J rr 8 Zion’s Landmarl' P. D. GOLD, Editor. POBLISUED SEMI-MONTHLY —( at )— ^ILSON, J^Or^TH jllAR^LINA Two Dollars Per Annum. ^NOTICE!. fija^Clubs of eight siibi-eribers, or a larger number, can have the Landmark at $1.60 each, and the clubs need net be at tlie same Lost Office or even in the same State, and j.ersons renewing can make clubs in same way; and otlier na>>ies may be added to clubs after they are sent on at $1.50 each. The per- -on getting up the club .can liave Land- .MARK free for the time tlie club is made. If anv wi.sh the Landmark discontinued, at the expiration of the time paid, tl;ey will tdease reipiest it done, or their paper will "be continued. Tlfis I do, because many sub- -cribers intend to renew, but fail to send on remittance at the expiration of tifne paid for. All persons sending in names of subscriber.®, or renewals, and those desiring any changes in I’ost Offices, or their papers stopt, will please write the names of such persons, their Tost Offices, Counties, and States PLAINLY. Money can be sent by express or oth erwise, at my expense. In sums of a few dol lars it can sent at ray risk, by ordinary let ters. When money is not receipted, plea.se always inform me. When convenient, alivays send Money by Express or Monea^ Orders, at .MY EXPENSE, IF PREFEUED.“^Sa For a good reason, plea.se, direct all letters '.(> me as follows: P. D. Gold, Wilson, N. C. THE WlLMIIiGTOfl STAR. Established Only Six Years! DAILY STAR. AS the Largest Circulation of any Daily I Newspaper in the State, and a eircula- I tion in Wilmington Nearly Twice as as that of any other paper, the news of the day will be found in it iportant, aUliii„^i^w,hen Pys Eliigent and iiliteresting inaiiiTCT Suhsaripmons {in advance:) One Year $7 00 Six Months - 3 50 rhree Months 2 00 Weeklj Star. PRICE REDUCED. THE WEEKLY STAR is now combined with the CAROLINA FARMER, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the following REDUCED RATES. One Copy, One Year. $1 00 One Copy, Six Months 1 60 JS^“Clubs of 5 to 10, One Year 1,25 per copy- £^“Clubs of 10 or more, One Year, only £1 00 per copy. B@"Specimen copies sent on application. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. EXPERIENCE OF Sister g. Swwh &illips. I have for some time been pub lishing a pamphlet-style book, con taining the experience of SLster Phil lips, and her reasons for leaving the Missionaries and uniting with the Primitive Baptists. The book contains two hundred and eight pages of matter—divided into twenty-one chapter,s-^devoted to various subjects—important to an enquirer after truth. It needs no eulogy to one that knows the ability of her pen. Noth- ifig that I have ever seen from her is more instructive. It will be very profitable to all that are searching for Bible truth.— To such I honestly and earno.stly commend it. It may be obtained by orders sent to her at Rome, Georgia, or to me at Wilson, North Carolina. The price is 75 Cts. Orders can bo f^ent with the money at once. Tlie nook is now ready. P. D. Gold. Zion\s Landmark: Wilson^ N. C. CONbTITlAION AND FORM OF GOVERNMENT OF THE BLACK CREEK PRIM. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. From a long seriys of experience.®, we, the Cliurclies of J esu.s Chri.st, being regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Christ, are convinced of the necessity of the constitution of ('hurches tn order to perpetuate a union and communion amongst ns, and preserve and main tain a correspondence with each otlier in union. We therefore propose to maintain and keep tlie order and rules of our Association according to the following plan orfoim of government, viz: ARTICLE 1. Tlie Association shall be composed of mcmber.s chosen by tlie different cluirche.s in onr union, and duly sent to repre sent them in thi.s A.s.sociation, who shall be members whom they judge best qualified for the puriiose, ami, producing letters from their re.spect- ive Cluirche.s certifying tlieir appointment, shall be entitled to a seat, provided they shall not violate the rules laid down in this Constitu tion. ART. 2. In the letters from tlie difFerent Churches shall be ex- pre.s.seil their number in full fellowshiji, those baptized, received by let ter, dismissed by letter, excommunicated, and dead, since our last .A.s.so ciation. ART. 3. The members tlin.s chosen and