who would make a man an offender for a word. We refer such to their own jiroduc- tions for comfort to thera.selves.^—■ Content let us he to minister to the necessities of the poorer, if God so enables us. To all that love our Lord Jesus in ■ sincerity, and .seek the peace of an humble brotherhood, following in tin footsteps of the flock, may grace and peace he multiplied. The praj^er- and aid of lovers of Zion are craved by one whose dependence on Jesus i'^ no less than it was years ago, and whose desire to feed the flock of God docs not abate with the inerea.se oi his years. Requkst.—Will ail sah.scril>Grs ii: arrears please remit to Landmarjs as .soon as they can ? Each can sc, from the date affixed to Hi.s name th( time to which his paper is jraid up. I am needing the money. The.sc arc hard times; I hope we will all hear burdens together : ujion tlio.-e that cannot pay I will wait. 1 tru.st that others will subscribe, and that old subscribers will miew. AV’ill m.> brethren and friends please extend it-, circulation, a.s much as possible, by obtaining new subscribers? Ap]>oiatraents for brother Isa;-*- Taylor to preach : 'niird Sntiwlay in November, Durlinia’s Creek Monday, ......Miltou. Ttich-day, Goose Creek Island Thuvsday and Friday, ..Cedar Islani. Satarday and 4Ui Sun., Quarte- Monday ...Tdny I’oiic. Tuesday and Wednesday, North Kivu . Thursday, ... .....Moorelie*'!, Friday, .........Newpo^X Brother Taylor will »ced couvejc ancc.

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