convened, shall have no power to loid it over Cod’s heritage, nor sliall they have any ecclesi- a-stical power over the Churches, nor shall tliey infringe any of the in ternal rights of any Church in this union. ART. 4. The A.ssociation wlien convened shall be governed and ruled by a regular and pro]jer decorum. ART. 5. The .Association sliall have a Moderator and Clerk who shall be chosen by tlie suffrages ol' liie members present. ART. 6. New Cluirches may he admitted into this Union who shall (letition by letter and delegates, and upon e.xivnination (if found orthodox and ordeny) shall lie received by the Association and mani fested by the Moderator giving the delegates the riglit J.and of fellow ship. ■ART. 7. Every Church in this Union shall be entitled to rep resentation in this As.sociation, but .shall have only three member.s from each Ciuircli. ART. 8 Every query presented by any member in the Associa tion .shall be twice read, and if tliere be a majority for its being de bated it .sliall be taken into eonsideraiion, and be debated ; but if there be a majority against it, it shall be wuthdrawn. ART. 9‘ Every motion made and seconded shall come under the consideration of the Association, except it be withdrawn by the niember who made »t. ART. 10. The A.i.soeiation sliall endeavor to furnish the Church es with the Minutes ol this Association. 'I'he best method for alfecling that purpose sliall be at the discretion of the A.ssociation. Art. 11. We think ii absolutely necessary that wc should have an Association Fund for defraying the expenses of the .same; for the raising and supporting of wliich we think it the duty of every Church in this Union to contrilnite voluntarily such sums as they think prop er, and send by tlie hands of their delegates 'o thi.s A.ssociation, and the monev thus contributed by tlie Chnrches and received by thi.s Associ.t- tion shall be depo.sited in the liands of a Treasurer appoitiied by the A.s- aociation who sliall be accountable to the .Associalion for all monies by him received, and paid out according to the direction of this Associa tion. ART. 12. The Mi.antes of this Association when printed shall be regularly filed 'oy him and the book b}' him shall be regularly kept for the use of the Association. He shall endeavor to have said book pres ent at each A.ssociation. ART. 13. The Minute.'^ of tliis Association shall be read (and corrected il need be) and signed by the Moderator and Clerk before the l£ssociatiou ^ i - ft maj IV deem ART." 15. Thel?!f _ for the general union of the ciTiirches. 2Titr. ' lO 'dlTl a chain of coiiiranuion among the Chnrches. 3rd. To give the Churches all necessirt'y advice in matters of difficulty. 4th. To enquire into the cause why the Churches fail to represent themselves at any time in this As.sociation. 5th. jd'o appropriate the monies by the Chnrches contributed for an Assooiation Fund to any pnrpo.se strictly connected witli this A.ssociation. 6th. To ajipoint any number of members by,and w'itli his or tlieir consent, to transact any business which -Iheyniay see necessary. 7th. Tlie Association shall have power to withdraw from any Church in liii.s Union which violates the rule.? of .•this Association or deviates from the orthodox principles of religion.—• 8th. To admit anv of the distant hretiiren in the ministry, who may be present at the time of tlieir setting, wliom they shall judge neces sary. 9tli. The .A.ssociation sliall have power to adjourn themselves to any further time or place they may think most convenient to the Churches in this Union. ART. 16. WT will not hold in onr Churches any person who is in the practice of visiting the Masonic Lodges, or who on anv occasion conforms to their cnstoin.s or parades, nor will we countcmance any such individual who may reside or come among n.s in the character of a preacher. ; ART. 17. AA’e will not countenance any jireacher who shall tra-^ vel witliin the bounds of onr A.ssociation establishing societies for tlie collection of money, or who may he himself collecting money to sup port any institution whatever. We will not fellowship any member oi^ members oi Missionary, Bible, Tract, or Sunday School Union Soci eties, nor advocates of Theological Scliools, nor any person who does fellowship tliein, nor will we liold any such in cur Churches. RULES OF DECORUM. ARTICLE 1. This Associalion shall be opened and closed b7 prayer. ^ ART. 2. The Moderator and Clerk shall bo chosen by the suft'rages of the members present. ART. 3. Only one per.soii shall speak at a time, who shall rise from his seat and addre.ss the Moderator when he is about to make his speech. ART. 4. The person thus .speaking RhaH'iiot be interrupted in his speeelj by any except the Moderator, till he is done speaking. , ART" 0. He shall strictly adliere to the subject, and nowise reflect on the person who spake before, so as to make remarks on his slips, failings, or imperfections, but sliall fairly state the 'case and matter as near as he ca.i, so-its to convey his light and ideas. ART. 6. No person sliall abruptly break offer absent himself from the .Association without liberty obtained from it. ART. 7. No person .shall lise and speak more than three times on one subject wiflioat liberty from the Association. ART. 8. No niember of this Association .shall have the liberty of laughing during the sitting of the .same, nor whispering in the tirao of a public speech. .- ■ART. 9. N('raeniher of this As,sociation shall addres.s another in any terms or appellations than, tliat of a brother. ART. 10. Tlie Moderator sliall not interrupt an>» member in. or {irohibit him from, speaking till lie give-shis light on the .subject, ex cept he break the rules of this Decorum. ART. II. The name.s of tha several members of this A.ssociaiion .shall be enrolled by the'lClerk andliitHed over as often as the A.s.socia tion requires. ' ■ ' ^ ART. 12. The Moderator shiill be the last person who shall .speak to the subject, who may give his opinion if he eliooses before lie puts the matter to a vote, but shall net vote himself unle.s.s the Association be equally divided. ' . ART. 13. Any member who shall willingly and knowingly break any of these Rules shall be reproved by the Association a.s tliey may Uiink proper. w. & w. ii. il. c CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Office of Gen’l Sui’KitiNTKNDENT, ^ Wilmington, N. C., Oct. ;>, 1876 > • j^N and after SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8lh, qq 1876, Passenger trains on the iVilniiiiri- ton & Weldon Railroad will run a.s fol lows : Day T r a i n . Lve Mil 111ington Front St. Depot 7:00 a. in. Arrive at Gold.shoro’....* 11:42 a. m. “ “ Rocky Mount..- 1:40 n. m, “ “Weldon ,3:20 p.m. Leave Weldon daily It ]2:l!)p. m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 2 23 [>. m. “ “ Goldsboro’ 4:1).') p. m “Wilmington, Front St. Depot 8:20 p. m. Is i g h t T r a i n , "WITH PASsENQKR COACH ATT.VCllED. Leave WilraiiigToii At 6:15 p. m . Arrive at Gold.sboro’ 12:45 a. tn . “ “ Rocky Mount 3:;.;7 a. vi ■“ “ Weldon 0:1.5 a.' rn, ’ Leave Weldon daily 8:10 p. ni. Arrive at Rocky Mount 1(1:1'i p. m. “ “ Goldsboro’ 1 :•")() ;i, tn, “ “ AVihnington 8:15 a. in. The day train ni.rkes close connection at AVeldon for all points North, vtA Kay Line, daily, except vSimdays, and daily via. RMi- niond and all rail routes. Niglit train makes close connection at Wc'.. don willi train for Petersburg and Kicbmoiid, Freight Trains will leave Wilminglon tri weekly at 5:30 a. in., and arrive at i:10 p. in. JOHN F. DIVINE. General .igent ■"VS.., ilsoii College.* STPJCTLA' %TON-.SFXTAIU.\X ! Institute 5Hul Semiiiury UoniUlmHLl ^EXES SEPARATE BUILDING PllIMARY, Pnt^MKATOI^v TlS Noii.mal. MrsrcAL, Ornamental, & .\gricultural Departments, Entire Average Expenses including Tuition, Book.®, Board, use of Furnished Room, Fuel, Light, and Wasliing, $ 2 0 0 P K E Y" E A E , MUSIC $45 ADDITIONAL Session eectends from the fir.st, Monday Ui October to the last 'Ihursday in June. For Catalogue, addres,s SYLVESTER llAttSELL, A. M., President of Wilson Collegk, ang l-5^tf Wilson, N. (! J. E. CLARK. I J. A. CLARK (Sons of the late If. G. Clark,) . \ -KEEP- primitive baptist HYMN BOOKS. (Lloyd’s Selection.) •Ct their Store on Barnes’ Street, near Depot, WiLsoii, NortJi Carolina. Orders by Mail jiroraptly attended to. Baptist Watcliiiian -13- A VFEEKLY PERIODICAL —devoted to— THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. Published at Nashville, Ihincssee. \ ■'V' TEPvMS : Two Dollars per annum — Twenty CeiYt^i postage to be paid by the subscriberi*. Eld. J. B. STEPHENS, Ed., Nashville, Tens.

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